Seeing this, Six Fingers Heixia and the others didn't care too much, they just ordered Pao Ding to work hard at night.

"Let's stay here quietly for a while now," Ling Ye raised his head and looked at the sky and secretly said.

From Nirvana's awakening to now, he has been using spiritual power continuously. Although he has gathered spirits, he has not actually accumulated much energy.

Ling Ye didn't care too much, after all, soon after Nirvana woke up, he wanted to play to his heart's content no matter what.

However, the matter of Nirvana still cannot be forgotten. Ling Ye plans to stay in the Mohist family for the next few years, gathering his spirit and accumulating energy with peace of mind.

The brilliance of the sun and the moon shines down with the Lingye Gathering Spirits

But Ling Ye had only gathered his spirit for an hour, and Nian Duan came to disturb him with the little girl in his arms.

"Shenlu, why is this little guy refusing to sleep, crying constantly, calling Bai, Bai and other words, I guess she is referring to you, she seems to have experienced something serious, I think it is better to let her It’s better to stay here with you for now.”

While talking, Nian Duan didn't care whether Ling Ye responded or not, and directly put the little girl next to Ling Ye. The little girl looked at Ling Ye with teary eyes, then grabbed one of Ling Ye's tails, and fell asleep on Ling Ye past.

Ling Ye: "" B.

Chapter 173 Han Zhao's Destruction

Working at sunrise and resting at sunset, the gears of time rotate quietly.

During the few years when Ling Ye stayed in the Mo family and didn't go anywhere, the outside world was turbulent, among which the Qin country was the biggest, because they went east again.

With the ambition to destroy the six countries and unify the world, South Korea is the first to bear the brunt.

Facing Qin's tiger and wolf division, South Korea's Han Fei stood up. He had already prepared, and he had already greeted Zhao Guo and Wei Guo in advance, and the three countries joined forces to fight against Qin this time.

Qin originally planned to destroy South Korea with an army of 20, but who knew that Zhao, Wei, and South Korea each sent 30 troops, a total of 30 troops, with Zhao Guo Li Mu as the commander, and the 20 troops integrated into one, completely defeated Qin's army. [-] troops.

The failure of the Qin army made countless people excited and excited. Many people thought that after this failure, Qin should not make any further moves within five years.

But who would have thought that South Korea would be conquered by Qin State in the second year.

In Xinzheng City, flames engulfed the royal palace, which symbolizes the royal power of South Korea, and countless people fled in all directions.

On the hillside outside the city, Han Fei and the others watched the scene complicatedly.

Last year's success, this year all the achievements will be wiped out.

"Damn it, it's all that Han Yu, he is the king of Han in vain, he is a sinner of South Korea," a woman cursed viciously, with tears of sadness that the country was ruined and the family was ruined.

Han Fei looked at his younger sister and hugged her silently.

It turns out that last year, Han Fei and Zhao Wei defeated the Qin army, and his reputation increased greatly. In addition, Han Fei and Han Wang Hanyu had two completely different attitudes during the previous plague incident, which made many people in South Korea respect them very much. Tian Xingjun, this kind of respect even exceeds that of King Han.

Every king cannot bear to have his seat under his seat threatened.

Han Yu felt extremely uncomfortable with his younger brother's reputation, and at this moment, Qin's network organization sent someone to find him, intending to cooperate with him, and promised not to attack South Korea within seven years. As a price, Han Yu had to cooperate with them Kill Han Fei.

Faced with Luo Wang's cooperation, if it was Han Yu when he was not a king, he would probably be afraid more than his heart, and choose to refuse rationally, but he who has become a queen, especially when his throne is threatened, Han Yu did not resist for a short time. The temptation to choose cooperation.

This stupid decision directly ruined the hard-won achievements of South Korea. Han Fei almost died in an assassination. If he hadn't been treated by Shenlu's wood power, his body had fully recovered, allowing Han Fei to avoid the critical moment. Fatally wounded, he might be completely finished.

Even so, Han Fei's serious injury caused South Korea's last strength to collapse, and Wei Zhuang and Zhang Liang were successively made things difficult by Han Yu.

And South Korea was also in this trick of its own people to deceive its own people, so that the defense force on the border was greatly reduced, and was attacked by Qin State, and finally penetrated Xinzheng in one breath.

Why not attack South Korea within seven years.

Everything is a joke.

Han Yu was finally beheaded by Wei Zhuang and thrown into the cesspit.

"Honglian, this is the end of the matter. It's useless to say more. I can only say that I didn't expect Han Yu to act like this. I was careless after all." Han Fei sighed.

Zhang Liang, who was behind him, patted Han Fei on the shoulder: "Brother Han, this is none of your business. You have done well enough. It can only be said that Qin has surpassed South Korea in all aspects. They have seen our weaknesses and And we have used it effectively, we can resist it once, twice, but it is impossible to resist it three times, four times, five times, Qin Guo is determined to destroy our South Korea, no matter how hard we try, it is useless.”

In Zhang Liang's view, this fact, which is so cruel that he doesn't want to admit it, is a scene that will happen sooner or later. Even if there is no such thing as Han Yu, it may happen in a few years.

After all, South Korea is really too close to Qin.

Everyone just watched the palace in their vision collapse in the flames.

"Let's go, let's leave here, the next few years will not be peaceful, Qin is going east like a tiger this time, and we in Korea should just be the beginning"

As Han Fei said, Qin's offensive did not stop at all. After destroying South Korea, it did not move in the second year, but it sent troops again in the third year, this time targeting Zhao.

In the face of this country that is far more powerful than South Korea, Qin State demonstrated its strength far surpassing the six countries of Shandong. It took a year to win and broke through Handan, the capital of Zhao State. Zhao Guo can already be said to exist in name only.

The collapse of South Korea and Zhao State surprised everyone in the world, and other countries feared the Qin army.

But all of this has nothing to do with Ling Ye in the Mo family.

He still maintains a stable schedule, gathers spirits to accumulate energy every day, occasionally fights teeth, and at the same time does not forget the plot simulation.

On this day, Ling Ye was lying on one of his favorite rocks to gather spirits, the sun and the moon were shining brightly, forming a translucent galaxy light curtain around him

At this time, a little girl came running with a food box, and shouted happily: "Shenlu, I brought you something delicious, it's the blue yuan cake specially made by Pao Ding."

The little girl put the food box on the ground, and then rushed towards Ling Ye utterly, grabbing the white hair on Ling Ye's back with her small hands, and rubbing her head affectionately by her side.

In the entire Mo family, only this little girl dared to treat Ling Ye like this.

Ling Ye opened his eyes and looked depressedly at the girl who he rescued and brought into the Mo family a few years ago.

The other party is now nine years old, his name is Bai Xue, and it is said that Nian Duan picked it up.

The little girl refused to say her original name, so Nian Duan named her Xue. Originally, she wanted the little girl to have her own last name, but the little girl insisted on saying that her surname would be Bai from now on.

Usually the Mohists call Baixue Xiaoxue, or Xueer.

Bai Xue is different from the timidity, fear, and recognition of others when she first came to the Mo family. Now she shows her true temperament, lively, mischievous, and has a cute little face that can be seen as a peerless beauty in the future. I like it very much, but Baixue's favorite is Ling Ye.

For this Shenlu who rescued her from the snow and brought her to the new family of Mojia, Baixue showed a lot of attachment. For the first year, she basically had to lean on Lingye's side to fall asleep. Now he is slowly becoming independent, and it is said that he has become friends with Nian Duan's apprentice, a girl named Duan Mu Rong.

"You little girl, don't always scratch the hair on my back"

Ling Ye's tail lightly knocked Bai Xue's hand off.

Bai Xue pouted at 1.1, but quickly opened the food box happily, and held up the blue pastry that was as big as a mooncake but exquisitely carved.

Lingye's eyes lit up slightly, his tail moved with lightning, and he rolled up the blue yuan cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Oh, God Deer, why did you do it yourself?"

Bai Xue, who originally wanted to try feeding the game, pouted unwillingly.

Ling Ye didn't care about the little girl's dissatisfaction at all. The material of this blue yuan cake is still the leaves of the blue yuan tea tree grown by his strength, he will not be polite.

Bai Xue saw that the deer was eating so fast, she quickly picked up one and ate it for herself, she knew how big the deer's appetite was.

The Black Man with Six Fingers came not far away, saw the white-haired little girl next to Shenlu, and smiled helplessly: "Xiaoxue, why did you come to Shenlu privately again, didn't Master Nianduan arrange homework for you?" ?”.

Chapter 174 Jing Ke Missing

"Uncle Giant"

Seeing the Black Man with Six Fingers approaching, Bai Xue smiled sweetly, acting like a good girl, and took out a blue yuan cake and handed it over.

The Black Man with Six Fingers took the Lanyuan Cake and scolded with a smile: "Little girl still wants to bribe me, don't be a good boy, answer my question quickly, have you skipped class?"

"I didn't skip class anymore, it's just that what Teacher Nian Duan said is too boring, I'm not interested in it anymore," Bai Xue said mischievously, sticking out her tongue.

"Then what are you interested in?"

"People like to sing and dance"

Hearing Bai Xue's answer without hesitation, Six Fingers Heixia smiled wryly. He took this little girl to the capital of Yan Kingdom two years ago, and an accident made this girl see an outdoor dance and music performance in Feixue Pavilion. As a result, the little girl was fascinated.

Although a certain steward of Feixue Pavilion also saw Bai Xue at that time, thought that Bai Xue had a talent for singing and dancing, and wanted to bring Bai Xue into Feixue Pavilion, but was directly rejected by the Black Man with Six Fingers.

In today's era, singers and dancers are the toys of the rich and powerful, and he will not let Bai Xue become that kind of person.

"Even if you like singing and dancing and are not interested in Master Nianduan's medicine, you still need to spend time practicing the basic internal skills of our 20 Mohists, otherwise how will you protect yourself and the people around you when you grow up?"

"I have practiced it, but I think it will be better to practice internal skills beside Shenlu," Bai Xue said with a pouted mouth.

Ling Ye, who was listening to the conversation between the two, looked at Bai Xue. He knew that the little girl was not lying.

As Bai Xue, who was born with a trace of aura, she would definitely be a genius if she lived in a world with the aura of heaven and earth, but if she practiced the internal strength of a warrior, the effect would be greatly reduced, and she would not be much better than ordinary people, but If it is by his side, if Ling Ye is in the state of gathering spirits to practice internal skills, the nourishment of the spiritual energy will help the little girl more or less, allowing her to practice internal skills with twice the result with half the effort.

The Black Man with Six Fingers felt the true energy in Bai Xue's body. Although it was very weak to him, it was rare at this age. He also nodded immediately, confirming that Bai Xue was not lazy.

"Well, it seems that you naughty girl is working hard, so I will let you off this time"

"Hee hee, thank you, Uncle Juzi"

Bai Xue happily took out a piece of blue yuan cake to eat, but a figure as fast as the wind flashed in front of her, snatching the blue yuan cake from her hand.

Ling Ye glanced at a young man who suddenly appeared.

"Oh, it's delicious, little sister Xue'er, thank you very much." The young man smiled and ate the blue yuan cake in his hand, and Bai Xue's beautiful eyes stared at him in anger.

"Rogue Zhizhi, you are stealing other people's things again." Bai Xue was so angry that she was about to go over and beat him with her small fists.

This is a new member of the Mo family in recent years, a young man with extremely high lightness kung fu, or a thief, but a thief who is also a thief.

Six Fingers Heixia looked at Robber Zhi, and said, "Root Zhi, why are you back now? What happened?"

Bandit Zhi dodged Bai Xue's little fist, his laughing expression turned serious, and said: "There is indeed something wrong, Juzi, we found that Jing Ke and his team of Mohist disciples disappeared for no reason."

"Jing Ke is missing?!"

Ling Ye, who was still gathering spirits, suddenly turned his head, and the little girl Bai Xue also stopped making noise.

Robber Zhi took out a waist card.

This is the badge representing the leader of the Mohist school, and it belongs to Jing Ke.

"We found this on a flat field in the mountains. It seems that someone used internal force to force it into the surface. I speculate that it should be a message from Jing Ke, implying that something happened to them. I have already led people to investigate carefully. no clues of value."

The Black Man with Six Fingers picked up the badge that belonged to Jing Ke.

Jing Ke's strength has improved rapidly in the past few years. It can be said that he is infinitely close to the top experts. Even with Jing Ke's short-term explosive lore, it is no problem to fight against the top experts. Moreover, Jing Ke is not alone, there are more than ten people around him It is absolutely impossible for a Mohist disciple to be taken away silently.

"It seems that the person who attacked Jing Ke is very unusual, let me try, Shenlu?"

Seeing Lingye roll up the waist badge belonging to Jing Ke, Robber Zhi and Bai Xue looked at Shenlu in amazement.

Lingye said in his heart: "System, I want to use the karma card and tell me where the owner of this brand is."

A causal red line that only Ling Ye could see immediately appeared on the waist card.

Although Ling Ye usually doesn't pay much attention to Jing Ke, and sometimes he will teach Jing Ke a little nonsense, but Ling Ye has never forgotten that Jing Ke helped him a lot.

During the Qilin Mountain incident, Ling Ye was so angry that Qilin lost control and almost killed Xiao Lu. It was Jing Ke who rushed up at a critical moment and helped him return to normal. Ling Ye will always remember this kindness.

So he owes Jing Ke a big favor.

But now Ling Ye felt that he had found a chance to repay the favor.

"It seems that Jing Ke is not dead yet, is he in that direction?"

Ling Ye stood up, yelled at Six Fingers Heixia, and at the same time put Jing Ke's belt on, and jumped directly in the direction of the red line of karma.

"Shenlu, where are you going?" Bai Xue asked in surprise, since she came to the Mo family, she has never seen Shenlu leave.

The Black Man with Six Fingers patted Bai Xue's little head, and said, "Xiaoxue, don't panic, Shenlu may have discovered something from Jing Ke's waist card just now, and used some kind of ability to determine the location of 163 Jing Ke."

Bandit Zhi on the side stared and said: "Boss Juzi, you mean that Shenlu is going to save Jing Ke, no way, Jing Ke has such a big face."

When Bandit Zhi first joined the Mo family, he discovered that there was a legendary god deer in the Mo family, but he was shocked as a thief, and he was so happy to see that he wanted to make gestures with the god deer, but he was almost missed by Ling Ye. Tail whipped to death.

The Black Man with Six Fingers smiled and said: "Root Zhi, don't look at Jing Ke as usual, but he was once recognized by Shenlu. In our Mohist family, only the ancestors of the Mo family could do this."

"With Shenlu's approval, wow, Jing Ke still has such a glorious history, so we don't need to worry about Jing Ke's affairs?"

Six Fingers Heixia shook his head and looked at the direction Shenlu was leaving, which was the West.

"No, I want you to go to the capital of the Yan Kingdom to check. Maybe Jing Ke will be rescued by Shenlu, but I think he and all the Mohist disciples can be taken away silently, leaving only a waist card and nothing else. Any other route clues are unlikely to be enemies in the ordinary sense, maybe people familiar with us"

"Familiar people?" Robber Zhi scratched his head.

The Black Man with Six Fingers looked at the capital city of Yan Kingdom.

"Half a year ago, Yan Wangdan of Yan State expressed to me many times that he hoped that our Mo family could help him to fight against Qin. I sternly refused, but maybe I hoped too much anyway."

Chapter 175 Assassination Qin

Today is a big day for Qin, the Spring Festival.

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