In the future, even if you really want to talk about it, it's easy to say!

Maybe Nick Fury just wants to ask for an insurance, but in Li Ming's view, this thing is a guarantee that Gu Yi can intervene at any time!

Of course, Li Ming didn't think Thor would die at this time, let alone that he would die at the hands of Ghost Rider.

Not to mention whether Odin, who is already in a coma, will agree, maybe the ancient one who has been watching them will agree.

Just talking about Li Ming himself, excluding other factors, he would not watch the friend he just met die because of some weird attempts!

And from a certain point of view, they and Ghost Rider are now on the same side.

It's just that the situation is unclear.

It is necessary to find Johnny Blazer, communicate with him, and let Saul realize who the real enemy is.

It is better to change the target, so as to solve the problems caused by Witch Heart Demon and Sol at the same time.

The greatest purpose was settled, and other matters were explored in small talk.

Nick Fury, who came to eat by the way, hurriedly cleared the food on the plate, put down the knife and fork, and looked at Saul.

"About that guy last night, we have already found some clues, but we still need to check. Why don't we take advantage of this time and go to the observatory to talk about your affairs..."

Sol didn't have any objection to this, and agreed immediately.

It just so happened that he also wanted to go back and try, after a night of introspection, whether he had met Mjolnir's approval requirements.

And Li Ming originally mainly followed Sol, waiting for him to recover his strength, so that he could get a hand of strength cards, but now he is more obedient.

So the three returned to the previous temporary observation station.



After struggling to pull it out for a long time, the hammer still didn't move, so Thor let go of his hand helplessly.

Disappointment only stayed on his face for a moment, and soon Saul calmed down, turned around and flirted with Jane Foster for a few words, and then was called by Nick Fury to chat.

This time Li Ming didn't follow him. After all, what they talked about had nothing to do with him.

He stood on the high platform, looking at Mjolnir and the researchers busy around it, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

Although the current Sol has lost his power, he is still the Thor who has a certain uniqueness in essence.

If I ask him to borrow strength now, can I succeed?

If it works, can that card be used as a combined form?

And when he regains his strength, will that card be automatically updated and become stronger?

A series of conjectures came one after another, Li Ming did not hesitate, left the platform directly, turned around and was ready to go to Sol.

As an activist, if you have an idea, you must verify it immediately!

Chapter 160 Six [Thunder God Thor (Deprivation of Divine Power)]

Saul and Nick Fury didn't go to any secret place like the lounge to talk. They just moved two stools in the corner of the command room and sat there. The chat was full of enthusiasm.

When Li Ming approached them, Saul was still introducing their flying ship culture to Nick Fury.

"We often like to have a few days of banquets and hold a spaceship competition when everyone is excited. At that time, the enthusiasm is high and the results can always reach unprecedented new heights..."

"Although sometimes there will be some accidents, crashing some spaceships or buildings, but everyone is very happy, and a little repair fee is not a problem at all..."

Listening to what Saul had already talked to him before, Li Ming didn't know what Nick Fury thought, anyway, he still couldn't help sweating on his forehead.

This means that the natural physique of Asgardians is far superior to that of Earth people, with rough skin and thick flesh, strong and durable.

Otherwise, this way of playing, I am afraid that if there is only one banquet, there will be several serious casualties!

"Hey! Lee, I'm talking about our spaceship race! Do you want to join me?"

Seeing Li Ming approaching, Saul immediately warmly welcomed him.

"Cough... sorry, Saul, maybe you can talk about it later..."

Li Ming coughed lightly and said with a smile, "I have a private matter that I need your help to verify. Can we chat alone?"

"If I can help you, of course there is no problem!"

Saul readily agreed and looked at Nick Fury.

"If you have something to talk about, go ahead and talk, I'll just sit here for a while..."

Nick Fury said with a smile on his face, "Sol, what happened to you in Asgard is very interesting, I look forward to hearing more stories from you!"

Li Ming looked at him in a good mood, guessing with his butt that he must have gained a lot.

I'm afraid he has almost got a general understanding of the basic information of Asgard from the information he passed through Sol's mouth!

"No problem, we'll come as we go!"

Sol stood up and said casually, followed Li Ming to find an empty lounge, went in and locked the door.

Seeing Li Ming's action of pulling the curtains casually, Sol raised his eyebrows and asked directly: "What is it that makes it so mysterious?"

"A very simple attempt..."

Li Ming smiled, sat down with Sol casually, and he asked: "Sol, I think we should be considered friends now!"

"Hey! Do you know what you're asking?!"

Sol's eyes widened suddenly, and he said without hesitation: "Of course we are friends!"

"Without you, I might not even have found Mjolnir, and I was even kept in the dark by Loki's lies!"

Hearing what Saul said, Li Ming's heart warmed slightly.

Needless to say, it is quite a comfortable thing to be friends with a straightforward guy like Saul!

The smile on his face widened, Li Ming looked at Sol and continued: "Since we are friends, can you lend me your strength?"

"My this some kind of magic ceremony?"

A look of doubt appeared on Sol's face, and without waiting for Li Ming to explain, he quickly smiled and said indifferently:

"Although I have lost my divine power now, if my power can be regained, he can borrow it from you at any time and become your helper! My friend!"

Although it is not the first time to borrow strength.

Li Ming experienced Peter and Dr. Otto giving without hesitation.

I have also experienced the obedience of super villains such as Thriller under my own "reason" to convince others.

But like Saul, he has already lost everything, and when faced with the situation that he still agreed to his request, he still couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Following Sol's seemingly casual but rather solemn words, the Light Knight Driver emerged from Li Ming's waist.

The light was slightly dim, and tiny thunder silver blue light particles were constantly flickering, flying out quickly and condensing in the center of the crystal blue ring.

In the end, it turned into a power card, flying between Li Ming and Sol.

"God King Odin, what is this?!"

Thor was dumbfounded, completely confused about what was going on.

Why is it that as soon as I finished speaking, a light appeared on my body inexplicably?

Why did those dots of light turn into a card in that strange circle?

Moreover, he could clearly feel that the card contained the same power aura as his!

What is this scenario!

To be reasonable, even if Sol doesn't like reading books, he is almost not interested in accumulating knowledge, but he still has enough understanding of various artifacts and myths in history.

But he had never seen such a miraculous situation before!

Reaching out to take the newborn power card, Li Ming immediately felt the difference.

【Thor Thor (Deprivation of Divine Power)】

The information fed back to him by the card indicates that the power is incomplete and cannot be used normally.

Hmm... For the time being, it's pure collection!

Moreover, the entire card also presents a dull gray color, unlike other cards that are brightly colored and have different postures.

Even the standing picture of Sol above is that he has been deprived of his divine power, dressed in commoner clothes, without half a piece of armor covering him.

"Is the magic of the earth already so powerful?!"

Saul couldn't help asking.

"This is not magic, this is my personal ability..."

Li Ming smiled, and handed [Thunder God Thor (Divine Power Deprivation)] to Sol in his hand.

His expression became serious, and he briefly introduced: "It can carry the power of others and help me fight...and I have never obtained a card like yours before!"

"It seems that the divine power in your body has indeed been deprived by God King Odin..."

"Is that's incredible, even a few artifacts in the legend of Asgard can't do such a thing..."

Sol didn't care about Li Ming's explanation of his divine power at all, but turned the power card in his hand over and over again, amazed.

Brother, last night you still looked like you lost your power, couldn't lift the hammer, and doubted your life!

Why are you acting completely indifferent now!

Li Ming was so nervous that he didn't know what to say.

After seeing enough, Sol returned the card carrying his power to Li Ming, emphasizing: "When I get my power back, you can find me another card... Now it can't give You help, but its power will definitely make you invincible when the time comes!"

"I can't accept that my friend is holding my power, and it won't help me at all!"

Hearing Sol's indignant words, Li Mingzhen put away the power card in a serious manner, and smiled immediately: "Well, when you get back your power, we will update this card!"

The conjecture was verified, the card was also obtained, and the two left the lounge without staying long.

As soon as he walked to the command room, Coulson, who was receiving a report from his agents, said to them with his eyes lit up, "The Ghost Rider has been found!"

Chapter 160 Seven "Check the Water Meter!"


Thorton became excited immediately: "Where is he, take me to find him!"

Coulson smiled, flipped through the information on the tablet and said unhurriedly:

"By tracing the surveillance video and the tire marks left by the scorching locomotive on the ground, we quickly locked down several targets."

"And what finally helped us identify the suspect was the original license plate of the locomotive."

This long series of explanations was right. Seeing that Saul was in a hurry, Li Ming couldn't help but said: "Colson, just come to the conclusion!"

"no problem!"

Coulson was kind and kind: "Through that license plate, we found its owner—Johnny Blazer!"

"Johnny Blazer?"

Barton, who was walking by, interjected, "Isn't that guy doing motorcycle stunts? I saw his billboard when I got off the plane!"


Coulson nodded: "According to the searched intelligence, that Johnny Blazer had many performance accidents in which ordinary people were either killed or disabled during the performance, but he was safe and sound every time. We suspect that That's his ability at work!"

"Probably so!"

Sol couldn't help but said: "Even if they don't transform, the vengeful spirit in Ghost Rider's body will protect them from death threats!"

After that, he shouted with high fighting spirit: "I have already found someone, so what are you waiting for, I can't wait to meet that guy!"


Coulson showed embarrassment, and turned his head to look at Nick Fury who was standing quietly aside.

This kind of matter, the director is here, but it's not his turn to make a decision!

Nick Fury did not hesitate, just nodded and said: "No problem, I can take you to him now... As a dangerous person, that guy must also be supervised accordingly!"

"But one thing!"

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