Mo eyebrows belong to the symbol of the giants of the Mohist school.

And Mo Mei's scabbard is also black, with a faint golden light. This is the treasure of the Mo family town school, the black and yellow scabbard.

Taoist Taiyi Mountain.

Compared with more than 200 years ago, Taiyi Mountain at this time is no longer so quiet and lofty.

A village was established at the foot of the mountain, and there were a large number of fields. Apart from renting these fields to some common people for cultivation, the daily homework of young Taoist disciples was also farming.

These young disciples are called the disciples of the Taoist family. When they reach the age of 20, they need to go out to travel and experience all kinds of things in the world. After returning, their martial arts and mentality are mature. They are called disciples of Tianzong. Of course, if they wish, they can also choose to continue to be disciples of Renzong.

The establishment of Tianzong and Renzong was done by Li Er in his later years.

Although Li Er lost his skill and his lifespan was greatly reduced because of helping Lingye, but after the Daoyuan Sword was forged and accompanied by the sword all year round, Li Er's physical condition gradually recovered, he practiced again, and finally survived century.

In his later years, Li Er felt the limitations of Taoist rules in the past, and believed that to pursue the Dao better, one needs to go through the world of mortals before one can understand it accurately. This is also the origin of Renzong.

And Tianzong is a disciple who has realized his own way, and continues to practice in the mountains to make his way more solid and firm.

Ren Zong and Tian Zong are equivalent to the two departments of Ling Ye's previous company. They seem to be different, but they are actually one.

Only by going through the two processes of Renzong and Tianzong at the same time can man and nature become one.

A hundred years ago, the Yin-Yang family tried to confuse Taoist disciples and split Taoism based on the Taoist rule of the two schools of heaven and man. In the end, the conspiracy was broken by the joint efforts of Taoism and Mohism.

As a result, Tianzong and Renzong of Taoism became more united.

On Mount Taiyi, Chi Songzi, the person in charge of the Tianzong, led dozens of disciples down the mountain, and the disciples of the Renzong at the foot of the mountain were already ready.

"Uncle Chisongzi, Uncle Xiaoyaozi heard the news of Shenlu's reappearance, and he is already one step ahead," a disciple of Renzong said respectfully.

Chi Songzi stroked his beard, nodded and said: "Let's go first, that's fine, Xiaoyaozi's lightness kungfu is good, our Taiyi Mountain is a little far away from Wei State, he can help if he rushes there first, let's go along, remember, The goal this time is to protect the deer, and the senior brother in charge is in retreat, so I will direct this operation."

Chisongzi raised the sword in his hand, and when he pulled it out, a blue light shone, and ripples appeared in the surrounding air immediately, and the disciples of both heaven and man felt refreshed for a while.

12 This is the most precious Taoist sword, the Daoyuan Sword. It is not only powerful, but also has a very high health-preserving effect. It was rated as the number one sword manual by Feng Huzi, the most famous sword master today. It is as famous as the Tianwen Sword of Chu State. It belongs to the first-class famous sword in the world.

The disciples of the two sects of Heaven and Man shouted together: "Obey, Master Chisongzi!"

The sun and the moon rotate, and darkness covers the sky.

Unlike Ling Ye's previous life, the ancient night was full of stars and extremely beautiful.

The central island of Shenlu Lake is even more so.

I saw strands of fluorescent light entangled in the sky above the island, like a gentle girl smiling, and gently sprinkled under a certain red leaf tree on the island.

Ling Ye closed his eyes and gathered his spirit.

After possessing the talent of wood attribute affinity, he can now unconsciously affect the surrounding flowers and trees by gathering spirits.

Lingye's body was emitting light and mist-like energy, and the trees near him were moving without wind, as if they really had life, and they were happy because of Lingye's existence.

Time passed by little by little, and when zero o'clock arrived, a faint bell rang in Ling Ye's mind.

Instantly opened his eyes, opened the attribute template, and looked at the 120-point simulation points above.

Ling Ye smiled and said: "Get ready, system, let's start the simulation now."

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 countdown light curtain appears

Chapter 118 Advantages of Wood Attribute Affinity

[0 years old, born in Lingye, you @#R$#]

[1 year old, you crossed the cliff and came to #@#R%$]

The initial simulation process was very smooth and safe, after all, it has been carried out countless times.

Although Lingye sometimes wants to change, even if his talent is constantly improving, the age limit does not allow him much freedom. If he doesn't want to die, he can only be honest and follow the established path.

Maybe one day after Lingye has passed Nirvana several times, and his talent and bloodline have reached a certain level, he will be able to choose a variety of routes in the initial forest, and the direction and degree of freedom that can be simulated will be greatly improved by then. promote.

But now, Ling Ye can only act modestly and low-key.

Watch the narrative in the simulation.

Hugging the golden giant bear backer thigh

Surviving on my own after my thigh collapsed

The beast master caused a beast tide, and he couldn't escape it, so he had to participate

In order to survive the beast horde and escape this catastrophe, he finally had to choose to seek refuge with humans

Ling Ye just watched himself in the simulation become the summoned beast of a certain young monk.

"It took a lot of effort on this step at the beginning," Ling Ye smiled as if remembering.

In the simulation, he is very realistic. After using the young monk to seek his life, he turned around and wanted to be free. In order to escape from the young monk, Ling Ye did not know how many times he simulated the version of sneak attacking the young monk in Shushan, but he did not It worked once.

Every time, the young monk was seriously injured, but then he was suppressed by the opponent because of the restriction of the summoned beast, and he was still unable to kill with one blow.

Until the number of failures was too many, Ling Ye was a little resigned, and planned to stay with the young monk for a few years, but he saw an opportunity later

[At the age of 16, you honestly became the summoned beast of the young monk, helping the other party to do tasks and take risks. After the young monk discovered that you still have the ability to heal wounds, he was very happy with his decision to subdue you]

[You are 17 years old, the time for you to wait has not yet come. You are dedicated to fulfilling your responsibilities as a summoned beast. The young monks are more and more interested in you, which makes the other two summoned beasts, the Black Horned Rat and the Purple Striped Bee, a little jealous.]

【18 years old, you ¥%(??w?)σ】

[19 years old, you continue @¥#ヽノ]

[20 years old, you still continue┐┌]

"It's almost..." Ling Ye's eyes were shining brightly.

[21 years old, the young monk fought against someone for some reason, and was seriously injured. After you were released, you were found in a cave. The young monk was standing in a formation. He ordered the three of you to do whatever it takes help him buy time, and stop the monks who come in]

Looking at this narrative, Ling Ye knew that this was an excellent opportunity for him to kill the young monk in the simulation and get rid of the shackles.

This formation is a teleportation formation.

At the very beginning of the simulation to this extent, the young monk used his summoned beast desperately and successfully teleported away, while Ling Ye and the other two summoned beasts in the simulation were abandoned by him and killed by the monks who came in.

And now?

[Looking at the formation under the feet of the young monk, you know that the opportunity you have been waiting for for many years has come. While the young monk was concentrating on starting the teleportation formation, you instantly injured him and kicked him to the entrance of the cave. A monk killed the young monk very friendly. You successfully got rid of the mark of the summoned beast, and with the opening of the teleportation array under your feet, you smoothly came to another remote domain. After the successful teleportation, you decisively destroyed Formation]

[You find yourself on an island, you choose a mountain to live on without panic, and plan to stay for a while]

This is a new map. Lingye doesn't know much about it. He only knows that it is an archipelago, and there are many human monks. In addition, there are many huge sea beasts in the sea, each of which is very powerful. Lingye has not simulated it so far. Defeat even a sea beast.

[22 years old, you know the dangers of the waters outside the island, and you have lived on the island for a year, and the beasts inside are no match for you, you enjoy the good life of the king of the mountain]

[23 years old, you were wandering around the island today, and suddenly found a harmonious connection between the energy in your body and the spiritual power in the air. The shortcut to jump in]

Looking at this simulated narration, Ling Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

At the beginning, he thought that he had really awakened a certain ability, that he could roam the world freely like those spirit beasts in fantasy, but finally realized that he was thinking too much.

It's not a talent at all.

Rather, as he grew older in the simulated world and accumulated spiritual power in his body, he naturally achieved abilities such as monk flying.

This method can only be used in the simulated world, and you must be 23 years old. In this real world, which is similar to the end of the law, Ling Ye can only use the Qi Explosion Power honestly if he wants to fly.

[At the age of 24, you found that there were two waves of human monks fighting, and they flew to the island, with an attitude of having nothing to do with you, you hid in a corner, and watched them finally fight and fly into the distance]

【At the age of 25, you feel that something extremely terrifying has appeared in this world】

"¨` Here comes the real trouble"

Lingye watched solemnly the progress of his 25-year-old self in the simulation.

This is the checkpoint where he has been stuck at this stage, a wall that he cannot cross no matter what.

At this time, there will be a group of very huge treants in this sea area, each of which is several thousand meters high, and they will slaughter wildly in this sea area.

Ling Ye didn't know where these treants came from.

I don't know how to avoid this disaster.

When he was in Shushan, Lingye simulated many times and tried to leave the island. One time he was lucky and came to another island. It was still a big island with many human monks. Lingye repeated his old trick and took refuge in a monk. , As a result, after the tree man appeared, he killed and absorbed all the humans on the island. Even if thousands of monks joined forces, it was useless, and Ling Ye naturally died together.

One simulation after another, one failure after another.

Ling Ye never escaped the tree man's pursuit smoothly.

But this time, Ling Ye felt that there should be a change.

[You see a treant with a height of more than 3000 meters appearing in your field of vision. You know you can't escape, so you stand on the ground shivering, and release your wood attribute affinity with all your strength]

"I hope it will be useful." Ling Ye looked at the simulation.

This time after Nirvana, the new talent wood attribute affinity is his confidence to face this group of treants.

The tree man is related to the power of wood, so he probably won't attack him.

If none of this works, then Ling Ye should think about whether to follow the teleportation formation to this new map.

[The tree man killed and absorbed all the creatures on the island except you]

[Another treant passed by the island the next day, ignoring your existence, and moved step by step towards the distance. In the next few days, you found that none of the treants that appeared attacked you, and you realized that you had successfully survived this catastrophe]

"Sure enough, it succeeded." Ling Ye's eyes lit up, and he crazily praised his wood attribute affinity talent awakened after this nirvana.

In a blink of an eye, 26 years old came

Chapter 119 Treant's Leaf and Water Spirit Orb

The process of breaking through the simulated 25-year-old card point was extremely smooth, and it was a one-time success.

Ling Ye looked forward to the next simulation narrative.

[26 years old, the tree man has not appeared again for a full year, you are curious about what the outside world looks like now, but with the mentality of seeking stability, you are still huddled on this island, not going anywhere]

[At the age of 27, you are still huddled on this island, exercising your attribute affinity and talent every day]

[28 years old, your house deer life is still going on, today you were lucky enough to hunt a [-]-meter-large lobster in the sea, you were full, and it felt delicious]

Looking at his three consecutive years of seeking stability in the simulation, Ling Ye nodded in satisfaction.

That's the peace he wants.

Because the simulated self is about to turn 30 years old.

According to past experience, there are system rewards for one, three, five, and ten years old, so the subsequent system reward requirements are 30, 50, and [-] years old.

Lingye still prefers to be stable than to go wild in the simulated world, so let's get the 30-year-old system reward first.

[At the age of 29, an injured human monk landed on the island. You didn’t want to pay attention to him, but this human monk immediately killed you after finding you. You manipulated the tree roots to entangle him, so he was injured. For the sake of people, you kindly gave him a whip tail massage as a gesture of love, and in the end the human monk was so moved that he cried to death]

[At the age of 30, a group of 123 monks wearing the same clothes as the human monk last year came to this island. Their goal was very clear, to catch you. You fought hard and wounded one of them in the end, but you also The injury was not light, you dived into the sea to escape, and was swallowed by a sea beast hundreds of meters in the end】

[This simulation is over, if you live past the age of 30 for the first time, you will be rewarded with a Resurrection Card and a Karma Card, you can choose two of the following five items]

[Physical strength of an 30-year-old]

【A leaf on the body of a tree person】

[Water, soil, fire and wood attribute affinity enhancement]

【A thing on the cultivator you killed】

【A water spirit bead】

"So after I killed that monk at the age of 29, I will bring disaster to myself in the second year." Ling Ye thought speechlessly, then shook his head, regardless of these for the time being, and looked at the system reward this time.

Two magic cards were rewarded in a row, one of which was the resurrection card he had gotten in the past.

This is equivalent to Lingye having two resurrection cards, three lives, and even if Lingye is generous, he can use this card to save others.

However, there are very few humans that Lingye is willing to do.

Interpretation of click cause and effect cards

[Karma card: Once used, the host can use something as the source, accurately see the causal line on objects and people, and use the causal line to find the source at the other end. Note, once the source at one end of the causal line disappears, the causal line Dissipate, can be used ten times]

Ling Ye stared blankly at the interpretation of this magic card.

The name of this card sounds powerful, but what is the function?

"What's the use of this?" Ling Ye frowned instinctively and belittled.

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