dong dong!dong dong!dong dong!

At the moment of connection, the two subconsciously looked at each other, the pink heart beat a few times, and two little hearts popped out of their eyes.

A warm and sweet atmosphere was created between the two in an instant.

Such a change caused the others to feel a chill, and immediately backed away in shock.

When he looked at Li Ming again, his expression was like looking at a demon!

To tell the truth, Li Ming himself was quite disgusted by the effect of this move.

With such an immediate effect, is it true that funny characters are the strongest? !

Thinking in his heart, it was really unbearable for the two elders to look at each other affectionately, he quickly waved his hand: "Don't look at Schultz, push the red skull down, the money is yours!"

Hearing Li Ming's words, everyone swallowed.

So this is how you solve the problem? !

But this is too cruel!

Chapter 340: It Only Takes 1 Minute From Passionate Love to Die Love

For the super villains present, no matter how vicious and vicious things they have seen or even done themselves.

It's just letting Horror use the red skull as a sacrifice to exchange souls, they really don't care much.

Even Peter knew how evil the Red Skull, the former leader of Hydra and the old enemy of Captain America Steve Rogers, was, and how many innocent lives were lost to this guy.

It can be said that the Red Skull is completely unworthy of death.

Although he had some thoughts about Li Ming's operation in his heart, after all, he was not allowed to do it by himself, and the things related to this matter were extremely important.

Therefore, even if he didn't quite agree with Li Ming's approach, he didn't make a sound to stop him at this time.

And what really made Peter, who was extremely determined, and all the super villains showed a cold look on their faces, retreated again and again, and even cast a horrified look at Li Ming...

This guy can actually make Thriller fall in love with Red Skull out of thin air? !

Is this kind of operation really a normal person can do? !

Excluding Peter, there is not much worry, more just chills, for the other super villains present, they immediately think of themselves.

He began to think about whether he had provoked Li Ming recently, and was very worried that what happened to Thriller and Red Skull would one day be forced to happen to him.

For a person with a normal sexual orientation, this is simply killing them!

For the time being, he didn't have the time to pay attention to the horrified gazes of other people, and Li Ming, who was also so shocked that he subconsciously took a few steps back, urged him in horror: "Do it, Schultz!"

Hearing Li Ming's words, the others subconsciously looked at Jing Ji, waiting for his reaction.

But the next moment, the reaction given by Thriller gave them another chill!

"No... I can't do it..."

The terrified tone was full of struggle and love, and he looked deeply at the Red Skull, wanting to reach out and touch him.

Although the Red Skull was also aroused by Li Ming's inexplicable love connection with the sincere love of horror, he has stayed in this ghostly place for an unknown number of years, and his body has transformed into a ghost-like existence. At that time, he still retained a lot of sanity.

Even though he was full of love for the man in front of him and wanted to tell him, but his reason told him that the situation was not good, and if he ran away, he would be reduced to a sacrifice!

Unfortunately, before he left, he saw Li Ming who had transformed into a strange cartoon cat-wolf mix-and-match armor and took a paintbrush in his hand and randomly slapped a few strokes on him.

The pen tip slid across the air, and the lines appeared out of thin air in a two-dimensional plane style. With the swirling strokes, it turned into a long rope, and it spun in the blink of an eye to tie the red skull in place and couldn't move.

"Don't hurt him!"

Horror subconsciously exclaimed, full of pity.

"Is the effect of this thing a bit too good..."

The corner of Li Ming's mouth twitched, he glanced at the paintbrush in his hand, thought for a while, then reached out and took it from behind.

In an apparently empty place, he actually took out a huge black hammer with a cartoon style marked 1T.

Then, under the more horrified gazes of the others, he hit Thriller's head with a backhand.


The exaggerated collision sound suddenly sounded.

Horror's head suddenly folded down and sank like a funny anime character, and then quickly popped up and returned to its original shape. A few cartoon-style birds chased the spark and swirled around his forehead, showing his current state .

This seems to have an excellent effect, but in fact, the hammer did not cause any harm to Thriller, and finally aroused a little rationality of Thriller.

He shook his head violently, and after dispelling the bird and the sparks, his eyes finally regained some clarity.

But the pink line in his hand still connected the love between him and the Red Skull. When he looked at the Red Skull again, the intoxicated and sincere love surged up again.

Fortunately, the hammer that Li Ming gave him was not just a temporary effect, it was still useful.

As soon as love emerged, Thriller's face instantly showed a look of struggle, and his eyes were full of love, panic, and struggle.

"Damn it! I don't like men, so die to me!"

Roaring sternly, the brief sobriety gave Thriller its final struggle.

Almost using all his strength, he suddenly raised his hands, activated the shock glove, and blasted out a shock wave with the least power, blasting the red skull bound by the cartoon lines off the cliff.

After doing this, Jing Ji stood there in a daze, raised his trembling hand at a loss, and two lines of tears flowed down from his eyes unconsciously.

His body seemed to lose all his strength, and suddenly he knelt down on the ground, trying to get closer to the edge of the cliff and look down.

And when he saw the Red Skull lying at the bottom of the cliff, motionless, life and death unknown, his eyes turned red, and he suddenly raised his head and cried out in grief: "No!!!!"

Some feelings, when he is right in front of you, you are not willing to face it.

It's not until you lose it that you know it's too late to regret.


Some people, once missed, no longer...

It only took less than a minute to fall in love to die in love.

Such deep feelings are naturally easily recognized by the soul gem.

In an instant, a beam of light shot up from the cliff out of thin air.

Wrapped the terrifying figure kneeling on the ground, and sent it to a certain place on this planet.

And that mysterious soul gem quietly appeared in Li Ming's perception vision at this moment, exuding the same powerful energy as other infinite gems, allowing him to discover its existence immediately.

"The Soul Gem should already be in the hands of Thriller, let's go and find him..."

Li Ming smiled and nodded, turned around to greet everyone.

But when he turned his head to look at the others, Peter and a kind of super villains who had already retreated a certain distance subconsciously retreated a few steps.

The eyes looking at him are full of fear and a little imperceptible panic.

Even Norman Osborn lost the slightest bit of arrogance at this time, shrinking his body behind the rhinoceros, for fear that Li Ming would find him at this time.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

It's not a problem for him to be suppressed by Sunlight Lee for the rest of his life, but if he can do this kind of thing with his weird ability, then he would rather die!

"What are you looking at! Isn't this a stopgap measure!"

The corner of Li Ming's mouth twitched and he shouted, "Obviously that fellow Red Skull wants to say something about exchanging souls for souls, so I have no choice but to fulfill him!"

"And... didn't I ask Jing Ji whether he agreed with him or not, and gave him a reward!"

"You guys, don't act like I deliberately punished him?"

When these innocent words were spoken, both Peter and the villains couldn't help but curl their lips.

yes!You didn't deliberately manipulate people to produce this effect, if you intentionally manipulated it, then it's okay? !

Chapter 340 Heartbroken~

After a few friendly exchanges, Peter and the other super villains reluctantly accepted Li Ming's explanation.

Everyone stopped delaying and returned to the Dark Elf, while Li Ming flew outside to lead the way, and soon found the place of horror.

When they found Thriller, he was lying in a shallow puddle of water.

I don't know if I was awakened by the sound of the arrival of the spaceship, or it was just the time to wake up.

Horror slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the puddle.

Subconsciously opened his hand to look, a gemstone flashing orange light unexpectedly landed in his hand at some point.

"Is this in exchange for his life..."

Horror's eyes were full of grief and nostalgia, and he subconsciously saved up the soul gem, as if he wanted to vent the regret in his heart.

Little did he know that in the eyes of others, his actions were like the scene of some kind of horror story!

Even for Li Ming, the instigator, the impact of this situation is really shocking.

He quickly landed on the ground, and before he realized that he was coming, the horrifying eyes showed fierce light and launched an attack, venting the grief and indignation in his heart. With his backhand, he once again pulled out a pair of exaggerated cartoon style scissors from behind out of thin air, and cut off the pink line connected to the horrifying on the spot. , and even took out the hammer and smashed the beating pink cartoon heart into pieces.

When the line was cut, the horror that was still showing fierce eyes on the front feet and was about to attack Li Ming was already stunned.

When the pink heart was smashed with a hammer, it shattered into fragments and fell, disintegrated into light particles and disappeared in all directions, this guy suddenly picked it up.

Staring at Li Ming, he stretched out his finger and was about to speak. When he saw the soul gem in his hand, his face changed drastically. Without saying a word, he just discarded this inestimable treasure of the universe in disgust. Lose Li Ming.

As soon as I turned my head, I vomited out of course.

He happily took the soul gem, feeling the gentle yet vast sea of ​​energy gushing out from above, reaching directly to the soul's strange energy, Li Ming's eyes flashed orange, and he was initially familiar with the power and power of the soul contained in this gem. strength.

Looking at the bracelet with the power gem on his right hand, he put the soul gem on the other end of the bracelet.

Light particles quickly swarmed out of his body, enveloping the orange gemstone heavily, and after completely controlling its power from leaking out, it materialized and became one with the bracelet.

Shaking his wrist, Li Ming looked at the two round gemstones with orange light and purple light faintly on them, and Li Ming felt confident in his heart.

Today, he already has two Infinity Stones in his hand.

The power gem focuses on the material level, its energy is full of destructive properties, and it is full of destructive power.

The soul gem focuses on the spiritual level. It can protect itself from any external power against the soul, and it can launch an attack that directly hits the enemy's soul.

In this way, Li Ming has basically achieved both offensive and defensive capabilities, and is even a powerful presence at the cosmic boss level to some extent.

With such strength, even if he doesn't make much effort in the future, it is enough to keep the peaceful life he wants.

And speaking of it, he has already obtained part of the energy of the other four infinite gems.

Although the corresponding energy crystals were severely consumed after many assists and battles, and there was no room for a few uses, but to some extent, he had collected all six infinite gems?

From this perspective, does he have the possibility to "snap his fingers"?

Thinking of this, Li Ming couldn't help but move in his heart, but when he looked around and felt that it was not an experiment, he put the thought out for a while.

He turned to Horror to see if the guy had broken out of his previous state.

At this time, even the other people who were one step later had already disembarked from the spaceship, and they were still vomiting in horror.

Not to mention the unsightly thing on the ground, even though he almost vomited up the acid water in his stomach, he was still retching.


Needless to say, vomiting so hard must have completely got rid of the previous influence.

Just looking at it like this, the sequelae are a bit big!

"Are you okay Schultz..."

After all, Peter was so kind that he couldn't stand it any longer, and was going to go and have a look.

"Do you think I'm okay?"

Asked back angrily, Peter helped him up straight after vomiting enough horror, and then met the eyes of others.

Looking at the complex emotions of exploration, palpitations, pity and even gloating in their eyes, the horror immediately exploded.

"What do you guys look at! What does that look mean?! I don't like men! It's all because of Sunlight Lee!"

"If you dare to look at me like that again, believe it or not, I will blow your eyes out!"

He slapped his chest, yelled and tried to prove his sexual orientation, but in exchange for more sympathetic and perfunctory answers from others.

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