Ying Ziyu used the "Magic Skill White Wall" to affect the area where Guimu and Ji Qiao were.

In the magical white wall, Ji Qiao's body was instantly broken, and then turned into a ball of blood.

In the blink of an eye, the blood evaporated completely.

As one of the six great gods, Guimu lasted longer than Ji Qiao in the white wall.

But only so long.

His skeletal veins were snapping here and there, and his body was crumbling, shattering.

In the blink of an eye, Guimu's body was torn apart and completely dismembered.

First it turned into bloody water, and finally, it completely evaporated.

When Ying Ziyu put away the magical white wall, Guimu and Ji Qiao had completely disappeared.

It was as if they had never been here before.

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The ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were short of breath and very excited.

Too... too strong!

The Second Emperor of Great Qin is really too strong!

They were very excited and inspired by the great strength of the second emperor.

"I announce that Daqin and Dazhou have officially declared war!"

"In a few days, Da Qin will lead an army to attack Da Zhou!"

Ying Ziyu said loudly.

"I am willing to lead the Daqin army to crusade against Dazhou."

"I am willing to lead the army to attack Da Zhou."

0 .......... 0

"I beg your orders, lead the army, and crusade against the Great Zhou!"

All of a sudden, Wang Jian, Han Xin, Meng Wu, Meng Tian... all the generals spoke one after another and volunteered.

"it is good!"

"Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a short time!"

"Wang Jian, you lead one hundred thousand troops!"

"Han Xin, you lead one hundred thousand soldiers!"

"Meng Wu, you lead one hundred thousand troops!"

"Meng Tian, ​​you lead one hundred thousand troops!"

"Go out in three days and crusade against Da Zhou!"

Ying Ziyu said loudly.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was no better than the countries it had conquered before.

First, the Great Zhou Dynasty was very powerful.

The second is that the Great Zhou Dynasty was protected by heaven.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was the agent of heaven in the world.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It is basically unrealistic to destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty with only three thousand snow dragon riders as before.

The strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty was no weaker than that of the Great Qin Empire.

"As ordered!"

All the generals responded in unison.

Chapter 260 The Seventh Army Departs!

three days later.

An army of 40 gathered outside Xianyang City.

Wang Jian, Han Xin, Meng Wu, and Meng Tian each led [-] troops.

The 40 troops were not the entire strength of the Qin army.

Today, Xianyang City is already the largest and most magnificent city in the multiverse.

Xianyang City has undergone several expansions, and its scale is so large that it looks like the past and the present.

Xianyang City is more magnificent and vast than Chang'an City in Tang Dynasty, Lin'an City in Southern Song Dynasty, Shuntian Mansion in Ming Dynasty, Xueyue City in Beili, Wushuang City in "[-]", and Tianqi City.

Just around Xianyang City, there are millions of soldiers stationed.

Coupled with the troops from all over the Great Qin, the Great Qin Empire now has an army of three to four million.

These 40 troops accounted for only a small part of the Qin army.

40 troops, all cavalry.

The most important thing to limit the cavalry is the horse.

In the past, Daqin had few war horses, so Daqin also had few cavalry.

but now……

There are more than a dozen vassal states, which continuously send war horses to the Great Qin Empire. The Great Qin Empire has so many war horses that it can't run out.

Therefore, the Great Qin Empire now has more than one million cavalry.

For expeditionary combat, cavalry has a natural advantage over infantry.

The marching speed of the infantry is slow, and they are already very tired just by walking, and they will be exhausted when fighting in a long-distance battle.

The cavalry marches fast and has high mobility, and the cavalry charge is incomparable to infantry.

Moreover, cavalry can also be turned into infantry at any time to participate in battles.

Therefore, in this crusade against Da Zhou, all the 40 troops were cavalry.

The biggest problem encountered when the army went out was the problem of food, grass and logistical supplies.

40 troops, the food and grass they need every day is terrifying.

How to transport grain and grass, and the supply of grain and grass are all problems.

But for this problem, it is also very easy to solve.

Ying Ziyu gave each of Wang Jian, Han Xin, Meng Wu, and Meng Tian three space rings.

The first space ring contains the food needed by the army.

The second space ring contains the forage needed by the war horses.

The third space ring contains military supplies such as tents, pots and pans.

In this way, the problem of food and grass for the 40 troops was easily solved.

In addition to the 40 troops.

The three thousand snow dragon riders were also dispatched.

The world of Wu Gengji is a world with a higher level than the world of Daqin.

The resources of the Wu Geng world are much richer than those of the Great Qin world.

This time, Ying Ziyu led the army not only to crusade against the Great Zhou Dynasty, but also to plunder the resources of that world. …

This time.

Ying Ziyu, Yan Lingji, Shao Siming, Da Siming, Xiao Meng, Bai Feng, Li Hanyi, Yan Fei, Jing Xi, Ying Yan, Ying Yue and others all went to the world of Wu Gengji.

Ying Ziyu originally didn't want Concubine Yan, Jing Xi, Ying Yan and Ying Yue to go to the world of Wu Gengji.

After all, the world of Wu Gengji is very dangerous, and it is always an old monster who has lived for 10 years.

If they go, they may encounter danger.

However, Ying Yan and Ying Yue insisted on going together, and in the end, Ying Ziyu agreed to go with Ying Yan and Ying Yue.

Concubine Yan was worried about Yingyue's safety, and Jingxi was worried about Yingyue's safety, so Concubine Yan and Jingxi also followed.

When they went to conquer the Great Zhou, the Great Qin Empire still needed someone to guard it. It would be bad if the Great Qin Empire was stolen in 3.4.

Wu Zetian sits in Xianyang City, and Zi Nu, Xue Nu, Duan Murong, Wu Shuang Gui and others are responsible for guarding the safety of Xianyang City.

In addition, there are four auspicious beasts, Qinglong, Huoqilin, Phoenix, and Dragon Tortoise, guarding the Valkyrie Hall.

Moreover, Ying Ziyu can sense the safety of Xianyang City. Once Xianyang City is in danger, he can rush back from the Wu Gengji World as soon as possible.

Chapter 260 The Eighth Bing Arrives at the Capital of Ho!The world was shocked!

Ying Ziyu took out an advanced flying boat and threw it into the air.

The flying boat instantly became bigger.

That flying boat was as huge as a hill.

Floating in the air, like a castle in the sky.

Ying Ziyu, Concubine Yan, Shocked Salamander, Yan Lingji, Shao Siming, Ying Yan, Ying Yue, Xiao Meng, Li Hanyi, Bai Feng...

These people all boarded the airship.

"set off!"

The flying boat was flying slowly in the sky, and 40 Qin cavalry soldiers were running fast under the flying boat.

This is how Daqin's first mighty foreign war began.


The army came to the connecting channel between Daqin and Dazhou.

The flying boat that Ying Ziyu was on, and 40 troops entered the world of Wu Gengji.

The capital of Great Zhou was Haojing.

The flying boat that Ying Ziyu was on, and the 40 army 08 led by Wang Jian and Han Xin, attacked the city and pulled out the stronghold all the way, like a broken bamboo.

Less than half a day.

An army of 40 came to the city of Haojing.

Wang Jian, Han Xin, Meng Wu, and Meng Tian each led an army of [-], and surrounded the four directions of the south gate, north gate, east gate, and west gate of Haojing.

The South Gate is the main entrance of Haojing.

Therefore, the flying boat that Ying Ziyu was on stayed in the sky above the south gate.

Ying Ziyu, Yan Lingji, Ying Yan, Ying Yue and others stood on the deck of the flying boat, looking at the city below from a distance.

Although the scale of Haojing is not as grand as Xianyang City, Haojing is also a very vast city.

When Haojing was besieged, the world was shocked.

Ever since King Wu of Zhou, Ji Fa, with the help of the gods, destroyed the Shang Dynasty and ended the rule of the Shang Dynasty...

Zhou Wuwang Ji Fa claimed to be the Son of Heaven and became the co-lord of the world, and the Great Zhou Dynasty became the ruler of the world.

In the past few decades, the Great Zhou Dynasty has been very stable, and none of the princes dared to resist the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

For one thing, the Great Zhou Dynasty was backed by the Protoss, and if they wanted to resist the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it was tantamount to making an enemy of the entire Protoss.

Secondly, the strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty is very strong, and no vassal state is enough to compete with the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

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