Now that Dr. Stern and Dr. Otto can get along happily, many things will be easy to deal with next.

After all, Dr. Otto is the mentor of Li Ming and Peter, and he is the pillar of the entire evangelization technology. It is also because of his [neural connection external limb technology] that the current evangelion technology exists.

After the brain mutation, Dr. Stern has even surpassed Dr. Otto in terms of intelligence level. He, who specializes in the mysteries of Hulk's blood, will inevitably become an important pillar of evangelical technology in the future.

These two people have nothing to say about the importance of Gospel Technology. Even if Dr. Stern expressed his position last night, Li Ming was also faintly worried.

But looking at it now, maybe he was overwhelmed.

"Hey! Look who's coming!"

Dr. Otto found Li Ming who came in through the door, stepped forward and patted him, and said to Dr. Stern: "We have a helmsman with insight and knowledge, who can discover and absorb a genius like you, Dr. Stern, to join us. In the future, it will definitely help our Evangelion Technology to achieve glory!"

"Hahaha, Dr. Otto, you are too polite!"

Dr. Stern replied politely, and then he looked at Li Ming again: "Boss, although you promised me to build an independent research laboratory, the construction of the biochemical laboratory is relatively strict, and the construction period is relatively long..."

"So, how about I help Dr. Otto here before the lab is finished?"


Li Ming didn't agree directly, but looked at Dr. Otto.

After all, this is his laboratory. Even if Li Ming is the boss of Evangel Technology, he is also his student. Whether it is the former or the latter, Li Ming must have enough respect for Dr. Otto.

Dr. Otto didn't think too much, and agreed immediately: "I have no objection, and I am amazed by Dr. Stern's talent. Although our research fields are different, we may be able to collide with each other in a short period of time. Inspiration!"

"Since you have no opinion, doctor, what else can I say?"

Li Ming smiled, and said bitterly to Dr. Stern: "But you took Peter's place and me!"

"That's really embarrassing, but even if you are the boss, I won't back down!"

Dr. Stern said with a smile, of course he knew that Li Ming was joking, and he was quite cooperative when he spoke.

Li Ming and Peter looked at each other with pitiful looks.

After playing miserable for a few seconds, Li Ming and Peter couldn't help laughing out loud, and the two doctors also laughed. Suddenly, the whole office was filled with a happy atmosphere.

After laughing, Li Ming took the initiative to say: "It seems that Peter and I can only learn a lot from the two of you before Dr. Stern's laboratory is built.

When he said that, he was actually thinking of actively observing Dr. Stern for a period of time.

After all, the opponent has enhanced IQ and gained telepathy and control abilities, although the mutation is more optimized and the ability is more controllable due to the influence of his own ripples.

But after obtaining such a strong ability, who knows if he will have some other ideas?

After observing for a period of time, it happened that Li Ming could also judge whether Dr. Stern really joined Evangelion Technology, so that he could make early plans for some future plans.

Dr. Otto chuckled, looking happy to see the result: "There's nothing wrong with helping us!"

"Dr. Stern also has a lot of things worth absorbing and learning from you. When there are any new projects, you will follow them together. After you have completed your enrollment, you can apply for graduation as soon as possible with the results of the new projects!"

"I also support this point. After all, the resources you have now are no better than ordinary students, and you don't need to rely on the school. With the support of the company's resources, if you conduct research with your talents, the progress will only be faster!"

Dr. Stern also opened his mouth to suggest.

This coincides with Li Ming's thoughts.

With the future of this world full of disasters and disasters, how could he have so much time to finish his four-year university and even master's and doctoral studies in a down-to-earth manner.

When it comes to college youth, he has already experienced it in his previous life, and he has nothing to look forward to.

Moreover, Li Ming and Peter have already learned a lot of university knowledge through self-study.

I followed the experimental subject for so long under Dr. Otto, studied papers, and practiced by myself.

The current level is not much worse than that of ordinary graduate students and even doctors in prestigious schools.

After exchanging eyes with Peter, Li Ming nodded and said, "We will seriously consider this suggestion... Now let's talk about other things."

As he said that, he looked at Dr. Otto with a straight face: "Doctor, do you have time now? Regarding the matter I said before, in terms of the recent public opinion environment, I think it's time too!"

"I'm done with my coffee, you guys chat, I'll go out and get a refill!"

Seeing this, Dr. Stern shook his empty coffee cup, and was about to leave the laboratory.

As a newcomer to Evangelion Technology, he has not even signed a formal contract yet, so he naturally knows that some information about the company still needs to be kept secret from himself.

Taking the initiative to leave at this time is also an act of high emotional intelligence.

But he never thought that Dr. Otto raised his hand to stop him, and said with a smile: "No need for Dr. Stern, this is not a company secret, maybe you should listen to it, maybe you can be of help!"

"Is that so...then I'll listen!"

Dr. Stern looked at Li Ming and Dr. Otto, nodded in agreement, and did not move.

Li Ming turned around and locked the laboratory, and rolled up the curtains. When he turned his head, three pairs of eyes stared at him.

He smiled, sorted out his thoughts and said: "As for our plan to avenge Norman Osborn, it has been quite successful so far. Stark Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D. Great pressure..."

"I think it's time for you, Doctor, to stand up and give him a fatal blow!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I think it's time for you, Doctor, to stand up and give him a fatal blow!"

Li Ming said firmly.

As soon as these words came out, the other three people showed different expressions.

Dr. Stern's expression changed slightly, and he quickly accepted the information in these few sentences of the joke, and deduced part of the truth by himself, and immediately smiled and said nothing.

Peter showed an unbearable face, but quickly controlled his emotions, and then whispered the cause and effect to Dr. Stern beside him.

Now that Dr. Stern, who was informed of the whole situation, fully understood it, he immediately looked at Li Ming with new eyes.

Although he guessed something just now, but due to the lack of information, he never expected that behind the two behemoths, Stark Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D., it was because of Li Ming's guidance that they targeted Norman Osborn of.

When this point was revealed, he realized that the Li Ming he had seen before was actually only a small part of what the other party showed, and he had a vague admiration for Li Ming in his heart.

On the contrary, the Peter Parker in front of him is simple and full of kindness towards others. He is easy to get along with, and he can deal with him more in the future.

Dr. Otto's expression remained unchanged, he thought for a while and said: "I have read all the recent news, and I have also paid attention to the relevant information of the Osborne Group. Judging from the guidance of public opinion and Norman's situation, he has indeed arrived at a The moment of relative crisis... If we want to take action, it is indeed time..."

"Doctor, don't you want to do it?"

Seeing that Dr. Otto hadn't finished speaking, Li Ming asked bluntly, and smiled again: "If you think that revenge is enough, Doctor, you can stop like this..."


Dr. Otto directly interrupted Li Ming's words, with a rare expression of gloom and hatred: "Even if it's because of Norman's behavior that almost forced me to death, this final blow must be made by us!"

"Only after completing my revenge, can I truly say goodbye to the past!"

After venting, he took a deep breath and regained his composure: "I have contacted all the researchers I know whose research results have been misappropriated by Norman Osborn, and most of them have agreed to my request." Request, decide to join forces with me to seek justice from Norman!"

"Although some money was spent, considering the public opinion effect that can be formed by bringing this group of people together, that little effort is definitely worth it!"

Dr. Otto looked at Dr. Stern who was listening silently: "Of course, it would be even better if Dr. Stern could help me contact more researchers in related fields!"

"This?" Dr. Stern nodded, "I'll contact some old friends to check it out!"

"Well, I didn't expect you to be so well prepared, doctor. It seems that I am a little worried."

Li Ming smiled, "Since you are all ready, Doctor, how about we hold a press conference the next day after Evangelion holds an exhibition at Stark Expo?"

"That's a good suggestion!"

Dr. Otto nodded in satisfaction: "I believe that after we have demonstrated the technology, Gospel Technology and [Neural Connection Extremity Technology] will definitely shine!"

"At that time, we will hold a press conference to attract more attention, and the blow to Norman will be even greater!"

"That's exactly what I thought!"

Li Ming nodded: "Then the next step is to see when Jefferson recovers and is discharged from the hospital... After all, with him around, the effect of our exhibition will be the best!"

"Is this Jefferson the officer Jefferson Davis who almost died at the explosion site to save people?"

Dr. Stern asked suddenly.

"That's right, it's him. Speaking of which, he, me and Peter can be regarded as comrades-in-arms!" Li Ming replied with a smile.

"That's really your luck!"

Dr. Stern sighed sincerely.

As the fragmented information that he had inadvertently learned before sprang up and combined, he instantly understood how Li Ming got in touch with the other party.

For a moment, I couldn't help but sigh that Li Ming not only has all kinds of means, but also his luck is so good that he can still encounter such a coincidence!

It is really rare to avoid the tragedy and get considerable benefits from it!

"Who says it's not? Maybe it's just that good people get rewarded!"

Li Ming and Peter also sighed.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic..."

Dr. Otto clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and then said: "There is nothing wrong with Police Officer Davis. I called and asked about it before. He said that his body is recovering well and he will be discharged from the hospital in two days..."

"At that time, he will come to our company's laboratory to try out the prosthesis accompanied by a doctor."

Li Ming nodded and said: "Okay then, after he finishes trying the prosthetic and confirms that there is no problem, I will contact Miss Potts to arrange our exhibition."

After finishing the business, as the four people who knew their identities and abilities, Li Ming suggested that Dr. Stern let Dr. Otto see his transformed appearance and abilities.

After a one-night buffer, Dr. Stern has become more and more adapted to the changes in himself, and he agreed immediately, and directly changed into a green-skinned big head.

After several demonstrations, I found that Dr. Otto's heart is also firm and not easy to invade, but Dr. Stern didn't care. Instead, he joked that he was surrounded by strong-willed people, so he was not afraid of losing control of his ability and annoying them.

Before chatting for a few words, Dr. Stern suddenly said: "By the way, just now when my extra brainpower was diverging my thinking and thinking wildly, a large number of information combinations made me come up with a possibility..."

"Tony Stark had an enmity with Justin Hammer of Hammer Industries because of the suit, and now Stark Industries is spreading the black material of Norman Osborn, causing him and Osborn to The group suffered huge losses."

"The probability that Norman Osborn finds out that Stark Industries is behind the spread of black material is more than 80.00%..."

"Based on the calculation of the probability, there is a 60.00% probability that Hammer and Osborn will cooperate to target Stark Industries..."

As he said that, Dr. Stern turned his head to look at Li Ming: "He should be our ally, right? Do you want to remind him?"

Peter on the side was shocked. Is this still a human brain? !

But Dr. Otto looked at Dr. Stern full of curiosity and envy, as if giving me the same look.

Only Li Ming frowned deeply: "I really didn't think of this possibility, but the probability of it happening is really not small..."

Thinking along this line of thought, Li Ming thought of a key person—Ivan Vanke almost without turning a corner!

Once the miniature cold nuclear reactor technology mastered by the other party falls into the hands of these two parties...

He was taken aback, and shook Dr. Stern's hand gratefully: "Thanks for reminding me, otherwise the two of them would really join hands. It's one thing for Stark Industries to face some troubles, and I'm afraid they will be killed again." They're doing bigger things!"

After speaking, Li Ming took out his mobile phone and called Tony directly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While waiting for the call to connect, Li Ming gestured to the three of Dr. Otto, smiled apologetically, walked out of the laboratory, came to the lounge and locked the door.

What he was going to say next still involved Tony Stark's privacy to a certain extent, and it was not appropriate to talk directly in front of other people.

Not long after, the phone was connected, and Tony's tired voice came from the opposite side.

"Hey! Kid, I just returned to New York, what can you do to find me so early?"

"It's only past nine o'clock in the morning. You came back in the early morning?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and asked subconsciously.

"It's not that exaggerated, but it's about the same..."

Tony smacked his lips: "Who told me to go out as soon as I leave New York, there will always be some dangerous people coming out, every time you stop those guys, I'm not there, it makes me very embarrassing as Iron Man!"

"Well, that's a good reason."

Li Ming curled his lips and brought the topic back to the business: "Hey! How did you deal with Ivan Vanke?"

"How else can I deal with it! I greeted the police and told them to keep a close eye on that guy, and let him go through the judicial process as soon as possible, get the trial he deserves, and go to jail obediently...I can't let people kill him in prison Him!"

Tony casually talked about his arrangement, and then asked, "You called so early because of this?"

"Yes and no, I think about where to start..."

Li Ming sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "Do you think that the Osborne Group has found out the black material now, and Stark Industries released it behind the scenes and guided the formation of public opinion?"

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