Jiu Tun wanted to stop him, but he saw the sinister and malicious eyes of the porcelain people.

Immediately died down.

It's not that he is cowardly, but there are too many people.

Shuten cast a sympathetic look at Kotaro.

Just think of Tiger Taro silently in your heart, you can go at ease, we will remember your sacrifice.

Kotaro was desperate, but not completely desperate.

"It's not unacceptable if the bride is a beautiful female ghost."

The porcelain man chuckled, and pointed his finger at an evil figure: "What are you thinking, you are the bride! The groom is there."

Tights, muscular, bulky.

It was the ghost who touched his ass before.

Li Gui felt Tiger Taro's gaze.

Throwing a kiss at him, while smiling evilly.

"Are you my bride?"

Kotaro pushed the porcelain figure away, terrified and trying to escape.

"The bride is a little disobedient."

The porcelain figurine just held down Kotaro's hand, and Kotaro stopped moving, turning into a puppet for others to manipulate.

Immediately, the porcelain people put on a red wedding dress and put on heavy makeup.

Finally put on a red hijab and stand with the groom.

"Worship to the God of Joy."

"Second worship to the bones."

"Husband and wife worship."

"Send directly to the bridal chamber!"

Subei spoke extremely fast, omitting the previous link.

Just rush to send people into the bridal chamber.

His face was filled with pride and heartfelt joy.

"Hehe, we have gathered together another pair of lovers."

"Do good every day, I'm such a good person."

Tiger Taro didn't think so, if he could neither move nor speak.

He insisted on fighting Su Bei desperately.

But now Tiger Taro can only weep silently, being dragged into the bridal chamber by the ghost.

Not long after, there was a shrill cry from the bridal chamber.


The four of Jiu Tun were sitting on pins and needles, thinking that it wasn't him who went in.

He held back another breath of relief.

"Only the four of us know about today's events. If anyone speaks out to tarnish Tiger Taro's reputation, I will kill him."

Jiu Tun said with a murderous aura.

A player suddenly said: "But the rookie competition will be broadcast live, even if we don't say it, Kotaro's reputation will not be preserved."

Jiu Tun: "..."

What is more terrifying than social death is social death in front of the whole world.

With a heart as tough as a drink, he couldn't help but sympathize with Kotaro.

"It doesn't matter, we finally got the secret of the ghost marriage scene in northern Jiangsu, as long as we copy the ghost marriage scene back."

"Victory still belongs to us, and Tiger Taro's sacrifice is also valuable."

In reality, Kotaro's emoticons became popular on the Internet again.

"Don't come here!"

"The bride is myself?"

"Tears flow down silently"

Kotaro, wearing a red wedding dress, seems to have replaced the Pandaren and Minions, and has become a legend in the world of ghosts and animals.

The mentality of netizens in Sakura Country exploded again.

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom are too unqualified to make fun of a brave warrior who bears the burden of humiliation."

"Hehe, wait for our players to bring back the information, and the people of Long Kingdom will cry."

"Kataro, your sacrifice is worthwhile!"

In this regard, Longguo netizens silently sent out Kotaro's ghostly expression, which directly broke the defense of Sakura Country netizens.

Chapter 100 Rubbing Ghost Lolita's face in public and scolding the boss for being sick

Not long after, Kotaro crawled out of the bridal chamber with tears in his eyes.

Behind him, the macho Li Gui walked out cheerfully holding his trouser belt.

Seeing the slight increase in the fear value on the system, Su Bei frowned slightly.

"The increase in fear value this time is too little, it seems that I still have to work hard."

Su Bei sipped the tea and cleared his mouth.

Then the annoying suona was played again.

The porcelain people covered their ears in pain.

I've blown this thing a dozen times, and the pitch is never on time, it's just torture.

But he had to raise his voice to cooperate with Su Bei: "The bride and groom have been chosen."

The ghosts in the banquet never tire of it.

They all shouted excitement.

We can be regarded as witnessing the wedding with Xishen.

The players of Sakura Country sneaked away with the injured Kotaro.

When she returned to the second area on the ground, Junko saw that Kotaro's face was ashen and pale, and she exclaimed, "What kind of injury is Kotaro, it looks serious."

Kotaro didn't respond.

The four of Jiu Tun grinned in unison, with strange expressions on their faces.

"Kataro's physical injury is not serious, what he suffered was psychological injury."

Junko looked confused, and wanted to ask again but was interrupted by Shuten waving.

"Kataro's sacrifice is not worthless. We have already discovered the mystery of the dark marriage scene in northern Jiangsu."

Junko and the others' eyes lit up, and they pricked up their ears.

"The dark marriage scene of the people of Longguo imitated the summoning ceremony of the God of Joy, which is why they have strange powers. We have recorded every arrangement of the scene."

"As long as we imitate the ghost marriage in northern Jiangsu, coupled with our geographical advantage close to the entrance, we will definitely be able to overtake the people of Longguo."

Shuten made a generous statement.

"I am a native of the country of Cherry Blossoms. I copied the Dragon Kingdom in the past, and copied the West in modern times. Only in this way can I always stand among the nations of the world."

"Now we will also use the method of our ancestors to defeat players from the Dragon Kingdom. This rookie competition must be an opportunity for us to rise again."

The crowd burst into tears and applauded again and again.

Even the Japanese in front of the screen got excited, and even organized a group to go to the Longguo website to mock.

"Little Su Bei, it's just luck, how can he beat our players from Sakura Country?"

"Although Su Bei discovered the trick of the house of horrors, in the end it is the sword demon Jiu Tun who will carry it forward."

"Haha, the people of Long Kingdom are dumbfounded."

Naturally, the people of Longguo were not to be outdone, and spontaneously launched a counterattack on the Internet.

However, regarding Jiu Tun's plagiarism, he was both helpless and impatient.

Can't wait to enter the game to remind Su Bei.

However, some people were not surprised, and even felt that it was natural for Jiangsu North to lose in the knockout round.

"Su Bei is too careless, but after all, the number of games is too small, and he is not as experienced as Shuten."

"I didn't think that Subei could win from the beginning. Can the No.1 newcomer player of Sakura Country lose to this little-known guy, Subei?"

"Hehe, isn't it an exaggeration on the Internet? I think I'm a lucky guy who blows Su Bei too much."

"At that time, it will still depend on Wen Hanyi and Zhao Yizi. They are the hope of our Dragon Kingdom."

Even in the traditional media of the two countries, experts and professors were organized to discuss whether the practice of Jiu Tun several people is fair competition or malicious plagiarism.

Of course, the people of Sakura Country will never admit it.

Just when the scolding war is raging on the Internet.

The players of Sakura Kingdom are non-stop, summoning zombie workers.

Anyway, there are no tourists, so I simply renovate the scene that completely imitates the players of Dragon Kingdom.

The leading zombie picked out his nostrils and spread his palms: "45 ghost coins, nine of you for nine scenes, and 5 ghost coins for each scene."

A player couldn't help exclaiming: "Are you robbing? Wasn't it free before?"

Jiu Tun also pursed his lips and frowned, 5 Ming coins were not too much for him.

But he can't stand people taking him for a fool and stealing money from him.

The leading zombie shook his head and sneered: "It was free at first, but now it needs to be refurbished. We brothers work for you for nothing? Naturally, we have to charge money."

Junko warned: "If you want to collect money indiscriminately, we will tell the owner of the horror house."

Hearing this, the zombies laughed in unison.

The players looked at each other, what's so funny about this?

"The boss's [-]% of the money you give, and ours [-]%. The five ghost coins are the price set by the boss."

"If you have the ability, you go to find her."

Player: "..."

Thinking of Ghost Lolita's character of plucking hair, the players believed it almost instantly.

"The low-level exploiters earn money from customers, and the high-level exploiters want to earn money from both customers and employees."

The leader zombie muttered to himself, this is the lesson they learned with blood and tears.

The players in Sakura Country discussed for a while, and finally paid the money while pinching their noses.

Zombie workers get paid and work very quickly.

But it was already night when it was fixed.

Jiu Tun nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the scenes that were reproduced one-to-one with the ghost marriage, the tricky hospital, and the amusement park.

"These ghosts have no vision, so I can only imitate the scene in northern Jiangsu, but tomorrow the number of tourists in our scene will definitely exceed that of Dragon Kingdom players."

The rest of the Sakura Country players were also excited, and they were very convinced by Shuten.

Sure enough, being recognized as the No. [-] newcomer in the Sakura Country is not just due to his physical strength.

Intelligence is also excellent.

At the end of the day, the players come to the door of the house of horrors.

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