"Where is our laboratory?"

"Hill, take them to the prepared laboratory!" Nick Fury said blankly.

"Yes, sir!"

Hill, who was on standby, nodded, stood up and gestured towards the passage ahead.

"You two, please come with me."


After arriving at the laboratory, he watched Hill leave.

Dr. Banner looked at Tony: "Do you really believe what he said?"


Tony smiled crookedly: "If a little guy didn't take the initiative to tell me all this, we would still be kept in the dark by him!"

"However, although what that guy said is almost the same as the information I got...but I decided to verify it myself!"

"How to verify?" Dr. Banner frowned.

"The seeds have been planted, and Jarvis will verify them for us. Now let's find a way to find that Bambi... That guy is not a good guy!"

Tony greeted and turned to look at the instrument in front of him.


The transport plane arrives at the mothership.

The cabin opened, and Li Ming and others stepped down.

Without waiting for Peter to sigh about everything on the aircraft carrier.

His face was so gloomy that Nick Fury, who came in a hurry, interrupted his reaction.

The bald-headed bastard rushed to Li Ming in a few steps, pointed at his face and asked, "Disclose the confidential information to everyone, what exactly do you want to do?!"

Chapter 230 Two Gatherings

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

"What do I want to do?"

Li Ming smiled.

He reached out and pushed Nick Fury's fingers away: "First of all, don't point your fingers at me, I don't like it!"

"Secondly, have you forgotten that we are not your subordinates?"

"Think about it seriously, besides Natasha and Barton, which of these people in your plan can you prohibit?"

Speaking of this, Li Ming shook his head again: "I almost forgot, now Barton is still brainwashed and controlled by the enemy... You still need our help to bring him back!"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Nick Fury's gloomy face eased slightly, but he still asked in a blunt tone.

"What I mean is, since you can't control us like you control your subordinates, it's best not to try to keep us in the dark and let us solve the problem for you!"

"Otherwise, when your little secret is actively dug out, your troubles will only get worse! Maybe the team will fall apart before the enemy is resolved!"

Li Ming smiled, patted him on the shoulder and called Peter to walk to the building on the deck together.

As a person who already knew all the truth, Li Ming had no interest in cooperating with this guy to hide the truth.

His purpose is very simple. Since you, Nick Fury, insist on hiding and using a group of people as fools, then he can only announce the truth to everyone first.

In this way, it not only prevents everyone from being played by him as a monkey, but also detonates the problem that Tony Stark will find out in advance.

In order to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of it at that time!

But if Nick Fury can't give everyone a satisfactory answer, then it's not that they can't do it alone in this crisis brought about by Rocky!

After listening to Li Ming's words, Nick Fury stood there with an uncertain expression.

I have been waiting for Steve Rogers to come forward, looking at his serious expression: "He is right, you owe us an explanation!"

After finishing speaking, he also passed by Nick Fury directly and followed Li Ming's footsteps.


Coulson walked up to Nick Fury and was about to say something.

"Do you think I should be honest with them, too?"

Nick Fury interrupted him directly and asked proactively.

Coulson hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "At least one thing Sunlight said is right. If the matter was discovered by them, maybe the situation would be even worse. The meager trust we have just established with them will collapse directly. ..."

"Well, even my most capable subordinate thinks so!"

A trace of self-mockery appeared on Nick Fury's face, and he quickly calmed down again: "Since they want to know, let them know clearly..."

After finishing speaking, he waved, and the two turned around and walked into the cabin behind them.

Then, there were shouts from the staff on the deck.

"Aircrew, clear the deck!"


Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the transparent door of the laboratory, and the two talented researchers who had devoted themselves to their work turned their heads in unison.

After seeing the visitor clearly, Tony smiled immediately: "Hey! Look who is here!"

He opened his hands and greeted Li Ming and Peter respectively, and when he noticed Steve Rogers behind them, his expression slightly restrained his smile: "Captain!"

"Stark!" Steve nodded as a greeting.

For a moment, the air was a little awkward.

There are indeed many things worth talking about about the seniority between these two people. Now they greet each other like this, but after thinking about it, it is very wrong.

Li Ming took the initiative to speak and talked about a common topic: "When we got off the plane, Nick Fury was so angry that he wanted to bite me. It seems that you have already confronted him?"

"more or less……"

Tony waved his hand, "However, what he said is quite different from what you told me!"

Then he grinned again and said, "But how can what he said compare to real evidence? Jarvis has already started the invasion work, and it shouldn't take long for the relevant information to be in front of us!"

"This is your style..."

Li Ming was not surprised. He turned his head to look at Bruce Banner who was also smiling at him: "Long time no see, Dr. Banner!"

"It's been a long time indeed."

Dr. Banner smiled: "Thank you very much for the help you provided before, it made my life much easier."

"It's just a thought."

Li Ming shook his head, "That is to say, you are not willing to accept the employment of Evangelion Technology, otherwise, how could your previous life be like that!"

"I'm such a ticking time bomb living in New York?"

Dr. Banner laughed at himself, "I don't want to wake up one day and find myself lying in the ruins, and the people around me look at me with horrified eyes..."

In the previous two years, Li Ming had already found Dr. Banner's trail through the resources of 01 and Evangel Technology.

He also made an invitation to him, but was rejected by the other party without hesitation.

After that, Li Ming provided some financial and resource assistance to Dr. Banner in his personal capacity.

After going back and forth, the two sides also exchanged some things, including some research by Dr. Stern.

"I know that you have more control over your body now. In fact, Dr. Stern has wanted to see you for a long time..."

Li Ming stepped forward, approached Dr. Banner's ear, and lowered his voice: "Recently, his experiment has made new progress, which may help you better control the state of your body without losing your strength. !"

"Huh? How did he do it?!"

Dr. Banner's eyes widened suddenly, and he wanted to say something but was interrupted by Tony: "Hey! Hey! Someone is out of the group!"

This guy put Peter in one hand, pointed at Li Ming and Dr. Banner: "You actually whispered in front of us!"

"Think about it."

Li Ming said a word to Dr. Banner, then turned to look at those two guys.

Looking at Peter, who looked innocently at him, like a hostage held by gangsters, Li Ming smiled: "Tony, do you know that you really look like a kindergarten kid?"

"Whisperers are no better than me!"

Tony responded indifferently.

in the corner.

Seeing how these guys were arguing, Natasha shook her head helplessly, and complained to Steve Rogers: "I think they are all from kindergarten!"

"It's about the same."

With a smile on his face, Steve stepped forward to shake hands with Dr. Banner, as a greeting.

Then, the arrival of Nick Fury made the originally warm atmosphere suddenly cold.

"Oh! The stinky cold-faced king is here!" Tony teased.

Just when Nick Fury was about to say something, Coulson suddenly rushed over: "Sir, Loki was found!"

Nick Fury looked at everyone present: "Gentlemen, I can give you the explanation you want, but can you solve the enemy first?"

Chapter 230 Three "You came to Earth to do something, did you ask me?!"

"Where are the others?"

Before anyone else could speak, Li Ming asked immediately.

"Germany, Stuttgart, Kuningstrasse 28!"

Coulson said quickly, and then added: "But he is the only one, and he didn't see any traces of Barton and the others! Moreover, he has no intention of hiding!"

"Do you think this might be a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

Peter suddenly opened his mouth, feeling everyone's focused eyes, he continued calmly: "I mean, he hasn't shown any traces before, why he suddenly showed up now, it doesn't make sense!"

"I think it's the same. Maybe Barton and the others are conducting a key operation, and Loki just came out to attract our attention!"

Li Ming withdrew his surprised gaze from Peter, echoed and added: "Of course, there may be someone or something there that Loki needs!"

As far as past life memory is concerned, in fact Li Ming can't remember many details so clearly.

Now he is only making general inferences and making supplements based on the existing information.

"You guys make sense, so can we go out now?"

Nick Fury asked directly: "If it is true as you said, he has achieved his goal, which is not good news for us! As for other things, we have to catch him before we know!"

"what do y'all think?"

Li Ming turned his head to look at the crowd.

"Let's go!" Steve said immediately.

"I'm going to fly the plane!"

After speaking, Natasha left the laboratory with him.

At this time, Nick Fury and other people who knew Li Ming's teleportation method couldn't help looking at Li Ming.

"When you get on the plane, it's not too late to open the door..."

Li Ming smiled, and didn't mean to directly open the portal to take everyone there.

He said so, and the others didn't ask much.

At least they believed that Li Ming would not act recklessly in this kind of matter.

"I'm just here to help find things, don't count me in the battlefield!"

Dr. Banner smiled awkwardly but politely, and retreated to the corner.

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