Peter couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

"Of course, the better the Gospel Technology develops, the higher your income will be!"

Li Ming, who was casually talking about the classic quotations of the boss's painting cake, suddenly realized that the two of them were chatting happily, but there seemed to be a person in the back seat who hadn't spoken for a long time.

He looked in the rearview mirror at Steve Rogers in the back seat.

I saw him sitting upright, mouth pursed, looking out of the window in a daze, with a tense and expectant expression, and a little bit at a loss.

Immediately, Li Ming couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "Rodgers, although I don't quite understand your mood, it's a joy to see old friends. It's not good to be so serious!"

At this time Peter also reacted, he quickly turned his head and smiled at Steve Rogers: "Yeah, back then Gwen didn't like the way I was dead all day... It's been so long since you and Ms. Carter, Don't you want to see her with a better face?"

To be honest, although accepting Nick Fury's request is only for another purpose.

But Li Ming felt that he and Peter had really tried their best to help Steve Rogers adjust his mentality.

"You're right. Peggy probably wouldn't want to see me like I am now... Besides, the officer said that Peggy is only recuperating here, and this is not her real estate."

Steve Rogers smiled at them, and slowly his expression relaxed a little.

"Well... But that doesn't prevent us from having a whole set of ideas, does it?"

Li Ming also replied with a smile.

As Steve Rogers relaxed while talking with Li Ming and Peter, the car almost reached the destination.

After passing the verification, they drove into the manor under the guidance. As soon as they parked the car and got out of the car, they saw a young woman with blond hair and a shawl walking towards them.

She first looked at Li Ming and Peter curiously, and then her eyes fell on Steve Rogers: "I am Sharon Carter, Ms. Peggy is waiting for you, please come with me."

"You are also Carter... Who are you to Peggy?" Steve Rogers couldn't help asking.

Sharon Carter was about to turn around and lead the way, but she stopped when she heard this, and turned her head to look up and down at Steve Rogers, looking at the latter uncomfortable.

Then, she smiled and said, "I'm Aunt Peggy's niece... She often told me stories about you when I was a child, but now it seems that you are not as special as she said?"

"I don't think I'm anything special..."

Steve Rogers shook his head: "Please lead the way."

Sharon Carter said no more, and brought a few people to the inside of the manor.

She led them to the reception room first, and said to Li Ming and Peter: "Ms. Peggy didn't say she wanted to see you, so please wait here for a while, and call the attendants outside if you need anything."

Naturally, Li Ming and Peter didn't have any objections to this, and immediately sat on the sofa and said that you just go.

"Then I'll come back to you after seeing Peggy."

Steve Rogers nodded at them and followed Sharon Carter out of the room.

But at this moment, Li Ming's mind was already drifting away.

It's not that he really has nothing to do, and he came here with Steve Rogers, isn't it just to verify the situations in his memory!

If the other party is unwilling to talk about Gu Yi, he can only verify it by himself!

Li Ming frowned slightly as he recalled the various people he met along the way after entering the manor.

Originally, he thought he would see an old man who looked like Steve Rogers butler or a gardener or something.

But along the way, not to mention the old man, even the oldest one, he only looks old because of the hairline extending to the back of his head.

The person Li Ming wanted to confirm did not appear at all.

"Since there is no such person...then is it because we have not experienced such a failure in the future, or is the other party actually going to a parallel world, or is the other party in this era and just avoided us on purpose?"

Chapter 220 Four Inferences

"What are you talking about alone?"

Peter's voice suddenly came from the side, waking Li Ming up from his contemplation.

Turning around, he saw Peter looking at him strangely.

"Since you entered this manor, your expression is not very good. Are you okay? Did you get hurt by the captain before?"

Facing Peter's concerned words, Li Ming shook his fist at him: "It's okay, it's him who gets hurt if he gets hurt after being hit by me!"

Then he sighed again: "I was just thinking, what will happen when Rogers meets his old friend this time..."

"After waking up, more than 70 years have passed, and the ex-girlfriend has already married and spent her whole life with others. Although she is still alive, the beauty in her memory is already old and on the verge of death... This kind of thing is not for everyone. I can bear it!"

Sure enough, as soon as the matter of Steve Rogers was mentioned this time, Peter's attention was diverted.

He leaned back on the sofa and also sighed: "The experience of the captain is indeed too fantastic for us, it's really not good... I hope he can adjust his state after seeing Ms. Carter this time!"

"Well, yes... I hope..."

Li Ming nodded in agreement, still thinking about what he wanted to verify during this trip.

He had specifically directed the topic to Peggy Carter in the training venue before, in order not to come here through the convenience of Steve Rogers.

To determine if there is an older version of Steve Rogers next to Peggy Carter!

If the other party really returned to Peggy Carter's side from the future, then when the other party's life came to an end bit by bit, he would always be by his side, and there was no reason to leave because of their visit.

Moreover, to be honest, if the old version of Steve Rogers really exists, Li Ming can't think of the need for the other party to avoid himself and others.

After all, before that moment came, even if they saw him face to face, they probably wouldn't be able to notice the problem.


Even though Li Ming observed all the way this time, he opened up his senses to the maximum extent and did not miss any details.

Didn't notice any of it, probably an older version of Steve Rogers!

Then based on this foundation, the inferences that Li Ming can draw are more interesting.

First, let's rule out the fact that an older version of Steve Rogers is purposely avoided.

The odds are really slim!

Then look at it again, basically two main judgments can be extended.

First judgment.

Because of Li Ming's existence, facing the invasion of Thanos in the future, the earth has not failed.

Thanos failed to snap his fingers that wiped out half of the universe's population, let alone destroy the six infinity gems with his gloves in the form of self-destruct afterwards.

Make them from the condensed state of the entity, disintegrate into countless energy concept bodies scattered in the universe.

Therefore, there is no need for them to travel in time, go back to the past, and borrow six infinite gems from the past.

And if the fingers are not snapped, Ant-Man will not be trapped in the quantum channel, and will not notice that the time flow in the quantum world is different from the time flow in the real world.

Tony Stark has no reason to research and develop time travel machines.

Naturally, there will be no later Steve Rogers, after returning everything to the original owner, choosing to return to the era after he was frozen under the glacier, and stay with Peggy Carter to complete the relationship between the two. agreement.

Naturally, there would be no such old Steve!

Second judgment.

Maybe even with Li Ming as a variable, the Earth still failed due to some things.

Thanos still managed to snap his fingers, half of the life in the universe still died because of it, and the six infinite gems were still destroyed by him.

They still need to go back to the past and borrow the gems of the past to save the half of the lives.

It's just that the past they return to is not the past on the current timeline, but the past of another parallel universe.

And the world where Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter stay together is not the current world, but another parallel world.

That's why Li Ming can't find the old version of Steve Rogers now, and can't verify what's in his memory.

Of course, based on Li Ming's own experience over the years, as well as inferences based on his memory.

Personally, he is more inclined to the first guess.

The multiverse does exist, but if the matter of borrowing the infinite stone happened in other parallel universes, it is impossible for the old version of Steve Rogers in Li Ming's memory to be in the normal timeline when he is very old. Passed on his shield to Falcon.


This is just a fragment of memory, in Li Ming's view, it can only be used as a reference and not taken seriously.

His real thought is, at the speed at which his strength is improving now.

When his power is completely perfected, he awakens his original form, and even takes his power a step further in a relatively plentiful time.

Even if Thanos is powerful and his interstellar army sweeps across the galaxy, it is by no means an easy task for him to collect all six infinity gems and snap his fingers!

What's more, after helping the earth resist the next alien invasion, Li Ming will also try to start his own plan.

If it goes well, it can greatly prevent the opponent from collecting all six infinite gems.

To the point of directly raising one's own power to the point where he can become the new guardian of the earth after the passing of the ancient one.


Thinking about his own plan in his heart, he chatted with Peter nonchalantly.

I also called for attendants in the middle, and even asked to take a walk in the manor.

During the whole process, Li Ming tried to find out the elderly Steve Rogers from the staff.

It's a pity that I still haven't found any clues.

In this way, time flies by too quickly

Not long after, Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter returned to the reception room.

"Come back so soon..."

Peter's eyes lit up, and he was about to say hello, but he saw Steve Rogers' complexion was dark, with a look of deep sadness hidden in his eyes, and his words got stuck.

He looked embarrassed for a moment, not knowing what to say.

The other party didn't care, he nodded towards Peter and Li Ming: "We're done chatting, Peggy needs to rest, let's go back..."

"Let's go then."

Li Ming looked at him, didn't say much, just stood up and smiled.

"I'll take you out."

Sharon Carter said briefly, and led the three of them back to the previous parking lot.

On the way back, Li Ming didn't miss the opportunity, and observed carefully all the way, but still found nothing.

So far, Li Ming has tacitly accepted that the old version of Steve Rogers does not exist!

Chapter 220 Give Steve a job

As the car drove out of the manor, Li Ming looked at Steve Rogers in the rear seat through the rearview mirror.

"Rogers, where are you going next?"

"Where are you going..."

A trace of confusion flashed across Steve Rogers' eyes, and he asked, "Do you have any other suggestions?"


Li Ming and Peter exchanged glances, and then said: "My suggestion is, instead of staying alone, it is better to walk on the street more, get in touch with the crowd, and feel the atmosphere of this era."

Steve Rogers smiled: "If I have time, I will go... As for now, can I trouble you to send me back to the previous training venue?"

"I want to hit sandbags alone, just be quiet!"

"I just said it's better not to be alone..."

Li Ming couldn't help complaining, "But... if you want to go back, then fine."

As he spoke, he turned the steering wheel, adjusted his driving direction, and returned along the same way he came.

The car drove steadily.

Li Ming was thinking about his own affairs, but didn't speak.

After seeing Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers in the back seat fell into a state of deep sadness and didn't want to talk or chat.

There was complete silence in the car, and the air became more and more frozen.

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