The audience was stunned.

If it weren't for the resentful spirits being unable to communicate.

They all suspected that Su Bei had stuffed money into Wraith Ling.

After all, Subei had a criminal record.

Su Bei was also stunned, I didn't put any money in it.

Could it be that the bottom of the bed is really so magical that the wraiths will never be able to see it after getting in?

After wandering around the bedroom for a while, the two figures finally left.

However, Su Bei still didn't get up, and lay cautiously motionless under the bed.

With his current physical fitness, lying on the ground for several hours in a row has no effect at all.

Until the sky was slightly bright, it was already the morning of the second day.

Su Bei got out from under the bed.


Walking into the living room, Su Bei noticed that Grandpa's tablet fell to the ground again.

Coincidentally, Su Bei picked up the tablet and found a thin scratch on the edge.

He was sure that there was no such fine mark when he picked it up yesterday.

With a thought in Su Bei's mind, there was a faint guess in his heart.

This is Grandpa's memorial tablet that protected him from disaster last night, otherwise the two wraiths would not have been able to see Su Bei.

He lit a stick of incense and bowed respectfully to the memorial tablet three times.

So, should we follow the note on the note and throw the cracked tablet outside the door?

Although Su Bei sometimes lost his tune, the memorial tablet just saved him.

He thought he still had a little integrity, so he wouldn't do the kind of thing that would kill a donkey.

Of course, the most important point is that it is too wasteful to use such a good thing once.

Su Bei looked at his grandfather's memorial tablet, with the light of a filial son in his eyes.

This is a good treasure left by our ancestors, what a pity to throw it away like this.

How many times do you want to use it?

Su Bei intends to ask the magic conch, no, he is asking for help from people outside the venue.

But Su Bei didn't know that apart from him last night, as long as the resentful spirit entered the house, no one survived!

Both ordinary audiences and expert think tanks are talking crazy.

Su Bei was under the attack of two wraith spirits, so why was he safe and sound, while the other players who violated the rules of the wraith spirits died.

Finally, an expert from the Dragon Kingdom discovered the key.

"The reason why Su Bei didn't die has something to do with that tablet."

"How did the tablet come about? Why didn't anyone else encounter it, but there was an extra tablet in Su Bei's family? Is it really a coincidence?"

"Do you still remember the phone call from Subei to the ss-level ghost ghost bride yesterday? The ghost bride asked Subei to live the ghost festival."

"As for when the tablet appeared, it was after the sanitation and house decoration in northern Jiangsu, and after the festival."

"In the middle of July, the dead go home to visit their relatives, and the living want to entertain and worship the dead. No other player entertains the dead. Only Su Bei does, so he can keep the tablets of his relatives."

"In other words, this tablet was invited back by Su Bei himself!"

"If other players celebrate the ghost festival like Su Bei, they may also invite back the cards of the deceased relatives. Then they have a life-saving card."

Some analysis by experts quickly caused an uproar.

Many countries try their best to convey this information to players in their own countries.

However, the beautiful country, the Great Britain, and Gaul found that in this dungeon, the people who had the most advantage were not them, but the people of the Dragon country.

The background in the copy is July and a half, the traditional festival of Dragon Kingdom.

Players from other countries rarely understand the culture of the Dragon Kingdom, let alone such a rare festival.

And the system is not allowed to prompt directly, it can only cover up and beat around the bush.

When hearing the news from the off-site personnel.

Foreign player: "What?"

Dragon Kingdom player: "Hey, isn't it just a festival to worship ancestors, everyone has to do it every year."

Then, the Dragon Kingdom players basically all asked for a card slot.

Except for the Han country, which is influenced by the culture of the Dragon country, players from other countries have wasted an opportunity to ask for help outside the game.

It is foreseeable that after this rookie competition.

The whole world is about to set off another wave of Dragon Kingdom culture.

At least the relevant experts and players must learn, otherwise it will be too bad to order!

On the other side, Su Bei dialed the second help call to Mrs. Ghost Xuehui.

Madam is so knowledgeable and talented, Su Bei thinks it is very reliable.

Chapter 129 The charm of a mature female ghost, leave the room to explore

"Hello, it's Su Bei. Well, I understand your question."

"You can make your own judgment. When the tablet is threatened, you, as its relatives, should know best."

"Come back and have a look next time, Yiyun looks like you."

After a few words, the phone hung up.

Mrs. Ghost Xuehui showed a look of nostalgia. After Su Bei left, she never drank such strong wine again.

Yiyun looked suspiciously at her mother's expression, seeing that her mother was still covering up, Qiong raised her nose, raised her chin and said, "Don't think I don't know who you're calling."

"Use me as an excuse, I don't miss that human being at all."

"I haven't contacted me for so long. Next time I see him, I will swallow him in one gulp."

Saying that, Yiyun showed her canine teeth.

For some reason, he kicked the ball angrily and ran away.

Behind him was a headless ghost chasing the head kicked by Yiyun like a ball in a panic.

Mrs. Ghost smiled helplessly, but there was a little daughter-like pride hidden in her eyebrows.

"At such a young age, it's too young to want to fight 160 with my mother."

"You don't understand the charm of a mature female ghost. This kind of little boy needs a wise female ghost like me to guide him in the direction of life."

Su Bei got the answer, and he had the answer in his heart.

There is a strong blood relationship between the weirdness on the tablet and the dungeon identity he plays.

Moreover, Grandpa's tablet seems to have retained some sense of autonomy.

If it loses control in the end, the residual self-awareness is very likely to remind itself before the mutation.

Although the tablet is severely damaged, it will still pose a threat, but the benefits far offset the negative effects.

After paying homage to the tablet, Su Bei began to make breakfast.

When he went to the upper shelf of the refrigerator to get the dumplings, Su Bei noticed that the location of the refrigerator had changed.

He knelt down and took a closer look. There was something wrong with the distribution of dust on the base of the refrigerator.

There is a thick patch of dust on the right rear of the plinth, where the bottom of the refrigerator used to be, because the refrigerator has moved a little to the front left.

Only then did the dusty ground behind it come out.

And the front left is facing his own bedroom.

Moreover, Su Bei gently wiped the edge of the refrigerator door in the emergency freezer with his hand.

There was a glaring blood stain on his finger.

"It seems that the things in the refrigerator were not safe last night. It crawled out of the freezer."

In Subei's house, the only wraith confirmed to exist is the one in the refrigerator.

The note only reminds not to open the door of the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, but it does not mean that there will be no danger if it is not opened.

Sooner or later, the Wraith will crawl out, so we must find a way to solve it.

While thinking about how to deal with the wraith in the refrigerator, Su Bei cooked the dumplings.

The dumplings can survive today at most, and from tomorrow onwards, North Jiangsu will only have rice to eat.

"Ding dong!"

Just as Su Bei was gobbling it up, the doorbell rang.

Su Bei came to the door with the bowl in his arms and looked through the cat's eyes. Standing at the door was the cat-faced grandmother.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Su Bei always feels that the cat-faced grandma for a few days is different from the one yesterday.

He is a little taller and has less gray hair on his head.

However, Su Bei only met once yesterday, and he watched through the door. He just thought he remembered it wrong.

"Azi, do you want to come to grandma's house for dinner today?"

"Grandma's house has a lot of meat, and it's about to stink."

The tone of the cat-faced grandmother is very kind.

Su Bei always felt awkward when he heard it, and he didn't think much about refusing again.

"I'm sorry grandma, I'm eating dumplings and I can't eat any more now."

As he spoke, Su Bei made a point of babbling.

Hearing this, the cat-faced grandmother turned her head and left.

"Wild pigs can't eat fine chaff, so they kindly treat them like donkey liver and lungs."

Su Bei frowned.

The cat-faced grandma's attitude is much worse than yesterday.

It is very likely that there is a limit to the number of times you reject the cat face grandma, if you reject too many times.

The cat-faced grandma is likely to take coercive measures and take the player to her home for dinner.

After a while, Su Bei made a decision.

You can't stay in the housing and wait to die.

He wants to take the initiative to go to other rooms in the apartment to see if there are other players or living people.

One is to gather information.

The second is that there is nothing in the refrigerator.After eating dumplings, Subei can only chew rice.

Had to go out and order the whole dish and meat.

But before he left, he had to make some preparations. Su Bei came to Grandpa's tablet, picked up a wet handkerchief and carefully wiped the tablet clean.

While muttering something: "Grandpa, if there is any danger in my trip, you should give me some reaction."

"If you have a safe trip, do nothing."

After finishing speaking, Su Bei stared straight at the tablet.

After a while, the memorial tablet remained motionless.

Su Bei wasn't sure if it was because the tablet couldn't be moved at all, or because he didn't think it was risky for him to go out.

But the mood has calmed down a lot.

After finishing the psychological comfort, Su Bei opened the door and left the room.

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