And their experiment log.

These 433 things are very important.

After bringing it back to the Navy.

Can play a key role in the development of the navy.

while they were packing up.

Bai Ye took Da Siqi outside the base.

He was not afraid of Caesar destroying any evidence with his back turned.

He put a monitor inside.

under surveillance.

Caesar dared not do anything out of the ordinary.

Bai Ye and Da Siqi stood outside the base.

Watching the navy ships in the port.

"It's strange, why hasn't Lieutenant General Smokey come out yet?"

Bai Ye said suspiciously.

That's why he came out.

Smoker is a Vice Admiral.

Bring a Ghost Bamboo Vergo to the Navy Ship.

No difficulty, right?

Moreover, Virgo was wearing Hailoushi handcuffs.


Da Siqi listened to Bai Ye's words.

Also stunned.

That's right, what has Lieutenant General Smoker been doing for so long?

She serves as Lieutenant General Smoker's adjutant.

Just now I put all my thoughts on Bai Ye.

Forgot about the Lieutenant General.

The two of them stepped onto the navy ship.

Under the eyes of countless naval admiration.

Enter Admiral Smoker's captain's cabin.

in the captain's room.

Lieutenant General Small is holding a phone bug.

Say something with a serious face.

After a while.

He just put down the phone bug in his hand.

Looking at Bai Ye and Da Siqi.

Lieutenant General Smoker's face was very heavy.

"What's going on, Lieutenant Smoker!"

Dashiqi asked.

He has just captured the traitorous lieutenant general of the Navy Division, which is a great achievement.

He should be happy.

Why do you look so heavy?

Lieutenant General Smoke thought for a moment.

Said to the two of them, "Something has happened!"

"Just now the World Government discovered that many pirates are gathering in one place!"

"It looks like we're going to form an alliance!"

Hear Smoker's words.

Bai Ye smiled.

What he said was nothing short of fantasy.

Pirates forming an alliance?

Give me a break!

Since the age of great navigation.

So many years.

Few pirates have ever formed an alliance.

Can be a pirate.

They are all powerful people.

Everyone thinks they are powerful.

Everyone wants to be the boss.

Not willing to be someone else's subordinate.

And what I like to do the most is to fight on my own.

If not.

With their pirate strength.

The Navy probably doesn't even exist anymore.

"What I'm saying is true!"

Smoker said very seriously: "This is an order from the Navy Headquarters just now, asking me to set off directly after escorting Virgo back to the naval base."

"Go to the Pirate World Expo!"

"The Pirate World Expo?"

Dashiqi had never heard of this place.

Smoker explained briefly.

The Pirate World Expo is a gathering of pirates who don't know who organized it.

It is said that there is the treasure of Roger the Pirate King in the conference!

Very famous.

(dbbi) caused many pirates to participate.

According to the nearby Navy.

These participating pirates.

There is a tendency towards alliances.

This matter is indeed not small.

Estimated at night.

There was nothing Smoker could do about it.

After this incident, Da Siqi could only leave with Smoker.

They will first escort Virgo back to the naval base, and then go to the Pirate World Expo.

Time is running out.

Bai Ye still has to wait here for Luo and Kaiser to pack up their things.

Da Siqi reluctantly parted from Bai Ye.

He and Smoker drove the navy ship to the naval base.

Bai Ye stands on the shore.

Watch the ship leave.

Suddenly the phone bug in his arms rang.

"Dululu Road..."

Bai Ye picked up the phone bug and looked at it.

He looks like a Marshal of the Warring States Period.

"There are too many tasks, Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

Bai Ye answered the phone and spoke directly.

The matter of Punkhasa on his side is not over yet.

Zhan Guo hurriedly called.

"It's not good, Bai Ye!"

Warring States did not respond to Bai Ye's joke.

Instead, he said to Bai Ye very seriously: "Douglas Barrett has escaped from prison!"

"Douglas Barrett?"

Bai Ye repeated the name.

He still has a little impression of this person.

He was one of the pirates on Roger's ship.

Is the notorious big pirate.

It used to be locked in the sixth floor of the promotion city.

Such tight guards actually allowed him to escape from prison.

Bai Ye was a little speechless.

"Come back quickly, it's up to you to solve this matter!"

Warring States said to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded.

The specific matters will be discussed in the office of the Warring States Period.

Fortunately, things here have been basically completed.

Otherwise, Bai Ye would be devastated again.

He returned to the experimental base.

Caesar and Luo basically finished packing their things.

Caesar is holding a box in his hand.

It contains experimental data.

There are also a large number of experimental samples.

In the box in Luo's hand was the laboratory log.

Both things are ready.

"We walked!"

Bai Ye said to the two of them.

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