Chapter 260 Four

"what did you do to me?!"

Loki growled.

"It's nothing, it's just to let you see the power of inferior humans..."

Li Ming smiled: "Then now, we should be able to have a good chat about your illusion magic?"

Loki's stare has no deterrent effect on Li Ming now.

In his opinion, it was more like a kitten with fried fur. It looked like that, but it was not scary at all.

"Just treat me as an apology for having such a bad attitude to me just now, lend me your strength, and then I will release your body control, how about it?"

he said casually.

"How? Not so!"

Even though Loki was controlled by his body and forced to make a grimace with his handsome face, he still sneered directly at this moment.

Then, without waiting for Li Ming to do something.

He tried his best to quickly turn his head to look at Sol, and shouted the name that has been shouted for thousands of years: "My dear brother! Just watch this guy offend your younger brother, my dignified second prince of Asgard ?”


Peter, who was watching the play, sprayed it directly. He really didn't expect this.

Wasn't this guy very aggressive before?

Why did you find a backer so quickly as soon as you were deflated?

Besides him, the few people watching the play not far away more or less subconsciously twitched their mouths.

A look of wanting to laugh but holding back.

They are all people of status and demeanor. Although the things in front of them are very funny, they still can't laugh in front of others.

Well, unless you can't help it.

It's just that they don't know that, in fact, the way these two brothers have been getting along is really like this.

Many of the things that Loki caused were avoided by relying on Thor's name.

And Saul, the elder brother, has long been accustomed to this model.

Although Loki stabs him every now and then and often pulls some pranks to play tricks on him, he also helps Thor out of problems on a few occasions.

There seem to be many contradictions between the two brothers, but the brotherhood is extremely sincere.

Just highlight a love and kill each other!

Hearing Loki's words, Sol, who was originally quite serious, turned his face and subconsciously turned to look at his younger brother.

In the end, the guy just kept grimacing uncontrollably, winking innocently at Thor, and posing as a victim.

what's going on?

Is this the blink of an eye after being kidnapped?

Brother is tough around you, right?

Li Ming slandered inwardly, but he was still ready to continue his coercion.

He watched the two brothers leisurely, waiting for Sol to intercede with him.

Sure enough, even though Loki has tricked him a thousand times, once his younger brother softened his attitude, Sol would still choose to stand by him.


Sol picked his face, and looked at Li Ming with some embarrassment: "Li, look at Loki..."

"I'm not discussing with Loki, let him recognize me, and lend me his strength!"

Interrupting Sol's words, Li Ming said with a generous face: "As long as he let me know and share his power of illusion and magic with me, everything else is easy to talk about!"

"Of course, if Loki doesn't cooperate, I still have some debts to settle with him... Next, I can't guarantee what he will do uncontrollably!"

As soon as these words came out, Loki's complexion changed slightly.

Putting on such a grimace was enough to humiliate him, and if there was anything else, he felt like he could explode on the spot!

Looking at Li Ming's style, the expressions of the onlookers gradually became strange.

you boy.

One bite for one approval, one bite for lending to me.

It's kind of polite to say it.

But when we look at your threatening smiling face, why is it so obvious that you are robbing me!

If the inner thoughts of everyone in the Fulian at this moment can be heard by the villains who are locked in prison.

They will definitely hug their thighs and howl, isn't this guy always robbing them openly!

"What do you think? Saul!" Li Ming said with a smile.


Sol moved his mouth, feeling a little numb, and finally looked at Loki with a serious face: "Before Lee hurts your thoughts, you should agree, Loki, don't expect me to help you. He blocked it..."

Perhaps it was unexpected that Saul would compromise so easily.

Loki, who had originally turned his expectant eyes to Sol and waited to watch the show, was blinded at once, and anger followed.

Although he was still holding his hands and making a grimace, it did not prevent him from expressing his dissatisfaction with Thor: "In the face of threats from outsiders, I can't even protect my younger brother. How could Asgard A crown prince like you?!"

"Sorry, you just said yesterday that you don't recognize yourself as an Asgardian, so..."

Saul shrugged, looking helpless.

Loki froze again.

Has he ever said such a thing?

never mind!that's not important!

The point is... why does this silly brother of mine seem to be a master!

"You see, your brother won't help you... There is still a trial in Asgard waiting for you, so don't waste time!"

With one hand on Rocky's shoulder, Li Ming smiled kindly: "Please lend me your strength, please?"

Look at this healthy and bright smile.

Rocky couldn't help thinking of his impression of Li Ming.


A madman with great power!

Then feel the situation where the body is out of control, even completely under the control of the person in front of him.

Loki couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Even my brother is not on my side anymore, does it really make sense for me to continue to be stubborn in front of this guy?

This guy just wants his own illusion magic, even if he verbally agrees, so what, he can't master it without systematic study.

And I'm going back to Asgard soon...

Let's fool him first!

Loki, who was completely unaware of the magic of Li Mingguang's knightly power, thought to himself, and was ready to agree.

"You let my body return to normal first!"

Loki said seriously.

Even if you are ready to compromise, you can't make yourself so embarrassed.

Looking at Sol and seeing him nodding, Li Ming simply agreed: "No problem!"

The hand on Loki's shoulder gushed out some ripple energy again, smoothing the wave texture in Loki's body and returning it to normal.

"Then, please lend me your strength!"

Li Ming said with a bright smile, but he never retracted the hand on Loki's shoulder.


Loki took a deep breath and choked out such a sentence.

Then, he was surprised to find that golden and green light spots quickly floated from his body and gathered in front of Li Ming.

In the end, it turned into a card with the same magic aura as itself.

Looking at the card, Loki froze for a moment.

So, he doesn't need to learn at all, can he get the same illusion magic just by snatching it from me?

So what's the point of my persistence?

At this moment, Rocky felt that he had been diligently studying for more than 1000 years, as if all of them had been fed to the dogs!

Chapter 260 Five Careful Eyes and Poaching

"After the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, you can come to Asgard as guests when you have time, and then we will have a good drink..."

With the last words left by Sol came to an abrupt end, the blue light quickly dissipated in the air.

Disappeared together were the figures of Loki and Thor.

Li Ming looked at the power card he just got for a while, and happily put it away.

It's just that the smile on his face was always bright and didn't fade away.

"I said, is it worth your happiness to get the illusion magic from that guy Loki? I saw that you made everyone laugh at once yesterday, and you didn't laugh as much as you do now!"

Seeing him like this, Tony couldn't help complaining.

These words fell into the ears of the other people who were about to leave separately, and they couldn't help but pause their steps, diverting part of their attention to their side.

"It's not because of this that I laugh so happily..."

Shaking his head, Li Ming showed some mystery on his face: "It's just that I just left some 'small gifts' for someone, which should make him suffer for a while. This incident just makes me feel good."

Needless to say, this certain person is undoubtedly Loki.

Loki, as the second prince of Asgard, even though he thought he was expelled.

But in fact, Asgard has always been his backer.

Even if he committed serious crimes on Earth and caused huge casualties, it still only takes Sol a word to bring him back to Asgard without paying any price.

Although Loki and Chitauri are just pawns for Thanos to explore the earth.

It was the Chitauri army that really caused those killings.

But is Rocky's role in this New York battle going to be overlooked?

It is true that with Odin's courage, although he would not be willing to kill Loki, the due trial and punishment will not be less.

But Li Ming himself always felt a little angry.

He doesn't represent anyone, he only represents himself.

Li Ming thought that he had never been a generous person.

To be precise, he is very narrow-minded!

Rocky has already reached this point, and it is not in line with Li Ming's character not to give him some "reward".

Loki seemed to have regained his mobility just now.

But Li Ming didn't dissolve the ripple energy he left in Loki's body at all. As time goes by, it won't be long before this energy erupts again.

It would definitely not kill Loki.

It's just hard to say what troubles will be caused to his body under the conflict between the ripple energy and his magic power.

Hearing Li Ming's words, combined with the previous situation, everyone present felt the smell.

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