Upon hearing this, Norman Osborn yelled in disbelief: "Just with his broken laboratory?! How could it be so fast!"

This middle-aged man, who was always well-dressed and well-behaved, was now ferocious like a devouring beast!

As mentioned before, Dr. Otto will write a paper and publish it every time he achieves a staged result in the process of researching [Neural Connection Extremity Technology].

Until Norman Osborn took away his technical achievements on the grounds of violating safety regulations, at that time the entire pre-technical papers of [Neural Connection External Limb Technology] were published by Dr. Otto.

All of these are recorded, and there is no possibility of changing them easily.

If it is said that the Osborne Laboratory was able to get the final result one step ahead, it can be said that it has borrowed part of the scientific research results, but the final mature technology is still developed by themselves.

Perhaps Dr. Otto can win some meager benefits through litigation and the like, but the Osborne Group can still successfully seize the patent of this technology and make a lot of money.

However, if Dr. Otto had developed a complete technology before them and published it, plus the accumulation of pre-technical papers, it would be impossible for the Osborne Group to claim this technology patent for themselves!

Even if it goes to court, the Osborne Group will not be able to win the lawsuit and snatch this technology patent, given that Otto Labs is now backed by Stark Industries, and external moves are almost ineffective.

All in all, after Dr. Otto published the technical results first, Norman Osborn missed the [Neural Extrinsic Limb Connection Technology] forever!

All his previous behaviors were as ridiculous as a clown!

"You trash! You can't even compare to a semi-disabled and two high school students!"

"They obviously still have Stark Industries..." the laboratory director retorted in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

Norman stared at him with blood-red eyes, and the lab supervisor shook his head in fright with his ferocious expression: "Nothing, nothing! Those guys in the lab are indeed trash!"

The anxious Norman didn't want to listen to his nonsense, but kept yelling: "Go and investigate!"

"I don't believe that they can obtain perfect experimental results in such a short period of time. As long as the loopholes in the paper are found, we still have the opportunity to snatch that technology!"

"If you can't find it out! Just go and wash the toilet!"

The beast-like roar echoed throughout the office and spread out the door, making all the staff members who stretched their necks and listened silently in the corner tremble with fright.

"Yes! Chairman, we must find out the problem for him!"

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the laboratory director sounded, and the hurried footsteps were getting closer and closer. The staff quickly retracted their heads, pretending to be working hard and not hearing anything.

It wasn't until the laboratory supervisor left in a hurry that the discussion suddenly sounded.

Coupled with the recent losses caused by Norman Osborn's various encounters to the Osborne Group, people's hearts gradually became chaotic.


"Doctor, I have sent someone to handle the technical patent application, and then I can prepare for the establishment of the company..."

"Moreover, now that our technology has matured, you can also make mechanical extremities for yourself, and finally you don't have to suffer from physical illnesses anymore!"

Holding the freshly opened champagne, Li Ming raised his glass to Dr. Otto and said, "Congratulations, you have come out of the haze of life!"

"Yeah, it's really not easy when you think about it..."

Dr. Otto had a complicated expression, and there was some reminiscence in his eyes.

"Hehe, I'm happy today, so I won't talk about it, and..." He shook his head, his expression changed, and he turned to another compartment in the laboratory and shouted: "Peter, haven't you changed yet!"


Peter responded, and a harmonious figure in red, blue and white leaped out of the room and landed lightly in front of them.

Peter, who is wearing a brand new battle suit, now has the spider logo on his chest and back turned white. There are subtle structural adjustments in many parts of the suit, which will move with his movements, which seems to have a different auxiliary effect.

"Doctor, this dress is really great, it has an indescribable feeling... Anyway, it's great!"

"As long as you like it!"

Dr. Otto said cheerfully, and then he slapped his forehead and said: "Oh yes, I have actually finished the main part of the mechanical extremity in my spare time, and now the nerve connection technology is completely perfected, I just need to put that A finished chip can be directly used after being installed!"

"Do you want to see it?"

"Hey! Doctor, you actually worked overtime behind our backs?!"

Listening to the doctor's words, Li Ming and Peter's first reaction was a little strange: "This will cause hair loss..."

Before they finished speaking, a burst of murderous intent struck, Li Ming and Peter quickly changed their words: "Of course, of course we want to see it!"

"Very well, help me put them on, they are actually quite bulky!"

Dr. Otto narrowed his gaze, nodded in satisfaction, his smooth forehead reflected a dazzling light, immediately put down the wine glass, and beckoned the two of them to walk towards the warehouse.

Li Ming followed, and Peter hurriedly changed his combat uniform, putting it in his backpack with great care, and then rushed to help.

Not long after, after installing the neural connection chip and confirming that the debugging was correct, Li Ming let Dr. Otto actually wear this mechanical extremity device.

Although it is determined that there is no problem with the technology and will never cause Dr. Otto to be adversely affected, it is quite necessary to be cautious.

The device was activated and the neural network was connected. Seeing several tentacled mechanical extremities extending from the back of Dr. Otto, Peter was amazed:

"My God, they are as flexible as octopus tentacles..."

"Octopus? Hahaha, it seems good, maybe you can call me Doctor Octopus in the future!"

Dr. Otto, who was very interested, felt the mechanical tentacles that swayed at will and made many movements under the influence of his own will, and were completely unaffected by the rigid body, so he said this title casually.

Doctor Octopus...but you won't be that super villain anymore!

You are just my mentor, Doctor Octopus!

Li Ming was thinking silently, and the [Light Knight Driver] quietly emerged from his waist. He looked at Dr. Otto seriously and said, "Doctor, can you lend me your power?"


body volume

Chapter 59 Coulson came to the door and hunted Martin Lee together (the first update!)

"Doctor, can you lend me your strength?"

Hearing Li Ming's words, both Dr. Otto and Peter were taken aback.

But soon Dr. Otto remembered the operating principle of the [Light Knight Driver] explained by Li Ming.

He glanced at the belt around Li Ming's waist and nodded happily: "If you think it's useful, then take it!"

As soon as the words fell, the central ring of the driver lit up, and metallic green light particles flew out of Dr. Otto's body quickly, converging in the center of the ring.

After a few seconds, it quickly condensed into a card and floated in front of Li Ming by itself.

【Doctor Octopus】!

"Doctor, take a look."

Li Ming reached out and took the card in his hand, looked at it carefully, and handed it to Dr. Otto.

"Wow! This kind of technology is simply incredible... I probably understand why Tony Stark is willing to pay a high price for your research rights on these things."

"I think it's hard for any researcher in related fields not to be attracted by it!"

Dr. Otto took the card and couldn't help admiring, the curiosity in his eyes flickered, and the desire for research was undisguised.

"Well, and the pattern on it is even more handsome than I imagined. When I hold it in my hand, I have the illusion that I am connected with it. It's amazing!"

After muttering a few words, Dr. Otto finally restrained his curiosity about this card, and handed it back to Li Ming again, jokingly:

"I hope my strength can help you. Since I have made a new 'uniform' for Peter, I can't give you nothing, or I will say that my teacher is partial!"

"How could it be!" Li Ming put away the cards and waved his hands, and said sincerely: "It is already the best harvest to be able to study with you for so long!"

"You guys are too good at flattering..." Peter murmured softly, but he couldn't help sighing: "Being able to study with a doctor really made me grow a lot!"

"You two boys are really good at pleasing people!"

Dr. Otto smiled cheerfully, and then clapped his hands: "Okay, so far our work has come to an end, after packing up the important materials and equipment in the laboratory, I invite you to have a meal together , go back and rest!"

"Maybe see you next time, our respective identities are the shareholders of the new company!"

"No problem! If you have a doctor, please eat, of course no problem!"

Li Ming and Peter said a few words with a playful smile, and began to pack up all kinds of items in the laboratory.

The doctor now has four mechanical extremities to work, and the cleaning efficiency is directly at full capacity. The work done by one person is more than that of Li Ming and Peter combined.

Not long after, when most of the things had been boxed, and the data storage and destruction work was almost done and ready to leave, there was a knock on the locked laboratory door.

"Excuse me, excuse me, is this Otto's laboratory?"

"I'll open the door!"

Peter's heart moved, and he took the initiative to step forward.

At this time, they had just published a paper representing the final result of [Neural Connection Extremity Technology].

Seeing the cooked duck fly away, it is hard to guarantee that Norman Osborn will not make a desperate move.

Unlike Li Ming and Dr. Otto, Peter has a spider sensor. If someone outside the door has malicious intentions, he can respond in advance without being injured.

Approaching the gate, the spider sensor was not triggered, so Peter felt relieved, unlocked the door and opened the gate.

Then he saw someone he hadn't even thought of.

"You..." Peter was stunned for a moment, and almost called out the name of the person in front of him. After holding back abruptly, he made a puzzled expression: "Who are you looking for?"


This set of clumsy performances almost choked Coulson to death, and his originally unpredictable faint smile couldn't hold back anymore.

He is professionally trained, no matter how funny the other party does, he will never laugh!

Coulson held back his laughter relying on his professionalism: "Is that Mr. Peter Parker?"

"I'm here to find you and Mr. Sunlight Li. The cooperation I mentioned before is already in the making!"

"How do you know that we..."

Peter shrank his pupils, subconsciously took a few steps back, bumped into Li Ming who came over to check the situation, and was supported by him to stand still.

Li Ming saw Coulson outside the door and immediately understood: "Oh, it's Agent Coulson, please come in and tell me."

"Then excuse me." Coulson nodded a little unexpectedly, walked into the laboratory, glanced around, showing a little apology: "Are you ready to pack up and get off work? It seems that I came at the wrong time..."

"It's okay, we just haven't finished packing. If you have something to talk about, there is a separate room over there."

Dr. Otto pointed to the warehouse indifferently. With his experience and wisdom, and Li Ming had explained to him about the S.H.I.E.L.D. before, he could see the current situation at a glance.

"Doctor, this is Phil Coulson, the senior agent of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency that I mentioned to you before!"

Hearing Li Ming's introduction to Dr. Otto, Coulson thought that this person seemed to be an insider, and immediately shook hands with Dr. Otto:

"Hi Dr. Otto, just call me Coulson, I've heard of your genius for a long time!"

"Oh, by the way, due to various reasons, the name of our bureau has been changed to an abbreviation. You can call my bureau SHIELD!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, are you finally willing to abbreviate that stinky and long name? It's really not easy!" Li Ming teased.

"I'm also very happy, after all, the name is much easier to remember!"

Smiling and agreeing, Coulson looked at the mechanical tentacles behind Dr. Otto who were doing tidying up work, his eyes were full of surprise: "This is..."

Dr. Otto explained indifferently: "This is the [nerve-connected extremity] we have recently researched. For some personal reasons, I need them to assist me in my work."

"Is that so, I made everyone laugh..." Coulson nodded, looked at Li Ming and Peter: "Can I take a step to talk?"

Coulson, who originally came to the door, was more or less a little bit of a showdown, so that they would know which party should be the main one for the next cooperation.

By the way, earn back the share of the last time you pretended to be deflated.

However, Dr. Otto was startled as soon as he came in, but what happened to him being dismissed!

This laboratory is too evil!

"No need, just say it here!"

Both Li Ming and Peter said so, and even Li Ming went directly to lock the door.

"Well, it seems that Dr. Otto is also one of the insiders."

Coulson understood it in his heart, and said directly: "Mr. Light Knight, Mr. Spiderman, the cooperation we talked about before has now progressed."

"Although we haven't stopped tracking down Martin Lee during this period of time, the other party is hiding very deeply, and several searches have failed as a result..."

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