"Hehe, of course I'm going!"

Dr. Otto smiled cheerfully: "Sun Wright, won't you be a guide for us?"

"Of course, it's just that I still have something I want to talk to Director Fury about. Why don't you go and I'll be there later?"

Li Ming replied immediately.

Unlike others who were more or less excited, Nick Fury didn't have much interest in exploring the spaceship.

Now he is standing in front of the transparent window, looking down at the city below, not knowing what he is thinking.

"Since you still have something to do, let's take a stroll first!"

Dr. Otto immediately changed his words, and could no longer support his student.

"Let's go, I can't wait to see alien technology..."

Dr. Stern patted Dr. Otto's shoulder to urge the doctor, and asked Li Ming as if he suddenly thought of something: "Cough! Boss, is there any biological sample of the so-called dark elf left on the spaceship?"

Seeing the faint green light in his eyes, with a faint look of excitement, Li Ming, Peter and Fang Li's eyelids all twitched.

What exactly are you trying to do? !

On the contrary, Dr. Otto looked calm.

He usually communicates with each other a lot, so he naturally has a deeper understanding of his situation.

It should come as no surprise that such a question would be asked.

With Dr. Stern's telepathic ability, he could see the inner reaction of several of them at a glance, and immediately smiled: "I'm just curious about how the body structure of these legendary longevity species is different from our human beings... "

The words were light and easy, but Li Ming and the others still had a lot of troubles in their ears.

"Sorry, it's really not..."

Li Ming shook his head, "After the dark elves were captured by me and the spaceship, everyone was imprisoned by Asgard. Even if they died in battle, there is no reason to keep them in this spaceship..."

"Is that so...that's really a pity!"

Dr. Stern shook his head regretfully, and wanted to ask more questions, but was dragged away by Dr. Otto.

And before Fang Li left with the three of them, Li Ming hadn't forgotten to explain to her.

"By the way! Regarding this spaceship, I learned a lot of technology in Asgard. After I get rid of the mysterious technology involving rune magic, the company will be able to produce a batch of more flagship products in the future!"

"You called me to stop just to say this?"

Fang Li, who had been stopped by Li Ming, quickly changed her expression from anticipation to calmness, staring at Li Ming and asking.

"Isn't that enough? These technologies can completely bring Evangelion Technology to the next level!"

Li Ming replied confusedly.

"Okay, I see!" Nodding expressionlessly, Fang Li turned around and followed Peter and the three at the entrance of the passage, before disappearing from Li Ming's sight.


Shaking his head, Li Ming turned around and approached Nick Fury: "Can we talk?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Li Ming's words, Nick Fury withdrew his gaze from the city below and landed on the former's face.

Although this guy's face is still so young and handsome, except for the fact that he has lost his youthfulness and is a little more mature, he has hardly changed from the high school student Nick Fury just met a few years ago.

But in fact, apart from the same appearance, Li Ming's changes in Nick Fury's eyes can almost be described as earth-shaking.

If only a few years ago, someone told him about the Chinese high school student who fell into his sight because of the Martin Lee terrorist attack.

One day, he will master the power that one person can destroy the interstellar army, and he will also own an alien spaceship that far surpasses the S.H.I.E.L.D.

His Mazefak can definitely spray that fool into doubting his life.

However, this incredible thing just happened.

Even, if the young man in front of him wanted to, he could completely destroy half of New York in a very short time while driving this spaceship!

Such a powerful force is in the hands of a young man who is only 21 years old.

In this regard, Nick Fury's heart was almost overwhelmed by fear.

But it's a pity that he can't do anything, SHIELD can't come up with something to check and balance this guy.

The only thing that can be hoped is that this young man can always maintain the string in his heart and firmly control his own strength.

Don't let the situation that everyone doesn't want to see happen in front of your eyes!

Chaotic thoughts flashed through his mind, Nick Fury took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "What do you want to talk about?"

"It's not a big deal, I just want to ask you for a few people...Let's sit down and talk."

Talking casually, Li Ming took Nick Fury to the side.

The seemingly tight-fitting walls suddenly opened to both sides, revealing a room similar to a conference room inside.


After making a gesture, Li Ming stepped in first, and Nick Fury frowned as he said "How many people do you want?", and followed quickly.

When the two of them stepped into it, the opened wall quickly closed again without any trace.

Tony, who had lowered his head and flipped through the panel a moment ago, suddenly turned his head to look at the wall that had just been closed, stroked his beard, and looked thoughtful in his eyes.

It's really unbearable...


"You want me to hand over the Electron, Professor Lizard, Martin Lee, Norman Osborn, Thriller, and Scorpion to you?"

Although Nick Fury looked at Li Ming with unkindness in his eyes, it kind of meant that your kid was crazy.

But in the end it was the other party who had the power to overturn the chessboard, and now he was even inside the other party's spaceship.

Although Nick Fury had something Mazefak wanted to say, he finally held back and just repeated the names of each villain, word by word, and asked Li Ming seriously.

"Don't look at me like that, these guys were caught by me directly or indirectly, even if I was out of my mind, I wouldn't be able to get them out for no reason!"

He waved his hand indifferently, signaling Nick Fury to relax a bit, Li Ming said with a smile.

"At least one thing you can rest assured, I want a few of them, and I will never cause any trouble for them to have a chance on Earth..."

With a relaxed tone of assurance, under Nick Fury's puzzled gaze, Li Ming simply gave the reason: "I'm going to take them to the universe!"

Frowning, Nick Fury didn't react violently, but asked calmly: "What are you going to take them to the universe for?"

Smiling, Li Ming didn't answer his question, but changed the topic: "Do you still remember the Chitauri and Loki?"

"Even if I turn into ashes, I won't forget them!" Nick Fury snorted coldly.

Nodding his head, Li Ming went on to say: "On the surface, the roles played by Loki and the Chitauri in the original alien invasion, one is the leader of the overall plan, and the other is the pre-planned role of the former. Knife……"

"But combined with some information given by the Ancient One mage, and after I have been to Asgard and communicated with Loki and God King Odin, I can basically confirm that there is actually a cosmic overlord level hidden behind them behind the scenes."

"Loki and the Chitauri are just pawns for him to achieve his goals. They are just the vanguards who came to test instead of him when God King Odin and Ancient One mage were still guarding the earth..."

Seeing the increasingly dignified expression of Nick Fury on the opposite side, Li Ming nodded with satisfaction and continued: "But as long as the other party's goal is not realized, the other party's threat to the earth will always exist..."

"What is his purpose?"

Nick Fury suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"This question has yet to be confirmed." Li Ming did not tell everything, but continued: "The purpose of my trip to the universe is to find out the true identity of the man behind the scenes and the purpose of the other party. , I also want to see if I can get rid of him before the other party attacks the earth after figuring everything out... Even if it can't be done, I still have to create some trouble for him and thwart his plan!"

At this point, the way Nick Fury looked at Li Ming changed.

He actually had a thorough understanding of Li Ming, and he was well aware of the young man's emphasis on order and stability.

But I didn't expect him to be able to do this for this idea!

Vaguely, he even felt a little admiration for this young man who was dozens of years younger than him.

Before Nick Fredo could say anything, Li Ming spread his hands: "You should understand here, I can't do those things by myself, I need other people's help!"

"Why don't you find..."

Nick Fury paused at the end of his mouth, and he had already thought of the reason.

Li Ming's plan is extremely risky from any angle.

If you find other Avengers to go to the universe together, if the plan goes wrong and the whole army is wiped out, what should we do with so many messes on the earth?

Of course, this is an extreme assumption.

But aside from this, who can say how long they will be away on this cosmic trip?

Today, these people have completely become a part of the stable order. It is easy to say in a short period of time. Once all the Avengers leave for too long, there will inevitably be some major crises that cannot be resolved in time.

The chain of troubles caused by that time, just thinking about Nick Fury feels like a headache.

And if they can't move, the only ones who can help are the super criminals in prison.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After understanding why Li Ming wanted those super villains, Nick Fury didn't hesitate too long, and agreed without hesitation.

But after all, those guys are not low in force, and the various aspects involved are also relatively complicated, so they cannot be treated lightly.

In fact, other forces besides S.H.I.E.L.D. can also intervene in the prison where they are held.

Even if he agrees, it will take some time to operate before he can get people out.

Li Ming readily agreed to this, saying that he was not in a hurry, and if he encountered a problem that could not be solved and needed him to come forward, he would be willing to help.

After a short conversation, they reached a consensus smoothly.

And other people who were wandering around in the spaceship also chose a room for themselves, opened their eyes, and saw what kind of structure the mysterious technological spaceship mixed with dark elves and Asgard.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Ming also chatted with everyone about his next plan when they were wandering casually.

And there was little difference in their responses.

After a brief surprise, Yu expressed that he would go this trip with Li Ming, saying that he would not want to see him take risks alone.

When Li Ming seriously refused and said that he was not alone, but that he was going to take away those super villains who were eating and dying in prison, their surprise was even more obvious than hearing Li Ming's plan just now.

Without him.

Are those guys really trustworthy?

Regarding their question, Li Ming just smiled, and explained again that it doesn't matter whether those guys are trustworthy or not, he will have a way to make them do things according to their own plans to a certain extent.

What's more, they all have their own order on the earth that they need to maintain. If they really leave with themselves, who should do those things?

At this point, although everyone had doubts, they still didn't ask any more questions, so they reluctantly agreed to his statement.

Only Dr. Otto, Peter and Saul insisted that they must participate in this plan.

On Sol's side, Li Ming could still use him as the well-known Thor in the universe, and he would attract a considerable amount of attention wherever he went, so he was really not suitable as a partner in this operation as an excuse to refuse.

But Dr. Otto and Peter, these two people.

One of them is his teacher, and the other is his best friend. They know him far better than Sol, and he really can't get rid of them with ordinary reasons.

After all, the adventure component of this trip is quite high, and there are too many situations in the universe that can easily kill a person on Earth.

Li Ming himself can absorb cosmic energy to survive in the universe, and will not be endangered by its harsh environment, which is enough to deal with most possible dangerous situations.

However, Dr. Otto and Peter, whose body structure is still human in essence, cannot avoid these problems of survival needs. Once something goes wrong, it is likely to endanger their lives.

And that's why Li Ming didn't even think about letting them go with him on this trip at first.

But after thinking about it again, Li Ming suddenly realized that even if he had the means to check and balance those super criminals and make them work for him, in his consideration, he didn't have a helper he could really trust.

In case of any unexpected problems, he doesn't even have anyone to discuss with!

Perhaps, bringing Peter is indeed a good choice.

Moreover, from another point of view, with the addition of this Marvel son, with the addition of the other party's luck, can the success rate of this plan be higher?

Thinking of this, Li Ming made a decision.

In the small maintenance workshop inside the spaceship.

After hesitating for a while, Li Ming suddenly looked up at Peter and said, "How about this, if Peter can handle the situation with Aunt Mei and Gwen, we will go on this trip to the universe together..."

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