But the speed of light is much faster than him.


The lightsaber was directly inserted into Jhin's body.

With a piece of blood.

This little injury alone did not cause any trouble to Jhin.

He relies on his fruit ability to be able to repair it instantly.

But he found that the lightsaber on his body was extremely heavy.

It made him unable to fly at all.

Jhin, in the form of a Pteranodon, fell from the sky.


The lightsaber on Jin's body turned into a beam of light.

It exploded, bringing a burst of flames.

The ground trembled.

Apparently that lightsaber was the source of the explosion.

"Lord Quinn!"

"Damn! That admiral is so strong."

"What should I do now? Do you want to contact Master Kaido?"

"I'm afraid there is no way, Master Kaido is somewhere else."


The six flying cells stood on the edge and looked at Quinn.

Watching the explosion submerge Quinn's body for an instant.

But they just stood there, with no thought of wanting to pass.

This kind of explosion in Chengdu, if they passed, would be the real stupidity.

Countering such an explosion is obviously impossible.

So the official website is fine, not to mention...

If there is one less person on the big kanban, they can try to compete.

You must know that some of them are very interested in the big boss.

After all, that location is the closest to Kaido.


The figure of Huang Yuan condensed beside Bai Ye.

"Bai Ye, I hope you give me good news."

Huang Yuan said helplessly.

"But instead of your wish, Kaido attacked the prison ship."

"Going to rescue this guy Weibull."

Bai Ye spread his hands and said.

I am afraid that Huang Yuan will be busy again.

But Bai Ye wanted this guy to settle the matter here.

If Huang Yuan left like this, it would be very difficult for Bai Ye.

"It seems that I can't hide."

Huang Yuan said distressedly, originally thought that he came out this time for a vacation.

I didn't expect the workload to be so heavy now!

Even the Navy Headquarters doesn't have so many jobs.

"Would you like to solve this first?"

Bai Ye thought for a while and said.

"Are you still human?"

Huang Yuan stared at Bai Ye with wide eyes.

He is going to fight Kaido now, facing the strong of the Four Emperors.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ye asked him to help deal with the hours here.

Huang Yuan feels that Bai Ye has no humanity at all.



There is no such thing as exploitation, after all, Bai Ye is not his boss yet.

And the yellow ape has the right to manage the white night.

But now Bai Ye's strength lies here.

It is no different from the actual admiral.

No one would regard Bai Ye as a vice admiral.

"...Brother Huang Yuan, you shouldn't be so excited!"

"Look at the strong men of the Hundred Beasts Pirates in front of you."

"If I don't pay attention, I may have an accident."

Bai Ye said awkwardly.

I didn't expect the yellow monkey's reaction to be so intense.

From Huang Yuan's body, he can see the appearance of a worker who doesn't want to work overtime at all.

But Bai Ye was planning to squeeze his boss.

"You solve this first, and you can go to the prison ship."

"After all, your speed is completely capable of doing it."

Bai Ye patted Huang Yuan's shoulder.

I have been beating workers for a long time, and if I don’t encourage them, I might not agree.

"You'd better come by yourself."

The corner of Huang Yuan's mouth twitched.

It feels malicious from Bai Ye.

This guy is just like a bloody demon.

Huang Yuan didn't know if Bai Ye became the admiral of the navy.

How will he live in the future.

After all, there can only be one bastard!

If I become Marshal...

There was a gleam in Huang Yuan's eyes, a road he had never imagined before.

"You deal with things here, and I'll be back before you leave."

The yellow ape's body slowly disappeared and turned into a beam of light flying away from this distance.

He didn't dare to stay where he was for another second.


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Chapter 40: Is this the level of the three disasters? 【Ask for flowers】

⑧56⒈78⒐[-]⒉ "Linglong"

There was some displeasure on Bai Ye's face.

"That's the admiral of the navy!"

"Isn't it a matter of three or two to deal with the small problems in front of you?"

A Pteranodon suddenly flew up in front of it, flapping its wings continuously.

Standing next to a huge tree with a blazing fire burning overhead.

But there are scars on his body.

A few traces of blood hang from the corner of the mouth.

There is no one person at all.

"Damn it, you actually let this guy, Huang Yuan, run away."

Jhin roared angrily, and the six flying cells brought Jack to Jhin's side quickly.

They didn't dare to disobey Jhin in any way.

"There is still a Vice Admiral here, Boss Quinn."

"Yes, since we can't stop the yellow ape, we can take this kingdom."

"Now there is only one vice admiral, why should they stop us."

"Come on, let this guy crush!"

The six flying cells stood beside Jhin and continued to encourage them.

No matter it is a great mockery to Jhin or Jack.

Do you feel that the two of them can't lift a knife anymore?

"Jack, what happened to you just now?"

Jhin looked at Jack and asked.

Just now Jack was blown away as soon as he entered the battlefield.

Not even the ability to resist at all.

Jhin felt a little inexplicable.

"This guy is very strong!"

Jack didn't know how to describe it, he looked at Jhin with a blushing face and said.

He didn't have an accurate judgment on Bai Ye's strength.

After all, he was instantly killed by Bai Ye with just one move up.

Lantian 456348770 Lantian

It is completely impossible to test Bai Ye's strength.


It was also the first time that the six flying cells saw Jack like this.

Even Jhin is a bit hard to say.

Haven't you even figured out the strength of your opponent after working for a long time?

"The pollen below is scattered."

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