Ling Ye tried to get closer, and quickly kicked the tiger on the forehead, and found that the tiger was really dead, so he happily went over to eat.

"Tiger meat, I have never eaten it in my previous life."

Ling Ye's bite force had already changed, and he bit hard, tearing off a piece of the tiger's skin, and lowered his head to eat.

Ling Ye ate so happily and comfortably that he didn't even notice the fear of the surrounding deer herd seeing his behavior like this.

The IQ of deer is not high, but what the behavior of eating meat represents is the cognition engraved into their genes.

This is a carnivore.

In addition to small carnivores, medium and large are their natural enemies.

That is to say, Ling Ye has been living with them before, and the appearance is indeed deer, otherwise the deer herd would run away in panic.

More than ten minutes later, Ling Ye raised his head with blood on his mouth, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"It's really comfortable to eat. The taste of tiger meat is much stronger than that of dog meat."

Ling Ye instinctively jumped a few times.

This action made several deer in the deer herd scream in fright.


Ling Ye looked at the deer.

After looking at it, he finally found out that something was wrong.

The tiger was dead, but none of the deer returned to their resting place again, and each one was far away from him, even the mother of Lingye's body.

Humans may not be able to feel it, but Ling Ye can see clearly that the deer herd are afraid of him, even his mother.

"Fear me?"

Ling Ye was taken aback.

He lowered his head and glanced at the tiger carcass that had been eaten by him.

Blood and pieces of flesh were everywhere, even his own body was stained with a lot of blood.

Lingye thought for a while, then tried to approach the herd of deer.

Ling Ye found that among the deer in the deer herd, except for the small deer, which was not particularly obvious, all the other female deer avoided each other when they saw her approaching.

If Ling Ye got close to other fawns, the mothers of those fawns would run over quickly and scream at him, jumping on the spot, looking to scare him, but inside they were very scared.

Seeing these behaviors, Ling Ye gradually understood.

He was rejected by the herd.

At this time, Ling Ye remembered the truths he had read on the Internet in his previous life. In fact, exclusion and discrimination also existed in the animal world.

Some animals will reject others of the same kind that are different from themselves, so that they will attack for no reason. Some animals live in groups, and some rejected individuals will be expelled.

In addition, there are some newborn children whose mothers will abandon them if they are accidentally contaminated with the smell of other animals, and so on.

Ling Ye is now regarded as a different kind by the deer herd.

However, he killed the tigers so that they did not dare to attack at will, so they could not be expelled.

"That's it"

Ling Ye sighed inwardly.

Are you uncomfortable?

Actually almost none.

Ling Ye didn't intend to stay in the deer herd at all, and he would leave sooner or later. He was determined to be a unicorn, after all, he was different from other deer.

It's just that Ling Ye didn't expect that Lu Qun would reject him before he left.

Ling Ye didn't try to get close to the herd of deer, but returned to the place where he rested just now and continued to sleep.

Seeing Ling Ye's movements, the herd of deer gradually calmed down and began to sleep and rest, but they still didn't dare to get too close to Ling Ye, even Ling Ye's mother, Ling Ye's terrible behavior was completely different from other deer, Let it instinctively judge that Ling Ye is no longer its child.

So the night passed, and the day came.

Because of the tiger's supper at night, Lingye was not very hungry in the morning.

Looking at the herd of deer grazing and eating not far away, Ling Ye hesitated whether to choose to leave.

He originally planned to wait until he was one year old before leaving, but in this situation, the deer herd rejected him. Although they did not dare to attack him to expel him, this kind of repulsive behavior would not be liked by any creature.

"Forget it, let's simulate first."

Ling Ye shook his head secretly, planning to do today's simulation first.

With the appearance of the countdown light curtain of 54321, the plot simulation begins again...

Lingye has a fresh idea this time, which may help him break through the two-year-old threshold...

Chapter 10 Spirit Grass Perception

[0 years old, born in Lingye, you eat the weeds in the hole in a leisurely manner and grow rapidly]

[At half a year old, you head towards the three o'clock where the entrance of the cave is zero, and you find a grass that looks like a sword at a distance of 900 meters. You use various things to test the reaction of this grass]

In reality, Ling Ye looked at this narrative with serious eyes.

It's a way he figured out to break the two-year-old threshold.

Those ferocious beasts in the forest can't be dealt with with his strength at all. Head-to-head is hopeless, and he can't survive no matter what. But after two years old, the 500-meter safe range disappears, and the ferocious beasts are another difficulty he cannot avoid.

So in order to survive, those beasts must be dealt with.

And if he can't fight by himself, he can ask others to fight for him.

This sword grass that once killed him is a good helper.

[1 year old, with your hard work for half a year, you finally succeeded in knowing the attack mode of this sword grass. Once you get close to it at a distance of five meters, you will launch sword energy, cut stones like mud, and the larger things, the attack response The greater the safe distance, but if the whole body is wrapped in branches, the desire to attack the sword grass will be reduced]

[One year and two months old, you defeated the rabbit with kicking skills that completely prevailed, and you rejected its invitation, and the rabbit left angrily]

[One year and five months old, you deliberately attracted a ten-meter-long lizard close to the Sword Grass, and you successfully drove away the wolf. Eat lizard meat outside, you feel very happy]

[One year and ten months old, you constantly attract beasts to approach the sword grass, and use the power of the sword grass to kill the beasts, and then eat them. After eating a lot of meat, you feel that your physical fitness has improved very quickly]

[At the age of 2, a large number of beasts began to approach your tree hole. As expected, you approached the sword grass wrapped in branches in advance. Under your intentional attraction, more than ten beasts were killed by the sword energy]

"Successful." Seeing this, Ling Ye smiled and praised the power of this sword grass in the simulated world.

Originally, he was worried that if there were too many ferocious beasts, the wolf would kill the tiger, but now it seems that this sword grass is far stronger than he thought.

If the simulation is compared to a game, and the forest is the Novice Village, then this swordgrass is probably a hermit powerhouse within the Novice Village, whose strength far surpasses all the NPCs within the Novice Village.

[2 years and 300 months old, you already don't know how many beasts died around the sword grass, a large number of beasts' blood aura made the distance of [-] meters around the sword grass a restricted area, no beast dared to approach]

[2 years and [-] months old, you find that the recent physical improvement has become very slow, you feel that you have reached the limit of your current life level, you can only keep practicing kicking skills]

[At the age of 3, you feel a wave that is very attractive to you from the depths of the forest. You feel that some kind of treasure has appeared. You try to go there and find that many beasts are the same, but you are not careful on the way Eaten by a beast]

[This simulation is over, survive for the first time for three years, complete the three-year achievement, and reward the reality simulation card, you can choose two out of five]

【Physical strength of a three-year-old】

【Three-year-old forest experience】

[Three-year-old kicking proficiency]

【The fresh corpse of a beast】

【Spirit grass perception】

"Is there any reward for living for three years? It's still a simulation of reality"

Ling Ye's eyes lit up. Although the ten-fold booster card and lucky card rewarded earlier were useless to him, it didn't mean he didn't know the effects of these magic cards.

As soon as you hear the reality simulation card, you can tell that this is a simulation of the real world, which is equivalent to allowing Ling Ye to know the future in advance, which is very useful for his current situation.

In addition, the perception of spirit grass in the five items also made Ling Ye feel good.

[Spiritual Grass Perception: You have a very keen sense of all kinds of flowers and green plants with high medicinal properties, and you can find treasures from the vast green forest]

Whether in the real world or the simulated world, this ability has a great effect on Ling Ye.

In this simulation, he felt that his physical strength growth was limited when he was not yet three years old. This is obviously the constraint of blood, and if he wants to get rid of the constraint of blood, he must improve his life level, and to improve his life level, he can only rely on those natural Materials and treasures.

Ling Ye resolutely chose [Spirit Grass Sensation], and besides that, he chose physique.

Although he was very excited about the option of a fresh corpse of a ferocious beast. After all, the simulation is just a simulation, and you can't eat it in reality, but safety is king at the moment, and it is the most correct way to improve your strength as soon as possible. We will talk about appetite and so on later.

Soon, Ling Ye felt that his limbs were full of surging power, and at the same time his five senses became more subtle.

Looking at the surrounding green grass, and then looking at some other green plants not far away, Ling Ye really felt that he could distinguish the medicinal energy of these green plants.

It's a strange feeling.

Just like those meals in the previous life.

The same dish is cooked by different people. Ling Ye can basically tell whether a dish is good or not by the heat and aroma of the food.

But now Ling Ye looked at these green plants, as if he could sense their heat and fragrance. This was a very special feeling, even though these were ordinary green plants.

"This simulation has gained a lot"

Ling Ye stood up, jumped on the spot, and the deer's hooves flew nearly two meters into the air.

Walking to a tree with a thick thigh, Ling Ye kicked with his hind leg, and with three consecutive hits, the big tree wobbled and fell down.

Not a small movement scared the surrounding deer away.

Seeing this scene, Ling Ye sighed secretly, after all, he was different from these deer, even though he still looked like a deer now.

Ling Ye looked at the realistic simulation card rewarded for this simulation.

He hesitated before whether to choose to leave, but now he feels that the answer can be given with this reality simulation card.

"System, I want to use a realistic simulation card," Lingye said inwardly.

[The host uses the system card for the first time, friendly reminder, the reality simulation card can only be used once, is the host sure?]


[Ding dong, the host uses the reality simulation card to start the reality simulation]

Chapter 11 Realistic Simulation

[Ding dong, the host uses the reality simulation card to start the reality simulation]

[On the first day, you feel that the deer are repelling yourself, but you don't care]

[On the second day, you tried to use the spiritual grass perception ability to find out if there are any flowers and plants with high medicinal properties around you, but you found nothing]

【Day 3, you......%¥】


Ling Ye stared at the light curtain in front of him, and looked at the simulated text narration displayed on it.

From the first day to the ninth day, it was very flat, nothing happened.

"Strange, there are no human soldiers entering the mountain. Does this mean that it has stabilized?" Ling Ye instinctively thought in his heart, if this is the case, then it is a good thing.

[On the 10th day, a large number of human soldiers entered the mountain, and the deer herd suffered a devastating blow. All the female deer and fawns were captured. You broke through with all your strength, but you were still defeated by the human bow and arrow, and you were captured back]


Ling Ye, who had just judged that the situation was stable, immediately became serious when he saw this narrative.

Sure enough, the human soldiers still moved, and the movement was much louder than before.

"Fortunately, I used this reality simulation, otherwise it would be bad, let's see what happens next." Ling Ye rejoiced secretly, and looked at the light curtain in front of him more intently.

[On the 11th day, you were not killed, but were taken together with a large herd of deer to a military camp outside the mountains. You saw a large number of humans. From their chats, you learned that they came from a group called The country of Xing, and it will soon go to war with a country called Li, and you are the sacrifices of the sacrifice, you want to escape, but you can't break through the iron cage]

[On the 12th day, you were locked in a compartment with all the deer, and the defensive power of this compartment was obviously weakened a lot. You realized the opportunity, deliberately concealed your strength, and waited silently]

[On the 15th day, after you waited patiently and cautiously, you finally seized an opportunity to escape from the barracks. On the way, you sensed a highly medicinal herb somewhere in the barracks, but you ignored it. In the end, you succeeded escape]

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