"Your efficiency is quite high. I didn't even have time to make new tea after I came back."

Gu Yi, who was still fiddling with the tea set in front of him, glanced at Li Ming and joked with a smile.

She stood up and walked in front of Tony with her hands behind her back: "Welcome Tony Stark, Wanda and Pietro."

Although Tony had already known the image of the so-called Supreme Mage who guarded the earth from the records of SHIELD before he came, but when he really saw the bald woman in yellow monk robes who couldn't tell the age in front of him, he couldn't help being on the spot. stunned.

It's not because the other party looks so mysterious, but because she looks too ordinary, like an ordinary person, without any momentum.

However, people should not be judged by appearances. Faced with the greetings of such a big man, Tony still responded politely: "It's a pleasure to meet your respected Supreme Mage! Sunlight told me something about you, I am very happy curious……"

"About what you want to ask, please stay calm and talk about it later! I will...make you satisfied!"

Gu Yi interrupted Tony's words, glanced at Pietro's soul helplessly floating in the air, shook his head with a smile, and returned his soul to his body with a wave of his hand.

Although the former was quite upset when he was interrupted before he finished speaking, he still swallowed his saliva and decided that it would not be too late to wait before speaking.

"Thank you……"

Pietro, who trembled and regained control, was put down by Wanda and immediately thanked Gu, then glared at Li Ming fiercely.

If it had been released before, this guy might have started running as soon as he regained control of his body, but after going through this series of magical experiences just now, he didn't dare to act recklessly anymore.

Faced with his thank you, Gu Yi just walked up to Wanda and looked at the girl in front of him carefully, "Is the power created by the combination of chaos magic and the ability to modify the probability...Wanda, you are really special!"

After muttering a word, Gu Yi waved the carved wooden fan in his hand, turned his head and glanced at Li Ming: "Okay, since everyone is here, you can go back first... I want to chat with them alone."

All of a sudden, Tony, Wanda, and even Li Ming were stunned.

Especially after hearing the evaluation about herself from Gu Yi, Wanda, who was still full of confusion for a while, subconsciously looked at Li Ming immediately.

"Are you going to drive me away?"

Li Ming gave Wanda a calm look, and Li Ming couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

"The last time I said goodbye to you was only 10 minutes ago, and we have nothing to talk about if you stay here,"

Gu Yi said slowly, "And as someone who came to me for the first time, and even one of them is going to be my disciple, I do have something to say to them alone."

Hearing Gu Yi emphasize the word "independence" again, Li Ming frowned: "What exactly are you trying to explain and avoid me..."

This was like doing a few more preparations before he died, which really made him a little uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, you go back first, and I will let them go back to New York in the Supreme Sanctuary."

Gu Yi shook his head and didn't say much. He raised his hand and swiped a portal that appeared at the bottom of Li Ming's feet, causing him to fall directly and landed in Tony's villa.

"Oh shit..."

Rubbing his buttocks and getting up from the ground, Li Ming looked ugly.

The fact that Ancient One asked him to come back and talk to Wanda and Tony alone made him feel very wrong!

Chapter 370 Eight Say a Word (Two in One)

Since they were all thrown back by Gu Yi, there is no need to open the door to find them again.

After all, Gu Yi has lived for hundreds of years, and his thinking is indeed a level higher than Li Ming's to a large extent.

If he insisted on talking with them alone and excluding himself, what he wanted to say was either related to Li Ming, or something he didn't want Li Ming to know.

No matter which one it was, it was obvious that even if Li Ming went back to Karma Taj right away, it was impossible for Li Ming to get the answer from Gu Yi, so there was no need to entangle him.

"Although this is the truth, I still feel very uncomfortable!"

Li Ming's expression gradually calmed down, and he looked around at the living room of the villa, where the hydraulic metal door had been removed and cleaned by robots.

"Jarvis, why isn't Miss Potts at home?" He asked casually.

"Ms. Pepper is on a business trip in Europe." Jarvis replied truthfully.

"Then I'm not bothering you..."

After thinking about it, Li Ming simply sat down on the sofa, "Jarvis, bring me a bottle of Coke!"

He is not in a hurry to leave, Gu Yi, you don't want me to listen, can't I ask someone else?

"Okay, Mr. Sunlight...Also, Mr. Stark asked me to tell you not to tamper with anything here, including the internal network here."

Jarvis's voice sounded, and there was a hint of emotion in the seemingly unwavering words.

"I almost forgot, even Kama Taj can connect to the Internet!"

Li Ming patted his forehead and realized, "Then Jarvis, can you help me broadcast the current situation of Karma Taj?"

"Sorry, I disconnected from Mr. Stark one second after you made this request."

Jarvis replied calmly as always, but Li Ming, who had just taken a sip of Coke from the intelligent robotic arm, almost spit out his words.

Isn't it a bit too much to target people like this!

Gu Yi, although you are the abbot of Karma Taj, you can't be so small-minded!

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Ming stopped making unnecessary attempts, chatting with 01 at the side to perfect his plan, and killing time waiting for Tony's return.

Almost half an hour later, a teleportation door opened in the living room of the villa, and Tony, dressed in casual clothes, walked out with small steps with a pensive expression on his face.

"You are finally back!"

Li Ming quickly stood up and walked in front of him, "What did Master Gu Yi tell you?"

Facing his inquiry, Tony raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Ming with a strange expression, then shook his head immediately: "I did say something, but she asked me to keep it secret, I can't tell you..."

As he spoke, he was still afraid that Li Ming would not believe it, so he gritted his teeth and added: "Otherwise, as long as I subjectively reveal a word related to this matter to you, my big tits will be shortened by one centimeter! until!"

"So cruel?!" Li Ming was dumbfounded.

"It's really so cruel!" Tony nodded seriously, with a bit of grief and anger in his eyes, "That damn... ahem, the great Supreme Mage cast a spell in front of me!"

He's so curious what to do!

Now put yourself in the pit!

Li Ming was speechless. What did he say about him? As for the defense to this point?

Moreover, what is going on in their magic world!

What are you researching every day! ?

Who came up with such a nonsensical curse that if you tell a lie, your big tits will be shortened by one centimeter? !

"let it go……"

I complained wildly in my heart, but I could only shake my head helplessly on my face.

At this point, Li Ming also knew that it was impossible for him to pry out anything from Tony.

After all, even if it was him himself, it would be impossible to gamble even if he just said a word to test the waters!

"What about Wanda and her brother?"

"After 'sending' you away, Master Gu Yi first appeased the two brothers and sisters, and then asked them to wait there to talk to me... When I was sent back, they were still sitting there drinking tea !"

Although the chat can't be said, it still doesn't prevent Tony from making it clear.

"Okay! It seems that introducing you to Him this time is actually digging a hole for myself."

Li Ming smacked his lips twice, and suddenly straightened his expression: "Actually, I came to you today not just for Wanda and Pietro..."

"Oh?" Tony spread his hands, "I would like to hear more about it."


After clearing his mind with a light cough, Li Ming said slowly, "Do you still remember the plan I envisioned at the beginning? The existence of 01 now makes it possible for us to bypass some problems and realize it... I think it's time!"

Suddenly, Tony's thoughts drifted to the scene of a phone call he had with the young man in front of him in an afternoon a few years ago.

Glancing at 01 standing next to Li Ming, whose yellow-orange eyes were shining with data, and integrating all kinds of information in his mind, he was stunned on the spot.

It seems that this guy is really possible to realize the original idea now!

"I thought you gave up after listening to my advice, so you have been preparing all along..."

Touching his chin with exclamation, Tony's expression became serious: "Then show me the plan!"

"Because some of the characteristics obtained after the evolution of 01 are more helpful to the realization of the plan, the previous plan 01 is making some modifications..."

Li Ming explained briefly, and 01 on the other side suddenly raised his head: "The modification has been completed!"

After the words were spoken, Jarvis, who received the past information transmitted by 01 on the other side, mobilized the projector to display a large picture and text.

"Okay! I'm really well prepared..."

After making a complaint, Tony focused his eyes on the pictures and texts, and quickly read them.


"I am back!"

Walking back home from the portal, Li Ming rubbed his eyes and gave a hutch.

After chatting with Tony about his plan for more than two hours and discussing some of the details, Li Ming, who had just returned home for the first day, also felt a little tired.

After saying hello to his grandfather who was watching TV, he went straight upstairs, washed up briefly, and then fell asleep.


dong dong dong!dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door, and Li Ming, who was soundly asleep, opened his eyes in a daze, and 01's report came to his ears.

"Boss, Wanda and Pietro were sent to the door by Master Gu Yi. Cough, Miss Fang Li, Dr. Otto, and Dr. Stern are also here, and Grandpa is entertaining them in the living room."

Suddenly so many people came to the house, and Li Ming sat up from the bed in shock, "Grandpa is entertaining them?!"

Realizing that the knock on the door was an alarm reminder set by 01, Li Ming didn't even bother to talk to him, went to the toilet to wash up, and then opened the door and went downstairs.

Then he saw a strange scene in the living room downstairs.

Wanda and Fang Li were sitting on one side, talking and laughing, but the whole aura was not right, and there was even a vague sense of rivalry.

Pietro seemed to be sitting next to Wanda, but was completely excluded when the two women were chatting.

There is no difference in the senses from being alone.

Mr. Li Jian seemed to be having a happy chat with Dr. Otto and Dr. Stern, but the eyes of the three of them were always cruising between the two women, and their tacit understanding of watching the show was really like three brothers.

Especially Mr. Li Jian, the way he looks at Fang Li and Wanda with a more satisfied smile, in Li Ming's eyes, is no different from being possessed by a ghost.

"What the hell is going on..."

Li Ming muttered something, feeling his scalp a little numb.

This posture is comparable to when I woke up during the Chinese New Year and found that my surroundings were full of three aunts and six wives chatting with melon seeds!

For a moment, standing at the stairs, he was stunned by the situation below.

I don't know where to go.

It's still time to run back to the room to pretend to be an ostrich before the people below find themselves.

However, apart from Fang Li, there was no ordinary person in the group of people in the living room, and his moment of being in a daze was enough for them to realize that he had gone downstairs.

Dr. Stern, who has the ability of telepathy, and Wanda raised their heads at about the same time. The former immediately smiled and greeted Li Ming: "I'm sorry, boss, it seems that we interrupted your rest!"

When Wanda met Li Ming's smiling face, she also smiled, and then immediately looked away after thinking of something.

He was smiling and trying to nod to Wanda, but the other party turned his eyes away as if he didn't see him.

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, and then smiled at the other people who were looked at by Dr. Stern's yell: "It's nothing, I'm glad you can come!"

Deng Dengdeng went downstairs quickly, and Li Ming immediately gave a hug to Dr. Otto, whose dazzling light area on his forehead was a little bigger, "Long time no see, Doctor!"

Patting Li Ming's back with trembling hands, Dr. Otto controlled his emotions and looked at Li Ming carefully, nodded and smiled, "Just come back!"

While Li Ming was greeting Dr. Stern, the venerable elder glanced around and quickly wiped the corners of his eyes.

Because of his degenerative neurological disorder and his devotion to scientific research, Dr. Otto has no children.

But after experiencing so many years of ups and downs, he has long regarded his two students as being the same as his own children.

Mr. Li Jian was worried about Li Ming day and night after he left the earth, so why didn't Dr. Otto worry about Li Ming and Peter?

But Jingying, who had just wiped the corners of his eyes, was thinking that he should not be noticed by his quick movements, so he met Wanda's gaze.

The expression froze for a moment, and Dr. Otto raised a finger to compare with his mouth. Wanda nodded in cooperation, and both of them laughed.

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