Their task is not yet complete.

This time I came to this base because of the distress signal from the base.

However, the current experience has basically been determined.

The so-called distress signal should be a false signal.

"I'll deal with it here, Da Siqi will follow me first."

Bai Ye said calmly.


Da Siqi met an unexpected joy. ,

Jumped up excitedly.

Smoker accepted the task and returned to the boat with the ghost bamboo.

But something always felt wrong.

As if something was lost.

Da Siqi followed behind Bai Ye.

"Master Bai Ye, you are really handsome!"

She looked at Bai Ye'er with bright eyes.

Chapter 260 : Dashiqi's Worship!

Bai Ye let Da Siqi follow her for a reason.

The interior of this naval base is quite large.

The structure is also more complex.

He didn't have a map or anything like that.

It is still more complicated to find.

Dashiqi was by her side.

A lot of things don't need to be done by yourself.

The two came near the room where Luo and Caesar had met before.

There was no one inside at this time.

"Where did everyone go?"

Bai Ye said with some doubts.

Just a few minutes.

Luo, Caesar and others have disappeared.

Don't know what to do.

"What else is important here?"

Bai Ye asked.

Da Siqi looked at the map: "There is also a biochemical laboratory in the depths."

"The things inside should be more important, and it is the highest level of confidentiality."

Sasser replied truthfully.

Bai Ye nodded.

It seems that Caesar is most likely to go to the "[-]".

As for Luo, who knows where this kid went.

The top priority is to catch the criminal Caesar pursued by the navy first.

And, as a Kaiser scientist.

It's also very likely to help them answer the question of the clear phone bug.

Bai Ye took Da Siqi with her.

Flew directly to the vicinity of the secret laboratory.

Dashiqi grows so big.

It was the first time to experience the feeling of flying.

Taken by Bai Ye's side.

The face is full of happiness.

"I wish this moment could last forever!"

Dashiqi thought in her heart.

But Bai Ye's flying speed is extremely fast.

Less than 1 minutes of work.

Just arrived at the destination.

Da Siqi got off Bai Ye reluctantly.

Still reminiscing about the feeling of happiness just now.

"Looks like it's here."

Bai Ye said lightly.

Although there is a door in front of which nothing can be seen.

cover up what's going on inside.

But Bai Ye can feel it with the domineering color of knowledge.

There are people in the middle of the room.

And more than one.

It seems that it should be Caesar and the others.

Moreover, Luo is also inside.

"Master Bai Ye, how should we enter this gate?"

Dashiqi faced the gate.

A little overwhelmed.

If it's Smoker, they come here together.

Even if it takes a day.

Can't get in here either.

But for Bai Ye.

It's just a piece of cake.

Bai Ye opened his eyes.

There was a bright light in the eyes.

"Reincarnation Eye!"

"Divine power!"

In an instant, the space in front of Bai Ye.

There was a twist.

The entire gate disappeared into the unknown space by Bai Ye's divine power.

Da Siqi watched this scene in shock.

It's a move I've never seen before!

She had carefully studied Bai Ye's battle video.

Even when fighting three generals.

Bai Ye had never used a move like Shenwei before.

"Master Bai Ye... How many powerful moves are there that we haven't seen?"

Da Siqi thought in surprise.

Bai Ye is really a treasure.

Bai Ye didn't know what Da Siqi was thinking.

Take a step.

Shi Shiran walked into the experimental base.

There are two people standing in the base at this moment.

Law and Caesar.

Luo saw Bai Ye bringing Da Siqi in.

I was taken aback.

"What's going on! Isn't he always by my side!"

Luo thought in shock.

I don't know when Bai Ye left.

He thought that Bai Ye had been following him invisibly before.

Little did they know that Bai Ye appeared after the Ghost Bamboo appeared.

Just left.

Caesar on the side also widened his eyes.


Caesar looked at the navy uniforms on Bai Ye and Da Siqi.

He said with a bad face: "It's the damn navy!"

He didn't know Bai Ye.

Although in the new world for a long time.

But Caesar remained obsessed with his experiments.

No time to pay attention to the outside world.

The news is not well informed.

So he didn't know the existence of Bai Ye, a strong man.

In addition, the speed of Bai Ye's rise is very fast.

A few months ago, he was an unknown lieutenant general.

Now he is about to become a marshal.

It makes people like Caesar who don't pay attention to the news even more.

Do not know what's going on.

"Gas lasso!"

Caesar materialized the gas he produced in his hands.

Attack Bai Ye and Da Siqi.

A gas rope formed into a gas shape.

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