Letting Su Bei play the leading role of a good guy is too much of a talent! .

Chapter 162 Setting up a winery, An Yingji who has been disliked

Under Xiahou's sharp sword, the innkeeper signed the transfer contract with tears in his eyes.

Su Bei cheerfully put away the contract.

He waved away the innkeeper: "Leave my inn right now."

With the help of the man, the innkeeper left in embarrassment.

Before leaving, he looked at the inn reluctantly.

The clerk asked in a low voice: "Shopkeeper, are we giving up the inn just like that?"

The innkeeper's eyes showed a gloomy look, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How is it possible, how could my family's ancestral property be taken away by two people from other counties."

"My cousin's cousin, that's the county magistrate's brother-in-law!"

"And the little concubine raised by the county magistrate master took a lot from me."

"Now that the inn has been taken away, how can that bitch come to me for food and money? Neither the county magistrate nor the master will let the scholar and swordsman go."

The innkeeper covered his swollen face like a pig's head, furious secretly.

I am going to repay the humiliation I received today.

The guys' eyes fluttered, and they planned to divide the things and go their separate ways.

Now I know that the shopkeeper has such a hard relationship.

Immediately extinguished the mind.

Xiahou looked at Su Bei eagerly.

"Xian...Brother, we have robbed Land Snake's inn, which may cause a lot of trouble."

"Is there any deep meaning in this move?"

Su Bei interrupted Xia Hou, and said solemnly: "Obviously the innkeeper owes me money, and the interest is repaid. The innkeeper is insolvent, so he deducted the inn from the inn to me!"

"The inn is very good, and there is nothing wrong with it. If this is the case, why would anyone make things difficult for us?"

Xiahou admired him very much.

Is this the fairy?

Black, too dark.

"And are you afraid?"

Su Bei asked, this unshaven man with more vicissitudes than Su Bei quickly denied: "Of course not, no matter who comes to trouble my brother, I will definitely stand in front of him."

"However, what exactly are we going to do with the inn? Are we really open for business?"

Su Bei showed a mysterious smile, got up and came to the inn, intending to remove the wooden plaque.

"It is indeed a business, but it is not an inn business."

"It's a lucrative business."

"I'm going to open a winery."

Tobacco and alcohol have always been a lucrative business.

Distilled wine from modern times, coupled with the professional skills of northern Jiangsu, will definitely have a major impact on these ancients.

Sometimes wealth is also a kind of power.

Su Bei looked in the direction of Lanruo Temple with deep eyes.

A person or a few people are naturally no match for ghosts.

If thousands of excellent soldiers are equipped with rockets and giant crossbows.

Coupled with capable people and strangers from all walks of life, can the tree demon grandma and the Montenegro old demon be piled up to death?

Su Bei thought it was very tricky.


Xia Hou couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Heart shaking.

Could it be the fine nectar that I drank before?

If this kind of wine can be produced, it will definitely be sold all over the country.

If it weren't for the impact of the war, it could even be sold overseas directly to Mobei and Nanyang.

The problem is that with such a big cake, even the emperor would be tempted.

Can you really hold on?

Thinking of Su Bei's status as an immortal, Xia Hou suddenly no longer doubted it.

No matter how powerful it is, can it surpass a fairy?

Just in northern Jiangsu, Xiahou is intensively preparing for the establishment of a winery.

The county magistrate, who was studying Dudou's style in his bedroom, listened to the master's report.

He said angrily, "A foreigner dares to forcibly usurp the ancestral inheritance of the locals."

"This is treating me, the great master of Qingtian, as nothing!"

"Come quickly, bring him to justice."

The master shouted: "My lord's name!"

But in my heart I was very disdainful.

You are angry because this foreigner has been here for so long and didn't give you any favors.

But the master also has his own difficulties, his delicate concubine's room is too boring.

The master is exhausted and can't listen to soft words.

I had no choice but to agree to my concubine's room to intercede for the innkeeper.

With the nature of the county magistrate, this matter is basically settled.

... 183 ...

In Lanruo Temple, not far from the mass graves, there is a dense old forest, where human faces grow on the trunks of thousands of years old locust trees, which become spirits.

Just looking at the many ferocious human heads interspersed on the branches, one can tell that it is an evil monster.

Grandma Dryad had a whim, and felt that something bad would happen.

The voice that was neither yin nor yang said to himself: "Recently, I always feel that something bad will happen. It seems that the matter of getting married with the old demon of Montenegro must be arranged as soon as possible."

"With the protection of the old Black Mountain demon, the catastrophe can be resolved."

As for the candidates for the marriage, the dryad's grandmother vaguely had an answer.

A female ghost, An Yingji, just arrived, not only did she not try to seduce men to suck up Yuanyang.

On the contrary, she ate so much that she was almost exhausted for a few miles around.

The dryad grandma couldn't afford it anymore.

And this An Yingji is really weird.

It happened to throw the hot potato to the old demon of Montenegro.

Without the control of her manager, An Yingji who was eating and drinking: "???"

I always feel like someone is scolding her.

Chapter 163 If ​​Ning Caichen doesn't save Qiannv, the dryad grandma will be beaten to death by Xiaoqian!

In the days when northern Jiangsu was busy buying wineries and opening wine shops.

Near Lanruo Temple, An Yingji couldn't stay any longer.

Five days passed, An Yingji let herself go in Lanruo Temple, occasionally scaring people, molesting female ghosts, having fun.

Ten days later, An Yingji showed her strength and became the leader of female ghosts.

The female ghosts were killed by the tree demon grandma, and they became ghosts after death and were manipulated.

He had long harbored resentment towards the dryad's grandmother, and secretly joined An Yingji's command.

20 days passed, and during this period, the dryad's grandmother kept urging An Yingji and the Montenegrin old demon to get married.

But An Yingji used various reasons to prevaricate them.

Due to An Yingji's weirdness and alienation from the female ghosts, the tree demon's grandmother did not dare to persecute her.

After 30 days, An Yingji completely dismissed the dryad's grandmother.

Except for two or three female ghosts, the rest of the female ghosts are all led by An Yingji.

Waiting for An Yingji's order, she is ready to turn against the water and kill the tree demon grandma at any time.

The dryad's grandmother shrank back, not daring to confront An Yingji openly, and An Yingji had a faint stance to replace the dryad's grandmother.

In the gazebo, An Yingji held the baby's plump snow-white skin, her beautiful eyes were lifeless.

Beside Yingying Yanyan, Yan thin ring fat female ghost handing melons and fruits, hammer leg massage.

He looks like the emperor of the world and his three thousand beauties in the harem.

The stunning appearance showed a dignified expression.

An Yingji was very sad.

If Su Bei didn't come again, she couldn't help but punch the tree demon grandma and kick the old Montenegro demon.

Become the new popular ghost king in Guobei County.

A Chinese Girl's World, time flies.

However, half an hour passed in the movie theater.

The Specter audience became more and more dumbfounded.

The development of the film's story line is getting more and more wrong.

Everyone came to watch the "lucky audience" being persecuted and sealed with ghost power in the movie.

However, An Yingji will not talk about it, her strength is too tyrannical, even the tree demon's grandmother can't suppress her.

As for Subei, it was even more outrageous.

He actually set up a winery and restaurant in Guobei County, turning the horror game into a business game.

You don't intend to save the heroine at all?

If Ning Caichen (Su Bei) doesn't save Qiannv, the dryad grandma will be beaten to death by Xiaoqian (An Yingji)!

It wasn't just the Specter audience who went crazy.

The blind date conference program group also collapsed.

They originally expected that Su Bei An Yingji would be a desperate mandarin duck in a thriller movie, and under the pressure of life and death and fear, they would collide with sparks of excitement.

Come on a blind date.

But here comes the question, why didn't Su Bei go to rescue An Yingji?

"Please, Su Bei, go to Lanruo Temple and save An Yingji." "

But speaking of it, does An Yingji really need to be saved?

Seeing An Yingji lying under the gazebo, she opened her mouth and lazily swallowed the grapes handed by the female ghost.

Don't mention how moist the little days are.

The explanation includes the host ghost with dry mouth, the director ghost lying on a stretcher with all hopeless thoughts, and other ghosts whose hair is about to fall out.

Unanimously, they showed suspicious ghost expressions.

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