"Why are you awake again at this time?"

Now that the target was found, Li Ming was not in a hurry, and immediately asked curiously.

And Xingjue noticed that this guy had woken up, and he could barely maintain his calm, but uncontrollable anger flooded his face again.

"You can't escape if I'm here! I want you to be buried with my mother!"

"Although the feelings of ordinary people are sincere and touching, they are extremely short-lived and fleeting... I sacrificed her for my eternal life. Although I suffered, I never regretted it!"

Yi Ge's voice sounded faintly, he didn't answer Li Ming's question but said this to his son on his own.

"Tsk! So now you are going to die at the hands of your own son, how do you feel?" Li Ming didn't care, just asked jokingly.

"I didn't die by his hands, but by your hands... In my opinion, without your existence, my son would never be able to stand here!"

Yi Ge's answer undoubtedly made Peter Quill even more angry. He flew forward, with the same divine power as Yi Ge pouring out of his hands, and gathered together with all his strength to ruthlessly bombard the meteorite.

Most of the meteorite shattered under this force, but none of the divine power he bombarded on it was absorbed by Yi Ge.

Yi Ge, who got this energy, suddenly burst out an astonishing amount of energy, and in the flash of the energy light, the outer layer of meteorite collapsed, and he was about to flee in the opposite direction along with the burst of energy.

"I said that after you said such arrogant words on the front foot, you ran so embarrassingly on the back foot, don't you feel that you will be out of place if you die?"

Talking about it, before Yi Ge ran far, the energy crystals of the Soul Gem and the Space Gem in Li Ming's hands lighted up at the same time. Yi Ge, whose soul was already weak to a certain extent, had no resistance at all. Straight away from his life core and flew back backwards.

And his life core, which was still maintaining momentum and continued to rush into the distance, was also sent directly back to Li Ming and Xingjue under the effect of the force of space, and stopped obediently.

Since then, the soul has been separated from the core of life, and Egg can no longer perform any operations.

"To be honest, I'm too lazy to take care of your family affairs, but you're a guy who wants to keep an eye on the earth when you do something, so I can only ask you to go all the way!"

Shaking his head, the power of the soul gem gushed out from the back of Li Ming's hand, and he raised his hand to grab it lightly. The power that seemed soft but actually was supreme to the soul tore Yi Ge's body to pieces.

"Ugh... I thought you would leave him to me to deal with..."

Peter Quill, who watched the whole process from the side, opened his mouth, a look of resentment froze on his face.

"I would like to, but just because you have provided him with energy just now, I won't do anything more!"

Li Ming shook his head and said mercilessly, "I gave the opportunity, but who can you blame if you don't grasp it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the brain-like life core of Yi Ge, which was completely lifeless. When he raised his hand, the power of light and darkness gathered and blasted it into shards.

Although even the soul is destroyed, in order to avoid the enemy's body fraud, it is more reliable to let him die without a whole body.


Peter Quill's throat moved, and there was something that Mazefak wanted to say but didn't dare to say, so he could only nod helplessly.

Obviously, it was revenge for a big revenge, and he even ruined himself, so why did he feel so aggrieved.

And just when he doubted his life, he saw countless blue light particles emerging out of thin air from the debris all over the sky and gathering towards Li Ming.

In the end, a power card was condensed in the light knight drive circle.

【Living Planet Ego】!

Seeing the pattern of Ego Star with a human face on it, Li Ming nodded in satisfaction.

He could foresee that the increase of this card should not be small!

Chapter 350

After taking a few glances at the [Living Planet·Ego] power card, Li Ming turned his head and met Peter Quill's bewildered face.

"You... what's going on here?!"

Peter Quill pointed to the cards in Li Ming's hand and asked in surprise.

"This is one of my abilities, don't worry about it."

After explaining casually, Li Ming put away the card and asked back: "Now that your own father is dead, can you still sense the divine power?"

"Huh? If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about this!"

Peter Quill was stunned for a moment, and quickly calmed down to feel that the power that was still vaguely present seemed to have lost its source at this moment, and his body was empty without any feedback.

Aware of this problem, Yuan finally gained a strong power, and with more reliance in the universe, he would naturally not be willing to lose it before he had time to have a good time.

I tried several times without believing in evil, but my body was still dead silent, as if the divine power that appeared in my body before was just an illusion.

Finally, he opened his eyes and smiled: "It seems... I really can't sense it!"

"Is it really not working?"

Li Ming shook his head: "It seems that after your father died, without a base station for transformation, you can't continue to inspire divine power by yourself..."

"Forget it, I didn't want that guy's stuff at first, so if it's gone, it's gone!"

Peter Quill shook his head, but he didn't expect that Li Ming hadn't finished speaking: "But..."


He suddenly raised his head and stared at Li Ming with bright eyes: "Is there anything else you can do?"


You don't look like you don't want that power!

Can't we be more honest? !

Li Ming complained wildly in his heart. Although he couldn't see the slightest expression through the visor, just looking at him like this already made Peter Quill, a thick-skinned guy, look a little embarrassed.

But no matter what, the embarrassment is only temporary, how can the face be compared with the real strength.

Scratching his nose and laughing, he forced himself to explain: "Cough...you know, the more power you have, the more things you can do! I'm thinking about helping more people. !"

"It's the first time I've heard such a high-sounding statement!"

Li Ming sneered, and Peter Quill patted him on the shoulder before becoming angry: "My idea is very simple, your power should essentially come from the god gene you inherited from Ego instead of Ego. After Yi Ge's death, he couldn't activate it because he lacked a true life core as a transformation..."

"From this point of view, as long as you can get something with a similar function, you may have the possibility to reactivate your divine power!"

After listening to Li Ming's explanation, Peter Quill immediately showed joy, but the excitement on his face gradually sank after he realized it.

"Even if it's the famous Star Lord in the universe, I've never heard of something similar before. Where can I find it?"

Yi Ge's star was blown up to scum, and he couldn't find other things with divine power when he used divine power to sense it before. It was impossible to get materials nearby.

If you want to find similar foreign objects in the entire universe, the difficulty is even greater, not at 01:30!

Rolling his eyes, Li Ming couldn't help but feel worried about the IQ of this stinky guy. He patted his head with a headache and reminded: "You don't have one, but your cheap daddy should have one..."

"and many more!"

Peter Quill raised his hand and slapped his forehead, suddenly realized: "Are you talking about the seeds he sowed on other planets before?"

"That's right!"

Nodding in relief, Li Ming explained: "Since he can use that thing as a medium to assimilate and devour other planets, then those seeds should also be helpful to you who also have the Celestial Genome gene."

"Good idea!"

After a compliment, Peter Quill wanted to say more, when suddenly Peter's voice came from the communication channel.

"Hey! Brothers, can we talk later? It seems that another enemy is coming, and the person who came is not good!"

"Oh damn! It's these Sovereigns again, how did they find them?!"

At the right moment, Rocket Raccoon cursed, and Peter Quill turned his head to look at the spaceship that was constantly breaking away from the space jump and appeared in front of the Dark Elf. His expression froze: "Cough... I think they are Come to us!"

Then he cursed angrily in the next moment: "Rocket, you damn mouse! I told you earlier that I lost that broken battery, but you still have it with you. Are you trying to kill us?!"

"Now you have the nerve to scold me again! When I took it back then, wasn't it you who told me to hide it?!"

The rocket is like a firecracker, it explodes at one point: "What's more, if I hadn't found someone to rescue you, your kid would have become a fucking human-shaped battery by now! Now that you have solved your cheap old man, you have the nerve to accuse me Is it right?"

"Also! Don't fucking call me a mouse!"

"Hey! Is it time to quarrel? With this time, we might as well retreat quickly!" Gamora persuaded, her tone full of tiredness.

"What's the noise! ​​You unreliable guys didn't understand the situation, and now you are on someone else's spaceship!"

In the end, Yondu, an old Jianghu, reacted faster.

Although he was about to be pissed off by these pig teammates, he knew very well that it was not them who had the right to speak, but Li Ming, who had absolute power.

Li Ming hadn't spoken yet, and the few of them were making a fuss, which was nothing.

If he was offended, it would be fun to just throw them out of the spaceship and let them deal with the Sovereigns by themselves!

Reminded by Yondu, Peter Quill and Rocket Raccoon, who had been arguing more and more intensely, shut up at the same time.

The former who was right next to Li Ming immediately looked at Li Ming and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Sunlight, so what are you going to do now?"

Li Ming didn't answer his question, but asked suddenly: "I heard that all the spaceships of the Sovereigns are unmanned remote control spaceships?"

"That's right..."

Peter Quill nodded and answered honestly, momentarily confused about what Li Ming meant.

Li Ming didn't care what he thought, he just informed in the communication channel: "Don't run away, just leave the spaceships of the Sovereigns to me..."

"Interstellar remote connection technology is such a practical thing, just get some samples and go back for research!"

When he said this, it didn't matter whether he could research something or not.

Just this style of plucking a goose's hair really makes Yondu and others admire it.

Chapter 350 Nine Unequal Battles (Happy New Year's Eve!)

Looking at the blade-shaped mothership spaceship that looked very strange in front of him, and vaguely seemed to have seen it somewhere before, the Sovereign star who was driving the spaceship could not help but hesitate. Even though the fleet had been assembled, they still did not launch an attack hastily. , but choose to identify before taking action.

And this also gave everyone on the Dark Elf room to discuss with Li Ming and Peter Quill on the other side.

Through image comparison, the Sovereign star party soon found out the origin of this somewhat familiar spaceship.

"High Priest, that spaceship seems to belong to the strong man who killed Thanos back then, if he did it rashly..."

After reviewing all the relevant information, the officer immediately reported the details of the enemy in front of him to the high priest Ayesha.

"But the signal from the energy battery did appear in that spaceship, didn't it?"

High Priest Ayesha raised her chin slightly, and said with a haughty expression.

Cold sweat dripped down the officer's forehead, hesitant expression: "Ah... that's true, but if you offend that strong man because of this, in case the other party attacks Sovereign Star..."


The high priest Ayesha immediately stopped his advice, stared at him sharply and said: "So you mean, we Sovelin Stars can't even deal with a few petty thieves for the sake of that person, You have to let them go, right?"

"I did not mean that……"

The officer trembled all over, and there was no way to continue with these words!

"Then take down that spaceship first. After showing the strength of our Sovereigns...whether to choose our friendship or those little thieves, I believe that person will make a wise choice!"

After all, the High Priest Ayesha waved her hand, indicating to attack immediately.

"As ordered!"

It's all up to this point, no matter how much I say, I'm afraid that I will lose my life. The officer wiped off his cold sweat, bowed and saluted, and turned around to convey the instructions of the high priest Ayesha.

And the high priest Ayesha, who is above the head, watched his leaving back, and then his eyes fell on the big screen, and the undisguised cold murderous intent of the blade-shaped mothership spaceship in the starry sky emerged. face.

"Damn Guardians of the Galaxy...you have to pay the price for daring to steal something from Sovereign!"


On the other side, near the star Ego that has been blown to pieces.

Just when Li Ming expressed his interest in the interstellar remote control technology of the Sovereign Stars, the assembled Sovereign Stars fleet immediately swarmed into a formation and launched an attack on the Dark Elf.

"Hey! Don't you want to do something? What are you doing there, or we will all be beaten into a sieve!"

Rocket Raccoon's urging sound came, this little guy has nothing else to spare.

"What's the rush? Do you think any of Peter and the others are panicking? With the performance of the Dark Elf itself, they can have a good fight with them, and it won't threaten your life... Even if I do it, I can't fight them." It's just to keep your loot as good as possible!"

Li Ming replied to him without haste, and under Peter Quill's gaze, a card had turned into a hanging ring and was worn on his hand.

With a swipe of his hand, orange-gold sparks bloomed in the dark deep space, turning into a huge door and appearing in front of the two of them.

"Give these spaceships to me, you go back first, I don't need to help."

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