Li Ming's strength and the fact that he can connect with Gu Yi are not bad things.

The key point is how they can maintain the cooperative relationship between the two parties so that the two parties can continue to live in the honeymoon period.

And this undoubtedly made Nick Fury have a more cautious attitude towards Li Ming who suddenly returned to New York.

As a result, he was still thinking on this side, and before he could leave, Li Ming made some noise on the other side.


Chapter 190 VII Mental Ups and Downs

"Sir, the latest information from Sunlight Lee!"

Agent Hill knocks on the door and enters, reporting to Nick Fury.

"Didn't he just come home to New York? What's going on?"

Nick Fury frowned slightly: "Say it!"

"Just a few minutes ago, Sunlight Lee, in his [Courage Ripple Armed Form], rode a locomotive that was probably modified by himself, and suddenly appeared on the coastal road out of thin air, and then jumped into the sea with his people and the car. Riding on the sea, the speed..."

"Wait! You said that he appeared on the coastal road out of thin air and rode a motorcycle on the sea? But he just appeared at his home in Chinatown!"

Nick Fury repeated it, looking exactly like you were kidding me.

"That's right!"

In the face of the chief's questioning, Agent Hill still maintained a business-like attitude.

She operated a few times on the big screen in the office and retrieved some video data.

It was Li Ming flying out of the portal, and the surveillance video of him jumping into the sea and galloping on the sea.

"According to the surveillance images taken along the road, he rode a motorcycle directly to the coastal road from the other end with a 'portal' made of orange-gold sparks."

"Furthermore, his locomotive actually floated on the surface of the sea. Instead of sinking, it maintained a high speed not lower than the ground!"

"All right……"

Nick Fury rubbed his face with his hand: "He and his grandfather also suddenly appeared in their house out of thin air..."

"The 'portal gate' Coulson and Barton also mentioned it to me. Now it seems that he can use that ability without restriction, and the longest effective distance is unknown. The previous information needs to be updated again!"

Looking at the video data on the screen, Nick Fury looked dignified.

Only Coulson and Barton had personally experienced Li Ming's portal before. Although it was included in the information, there was still no clear judgment.

Now it's all right, I went home directly again, and went to the beach to go racing again.

With multiple demonstrations, it can basically be judged that this teleportation ability has no obvious restrictions on Li Ming, but its limit distance is temporarily unknown.

After adding a teleportation skill that can be used at will, and that special motorcycle.

Compared with before, Li Ming's mobility can be said to have been greatly improved.

Originally, S.H.I.E.L.D. also tried to formulate some special coping tactics in case of emergency.

Looking at it now, those tactics are completely a joke in front of Li Ming who can open a portal to lead people away at any time!

For a while, Nick Fury couldn't help but feel a headache looking at the video data on the screen.

"You go out first, let the relevant departments not act rashly, just keep watching."

He ordered solemnly.

"Yes, sir!"

Agent Hill nodded, turned and exited the office.

Watching her close the door and leave, Nick Fury thought about it and took out his phone.

According to the information just now, Li Jian sent a mobile phone and a replacement phone card among the things he sent.

At this time, Li Ming should have resumed communication.

Since he had just returned to New York, he wanted to go out for a fast car, and he didn't do anything that endangered others.

Then maybe the crazy influence that Coulson and the others mentioned on Li Ming had disappeared.

Or it has no effect if you don't use it.

This situation is unknown for the time being, but it is not too late for him to make a phone call first to test it out.

Skillfully dug out the address book, found Li Ming, and dialed the number.



Indicates that the line is busy and the call is not connected.

Looking at the phone, Nick Fury fell silent.

He hadn't encountered such a mentality thing for a long time.

Or, since that hammer fell over New Mexico.

Nick Fury's mentality has never calmed down!

Sighing, the director had no choice but to dial again.


"Didn't I say that, I didn't know things would turn out like that!"

"Next time there is such a dangerous situation, I will definitely call you!"

"No problem! My grandpa has ordered food at the hotel. If you haven't eaten yet, you can come to my house to talk now... It just so happens that I have something to tell you."

Faced with the first call from classmate Peter Parker, he complained to himself.

Li Mingdan explained in pain for a long time, and finally he was perfunctory... Cough, he calmed down.

To be honest, Li Ming originally thought of taking Peter with him when he went to New Mexico this time.

He has great confidence in Peter's fighting power.

After all, Marvel's own son, there is no need to explain too much.

But after careful consideration, he gave up the idea.

After all, all the enemies involved in New Mexico were from the mysterious side, and it didn't make much sense to take Peter there, so he didn't mention it.

As it turns out, that's just as well as not taking Peter.

Otherwise, in the last Witch Heart Demon's posture, two evil spirit knights must launch double Eyes of Judgment at the same time to solve it.

There is really no difference between one more combat power and one less combat power!

To be honest, among all the people present that day, except for the Witch Heart Demon who opened up the Demon Realm and was able to fight, in fact, no one is as powerful as Sol who has regained his own divine power!

If it wasn't for the fact that the Witch Heart Demon had almost achieved immortality at that time, under Mjolnir's divine power, his little strength would have been blown away long ago!

This kind of enemy mainly highlights one disgusting thing!

You are stronger than him, if you don't crush him, you can't solve him. In that situation, you can only use specific means to achieve a one-hit kill.

Of course, if you have the level of strength of Gu Yi and Odin, it's a different story.

From this point of view, Li Ming didn't bring Peter there, which saved him from being beaten for no reason.

This is for his own good, isn't it!

It's a pity that this kid didn't seem to understand Li Ming's painstaking efforts at all!


After chatting with Peter, I hung up the phone, and Li Ming's drive here was almost enjoyable.

After a lap, he was familiar with the characteristics of [Jueying], and felt that this locomotive still had a lot of potential to be discovered.

I was so satisfied that I couldn't be more satisfied!

The mood is happy, and after physical exertion, the hunger in the stomach is getting stronger, and I am about to open a portal to go home for dinner.

Then, a phone call came in again.

"Which one?" Li Ming asked casually.

"It's me, Nick Fury."

A deep voice sounded, and Li Ming laughed as soon as he heard it: "Oh, so it's Director Fury. I just returned to New York. Can you help me?"

"Cough... There are indeed some things that I need to talk to you about, such as the battle at Saint Van Gonzal that day, and that supreme mage Gu Yi..."

Although Nick Fury's voice hasn't changed much, it's always the same deep voice.

But Li Ming could clearly hear a bit of caution and temptation, and his heart suddenly moved.

[Armed Vengeance Evil Spirit] made him go crazy and caused a lot of damage.

But it also allowed him to show unprecedented combat power, achieving many effects that were never imagined before.

From this point of view, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise?

Sensing the change in the other party's attitude, Li Ming smiled, and suddenly said: "Director Fury, you have found out about my return to New York so quickly, did someone send someone to monitor my house and our company day and night?"

Chapter 190 Eight Attitude Changes

"...You found out about my return to New York so quickly, did someone send someone to monitor my house and our company day and night?"

When Li Ming said this, he said it lightly, like a casual joke between friends.

However, when it fell into Nick Fury's ears, he didn't dare to take it easy.

A heart gradually lifted up.

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. is not malicious, it's just to get the news of your return as soon as possible!"

Nick Fury emphasized first, and then explained in a deep voice: "Since you and Johnny Blazer were taken away by the Supreme Mage Guyi a few days ago, there has been no news of you... You have resisted the devil Invading heroes and S.H.I.E.L.D. special advisors, we should be concerned about your safety!"

"If you feel this offends the privacy of you and your family, I can remove people at any time!"

With these few explanations, Nick Fury thinks that his posture has been lowered very low.

Under normal circumstances, S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to know your real-time information, so sending field agents to keep an eye on it is not a big deal at all!

Even in Nick Fury's own opinion, as an individual with great power, you are an unstable existence in this society.

If it cannot be effectively supervised, there will be a security risk. If the threat is too great, some compulsory measures will even be taken!

This kind of operation has long been accustomed to them, and they consider it a necessary means to maintain world order.

Now Li Ming suddenly appears as a high-risk existence that relies on their conventional means of force, and it is difficult to effectively restrain him. The effect of their so-called means is weakened.

He couldn't help being careless.

After all, it's one thing for him to be able to summon Captain Marvel.

But that was his last resort in the face of a great crisis.

Facing Saul's problem before, he only changed his mind a little bit.

As for the Witch Heart Demon doing things in San Van Gangsa, he didn't even understand the situation, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​using it.

In this way, the level of crisis before has never called Captain Marvel, and now it is even more impossible!

The situation has not reached that point yet!

Moreover, if Li Ming can be stabilized.

Judging from his growth rate, given time, maybe he will be the second Captain Marvel who can cross the universe with his physical body?

Considering this aspect, for his own goal of protecting order, Nick Fury naturally doesn't mind lowering some superficial posture to befriend Li Ming.

"I'm just asking casually. Since Director Fury said so, let them withdraw... After all, I don't want to have someone staring outside the house when I eat and sleep!"

Li Ming said with a smile, but his meaning couldn't be more clear.

Nick Fury nodded immediately when he heard it: "No problem, from now on there will be no more agents on duty in your fixed activity area!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately asked: "Then when will you be free? You were the only one who experienced the whole incident when you were in New Mexico. We need to chat!"

"Talk about..."

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