Chapter 240 The sixth portal sends nuclear bombs?

As soon as the idea came up, another group of enemies attacked, and Li Ming didn't have the slightest chance to breathe.

The idea just now can only be temporarily put aside.


With a sudden sweep of the red long knife, a large number of enemies were wiped out in successive explosions, giving Li Ming a moment to breathe.

"Destroy the enemy's command carrier on the other side of the universe?"

Hearing what Li Ming said, everyone didn't have much time to ask him how he knew it, but Qi Qi asked subconsciously.

"We tried our best to barely control these guys from spreading too far to the surrounding area. How could we still have the energy to counterattack their mothership in the universe... Even in the space environment, survival is also a big problem!"

Natasha said calmly.

"Maybe, we can try a nuclear bomb!"

Tony spoke suddenly.

"Tony, are you crazy!"

Peter immediately retorted: "Once there is an accident, the whole of New York will be wiped out by the nuclear bomb!"

He didn't care so much about his own life and death, but he couldn't accept that ending.

"I don't agree either!"

Steve echoed, "Even if we want to apply for the use of nuclear bombs, it can only be our last choice. We must not let the whole of New York take such a big risk with us!"

"Before then, as long as S.H.I.E.L.D. can find the spiritual scepter and bring it over, we still have a chance to close that door!"

The others echoed that too. The plan Tony proposed was still a bit too risky.

"It's not your fault that you have low education, but it's your fault that you have a bad memory at this time!"

Tony's tone was helpless and mocking: "Did you forget that there is also a guy here who can open the portal!"

"It seems to be..."

Peter said belatedly: "Just let Sunlight open a portal at the position where the rocket must pass, and directly teleport it to the command carrier on the opposite side of the universe!"

"The way is a good way, I just thought of it."

Li Ming spoke softly, directly dispelling their thoughts, "But I tried it when you were talking just now, and it didn't work at all!"

"Although the space portal on our head is connected to the other side of the universe, it is completely the result of the effect of the cosmic Rubik's Cube. Under the disturbance of its energy, I can't superimpose another portal on top of this portal to the other side of the universe!"

"Not to mention the normal situation, even if I'm drained, I can't cross the distance of an unknown number of light-years, and open a portal between the earth and the universe... The tactics just mentioned are really impossible do it!"

"Okay! I thought magic would be more useful at times like this..."

Although Tony was joking, the disappointment in his tone couldn't be more obvious.

The corner of Li Ming's mouth twitched, even if it was magic, he had to make some sense, right?

Peter couldn't help but said, "So if we want to use nuclear bombs to deal with the opposite mothership, unless someone can carry a rocket, guide the flight trajectory through the door on our head, and send the nuclear bomb to the opposite side?"

But in this way, the topic returned to the previous situation.

Without the convenience of directly sending the nuclear bomb away, the risk is high at once!

"Needless to say, if the situation is really out of control, I agree to use the nuclear bomb... My ability is special. When necessary, I will send the nuclear bomb to the opposite side!"

Li Ming said straightforwardly.

At this time, the void in the sky also expanded to a certain extent, finally able to accommodate some super-standard combat weapons.

A huge figure swam from the dark universe, interrupting everyone's communication.


A biological weapon that looks like a whale but is more ferocious passes through the hole and appears above Li Ming's head.

The deafening chirping, the sound of the turbulent air flowing through the movement of the huge body, was transmitted to Li Ming's ears, bringing heavy oppression.

"Hey! Brothers, let's talk about the nuclear bomb later, a big guy is here... Are Dr. Saul and Dr. Banner here?"

"This thing is too big to handle in mid-air!"

Li Ming's tone was heavy, and he tightened his grip on the long knife in his hand.

It's not like he hasn't seen something even more terrifying in terms of strength.

But with such a huge creature suddenly appearing above your head, it is impossible to say that there is no pressure in your heart.

But now that he is at a high altitude, even if Li Ming can solve this thing, the damage it will cause when it falls will be quite astonishing.

It must be brought to the ground before solving it!

Otherwise, God knows how many casualties and losses will be caused by its fall!

Swipe, swipe, swipe~ Boom!

The force field was activated, controlling several Chitauri warriors with their vehicles and people who threw them at the head like stones, and attracted the hatred of the Leviathan weapon to him, Li Ming quickly turned and fell.

"Sen Wright, bring that guy here!"

When Dr. Banner's voice sounded, Li Ming couldn't help but smile, and immediately flew down without hesitation.

Behind him, Leviathan weapons and a large number of locust-like Zeta Swiss soldiers chased him, constantly attacking him with weapons.

"Bring it here, this block has been cleared, don't worry!"

Tony's voice sounded, and he was sending out miniature missiles in front of him. While attracting the hatred of Leviathan weapons, he also helped Li Ming clean up a large number of Zeta Swiss soldiers.

Greatly relieved his fighting pressure.


Li Ming thanked him, but the empty street below was already in sight.

I saw Dr. Banner standing on the deserted street full of ruins and waving at him with a smile.


Anger appeared, his skin suddenly turned dark green, and his body swelled rapidly.

A sense of wild power rushed over his face.


Li Ming has a dexterous body and flies down, intersecting with Hulk.

Behind him, the Leviathan weapon was in hot pursuit.

While the huge body is swimming, just a slight touch will sweep away the buildings along the way and collapse, engulfing a huge force, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

However, such appearance does not scare anyone in front of it.

The Hulk, whose body was nearly five meters high, roared and roared, and punched out a fist containing terrifying power.


The impact of Leviathan's weapon suddenly stopped, and the mechanical exoskeleton armor on the body cracked inch by inch, falling down, and the entire hollow of the head screamed.

Under the action of inertia, the huge and heavy body rolled forward, and it was about to press Hulk and Li Ming in front of it directly under it.

Just as Li Ming held the long knife in his hand, the red knife was shining brightly, and he was about to cut it out and cut it in half.


The roar of thunder suddenly exploded, and a short-handled warhammer flashed with lightning, and it arrived in an instant with great force.

It landed on the huge body of the Leviathan weapon, knocked it over, slammed to the side, and fell to the ground with a bang, lifeless.


Not far away, a figure held the warhammer that flew upside down in his hand, smashed it to the ground, and came in front of Li Ming and Hulk.

"You guys are finally here!"

Li Ming smiled, stretched out his hand and punched Sol.

Chapter 240 VII Tired of Coping


Before Li Ming and Sol could chat, Hulk looked at the sky and roared suddenly, showing his desire to attack.

The two looked up following his movements, and saw several Leviathan biological weapons flying out of the huge space portal in the sky.

"Well, now is not the time for small talk..."

Li Ming shook his head and looked at Thor and Hulk: "Let's split up and solve them as soon as possible, one by one, how about it?"

"Just do as you say!"


The two responded simply.

Hulk grinned, jumped up, grabbed the surrounding buildings and quickly climbed up, swung his huge fist and smashed a giant beast on its head!

The hammer slammed into the wind, and then swung it suddenly, and Thor rushed straight into the sky with his strength, and met a Leviathan weapon wrapped in a bright thunder.

"Well, it can't be slower than you two guys..."

Li Ming complained with a smile, took out a card to activate, and the light particles quickly scattered and condensed.

The locomotive [Jueying] appeared in front of him.

Li Ming straddled up, Jueying suddenly roared, the body changed to adapt to the current shape, blooming fine electric light, blending into Li Ming's biological force field.

The next moment, it floated directly from the ground, the engine roared continuously, and shot out towards the giant beast cruising in the air.

At the same time, the long knife of the Destroyer in Li Ming's hand changed suddenly.

The liquid metal continued to swell and expand in his hands, and finally turned into an exaggerated long-handled battle ax several times larger than Li Mingren.

And as the power of his light knight poured into it, the core rune array of the battle ax was activated.

A scorching red light burst out from the blade of the axe, and based on it, it continued to spread and extend, forming an even larger energy axe blade.

The tomahawk was held upside down by Li Ming, who was soaring into the sky, as if a giant weapon flew into the sky by itself, which was unimaginable in the eyes of others.

Sensing Li Ming's movement, countless Zeta Swiss soldiers in the air attacked him like a storm.

But he and Jueying resonated, and the biological force field stimulated to the extreme cut down most of it.

The remaining part fell on the armor already covered with scars, and it was just adding some traces, which did not affect Li Ming's offensive.

Facing the attack of Li Ming, a little bug, the Leviathan weapon also attracted attention.

Directly reversed direction, from top to bottom, and slammed straight down towards him.

The huge body blocks the sun and casts a huge shadow.

The body stirred up the airflow every now and then, making muffled noises.

The horror of oblique crashing down is as if the sky is tilting, as if Mount Tai is pressing down on the top.

For an ordinary person to face such a behemoth, he might have been scared out of his wits.

But Li Ming held the huge ax upside down in one hand, and rode Jue Ying galloped up, the speed did not slow down at all, but increased again.

Just like Don Quixote, riding his mount, he launched a fearless charge to the enemy!

The red energy ax blade in his hand continued to expand, and its area was no less than that of the huge head of the Leviathan weapon.


The engine roared, and Jueying flashed past the impact of the Leviathan monster.

Feeling the violent wind blowing over his body, Li Ming felt peaceful in his heart.

He looked at the giant Leviathan beast that he had led to the bottom and was close to the ground, turned around, swooped down, raised the long-handled giant ax in his hand, and then slashed down fiercely.


The blazing red ax blade is as fast as thunder.

In a flash of light, like a hot knife cutting butter, the moment it landed on the body of the Leviathan weapon covered with mechanical exoskeleton, it was cut in half and beheaded directly!


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