It was only this city that was destroyed on Xandar, let alone the fact that the damage to this city was not that exaggerated when most of the battles were fought in the air.

The arrangement of Xandar Star, who was exhausted physically and mentally, was naturally extremely satisfied.

Even Li Ming, after arranging for the Dark Elf to cooperate with Xandar to carry out hull repairs, he took a good rest for a few days under the meticulous service with peace of mind.

During the period, Nova Supreme also invited him to meet once.

After confirming that Li Ming's stance was not as dangerous as Thanos, Xandar became more enthusiastic.

As for the cryptic mention of the ownership of the power gem, after Li Ming showed his bracelet directly with a smile, expressing that he had no intention of handing it over to others, the Xandar side quickly apologized and dared not give it up again. carry.

As a person who can completely control the power gem, regardless of how amazing Li Ming's own combat power is, it is only said that he can directly destroy all life in the entire Xandar star just by throwing the ring on the ground.

It was enough to deter them, and they didn't dare to have any extra thoughts.

Chapter 340 Five Soul-for-Soul (Two in One)

After resting for a few days, after the repair of the Dark Elf, Li Ming and the others had no intention of continuing to stay on Xandar, so they prepared to leave.

In the previous battle, although the Dark Elf also joined the battle group under the driving of the mastermind.

But more importantly, it is to attack the enemy by controlling the small spaceship on the mothership. Since the Dark Elf itself and the Dark Star were briefly melted and fixed into one body, it is not so convenient to join the battle group.

And with the Dark Asterisk as an external shield, the damage suffered by the Dark Elf after a battle is not too exaggerated.

What was really consumed was only a large number of small blade-shaped spaceships, so the repair of the entire mothership did not take too long.

Regarding the life and death of Thanos.

Li Ming also informed Xandar of the situation he had found out in the previous meeting, hoping that they could use corresponding intelligence resources to keep an eye on this matter.

From a certain point of view, this is also related to their own safety on Xandar Star, so after asking Li Ming for the exact information repeatedly, they directly agreed.

In addition, Xingjue and his group also came to chat with Li Ming during their rest period.

After testing Li Ming about the gem of power to no avail, the only serious chat they had was to talk about the impact of solving Thanos.

Then, Li Ming directly threw this problem to them, saying that if they wanted to, they could maintain the current team and try to maintain the order of the universe. Well... By the way, they can continue to pay attention to the whereabouts of Thanos matter.

In short, he was finally able to take a breather, if there is any big trouble that can't be solved, just don't come to him!

After talking about the business, it was basically nonsense.

In view of the fact that Xingjue was born on Earth, Li Ming also invited them to go back to Earth to have a look together, but was rejected by Xingjue who just found out that he was actually a hybrid of human and other alien races.

This guy said that apart from what Li Ming said he wanted to do to maintain the order of the universe, he would not return to Earth until he found out about his own life experience.

Li Ming just mentioned this kind of thing in passing, and what to do is Peter Quill's own business.

And the most he can do is to leave a contact information, so that this guy can ask himself for help when he encounters a problem that cannot be solved.

After that chat, Star-Lord left Xandar with Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, and Nebula who was captured during the battle against Ronan.

Although during the whole conversation, Xingyun looked at Li Ming with strange eyes and hot eyes, while Gamora hesitated, hesitated to speak, and did not hold back a word until the chat was over and left. In other words, the two sisters were sick all the time.

But I have to say that Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot, the three cheerful guys, really like Li Ming. Although they haven't known each other for a long time, he already regards them as friends.

What Gamora wants to say is nothing more than Thanos and the whereabouts of the soul gem she knows.

Since he struggled for a long time and didn't say it out, then he shouldn't say it at all, anyway, it's not like he doesn't know where the soul gem is.

After dealing with the odds and ends and telling Xandar that he and the others were about to leave, Li Ming, Peter and a group of super villains set foot on the Dark Elf again.

"Although Xandar has a high level of technology, and the accommodation and food are very comfortable, it's better to be more friendly on the spaceship!"

Peter stretched his waist, subconsciously said.

"Tsk! We still have to go to a few places before returning to Earth, and you can still enjoy this kind of intimacy on the spaceship!"

Li Ming made a fuss, and walked straight in, "Mastermind, call up the star map and head to Vormir."

"As you wish, Captain!"

The mastermind responded, and the spaceship lifted off slowly. Under the watchful eyes of countless Xandar stars, it flew into the sky and disappeared when the cloaking device was activated.

Naturally, Li Ming had already planned for this trip.

In the preset, the Morag star with the power gem is the first stop of his cosmic journey, and the Vormir star where the soul gem is buried is the second stop.

It's just that after finding out that he came a step late, failed to pick up the leak in advance to get the Power Gem, and actively participated in the dispute between the Guardians of the Galaxy and Ronan, after attracting Thanos, the plan was completely messed up.

The action against Thanos hadn't even started yet, so with his sudden arrival, he could only grit his teeth and fight hard, and finally barely solved the opponent's hasty end.

Fortunately, although the process was thrilling, the result was not bad, and most of the pressure that had been on Li Ming was finally relieved.

And under such circumstances, it would be easier for him to find the soul gem again.

Regardless of whether the method he thought of can work or not, and whether he can get the soul gem in the end, Li Ming can take it lightly.

Thinking of this, even the boring interstellar journey seemed a lot more vivid.

Ten days later, Vormir Star.

The edge of a round of dark sun is flowing, bringing a little light.

On a planet full of water and sandstone, a black blade-shaped mothership with a central core flashing red light slowly emerged from hiding in the flow of light and shadow.

It fell from the sky and slowly came to a mountain peak that was howling with cold wind and covered with ice and snow.

The cabin opened, a red gravitational beam was cast, and several figures followed the beam of light from the mothership spaceship to the ground.

"There is an infinite gemstone in this kind of place, who can find it?"

As soon as he got off the spaceship, Peter, who was shivering from the bitter cold wind, couldn't help complaining, then decisively slapped his chest on his chest, put on the suit, and activated the heating module of the suit.

"'s much more comfortable!"

"From a certain point of view, isn't it reasonable that the precious treasure is in a remote place?"

Professor Conners looked at himself, a playful student, and walked forward with Li Ming, talking and laughing casually.

As a lizard man fused with lizard serum, the environment here is not very friendly to him, and he will fall asleep if he doesn't chat.

"So you mean, besides the infinite gems, there may be other valuable things here?!"

Asked in horror and surprise, the eyes of Rhinoceros and Scorpion lit up as soon as the words were said.

"He was a metaphor, you idiot who only has money in his mind!"

Norman Osborn sneered.

"Tsk! What did I hear? The capitalist laughed at other people who only have money in their minds! I must have heard it wrong!" Thriller sneered ironically on the spot.

Seeing that these guys were about to quarrel again, Li Ming didn't even bother with them when a guy in a black robe suddenly walked over slowly on the other side of the mountain, opposite the circular rock.

Seeing this guy of unknown origin, everyone immediately shut up and put their weapons on alert, and all their weapons were aimed directly at this guy.

"Welcome... Li Ming, son of Li Liang."

Looking at the blood-red skeleton under the hood of the tattered black robe, the corner of Li Ming's mouth twitched: "To be honest, I heard the name of my father from other people's mouths, and there are quite enough slots..."

"Peter, son of Richard..."

Peter already felt something was wrong when the Red Skull spoke the names of Li Ming and his father without his face masked.

Until this guy said the names of himself and his father out of thin air, Peter suddenly showed surprise, stepped forward and asked loudly: "WTF! Who are you, how do you know us and our father's name? !"

And Peter's words can be regarded as helping the super villains behind them to ask the questions in their hearts.

"My curse is that I can know the names of them and their fathers who come here..."

While speaking, this guy's eyes fell on Martin Lee who had already put on the energy materialized battle suit behind Li Ming, and he was about to continue his name registration procedure, "Martin Lee..."


Li Ming took a step forward and interrupted this guy directly, "Are you an NPC in the game? You have to give your name!"

As he spoke, he looked Red Skull up and down a few times: "You are very similar to a person in my memory, but according to the situation, you should have died in the battle with Captain America that year..."

After what Li Ming said, not to mention Peter, who is a loyal fan of the Captain America comic series, even other super villains quickly responded.

The person in front of him seems to be exactly the same as the notorious villain back then!

Being recognized, the Red Skull was not surprised, but just took a few steps closer to reveal the whole picture: "Yes, I am John Schmidt, or are you more familiar with my other name...Red Skull?"

"Why are you here?" Peter asked suspiciously.

"During the fight with Captain America, the Rubik's Cube was activated without warning. It teleported me here, and made me cursed to become a caretaker..."

Red Skull said indifferently, his attitude of answering every question was too good to be true.

"Is that so?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, and stopped talking nonsense: "Since you claim to be the guardian, you should know where the soul gem is, right?"

"I can take you to where the soul gem is..."

"Wait! Since the Soul Stone is on this planet, and you know its exact location, why didn't you take it?"

Listening silently to this guy being a magic stick for a long time, Martin Lee suddenly asked a question, asking the key question to the point.

Whether it is him or Professor Connors and Norman Osborn, a clear-headed super villain, they all noticed the loopholes in the Red Skull's words.

And Martin Li saw that Li Ming didn't ask more questions, so he chose to ask questions suddenly before leaving, in order to prevent this guy from bringing himself and others into the pit.

Taking a deep look at Martin Lee, the Red Skull said indifferently: "I can't meet the requirements for obtaining this item, that's all."

Although the tone was flat, everyone present could hear the profound unwillingness from this guy's words.

Before everyone could ask any more questions, the Red Skull looked strangely at everyone present from Li Ming and continued, "Since this matter is mentioned, you should also know what kind of price you need to pay to obtain the soul gem..."

"What's the price?" Peter asked subconsciously.

But after Peter asked this sentence, this guy looked at Li Ming again, but suddenly stopped and did not give an answer, but suddenly turned around and said: "Come with me first, I will take you to the altar..."

Such an act of pretending to be a ghost immediately aroused the anger of the grumpy super villains present.

But before they could show it, and let this guy know how powerful he was on the spot, Li Ming had already said with a smile: "Well, it's not too late to go to the soul gem to see it first!"

After going through all the previous events, although a few of these super villains still have negative feelings towards Li Ming, they will not easily defy him head-on.

Now that Li Ming has spoken, others will naturally stop talking.

Even if there is a pitfall, with his combat power who holds the power gem, he is not afraid of what the other party will do.

Seeing Li Ming follow the Red Skull and continue to walk up the mountain, Peter scratched his head and followed quickly, and after the remaining seven super villains looked at each other, Martin Lee shrugged and beckoned everyone to follow.

Along the broken and winding mountain road all the way up to the top of the mountain, a dilapidated altar with several stone pillars around it appeared in front of everyone, and a little further forward were two huge altars that went straight to the sky, engraved with strange patterns rectangular columns.

In amazement, he followed the Red Skull through the passage between the pillars and came to the final platform.

Looking around, a few steps forward is the bottomless cliff, in the vast sea of ​​clouds, the swaying wind and snow give people a sense of depth that cannot be concealed.

When he got here, the Red Skull stopped, turned his head and scanned the crowd, and said slowly, "The soul gem you want is here... Maybe he will make you regret it!"

When he said the second half of the sentence, he ignored the others, but looked directly at Li Ming.

"Now can we talk about the price of getting this gem?"

Li Ming asked with an unpredictable smile on his face.

"Of course..." Red Skull nodded happily: "The reason why the soul gem has a particularly high status among the six infinite gems is because it has a certain amount of wisdom..."

"In order to ensure that those who want to get it can understand its power... the soul gem, a sacrifice is required..."

"Sacrifice what?"

Peter followed up and asked, and the villains who followed at this time frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Glancing at Peter who asked the question, the Red Skull looked indifferent: "If you want to get the soul gem, you must sacrifice the person you love...soul for soul!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

At this moment, they all involuntarily thought of that, or those people who had important meaning in their lives.

Only Li Ming looked calm and even smiled.

"So... are you finished?"

He smiled and said, at the same time that everyone's eyes fell on him, the light knight drive appeared on his waist.

Created a group by request

Unexpectedly, there are still brothers who feel that it is necessary to build a group, so let's build one.

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