Kaido died many times.

Cap felt nothing.

It's just that the skin is rough and the flesh is thick.

It still feels good to fight.

"Garp, I didn't ask you to fight with Kaido."

Warring States said dissatisfied.

Go punch Kaido.

This guy will definitely be dissatisfied and come to the navy to make trouble.

The Warring States Period was overwhelmed by documents all day long.

He even fought wits and courage with his subordinates.

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo glanced at Bai Ye.

See the white night that sleeps peacefully.

Suddenly, I had some special thoughts in my heart.

"This trip, I thought about it."

"We have to show the strength of our navy."

"It even has the strength of the new generation."


Sengoku raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Everyone in the conference room laughed.

They knew what Sengoku wanted to do.


They like to watch such a good show.

Bai Ye in his sleep couldn't help shivering!

It feels like someone is thinking about him, but Bai Ye doesn't know who it is.

Looking up just now, the people in the entire conference room smiled amiably at him.

This made Bai Ye startled.

"Are you guys twitching?"

Bai Ye looked at his colleague in confusion.

Can you imagine the scene when everyone looks at you with a smile on their faces?

Bai Ye felt very scared at this time!

"Bai Ye! I have a task for you!"

Warring States said with a smile.

When Bai Ye saw the old guy's smile, he felt that he was going to cheat.

"Marshal, I haven't processed a lot of documents in my office."

Bai Ye had been fooled before.

I won't fall for the same trick this time.

"When did you process your files yourself?"

The blue veins on Sengoku's forehead twitched slightly.

"That's not right, I handle all the affairs myself."

"Even this time, it seems that a few powerful and threatening pirates caused a lot of trouble in the first half of the great route."

"As the Vice Admiral of the Navy, I must go to inspect the first half of the great route to show the importance our navy attaches to it."

At this time, Bai Ye said righteously and sternly.

I took the initiative to go out to patrol, just lying on the deck and sleeping for a few days.


The appearance of the Warring States just now does not look like a good person.

Obviously intending to trick him, Bai Ye won't do that.

"I'm going to let Garp take a look at the first half of the great route."

"Your files will be processed when you come back."

Warring States said with a sneer.

"Don't worry, this task is very simple."

"I promise to give you a week's vacation when you come back."

Said the Warring States vowed.

"Two weeks!"

Although Bai Ye didn't know what to do.

But haggling is already Bai Ye's instinct.


Warring States nodded without hesitation.

The original bottom line of the Warring States Period was a one-month holiday.

But it's good to have Bai Ye's two-week vacation now.

At the very least, this guy can go to the New World to hit a wall.

Wandering around the first half of the great route all day long, he has not revealed his strength in the past six months. ,

Even Warring States didn't know how to evaluate Bai Ye's strength.

"Let another general follow in the past, and it is possible to meet Kaido."

He thought for a while and said, she believed in Bai Ye's strength.

But the new world is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

When Bai Ye entered the new world before, he did not encounter monsters like Kaido.

Even the four emperors' men didn't hit him.

Now really meet with the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Crane was afraid of an accident in Bai Ye.

"Wait! You said you met Kaido?"

Bai Ye looked at the Warring States in front of him in astonishment.

Does this guy know what he's talking about?

He is just a lieutenant general, and he was actually arranged to fight against Kaido.

This is obviously not a very realistic thing!

The lieutenant general confronts Kaido, and the trick is to let him die.

Does the Warring States period pay so little attention to the talents of the navy now?

"It's just to expel the six flying cells of the Hundred Beasts Pirates!"

"You may not even see Kaido's face."

Sengoku waved his hand and said.

"I won't do it!"

Bai Ye sat back and put on the blindfold again.

Bai Ye is not so stupid as this thankless thing.

Whoever loves to fight against the Beast Pirates should fight against it.

Anyway, Bai Ye wouldn't be so stupid.

"Brother Bai Ye, this is your fault!"

"What Marshal Warring States arranges is not something you, a lieutenant general, can refute."

Huang Yuan spoke at this time, stabbing Bai Ye hard in the back.

If Bai Ye is in Marin Fando, the two of them are too lazy to aim.

There can only be one bastard!

That's him!

Something will happen at that time, so it is best to arrange for Bai Ye to leave.

"Then you go! It just so happens that you might meet Kaido."

"It's not safe for me to go. If Kaido appears, our navy will lose an important talent."

Bai Ye smiled and said to Huang Yuan.

This old guy calls him brother all day long when he is basking in the sun.

Now at the critical moment, turn around and give him a backstab!

Bai Ye didn't expect this, it seems that all the gifts given to Huang Yuan before were fed to dogs.

"I'm also a naval talent, after all, I'm an admiral now!"

"You are just a lieutenant general, so you can imagine who is more important."

Huang Yuan said lightly.

Not afraid to offend the lieutenant generals present here.

After all, the Navy also relies on strength to speak.

Sitting in the middle of the surrounding navy, the corner of his mouth twitched,

I didn't expect Huang Yuan to speak so straight!

Embarrassment was on everyone's face.

"I am now a lieutenant general at the age of 30."

"General Huang Yuan, when did you become lieutenant general?"

Bai Ye asked with a smile.


The faces of the admirals and lieutenant generals were a little embarrassed.

They all want to ask Bai Ye: Are you polite?

Their ages are a little different from Bai Ye.

Not everyone is a monster like White Night.

They all accumulated little by little before they barely became lieutenant generals.


Huang Yuan's face was a little embarrassed, and he didn't say his age.

When he was in the navy, the navy had two pillars.

One is Zefa, and the other is Warring States.

These two men hold up the navy.

He was almost in his 40s when he became a lieutenant general.

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