In this turbid world, Guobei County is like a paradise.

Yan Chixia couldn't help being surprised.

"I've only been up the mountain for a few months, how did such a big change happen?"

"It's not that Master Su is here."

A passer-by casually replied proudly.

Before Yan Chixia could ask, he was attracted by the strong aroma of the wine.

"It smells so good, what kind of wine is this?"

Yan Chixia was fascinated, and ran into a roadside restaurant.

Yan Chixia, who hadn't had a drink for a long time, couldn't help swallowing when she smelled the strong aroma of wine in the restaurant.

He slapped the broken silver on the table, and said proudly: "Xiaoer, bring me two catties of wine!"

"Two catties of wine, have you finished drinking?"

Hearing that Yan Chixia wanted two catties of wine, Xiao Er hurriedly dissuaded her.

This wine is no better than before, two catties can drink a person to death!

Yan Chixia's copper bell eyes widened, and her ugly appearance became even more ferocious.

"Why can't I drink two catties of wine, go quickly."

"My lord, the wine in our Guobei County is no better than other places. Get drunk in three cups and pour it down in one pot."

Xiaoer wanted to persuade her, but Yan Chixia refused to listen.

So I had no choice but to set off to serve the wine, muttering in my mouth: "It's hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words."

The clear wine is packed in a ceramic wine cup, and the rich aroma of the wine is tangy.

There were fifteen wine cups, which filled the table to the brim.

Yan Chixia was shocked, he had never seen such fine wine.

And it's still in a small restaurant.

Everyone gathered around when they heard that a madman wanted to drink two catties of spirits at a time.

Stretch your neck to watch the fun or jokes.

The shopkeeper couldn't help but smiled and said: "My guest, if you can drink all the wine, we won't charge you a penny."

Yan Chixia hummed: "It's just two catties of wine, I've already drank five or six catties of wine."

"No matter how strong wine is, how strong can it be? Let me demonstrate it to you."

Drink the first cup of wine.

Yan Chixia's eyes widened, and she almost couldn't help but spit out.

This wine is too strong.

I couldn't help but retreat in my heart.

You shopkeeper has malicious intentions and bullied me, an honest man!

However, seeing that Yan Chixia had the intention of retreating, everyone turned on fire and ridiculed.

"It's just such a small amount of alcohol, what's the big talk!"

"Go home early and drink tea."

"The women who drink tea are all girls, and the good guys are all drinking and eating meat. Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian only drink tea."

Yan Chixia was put on the fire, and the words of giving up were stuck in her throat.

Riding a tiger is hard to get off. "1?''8:'3'!2;[-]

Sullenly, he continued to drink.

Two cups, three cups, four cups...

Even though Yan Chixia has a good capacity for alcohol, she couldn't help feeling dizzy after drinking so much suddenly.


Suddenly drunk on the table.

It's over, the pretense has failed.

Yan Chixia's last thought was that she was annoyed that her image of a master had been wiped out.

After being drunk for a long time, Yan Chixia finally woke up and heard the voice.

It's Xiaoer's conversation with other people.

"The money on this Taoist priest can't afford the drink bill at all."

"I also like to brag, drink so little, even better than my six-year-old nephew."

"Who doesn't know, people in Guobei County are famous for being able to drink!"

Yan Chixia was speechless, her face buried under her arms was hot and red.

"Fortunately, Master Su said today that he will pay for the drinks in the whole county and see off the strong men."

"There are at least a few thousand elite soldiers in armor. No matter how powerful the ghost of Lanruo Temple is, they can pull it out."

"Master Su is running a winery and wants to get rid of the ghosts of Lanruo Temple. He is really a kind person."

Hearing the discussion behind, Yan Chixia couldn't sit still.

With the power of a mortal, no amount of power can match a ghost.

Without weapons and mana, the living can't even hurt the ghosts.

This Master Su is confused!

Xiao Er was still bragging and farting with others, when a gust of wind blew by.

The Taoist at the table has disappeared.

"Hey, what about that Taoist priest, why did he suddenly disappear? Could it be a ghost!"

Just when Xiao Er was suspicious, the mighty armored warriors on the street walked across the street and went straight to the outside of the city.

The county people on the street lined the road to see off.

Two thousand armored men carried knives and hung bows. The armor was made of fine iron, powerful and strong.

The military is strict and orderly.

Carriages behind were dragging flammable kerosene, arrows and other supplies.

If it weren't for the troubled times at this time, he would have been punished for the crime of treason long ago.

Subei led on horseback, Xiahou and Shiye followed behind.

"Destroy Lanruo Temple and destroy the ghosts!"

The roars of the strong men were especially forceful.

Over the past few years, countless relatives and friends of local people died in Lanruo Temple.

While the locals are deeply afraid of the fierce ghosts of Lanruo Temple, hatred and anger inevitably arise in their hearts.

People's morale, equipment, food and supplies are all available.

The target of extermination is just a small Lanruo Temple.

However, the master immediately had a worried look on his face.

Not optimistic about this crusade.

The master lied that he was sick in bed and didn't want to come.

As a result, Su Bei gave an order, and Dui rushed into the master's house with a few strong men.

Kicked the concubine away with one kick, and moved the master and the whole bed out.

Master had no choice but to follow.

However, compared with ordinary people, officials like Shi Ye stand taller and know many secrets about this world.

For example, the terror of a ghost!

Li Gui can't be killed with human life.

Even an injury of this level, which would definitely kill a living person, was not a fatal injury to a ghost.

The master hesitated again and again, feeling the need to persuade: "Master Su, to tell you the truth, ghosts cannot be killed by ordinary means."

"In front of Li Gui, we are nothing but food."

Su Bei chuckled.

"But even the ghost you mentioned, I have killed, and more than one."

"Besides, how can you be sure that I'm human?"

Su Bei made a joke, but unexpectedly, the master's complexion paled instantly, and he was so frightened that he couldn't understand.

Almost fell off the horse.

I think you are not human!

He had seen Subei's demon-like appearance with his own eyes, so he thought it was an evil monk.

Why can't it be a ghost?

With the master worrying about gains and losses and vacillating in his mind, two thousand soldiers dispatched to the foot of the barren mountain where Lanruo Temple is located.

A sloppy-dressed stranger who looked as ugly as Zhong Kui suddenly appeared in front of Su Bei.

"You are what they call Master Su."

"You don't know the horror of the tree demon grandma, don't let these people ruin their lives in vain.".

Chapter 170 Complying with the wishes of women, the s-level skill blood marriage is launched,

Inside the Lanruo Temple.

An Yingji is also facing a crisis.

Dark clouds covered the sky, sand and stones flew wildly, and day turned into night.


The sound of dense footsteps came, and thousands of Yin soldiers came out of the black mist~. In the center, paper figurines carried a big black sedan chair.

He greeted An Yingji with a smile.

The curtain of the big sedan was blown away by the wind, revealing a dark rock in the sedan.

The rock exudes a strange aura, as if it were a living thing.

"Miss, I'm here to pick you up to get married."

There was a sound as rough as rocks rubbing against each other.

The second ghost, the Black Mountain Old Demon, appeared.

I saw a mass of dark soldiers with no end in sight.

All the female ghosts in Lanruo Temple changed their faces.

No matter how weak the Yin soldiers are, tens of thousands and many ants can kill elephants.

The dryad's grandma appeared next to the black sedan at some unknown time.

The appearance is not male or female, recognize "accurate:": if? Water!:, first: hair?, ''. White!. whoring;! party.,, don't: disturb the makeup with white pink and red lips.

Very weird and spicy.

It raised its eyebrows at this moment, and said to An Yingji very tremblingly: "You little devil, you are still too young."

"What's the use of recruiting these sluts? It's not as good as my tyrannical ally."

"Jie Jie, I will peel your skin and cramps later, and pollute your ashes with dirty feces, so that you will never be reborn."

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