Facing Dr. Otto's stern gaze, Li Ming and Peter didn't dare to hide too much.

After all, which student can last too long under the gaze of his teacher?

Not to mention, it's really not self-righteous to do what you do.

Therefore, despite the death of the society, Li Ming still told the whole thing.

"...Actually, I went to Norman Osborn's office at first just to get more information about [Devil's Breath], so as not to be led by the nose by Martin Lee!"

"And the content of these documents is just incidental..."

Li Ming bit the bullet and explained.

"Is that so..." Dr. Otto nodded: "This is not something glorious, try not to do it again in the future... Besides, do you think that Norman doesn't have the power to hurt you?"

"You all underestimate him!" Dr. Otto added emphatically.

"we know……"

Knowing that Dr. Otto was doing it for their own good, Li Ming and Peter could only obediently agree.

Dr. Otto sat down again and looked at Li Ming: "Tell me, Sunlight, what do you want to bring out these confidential contents?"

Li Ming thought for a while, looked at Dr. Otto seriously, and said, "Doctor, Norman Osborn almost cornered you, don't you want to take revenge on him?"

He turned sideways and gestured to Dr. Otto a series of files copied from the computer files.

"So many people have turned into monster-like existences under Norman Osborn's cruel experiments. Some of them may be villains, or some may be innocent, but they all eventually become threats to this city!"

"These evidences are enough to prove that all the evil deeds done by Norman Osborn are real!"

"He, the mayor of New York City, is the number one cancer in New York!"

Li Mingyi said sternly: "The original Martin Li had a happy family, but in the end he killed his parents, and he was turned into a monster..."

"I agree with his revenge, even though I don't agree with his way of revenge!"

"I've been thinking that Martin Lee must face the law, but Norman Osborn should also pay for his evil deeds!"

Dr. Otto continued: "So you brought these things out, do you want to publish them as evidence and make him notorious?"

"That's the way it is now... It's time for the world to know his true colors!"

Li Ming nodded, showing a sneer: "Isn't he still promoting and promoting, trying to make a further step in his career?"

"Then let all his good plans come to naught... Correspondingly, Osborne Enterprise will also be subject to scrutiny. As long as everything goes well, he will never continue to do such evil deeds in the future!"

"In fact, Martin Lee's goal is similar to ours, but the revenge method he chose is too radical, hurting too many innocent people... In my opinion, everything only needs to be aimed at Norman Osborn personally. it is good!"

"It's a big mistake to involve innocent people in it!"

"Sounds like a good plan..."

Dr. Otto's eyes flickered, and he seemed a little moved.

Don't look at him speaking lightly, but can you say that he doesn't hate Norman Osborn?

how can that be!

It's just that the power gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, so he can only insist on his own research while swallowing his anger.

Dr. Otto opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but suddenly his eyes darkened, he shook his head and said: "These materials are indeed enough to explain the problem..."

"But have you considered that these materials are likely to be disposed of by the Osborne Group's PR team as soon as they get out?"

"Even at the official level, the Osborn Group has in-depth cooperation with the Ministry of Defense and other departments. In terms of their demand for individual strengthening tools such as super soldier serum, these materials may even make them pay more attention to Norman. Osborne!"

"So, the content of these materials may not be able to exert the effect you imagined at all!" Dr. Otto was a little helpless.

Li Ming looked calm: "Only relying on our strength and these video recording materials is certainly not enough to affect it... But what if someone else did it?"

He went on to analyze: "In the action to stop Martin Lee tonight, Peter and I came into contact with an official organization called the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency... According to their actions, the official organization's The clearance level seems to be quite high!"

"And their purpose is to maintain the boundary between supernatural phenomena and ordinary people, and to consolidate the order of the world...Obviously, Norman Osborn's actions are already destroying this order!"

"You actually memorized such a long name?" Peter's face was full of weeds.

The corner of Li Ming's mouth twitched when his speech was interrupted, and he looked at him helplessly: "Brother, is your focus actually on such things?"

"Ahem...Excuse me, continue!" Peter rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"I seem to have heard of that organization before..." Dr. Otto looked thoughtful: "Their predecessor seems to be the Strategic Science Corps during World War II, and Captain America was one of its members!"

"If it was them, the Ministry of Defense may not have the means to intervene in the affairs they handle."

Dr. Otto felt a glimmer of hope.

"I think so too!" Li Ming nodded and continued: "As long as the organization is confirmed to be reliable, then I will copy these materials and hand them over to Tony Stark and them respectively."

"Presumably, to be able to attack competitors, neither Tony Stark himself nor Stark Industries will refuse!"

"In this way, it is Stark Industries that is fighting the public opinion war with the Osborne Group with black materials, and at the official level, even if the Ministry of National Defense intervenes, there will be that organization to contain it..."

"Even if we can't directly bring down Norman Osborn, it must still hurt him!"

"At least, not to mention that the idea of ​​furthering his official career has been ruined, he probably won't be able to continue to sit in the position of mayor of New York!"

"As for you, doctor, perhaps when the public opinion environment is suitable, you can take the lead in gathering a group of scientists whose research results have been robbed by Norman Osborn with various tricks, and call the media to expose Norman's black-hearted entrepreneurial image. Give him a fatal blow in public opinion!"

Listening to Li Ming's eloquent talk, Dr. Otto's recognition of this plan is getting higher and higher, and he looks at Li Ming with more and more strange eyes: "These things are all things you have seen in such a short period of time after reading these materials. Did you figure it out in time?"

"Cough! Not really..." Li Ming scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "Actually, I've had an idea since he came to the lab to try to take your experimental results..."

"These are just pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to further improve the plan at the right time!"

Chapter 52 Norman Osborn, The Supervillain Production Machine

"That's not true. In fact, when Norman Osborn's laboratory tried to seize your experimental results, I already had an idea..."

"These are just pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that came together at the right time!"

Li Ming looked serious: "After all, that guy is taking our brainchild... I will never forget this kind of hatred!"


Hearing his words, Dr. Otto suddenly burst out laughing, with crystals flickering in the corners of his eyes.

"Since you say that, how can I, the person whose technology has been taken away, retreat!"

He smiled and stood up and patted Li Ming, then sat down with his head down, took off his glasses, wiped the corners of his eyes without any trace, and looked up at Li Ming again.

"Then do as you want. Speaking of which, I've been useless for so long, and it's time for Norman to try his best!"

"No matter what the result is, I will support you!"

Li Ming laughed immediately: "With your words, doctor, I can let go and do it!"

Dr. Otto nodded and looked at Li Ming and Peter: "Okay, if you have nothing else to do, go back and rest early... The news hasn't stopped tonight, I think you should be very tired, right? "

Li Ming and Peter looked at each other, and it was still Li Ming who said, "Cough! There are a few other videos of super villains created by Norman Osborn that we haven't watched. We're going to watch them before going back..."

"You know, after all, it's not suitable to take someone back at home at this time."

"So you came to the lab just to watch these video materials?" Dr. Otto was a little bit dumbfounded: "Well, let's see what Norman did to create those monsters together!"

"Speaking of which, I'm also curious about whether his technology has improved..." Dr. Otto's voice became low.

Judging from the information obtained so far on GR-27, which is [Devil's Breath], this thing can't be used to save people and cure diseases at all. If a normal person ingests it in the body, there is only the possibility of gene collapse and death.

Martin Lee was injected with GR-27 back then, not only did he not die, but instead awakened that peculiar ability. In this case, it was triggered.

Therefore, from the perspective of medicine, GR-27 is actually a failed product... But from the perspective of weapons, this thing is a successful biochemical weapon.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Norman Osborn's technical level. Instead, it should be said to be a product of coincidence, not to mention that he has already handed over this technical research to Dr. Morgan Max.

Normally, it's hard to see Norman Osborn's contribution in it.

Judging from his behavior in recent years, he and Dr. Otto, who were called "Austrian Brothers" back then, have long been less focused on research.

Instead, they began to use their corporate and political advantages to arbitrarily embezzle other people's technology, and further expand the company.

With such a style, Norman Osborn may be a successful entrepreneur, but he is no longer the genius researcher he was back then!

At this point in his thinking, Li Ming suddenly recalled the settings of Norman Osborn in various works in his previous life... Among them, there is the problem of family genetic diseases!

Perhaps, the reason why he ignored Dr. Otto's objection and focused on genetics research was because he wanted to save himself... and GR-27 was one of his attempts.

It's a pity that the hoped-for life-saving medicine has become a murderous poison... I have to say, there is some irony in it!

Of course, even if Li Ming guessed this possibility, he would have no sympathy for Norman Osborn.

He has committed too many crimes in this universe, and a sentence of evil deeds is not enough to describe it!

In order to develop products as soon as possible, he conducted extremely dangerous human experiments on others without scruple, causing countless tragedies.

It is intolerable to exchange the lives of others for your own life-saving medicine!

Thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind, but in fact, only a few moments passed, Li Ming was stunned for a moment, and then clicked on several other video materials.


The birth of the scorpion and the rhinoceros is the product of the corresponding serum and the corresponding functional armor embedded in the body under cruel experiments.

Professor Lizard was desperate to self-inject under Norman Osborn's ultimatum.

The Electric Man is even more miserable. As the director of the Osborne Group's power project, he accidentally fell into the biologically modulated electric eel pool and became a monster that was spawned.

Having said that, I would like to briefly introduce to you that both Osborne Enterprises and Stark Industries were developing their own clean energy and engaged in industrial competition.

Osborn Enterprises chose biological power generation and used electric eels as the first product, while Stark Industries chose the Ark reactor technology inherited from Howard Stark.

Everyone knows the final result. Stark Industries won the victory with the small cold nuclear reactor developed by Tony Stark, and successfully transformed from an arms company to an energy company.

Osborne's bio-power generation project could only fail due to its limitations.

Perhaps in Norman Osborn's view, after the project failed, the final value of those biologically modulated electric eels was human experiments.

And this is what really made Li Ming angry!

Judging from the surveillance video in the video material, as early as the first time Electro-Optical Man fell into the biologically modulated electric eel pool, the relevant alarms had been notified to the corresponding units.

But Norman Osborn prevented the first rescue, and chose to wait and see...

Wait and see if it's possible for my power director to get a corresponding mutation in this case!

This is the recklessness of human life!

In the end, his wait and see had results.

Facts have proved that his guess is correct, the gene fragments of those biologically modulated electric eels may indeed be absorbed and assimilated by the human body.

But he also unleashes an electric monster in doing so!

Under his reckless behavior, one super villain after another was born because of his advanced but imperfect experiments.

Norman Osborn is quite the supervillain production machine!


After watching several videos, the atmosphere in the laboratory suddenly became dull.

Even Peter Parker, the Spider-Man who stopped every villain in the video, couldn't help being a little confused at the moment.

After a long time, Dr. Otto took the lead to break the calm: "With the continuous expansion of power, Norman's methods have become more and more limitless..."

"There may be far more people who want to avenge him than we imagined!"

Li Ming suddenly said: "I don't think that our revenge must be just because of this, but now I just want to let him taste the pain that everyone who was framed by him has felt as soon as possible!"

"Anyone with a conscience who sees these videos will change his opinion of that guy and change his support... After all, no one wants a murderer to be their mayor, right?"

Chapter 53 Jefferson Davis with a Broken Arm

After watching the video, exchanging ideas, and Dr. Otto's consent, he began to urge Li Ming and Peter to leave the laboratory and go home to rest quickly.

The doctor himself stayed on the grounds that he still had inspiration and wanted to verify it.

"Doctor, please rest early, we will go back first... As for the plan in that regard, I want to wait for the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau to contact me again, and then decide whether to proceed according to the actual situation."

"After all, if they don't even have the authority to get [Devil's Breath] and Canary equipment from Norman Osborn as bait, maybe they won't be able to play any role in our plan. So big!"

After Li Ming finished speaking, he called Peter to pack his things and prepare to leave.

"Oh, Peter, if you don't mind, you can keep your 'uniform'..."

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