"Can you give us a show too?"

Yan Chixia's head was full of black lines.

"Hmph, that's a trick of charlatans to deceive people. Don't confuse me."

Du Hu scratched his head, not understanding why Yan Chixia was angry.

"Isn't it just to perform a spell, why are you so stingy?"

The black mountain old demon died so badly that he couldn't die anymore, his body was smashed to pieces, leaving only a stone.

An Yingji walked to Su Bei's side, her attitude was much closer than before.

Facing Su Bei, she said in a pretty voice: "The tree demon grandma is not dead yet, its roots are still in the ground."

"In time, as long as it grows into an old forest again, Grandma the Dryad will be able to revive from the ashes."

An Yingji's eyes were fixed on the ground, as if she could see the vitality of the ground through the soil.

Su Bei rubbed his chin and came up with a good idea: "When a piece of the forest grows, cut it down. Let it be formed if it doesn't take shape."

"Drag it back and use it as firewood. Isn't this renewable energy?"

An Yingji was silent.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

As long as the old tree is not grown, cut off one by one.

You can also take it back and use it as firewood.

Wonderful! .

In the original play, the tree demon's grandmother was killed, and the Montenegro old demon just injured her incarnation, and Xiaoqian was reincarnated.

But now the ending has changed.

Su Bei looked at the system interface, and the plot collapse rate rose rapidly.

Finally, it rose to 100%, and the system prompt sounded.

[Current plot collapse rate: 100%.]

【Ding!Complete the class quest "Movie Breaker". 】

[Movie Destroyer: A Chinese Story of A Chinese Story was transformed from a horror movie into a Long Aotian refreshing white movie, making it difficult for ghostly audiences to see it as lively.When the plot collapse rate reaches [-]%, sub-jobs are rewarded. 】

Su Bei continued to look down, impatient to see what kind of sub-profession it was.

A sense of anticipation rose in my heart.

【Ding!You get the hidden sub-professional Wine Sword Immortal (v0/v20)]


[Sword Ghost Curse (v0/v5): Can temporarily transform into a sword ghost, lasting for 1 minute, the current sword ghost is a d-level ghost. 】

[Sword Control Art (v0/v15): Take out the bones of the body and make a consumable flying sword, which can be used to control the flying sword made of bone. 】

Su Bei took a quick look at it, and there were a total of twenty levels, that is, forty skill points.

The first skill [Jiuxin Sword Bone] can improve the ability to comprehend swordsmanship, there is nothing to explain.

The second skill [Sword Ghost Curse] can turn people into sword ghosts, and for a short time into fierce ghosts, and their strength expands.

The last skill [Royal Sword Jue] can make bones into sword-like tricks, and make flying swords out of bones.

A very typical combat career.

Although strong is strong, the pain is really painful.

Especially the last skill, through self-mutilation in exchange for damage.

Su Bei is silent, is the profession of horror games such a hell?Or is it just me?

Shift the focus to the loot in your hand.

The stone is also a prop.

[Yin Mountain Rock (level): A part of the body of Yin Shan, a ghost, was chopped off by a strange existence. After a thousand years, it turned into spiritual wisdom and turned into an old black mountain demon.Until he was killed and left behind this piece of spirit. 】

Su Bei was terrified, the Black Mountain old demon seemed to have a lot of background.

And ghosts and ghosts?

Can a mountain also be a ghost?

Then who hurt him, and there are conflicts between ghosts and gods?

There is too little information revealed in the props, and Su Bei can't analyze any reason.

What was most disturbing was that he wasn't sure what the tool was for. 190 However, Su Bei's abdomen stirred, and he looked puzzled.

The golden centipede seemed to respond.

Afterwards, the golden-backed centipede got out and climbed along Su Bei's arm to the Yinshan rock (level a).

Wielding his fangs, he wanted to swallow the rock in one gulp.

Su Bei picked up the golden-backed centipede Fate's neck.

With curious eyes, this is the first time that the golden centipede has come out without being mortally threatened.

"you want?"

Su Bei tentatively asked questions.

The golden centipede nodded, the iron pincers moved, and the poison gland secreted venom.

"Then what can you bring me?"

Golden centipede: "???"

"This is an A-level prop, should you compensate me with something?"

"Don't always think about what you can get from me, but think about what you can bring to me."

Su Bei tried to squeeze a few ounces of oil and water from the golden centipede in a persuasive manner.

The golden centipede's fangs were drooping, and his mood was sluggish.

Not long after I was born, I met such a master who had plucked the wild goose.

The golden centipede was very sad.

Su Bei laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't have one now, come and sign this contract."

"Repay slowly later."

Pushing the rocks to the golden centipede, the surrounding scene gradually blurred.

Su Bei looked at An Yingji, who was also excluded from the horror movie.

He saw An Yingji's red lips move silently, and Su Bei's lips imitated An Yingji's movements.

That sentence was "Run, your identity has been found!".

Chapter 168 The Secret of Tempting Female Ghosts, Subei's Excellence

In the real world, Su Bei's performance caused a thousand waves with one stone.

So far, Su Bei has summoned a total of three ghosts.

Among them, the SS-level ghost bride killed Shi Jian with one blow.

That is, both experts and ordinary audiences felt that this was the limit of North Jiangsu.

Because newcomers have only entered the game for a short period of time and can experience up to ten dungeons, the chances of being able to contract a ghost are few.

The contract conditions for summoning skills are harsh, and there are often quota restrictions.

It is very difficult to come across a ghost with the right strength, and a ghost with the right strength is not necessarily willing to make a contract, and a ghost who makes a contract is likely to betray the water.

Therefore, players will always be cautious and choose the right contract object.

In the early stage, summoning skills are not easy to form.

It is often regarded as tasteless, even among experienced players, it is also an unpopular development route.

In the rookie competition in history, it has become a practice to summon a ghost at most once.

Everyone thought that Su Bei would be no exception, and Su Bei's later performance also verified this guess.

Except in the promotion match, Su Bei never used this skill again.

Just when the audience felt that until the end of the rookie competition, Su Bei would no longer use the blood-born ghost marriage skills.

Su Bei swung his knife again and slashed at him, the word "囍" dropped from the sky, and the suona, drums and music blared together.

As the two coffins floated from the blood river, everyone was severely slapped in the face.

Su Bei first summoned Baisang, the ghost king, to make half of Black Mountain Old Demon's Yin soldiers rebel.

Then he summoned Mrs. Ghost, touched it with his hands, and turned the Black Mountain into a ball of meat, instantly killing the ghost.

The two ghosts are powerful, and they are most likely ghosts of S rank or above!

Many old players are jealous, even though they have entered dozens or hundreds of dungeons, many of them have never contracted a super ghost.

And Su Bei, a newcomer, was so lucky.

Contracted a whole three ghosts.

The live broadcast room was shot and confirmed; quasi, 'if?

"Su Bei's skills are definitely the scariest summoning skills in history."

"To be able to summon so many ghosts, the contract conditions must be easy, and there are many contracts."

"If you ask me, it must be an S-level skill."

"You said that Su Bei summoned all female ghosts. Is there something extraordinary about it?"

"You can't be shivering, 10 points will be deducted from Qinghuai City!"

Except in the live broadcast room, Su Bei's performance caused a lot of waves.

In the player forum, it also caused a huge sensation.

The strength ranking list of rookie players.

Subei's ranking soared.

Directly surpass Wen Hanyi, Bone Horse Knight Arthur, and Little Demon God Torre, and reach the top!

No one knew whether Su Bei could summon another S-level ghost.

In front of a ghost of this strength, the other players didn't even have the strength to fight back!

The strength shown by Subei is completely crushing.

The General Directorate of the Abnormality Management Bureau convenes an emergency meeting. The reason for the meeting is often to deal with a national crisis or to formulate rules.

And this time, for the first time, a meeting was held solely for a new player!

An unprecedented first time in the history of the Abnormal Bureau!

There is only one theme of the meeting, Su Bei has great potential, and he must not be allowed to die in the rookie competition.

If necessary, it is recommended that North Jiangsu abstain from the rookie competition to prioritize life.

In their eyes, Su Bei's existence is higher than winning the rookie king!

Later, in the off-site phone calls of all Dragon Kingdom players, they received a "suggestion" at the same time.

Be sure to ensure the survival of Subei!

Advise Su Bei to give up the game if necessary.

Not only Dragon Kingdom, but the name Subei has become popular all over the world.

The audience in Sakura Country and Pretty Country were astonished, and the strength of Subei was too terrifying.

In an emergency, Su Bei could even unleash the power of multiple levels of ghosts.

Among the newcomers, it is comparable to Tyrannosaurus rex rushing into the chicken coop.

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