Immediately, a smile appeared on Li Ming's face.

"That luminous body doesn't look like a weapon or something... Wait! That shape, is that a person?!"

Peter stared at the picture carefully for a long time, and finally gave the answer with an exclamation.

"To be precise, it's a woman!"

Peter Quill's eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, and he emphasized a sentence seriously.

Hearing this, Gamora, who was originally serious, snorted coldly: "Hmph! If your fighting power is half as strong as yours in terms of looking at women, we wouldn't have to use it when we were on your cheap Laozi's planet." Wait until someone else comes to save me!"

"A woman?"

No matter what they were doing before, everyone was attracted by the alarm just issued by the mastermind. They all looked at the approaching luminous body in the distance, and tried to distinguish the origin of the other party through the enlarged and clearer effect on the screen.

Moreover, after the enlarged image was completely clear, everyone finally saw clearly that the luminous body was really a blonde woman shrouded in golden flames!

Among other things, at least at this moment, everyone except Gamora gave Star-Lord admiration.

This guy who was blurred like a mosaic before can make such a clear judgment, this kind of talent is simply...

Although they didn't say a word.

But Li Ming knew that no matter what they were thinking, the way they looked at Peter Quill could be described in one sentence, that is——


Seeing Peter Quill's proud face, Li Ming shook his head helplessly. He thought that this guy could be called "terrible" in this respect. There is a hammer for this description!

After a short tease, everyone turned their attention to Li Ming again.

Judging from the detected energy readings, the opponent is obviously not easy to deal with.

Moreover, among the people present, no matter whether they came from the universe or the earth, none of them knew her.

But the blond woman who was covered in flames and whose energy index exploded still flew out from the earth they were about to reach, so it was a bit unclear what was going on.

In such a situation where it is not even clear whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, how to deal with it can only be decided by Li Ming, who really has the right to speak.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Li Ming, who had been staring at the screen on the panel and the marked energy index, turned his head to meet their gaze and smiled: "Don't worry, that one is not the enemy."

As he said that, he casually said: "Mastermind, cancel the alert, and prepare the gravitational beam to connect the target in."

Seeing Li Ming's calm arrangement, Peter couldn't help being curious: "Do you know her?"

"I didn't know each other at first, but before setting off, Nick Fury introduced me to this lady..."

Li Ming smiled and nodded, "Do you still remember the orange cat we saw in Nick Fury's office when we entered the Trident Building of S.H.I.E.L.D. for the first time?"

"You mean Goo Goo?" Peter reacted immediately.

Although he didn't see the little orange cat many times, after hearing Li Ming's introduction back then, he had a deep impression on this cute but extremely dangerous creature.

"That's right!"

Li Ming snapped his fingers, pointed to the luminous body that was getting closer and could see the outline clearly, and said: "In [-], the Cree once invaded the earth. It was impossible with our strength." Resisting their aggression, but she single-handedly destroyed all the fleet led by Ronan, scaring him away and saving the earth from crisis... Later, she went to the universe to help a race find a new habitat time, and never returned to Earth.”

"And since then this matter has become one of Nick Fury's biggest secrets. I think if I hadn't taken the initiative to enter the universe to try to dig out the man behind the Battle of New York, er, Thanos, and give If he finds some trouble, he probably won't be able to tell me."

"Speaking of which, she was actually one of the reasons why I carried out the plan..."

Speaking of this, Li Ming shrugged and showed a helpless smile: "If Thanos hadn't suddenly descended on Xandar, I might have already contacted her!"

As for why he didn't get in touch later, Li Ming didn't say, and the others didn't ask.

After all, even Thanos, the target he planned to target, was defeated by him in the Battle of Xandar, so his whereabouts are unknown, so why go to her!

It's just that he didn't go to find him, but he didn't expect that the other party would come to him first instead.

At this moment, although Li Ming was more happy that he was able to get another card with top combat power, he still felt a little bit pained.

But what he thought in his heart, the others didn't have the heart to pay attention to it at this time.

What he said just now undoubtedly revealed a secret buried in history, which had a huge impact on everyone present.

After listening for a long time, they all just stared at the rapidly approaching voice with different expressions, in a daze.

They never expected that Ronan the Accuser, who had fought on Xandar, would actually have operations like invading Earth.

And I actually have the experience of being in contact with enemies in a strange history that is closely related to myself.

This means that guy Ronan is dead, otherwise the super villains present would regret not being more ruthless at the beginning!


Peter's exclamation brought everyone's divergent consciousness back, "I can't wait to get to know this lady!"

These words obviously spoke the minds of the big guys. Although not everyone agreed, they basically nodded in unison, and the expressions on their faces showed considerable curiosity.

But Peter Quill couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Why do I feel that Parker lied to me? Before monsters like Sunlight appeared on Earth, there was already a monster that could also be an enemy of the entire Starfleet." Superhero... can't you really arrange such a good thing for me?!"

Glancing at Xingjue who wanted to eat peaches all day long, Li Ming chuckled: "To be honest, I really want to meet this lady..."

While speaking, Captain Marvel, who leaped from the earth, had already reached the Dark Elf.

The body shrouded in golden flames and wrapped in the red, blue and gold three-color battle suit surged with unconcealable power.

Paired with her blond hair that was slowly fluttering amidst the surging flames, and her heroic face, it almost made everyone on the spaceship think they saw a Valkyrie!

Smiling and nodding to Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, Li Ming ordered, "Mastermind, project a gravitational beam to bring people in!"


I'm still outside, it should be quite late to go home today, coo~

I'm too busy, another day

I started work, today I closed my mobile phone and had a closed meeting. I still have things to deal with at night and I don’t have time to code words. I have no choice but to mutter.

Although Chinese New Year is busier than I imagined, and I don’t have much time to make up code words and add changes, but I should be able to find time to make up for it in the past few days after returning to work... right!

Normally, I would be willing to exchange two leave slips, but they were used up in the first ten days of this month. Tsk, I have no choice but to be honest.

that's all.

Chapter 360 Return and Gratitude (Two in One)

Not long after, Carol Danvers, who was wearing a battle suit and had an extraordinary temperament, strode out of the passage under the guidance of the mastermind, and appeared in front of everyone with his blond hair fluttering.

"Nice to meet you... Ms. Danvers, I'm Sunlight Lee!"

Li Ming thought to himself that this was the first time he had met this Captain Marvel. Although he didn't know why she appeared on Earth at this time, he still kept polite and greeted her.

"Me too! Originally, when the satellite detected a UFO approaching, I thought it was the enemy coming, but I didn't expect you to come back..."

Carol Danvers smiled and stretched out his hand to shake Li Ming, and then subconsciously shifted his gaze to the bracelet on his right wrist, and his attention was immediately attracted.

Suddenly forgot to let go!

This scene immediately made the melon eaters headed by Peter Parker and Peter Quill twitch their mouths slightly.

Is this kid so attractive?

Actually let this lady grab this hand when she came up!

Looking at this scene, Peter Quill felt sore in his heart!

Obviously he is the only prodigal son on this spaceship who has been flirting with countless women, how could he be defeated without even having a chance to speak!

" about you let go of your hand and let's talk slowly!"

With a light cough, Li Ming reminded that at the same time, he pulled back with a little force.

Although Carol Danvers is handsome and has a bit of the unique charm of a female warrior, Li Ming is not used to being held by an unfamiliar woman for no reason.

Not to mention that this guy's hands are really strong!

Being reminded by this, Carol Danvers reacted immediately, quickly let go and took it back, clasping each other with a slightly embarrassed smile: "I'm sorry, the energy fluctuations emitted by those two things on your wrist , makes me feel a little familiar..."

Hearing this, Li Ming immediately responded with an embarrassed but polite smile: "I am familiar with them... because the energy fluctuations are similar to the Rubik's Cube you have come into contact with, right?"

Carol Danvers raised his eyebrows, moved his eyes to Li Ming's face, and his expression became serious: "So you really have mastered two infinity gems now?"

"That's right, they are power gems and soul gems respectively!"

Li Ming shook his bracelet and showed her the two gemstones, speaking bluntly.

Regarding the fact that he holds the Infinity Gem, he really has no intention of hiding it. Of course, it is also because the person in front of him holds the news channel at the interstellar level. To this person, the fact that he has won the Power Stone is nothing at all secret.

But more importantly, as the power under his control became stronger, Li Ming had fewer and fewer things to worry about.

With the power gem, he can even destroy all creatures on a planet in a very short period of time, and he can also use the soul gem to strip the souls of countless people out of their bodies with a single thought.

Although this kind of reckless ability, he will never use it on the earth, but the more strategic the weapon is, the more it should let the outside world know its existence and power, so as to better exert their deterrent power no.

"Power gems and soul gems..."

Carol Danvers took a deep look at Li Ming, "I know about the Power Gem, and because you defeated Thanos and won this gem, I will return to Earth as soon as I get the news In case there are enemies from the interstellar attacking the earth..."

Listening to her explanation, Li Ming secretly nodded in his heart.

It turns out that this woman who has been looking for a livable planet for the Skrulls in the universe for so many years and has never returned to Earth to see it, did she make this trip because of the noise she made?

Hmm... this is not bad!

At least, Earth will be able to establish contact with this powerful combat force in advance, and if there is any problem in the future, there will be another thug.

"But where did you get the soul gem?"

After a brief explanation, Carol Danvers unabashedly expressed his doubts.

As a warrior who has fought in the interstellar space for many years, Carol Danvers' own vision has long been broadened by this experience, and he naturally knows how precious the only six infinity gems in the universe are.

Not to mention that her own strength is all created by the influence of the energy of the space gem!

However, such a precious Infinity Gem, but I, a fellow on earth, just walked around the universe and got two of them. This kind of thing is too magical!

It can be said that as long as the force is strong enough, the gem of power can be taken, but the gem of soul has been unknown for many years, how could it be easily obtained by a person on earth who just wandered around!

"I naturally have my channel..."

Li Ming smiled and did not give a clear answer, and before Carol Danvers asked further questions, he turned around and revealed the people behind him: "Why don't we introduce the people on the spaceship first?" Let someone get to know you!"

"This is my good friend, Spider-Man Peter Parker..."

"Cough... Hello Ms. Danvers, I'm Peter Parker..."

Pulled forward by Li Ming, Peter was stunned for a moment, then quickly adjusted his state, showing a correct smile and stretched out his hand to Carol Danvers.

"I heard Fury talking about you. He said that the existence of you and Sunlight really helped him solve a lot of troubles..."

Although he still wanted to ask more questions, Carol Danvers could only smile and shook hands with Peter generously.

Immediately afterward, Peter Quill, who was watching from the sidelines, came up, smiling like an insurance buyer, "Hi lady, I'm Peter Quill! Like you, I left Earth many years ago, This time I came back with Sunlight... Oh yes! They are my partners!"

"Oh, Hello!"

Carol Danvers shook hands with him, and replied indifferently.

On the contrary, he showed a certain interest in the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy behind him.

Obviously, Mr. Peter Quill's approaching behavior did not work for her.

Everyone didn't care about this guy's reaction after he was frustrated in making friends, but continued to bring Carol Danvers to know other people.

In this way, Li Ming quickly introduced everyone on the ship to the unexpected Captain Marvel.

When introducing a group of super villains, Li Ming was also blunt. He not only explained the crimes they committed in the past and the identities of the current criminals, but also showed the contribution they made during this interstellar journey in the previous battle of Xandar. .

This behavior made these guys look at him a lot softer.

With sharp eyes, he glanced across these super villains carefully, Carol Danvers finally just nodded and didn't say much.

She has been away from the earth for too long, and the laws of the earth are just a decoration to her. It doesn't really mean much to her whether these guys in front of her are criminals or not.

On the contrary, what Li Ming said about the contributions made by the super villains in the battle of Xandar moved her even more.

She even faintly thought that if she also used Li Ming's method to use super criminals with powerful combat power to do things, maybe the progress of helping the Scruis would be greatly advanced.

After they chatted for a while, the Dark Elf, which continued to sail towards the earth, also approached the earth.

At the right time, the 01 signal was connected, and the spaceship was instantly controlled by it, and the mastermind could only enter a temporary dormancy.

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