These are just small things.

What really kills are the girls who heard the news.

They are fat and thin, and each has its own merits.

Even with Li Ming's aesthetic point of view, they have to admit that they are all beauties.

Li Ming, who came over to offer a toast, was really embarrassed to refuse.

But drink as you please, you have to drink one by one, counting the long line they formed, even if Li Ming's stomach is full, he can't satisfy everyone.

And that's fine, but this group of women were so enthusiastic and generous, they leaned over to press him while drinking.

The plump and elastic warm touch would not exist if Li Ming didn't care about it, and if Xiao Li Ming didn't raise his head and salute.

But the key point is that even the youngest of these girls is more than old enough to be Li Ming's grandparents.

After calculating this, Li Ming immediately lost his mind.

Just a pure-hearted ascetic!

It's just that he couldn't teach the enthusiasm of the soldiers and the girls, and it was impossible to return to the banquet.

That would be pure torture!

After standing there and blowing a gust of wind, the smell of alcohol dissipated a lot, and Li Ming's thoughts became clearer.

"Just after waking up, I had a fight with Sol inexplicably, and it was night after drinking a meal! This is too confusing, go back to sleep and count!"

Making a decisive decision, Li Ming turned over and jumped off the balcony, went back to the room and locked the door behind him, lay down on the bed and fell asleep soundly.

As for what happened at the banquet after he found out that others were missing, it had little to do with him.

The next day, when he woke up in good spirits, Li Ming was having breakfast in the hall on the first floor when someone from the palace came to him.

After hearing the purpose of the other party's visit, Li Ming no longer wanted to have a leisurely breakfast.

"The structure of the dark elf's mothership spaceship has been analyzed? Do you want me to ask for a transformation?"

He raised his eyebrows, and suddenly he was in a good mood. He drank all the stuff in the bowl and stood up: "Then let's go!"

Originally, he thought how long he would have to stay in Asgard, but it turned out that he could advance to the next step so soon. It seems that the situation should be much faster than he expected.

Should it be said that Asgard really deserves to be a high-end civilization combining technology and magic?

Chapter 290: The Reality Gem Finally Taken Out

Perhaps Li Ming's reputation for defeating Sol played a role, or perhaps Odin personally ordered it.

Of course, it's more likely to be a combination of both.

After following the guards who led the way to the technicians, the attitude of those people was simply too good.

It made Li Ming wonder if there was something about him that interested them.

Fortunately, the situation is not what he thought, it's just the convenience brought by the pure reputation.

Under such circumstances, the technicians assigned to him to repair the blade-shaped mothership spacecraft were quite willing to listen to Li Ming's opinions.

Completely according to his ideas, help him design and transform the mothership spaceship in front of him, and give better suggestions when some of his proposals are relatively backward.

And for Li Ming, he said that he didn't show much impatience when he wanted to follow them and watch them during the whole process from designing the blueprints to the modified spaceship, but directly agreed.

After all, during the short conversation, they also discovered Li Ming's technical skills, so it wouldn't cause trouble for him to watch on the sidelines, so it's no big deal to agree.

In this way, for the next time, Li Ming followed these technicians with their own expertise, and plunged into the project of designing and transforming the spacecraft from scratch.

The state of not hearing anything outside the window and only wanting to learn technology.

As for the fighters and girls outside who want to drink with Li Ming and get to know him.

They couldn't even enter the repair site, and they couldn't see Li Ming, so naturally they couldn't achieve their goal.

Even if someone spread the word, what Li Ming spent all day on the spaceship renovation was completely in the left ear and out in the right ear.

He didn't mean to let go of the excellent skills in front of him and run out to have a banquet with those guys to drink and have fun.

On the way, Sol came here once, and after finding out that Li Ming really enjoyed it, he didn't care about him anymore.

He was either busy with his girlfriend Jane Foster all day long, irritating Schiffer so that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, or he went to the prison to urge the jailers to dig out the method of extracting ether particles from Malekith's mouth as soon as possible.

Anyway, the ether particles in Jane Foster's body are suspected to be infinite gems, which is no small matter. Even if Odin doesn't like her, it is impossible for her to leave Asgard before taking out the ether particles.

He is completely at ease staying with the other party!

And the more times he went to prison, he would go to Loki to chat with Loki from time to time to see if his brother had any signs of realizing his mistakes.

However, after being ridiculed by Loki for being tricked by Li Ming using illusion magic to make him go around, Sol is no longer keen on it.

Hmm...and then completely immersed in the world of the two.

If it wasn't for the frequent questions, Sol, who was immersed in the world of the two, would have almost forgotten that Li Ming was also brought back to Asgard by him!

It may be that the time dragged on day by day, and Odin couldn't bear to see his son staying with that Midgard woman all day long.

Finally, the god king went down to the prison in person, and after a while, he was alone with Malekith.

He got all the information about ether particles.

And this also made him sure that what Li Ming said was indeed correct, the ether particle is one of the gems of infinity, the gem of reality.

After figuring this out, even Odin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I didn't make a rash decision to force Jane Foster back to Earth, otherwise I just put an Infinity Stone on a mortal and let her take it away. God knows how many twists and turns will be caused in the future!

And now that he knew all the information about the ether particles, the God King immediately informed his wife Frigga.

Based on the principle of the Dark Elf's method of manipulating ether particles, the latter created a relatively safe device through wizard means to extract the ether particles in Jane Foster's body, causing as little damage as possible to him.

Sol, who knew this situation belatedly, was naturally overjoyed, and quickly brought Jane Foster to his mother.

At the end, I haven't forgotten to inform Li Ming to go to open his eyes.

When Li Ming, who was immersed in the spaceship transformation middle school technology, heard the news, he rushed over without stopping.

Just in time, I saw Frigga holding a metal material engraved with strange runes at both ends, and a hollow transparent cylinder in the middle, walking towards Jane Foster.

Jane Foster's obviously pale face was slightly disturbed and nervous, while Saul held her hand and comforted her with a warm smile.

As for God King Odin.

He sat on a chair not far away, watching this scene with a smile on his extremely rare face.

Li Ming couldn't help but wonder in his heart, maybe he was happy that this mortal woman could finally leave Asgard!

"Um... Did I come at the wrong time?"

Li Ming knocked on the door lightly, hesitating.

"It's okay, come in... Aren't you very interested in this reality gem?"

Odin spoke directly and called Li Ming in.

Naturally, he would not be too polite, and immediately stepped in, saluted Frigga, nodded to Sol, and stood aside to watch the play silently.

Not paying attention to the extra person, Diva Frigga held the hollow and transparent part of the middle with one hand, and handed the cylindrical instrument to Jane Foster.

"It's enough to hold both ends with two hands. Your body should have some reactions during the process. Don't be afraid."

Softly encouraging the mortal woman in front of her, Frigg smiled softly.

Jane Foster nodded, glanced at Sol, met the encouraging gaze of the other party, pursed her lips, and immediately grabbed the metal parts at both ends of the cylindrical instrument.

Seeing her grasping the instrument steadily, Frigga took a step back, and the magic light in her hand emerged, landed on the instrument and activated it.


Suddenly, a blood-red light that seemed like liquid and gathered countless particles poured out of Jane Foster's body, emerged on her white arms, and quickly gathered into the columnar instrument held in both hands.

And the hollow part in the middle was quickly filled bit by bit by the tiny blood-red particles.

After the last trace of blood-red matter gathered, they gathered together by themselves, forming an irregularly shaped gemstone with liquid energy surging on its surface from time to time.


After finally pulling away the ether particles, Jane Foster's face turned pale, and her body was about to fall to the ground as soon as she softened, and the instrument she held in her hand also let go and smashed to the ground.

Sol is still the closest and has the quickest response.

He supported his girlfriend with one hand, and grabbed the container containing ether particles with the other.

Then he looked at his parents: "So what should we do with this gem?"

"Cough... If you don't mind, can you let me have a look?"

Li Ming's voice came suddenly.

Chapter 290 IX Changed Resettlement Plan

"If you don't mind, can I have a look?"

As soon as Li Ming said this, the eyes of several people in the room immediately fell on him.

It would be fine if it was Sol and Jane Foster, but Li Ming still felt a lot of pressure when God King Odin and Queen Frigg also cast their gazes over with scrutiny and doubt.

Without waiting for them to ask questions, he simply took the initiative to explain: "Do you still remember the energy crystals of the Soul Gem and the Space Gem? I can absorb energy from the Infinity Gem and condense it into a crystal for my own use... This Reality Gem, I'm actually quite interested in..."

"Does Gu Yi know about your act of absorbing the energy of the infinite gemstone?"

Odin asked suddenly.

Seeing that he didn't question his ability, he wanted to know Master Gu Yi's attitude towards this matter.

This surprised Li Ming a little.

However, he did not hesitate, and directly answered: "Of course Master Gu Yi knew about it. He had already communicated with me when I recovered the Mind Scepter and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube..."


Sol, who was listening in, suddenly realized: "So when the Chitauri invaded, after you closed the space portal, there was no response for a while? It turned out to be communicating with Master Guyi!"

"That's right!"

Li Ming, whose explanation was interrupted, nodded, then turned his head to look at Odin and continued to say the words of assurance: "God King, you can rest assured that my ability only absorbs part of the derived energy, and it will not damage the essence of the Infinity Stone." ..."

"Hehe, there is no need to explain this. Apart from their own power, only universe-level existences can have an essential impact on infinite gems... You are still far away from that level. Maybe in your lifetime Maybe even if you can’t reach it, I’m not worried about what you will do to this gem of reality!”

Odin shook his head with a smile, and simply waved his hand: "Since you want to absorb some energy, let me see how you are going to shake an Infinity Gem!"

"no problem!"

Li Ming readily agreed.

A little bit of slander against old Odin's conclusion in his heart was rushed away by the joy of picking up cheap ones, and he immediately turned to look at Sol.

His old father agreed, and Li Ming was still a trustworthy friend, so Sol naturally wouldn't hesitate at all.

Immediately handed the cylindrical instrument containing ether particles to Li Ming.

After receiving the ether particles, Li Ming had a thought, and the light knight driver emerged from his waist.

Just put the container close to the crystal blue ring in the center of the drive, and suddenly the two reacted.

The crystal blue ring lit up, and the ether particles that had been condensed into an irregular gem-like particle suddenly disintegrated into a blood-red fluid composed of countless fine particles.

The blood-red light quickly seeped out of the transparent container, then gathered in the center of the ring, stepped on the boundary line of Li Ming's endurance limit, and condensed into a card.


Suddenly taking the columnar container away from the crystal blue ring, Li Ming, who was slowly released from the pressure brought by the huge energy, took a deep breath, and was about to return the ether particles to Sol, when he noticed that other people were watching. There is something wrong with the look in my own eyes.

With one hand subconsciously turning the card into reality, and holding the blood-red crystal in the palm of his hand, Li Ming asked doubtfully, "Why are you looking at me like that? What happened?"

Odin and his wife Frigga looked at each other, then shook their heads: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect that the way you absorb the power of the Infinity Gem is so simple, and that you can use your own power to pry the power of this Reality Gem." Energy... This really surprised me, an old man! Maybe I should take back what I said before, maybe your future will really reach a level beyond my imagination!"

Should it be said that he is the king of gods?

Odin could tell at a glance that the light knight drive was just an appearance, and the real core was the essence of Li Ming's own light knight power.

It is also the reason why absorbing the power of the infinite gemstones will bring such a huge load to Li Ming's body.

It is Li Ming's own power that really leverages the energy of the Infinity Gems. The Light Knight driver is just a medium. When the medium encounters too much energy to bear, the pressure will naturally be directly transmitted to Li Ming himself.

That being said, what is the point of this? Isn't your exaggeration in the last sentence a bit too exaggerated!

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