It was said that the behavior of the crowd was even more intense than before. Some people who did not come out, the people in their own rooms heard the word "Shenlu Temple" in the distance, and immediately ran out, and the street was full of people for a while.

The Divine Deer Temple is of great significance to their flooded city, it is an absolutely sacred and undefiled place.

"Absolutely don't let those refugees go to the Deer Temple..."

Some people who believed in the deer were filled with righteous indignation and organized their people to run out of the city.

About 1000 meters away from Yancheng, there is a magnificent temple here, which is a deer temple built spontaneously by the local common people more than 200 years ago.

For more than 200 years, the incense has been burning continuously. It can be said that apart from the passing travelers, the settled civilians in Yancheng have not come to the Shenlu Temple to worship incense and pray for blessings. Even people from other surrounding towns occasionally come here.

Now, on a mountain road more than 200 meters away from Shenlu Temple, a large group of people use sharp wooden fences to block the refugees in front of them. Some people wield wooden sticks and beat them, but the effect is very low.

All the refugees were in poor physical condition, with dark spots on their skin and pain on their faces.

"Why stop us, get out of the way, get out of the way, we're going to town for medical treatment, we're going to live"

"Are you trying to survive? You are trying to kill people. There is already a city in Chu State where all the people were killed. If you go in, will we still be alive?"

"I'm hungry. I haven't eaten for three days. Let me go. I have money. I can give you money." This is a fat man with a decent family. After his illness, he was the same as countless ordinary people, and no one was nobler than the other.

"Whoever asks for your money is not allowed to go there. Ahead is the Deer Temple. It is a sacred place for us to pray for blessings. You will defile it in the past, so let me go back." A big man swung a wooden stick vigorously, knocking down one person , there are four or five people behind, and it is impossible to finish the fight.

"I don't care, get out of the way, I want to live, I don't want to die, whoever wants me to die, I will fight with my life"

"If you have the ability, let me go in and kneel down to pray for blessings, and resolve the plague on my body, otherwise the deer temple is a lie."

"You dare to insult the deer, damn it, eat me with a stick"

The sick people are in very poor health, but there are so many of them, and with the threat of death, the motivation of thousands of people is still not small, and because the blockers are also afraid of getting too close, they will be infected with the plague, so even if they hold weapons, they Still being forced back step by step by a group of plague refugees.

Cheetahs are amazed at the lightning speed.

A white shadow rushed across the mountain road at a high speed, and the occasional leap in the air was like a shooting star, and the mountains, rivers, and rivers quickly retreated from under their feet.

Lingye had crossed from Bashu area to Chudi, and was approaching Yancheng according to the direction he remembered.

"It's really strange, how come you can see dead bodies everywhere along the way?"

Ling Ye, who jumped down from mid-air, looked at more than 30 dead humans on the mountain road in front of him. From the clothes, it could be seen that there were poor people and rich people, each of them was bleeding from seven holes, and the unpleasant stench wafted in the air.

Lingye instinctively felt an uncomfortable aura, the antlers glowed, and the soil on the mountain path immediately churned, burying these human corpses in three seconds, and at the same time, the green aura full of vitality spread, and the uncomfortable aura immediately dissipate.

Lingye has disposed of no less than [-] human corpses along the way, and every one of them still died in the same manner.

"¨`It's a bad omen to see so many dead people along the way"

Ling Ye shook his head irritably, and continued on his way.

Along the way, Ling Ye finally came to the area in his memory. He recalled that the flood was caused by himself. He felt ashamed and helped out, creating a river along the way.

"By the way, there was a big red carp in that city back then. After so many years, it should have died long ago." Lingye smiled secretly.

I was looking forward to the next scene in my heart, but soon Lingye's expression changed.

He found the aura of a large group of humans appeared in front of him, and various intense emotions came into his mind. At the same time, the uncomfortable aura of those dead people reappeared, and the concentration was extremely high.

"What's the situation, why are there so many people gathered in one place?"

Ling Ye jumped to a high place and looked at a group of people in the dark. They were trying their best to rush into a building, and a small number of people were desperately blocking them.

Ling Ye moved his ears, listening to the quarrels and shouts of these people.

It took him a while to understand what was going on, and why he saw so many abnormal dead people before.

"It turned out that there was a plague, and there were quite a few of them."

Ling Ye looked at the refugees with black spots on their skin, and randomly scanned them. The number should exceed 3000. However, when Ling Ye looked at the plaque of the building, his expression became a little exciting.

"Sacred Deer Temple, what is this?".

Chapter 166 The Divine Deer Arrives

Fierce pushing and shoving, swearing, and finally under the attack of a famous man, the defense line finally collapsed, and a large number of diseased refugees rushed into the Shenlu Temple.

Different from the Buddhist temple in Lingye's previous life, the center of the Deer Temple is a very beautiful pool with carved patterns on the walls, and a high platform in the center of the pool, on which is a lifelike statue of the deer.

There are more than 30 tiny water fountains in the pool, and I don't know how they were made with the technology of this era.

Some of the refugees who rushed in were hungry and started to look for food around, while most of them surrounded the pool.

They looked expectantly and desperately at the statue of the deer in the pool.

"You, Shenlu, if you really have a spirit, please save us."

"My home is gone, people in the village are fleeing and dying, I want to live, you deer god, help me"

"I don't want to die, Shenlu. I haven't spent all my money. It would be too painful to die like this."

"Cure the plague on my body, Shenlu, I kowtow to you"

A sick person, whether he knew the deer or not, kowtowed and bowed to the statue of the deer in the pool, and those who blocked him sighed helplessly.

A woman holding her one-year-old child is kneeling here. She looks blankly at the stone deer statue in front of her. She doesn't know what a god deer is, but at this moment she knows that if she continues to go down 160, she and her The child will surely die.

Her husband was infected with the plague and died. She was accidentally infected and was forcibly driven away by the people in the town. Even her child was not willing to take him in, fearing that her child would also be infected with the plague.

At this time, the woman's arms, face, and neck were all covered with black spots, and her body was in great pain, but she resisted the discomfort and knelt down to the deer with her child in her arms.

"You, if you are really a god, please show mercy and save us, even if you only save my child." The woman prayed desperately in her heart, but after a while, her face suddenly changed. Suddenly, severe pain gushed out of his body, and a mouthful of mixed black and red blood spewed out uncontrollably.

The stench spread along with the mouthful of blood.

The people around were all shocked when they saw this, and the next second a large group of people panicked and ran away.

"It's not good, she vomited blood. This is an extremely serious manifestation of the plague. She will bleed to death from seven holes soon."

"Stay away from the blood she vomited, or we'll make it worse too"

"We are all like this, what are we afraid of?"

"Will I do the same, father and mother, I don't want to die"

The woman fell to the ground in pain all over her body, her heart was full of despair. She had seen what happened to the plague patients after coughing up blood, and she knew that her life was not long.

Looking at her child in her arms, some black spots also appeared on that cute little face, which made her burst into tears uncontrollably.

It doesn't matter if she dies, but her child is so young and has just come into this world not long ago.

"I'm sorry, child, mother is useless, I can't cure you, and now I have to leave you"

The woman hugged her child tightly, and then opened her eyes to look at the people around, hoping that someone could take her child in, but these people were suffering from the same disease as her, suffering from physical pain, unable to take care of themselves, and they could only look at her. sigh.

Some elderly people just feel worried when they see this scene.

God this thief, there is no way for people to survive.

Seeing that no one was willing to take her child in, the woman laughed miserably and shed tears. Just when she was about to hold her child and wait for death, a white shadow suddenly appeared in her vision.

The breathing of the people around seemed to stop.

Pairs of surprised eyes looked at the white creature that appeared in front of the woman.

The woman slowly raised her head, and the creature in her vision was very similar to the stone deer statue in the pool.

The antlers were different, but the shape of the streamer-like tail undoubtedly proved what it was.

"God God Deer, God God Deer has really come!" Someone shouted after taking a deep breath.

Someone slapped him in the face, wanting to see if it was a hallucination, but when he found that the white deer in his field of vision hadn't disappeared, his heart burst into surprise.

God Deer, the legendary God Deer actually appeared!

Some believers in Shenlu Temple were all excited to shout at this moment, but seeing Ling Ye standing in front of the woman, they instinctively silenced.

Can the appearance of Shenlu save them?

It depends on what's next

The woman also looked at the huge white creature in front of her stupidly, and realized what it was. A ray of hope appeared in her desperate heart. Her body that fell on the ground desperately endured the severe pain and lifted her child.

"It's you, save my child"

Ling Ye looked at the woman at his feet, without saying a word, his tail lightly caressed her and her child, the turquoise light overflowed, like a clear spring poured into the desert, full of vitality, which caused the woman who was still in severe pain The body was suddenly wrapped in warmth.

The woman's powerless eyes instantly brightened, and her dry blood surged again.

The unsightly black spots on her skin also quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, wisps of black air overflowed from the pores, and then disappeared into nothingness in the green aura.

The woman sat up like this, looked at her child who had also returned to normal, and quickly knelt down to the deer in front of her in the next second.

And the same actions as her were all the infected people around who witnessed all this with their own eyes.

"God deer save us"

"Master Shenlu, show mercy and save us!"

"You survived, Master Shenlu, you are here"

"Master God Deer"

Seeing the waves of cries for help, Ling Ye simply treated them equally.

The antlers glowed, and the turquoise energy spread like ripples.


The power full of vitality swept over everyone in the Shenlu Temple, whether they were infected or not, they all felt a warm force flowing through their bodies.

Then one by one the weak and sick patients were ecstatically discovering that their bodies were recovering extremely quickly, and the hateful black spots on their bodies were also disappearing rapidly, and they completely returned to normal in a short while.

Clenched a strong fist.

He shook his arms a few times.

Those infected with the disease feel their own bodies in a daze, and the next second

"Oh oh oh oh~~~~~~~"

There were cheers in unison, and everyone laughed like never before.

Excitement, ecstasy, worship, gratitude, tears, escape from death.

The shift in mood is very noticeable.

Ling Ye looked at the group of humans with a smile, and turned to look at his own statue in the pool.

He really didn't expect that a temple of his own would be built here.

It's just that his appearance is slightly different from the current him, after all, this is himself after the first Nirvana.

Ling Ye jumped onto the pool and looked at his stone sculpture curiously.

Although he once turned into a stone deer, he couldn't see himself. Looking at his own stone sculpture, Ling Ye felt very fresh for a while.

And after the cheers, everyone came back to their senses, and they all knelt down to Lingye in tacit understanding.

If it is said that most of them were trying to survive before, and they had no choice but to grasp hope in despair, then now they are really conquered by the miracle just now.

People who have not been personally infected do not know the despair they are facing. Some of them have sought a doctor, but no one can treat them. They saw their loved ones die or were driven away by people they knew before, and their bodies and minds were tortured. Every moment, they are getting closer to the god of death, but just now, Shenlu just released his power casually, and easily drove away the illness that made them miserable.

This is a true miracle.

It is the power of the gods.

Everyone sincerely prayed in the direction of Lingye. In their hearts, Lingye at this time is no different from a god

Chapter 167 Smart people

The entire Shenlu Temple is full of vitality due to the power of Ling Ye's wood. Some flowers and plants grow rapidly, and the leaves of the trees are also green and green. The green full of life infects all living beings.

Outside the Divine Deer Temple, hundreds of civilians who came from Yancheng originally planned to work together to drive away the sick refugees, and they could not be allowed to wreak havoc in the sacred Divine Deer Temple, but who would have thought that when they came here, What I witnessed was the scene of Shenlu exerting his power to save the world.

"God deer, it's the god deer that appeared, my God, it's the legendary god deer!" A young man was short of breath, his eyes glowed, and he ran over excitedly in the next second.

The others were also pleasantly surprised~.

I have believed in the deer since I was a child, but I didn't expect to see it alive today, and it is still in this worrisome time of the plague.

Could it be that Shenlu came here specially to rescue them?

The entire Shenlu Temple is now full of people inside and out, and everyone bows to the Shenlu. Ling Ye can hear their sincere hearts.

Some people even really regarded Ling Ye as an omnipotent god, praying desperately in their hearts.

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