Successfully saved Hinata from being taken away by Yunyin Village.


If you like Hinata, you can throw some flowers, the more the better, I don't mind.


Chapter 32: Does Hinata have a sweetheart?

"is it?"

"It's fate that Xiaoqing can help you."

Bai Ye frowned and nodded.

The timeline doesn't feel right.

It took less than three years for Baiye to awaken the system.

How come the timeline of Naruto World has spanned so much?

Bai Ye felt a little unbelievable.

'System, why are the timelines so different? '

Bai Ye directly asked the system with his thoughts.

[Answer to the host, the timeline will truly stabilize only after the little partner visits.

Otherwise, the little frog can travel in various timelines of the world. 】

Bai Ye didn't expect such a setting to exist.

No wonder he took photos with Hui Ye before.

There is also a photo with Senshouzhujian.

I didn't expect such a level of argument.

"It's just that my character is too cowardly, and I can't help Xiaoqing."

"The strength has not improved at all!"

Hinata said guiltily.

"Did something happen to Xiaoqing at your place?"

Bai Ye hesitated and asked.

How do you feel that Xiaoqing is doing something in Naruto World.

Now the little girls are starting to feel guilty.

"Master Bai Ye doesn't know?"

Hinata looked at Bai Ye suspiciously.

I thought this place was in the same place as those Mt. Miaomu.

In the psychic world.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ye didn't know anything.

This made Hinata suddenly didn't know how to answer.

"Xiaoqing is wanted by the whole ninja world, and there is a reward of [-] million on the black market."

Hinata sighed.

This is still because of saving her.

Only then will he be wanted by people in Naruto World.

"A reward of hundreds of millions?"

Bai Ye looked at Hinata strangely.

I didn't expect that the little frog was hiding something.

The strength is still not weak, and it can reach three Asma.

There is great progress!

After Bai Ye thought about it, he still couldn't skip Xiaoqing's food.

"Now all ninja villages in the ninja world have pictures of Xiaoqing hanging."

Hinata said sadly.

She wanted to stand up and speak to Xiaoqing.

But the Hinata family did not stand behind her.

On the contrary, she didn't pay any attention to her voice.

Now in the entire human ninja world, she is the only one who believes that Xiaoqing is a good person.

"It's okay Hinata, although Xiaoqing is playful."

"But no one can defeat this guy, so don't worry.

Even if people in the ninja world wanted Xiaoqing, no one would catch him. "

Bai Ye smiled and said.

After thinking about it, he took out a book from the storage space.

That is the domineering cultivation method in the navy!

When Hinata returns to the world of Naruto, it will be directly integrated into Hinata's mind like a skill book.

On this point, Bai Ye asked the system in advance.

"You care about Xiaoqing so much, I will mention him first to thank you."

"You should be one of Xiaoqing's few friends."

"If this is the case, it's my little gift."

Bai Ye smiled, and handed Hinata the cultivation method of Armed Color Domineering.

Although it is not very useful for Hinata.

But still can give her some help.

"Lord Bai Ye..."

Hinata looked at Bai Ye helplessly.

Unexpectedly, she didn't bring out a gift when she came over.

Bai Ye actually gave him a gift first.

"Put it away. Only when you become stronger can you really help Xiaoqing."

"I can't take care of him all year round, so I need your help."

Bai Ye forcefully said to Hinata.

Putting one hand on Hinata's head, he rubbed Hinata's head.

Suddenly the hair was messed up.

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly, and quickly withdrew his sinful hand.

Touching the head to kill is still not very proficient.

Can actually mess up the hair.

"I will definitely help Xiaoqing rectify her name."

Hinata glanced at the armed color in her hand, and said resolutely.

"Master Bai Ye, what is your job?"

Hinata asked curiously.

She glanced at the navy uniform on Bai Ye.

He even has an aura not weaker than that of Tsunade-sama.

Hinata feels that Bai Ye is also a Hokage at worst.


Bai Ye thought about it.

"I work to sweep away all the evil in the world."

"The evil in the whole world is my enemy."

Bai Ye thought for a while and said.

Hinata looked at Bai Ye in bewilderment,

There was a slight look of worship on his face.

Although I don't know what Bai Ye is talking about.

But it feels powerful.

Sweep away the evil in the world!

These words entered Hinata's heart.

"Hinata, do you have a sweetheart?"

Bai Ye asked.

I don't know if this guy Xiaoqing has changed the world line.

After all, frequent visits to Naruto World should have changed.


A puff of steam rose from Hinata's head.

The whole person turned into a steam princess.

There were patches of blush on Hinata's face.

She had never considered such a thing.


Hinata said quickly.


Xiaoqing really changed some things.

Hinata is now single.

And Naruto is still Sakura and Sasuke's licking dog.

But Sakura will definitely lick Sasuke in the future.

No, it should be said that Sakura has a very high probability of being with Naruto.

It still doesn't feel right.

Naruto is likely to be with Sasuke.

Bai Ye felt that his thoughts were a little messed up!

It's not that I was messed up, but was messed up by the relationship between the characters.

This change is a bit huge!

Xiaoqing, you bastard...

Have to say, well done!

"Master Bai Ye, what's the matter?"

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