But...she didn't belong to this world.

This is not the first time Itachi has seen such a scene.

He could feel the loneliness in her heart, and he could also understand the longing on her face.

In a world where no one knew her, and only she could see her, it was only right for her to have these emotions in her heart.

As for her loneliness, Itachi didn't know how to comfort her.

He could only help her ignore this loneliness with his busy practice as usual.

"Your Excellency Arturia, yesterday you raised the idea that the king should be lonely." Itachi walked over and sat beside her, "Why don't you tell me today what will happen if the king is not lonely? Disadvantage."

"Is there a disadvantage?"

The confusion in Arturia's eyes immediately returned to her previous firmness after hearing these words, and she turned to face Itachi, "Your Majesty, you must be lonely..."


What makes Itachi and Artoria a little regretful is that they did not wait for Teru Uchiha the next day.

It seems... He felt ashamed because of his defeat in that battle, so he didn't dare to come?

Although it is said that the ninja will perform the seal of reconciliation after confrontation training.

But often, everyone is just pretending.

There are very few people who can not care about being beaten [-] backwards.

Especially in the face of people who were originally expected to be weaker than themselves.Once defeated, the psychological gap is indescribable.

Itachi guessed Uchiha Teru's thoughts in his heart.

But that night, he knew the answer.

"Sorry, in the morning, my team members notified me temporarily that they managed to grab a D-level mission, so..."

Uchiha Hui with a bruised nose and a swollen face explained the reason for not being able to attend the appointment today, "A farm near the village was attacked by a herd of wild boars. We rushed there early in the morning and finally drove all the wild boars away."

Chapter 25: 【Responsibility】

In the 50th year of Konoha, in summer, Konoha launched firefights with many parties at the same time, and the ratio of war damage was seriously unbalanced.

Therefore, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was forced to sign a peace treaty with Iwagakure, officially announcing the end of the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth.

As the war gradually stabilized, the entrustment system in the village began to be slowly reactivated, and more or less entrusted tasks gradually appeared in the village.

However, the level of these entrusted tasks is not high, mostly D-level and C-level.

Many ninja teams in the village squat at the task entrustment office every day, waiting for the first time to receive the task and earn commissions.

In this situation where there are many monks and few meat, Uchiha Teru and his teammates are also fighting in it every day, so that the originally agreed to practice together only a few times.

But it has nothing to do with Itachi. As a child, he can be free and unrestrained. He doesn't have to worry about money, let alone the rating of the ninja title.

And compared to before, my father still strictly controls himself and tests himself from time to time.

Now, since his return from the battlefield, his father has not guided him in practice for a long time.

He seemed to think he had enough self-control.

In fact, Itachi's self-control is indeed very strong.

Coupled with the fact that Artoria has been guiding him all the time, his daily routine and practice are very planned.

But itachi now has more things to focus on than practice.

"Mother, what's the matter with you? Are you seriously ill?"

When Uchiha Mikoto came back from the hospital again, Itachi finally couldn't help asking about his mother's condition in the living room.

It's been two months, right?Why mother's illness has not improved.

Compared to Itachi's worries, Miqin smiled after hearing his question, and asked warmly, "Itachi, if you had a younger brother or younger sister, would you be happy?"

younger siblings?

Itachi, who was still worried, froze.

He glanced vaguely at Artoria next to him.

After getting her affirmative nod, his eyes became a little confused.

In front of him, although his mother's smile was no different from the gentle smile in the past, he could feel some different meanings from it, such as... happiness, anticipation?

"I... I'm going to be an older brother?"

Itachi's eyes slipped from Mikoto's face and landed on her stomach.

There seems to be some slight bumps.

In it, is his future younger siblings being conceived?

"Yes, you are going to be an older brother."

Miqin smiled softly, put her arms around Itachi, and pressed his ears against her belly, "When the younger siblings are born, as an older brother, you must protect the younger siblings."

Protect... younger siblings?

Unaccustomed to it, Itachi pressed his face against his mother's belly, listening to the voices.

Although it was very faint, he really felt a different breath from it.

Just like physical energy, spiritual energy, and chakra, a breath that I have never felt before is gestating in this belly.

This is……

"The breath of life."

This thought popped into Itachi's mind.

I have witnessed death, and I have witnessed the passing of life.

And this is the first time he has witnessed the birth of life, or... is about to be born.

"How long before I see them."

Unable to bear it, Itachi raised his head and asked impatiently.

And his reaction obviously caught Miqin a little off guard. This was the first time she saw some emotions in her son... as a child should have.

It's like the can't wait for toys, favorite food, and favorite people...shown.

Very true, unreservedly true.

It was completely different from the way he always liked to hide his thoughts in the past.

"There are still eight months."

Looking at such a son, Meiqin replied softly: "But in about two months, he will become conscious in mother's womb."

"At that time... if you kept talking to him through your mother's belly, maybe when your brother or sister was born, he would know you directly."

Is there still two months...

Itachi lightly pressed his palm on his mother's stomach, and took a while to remove it.

He raised his head seriously and looked at his mother, "Mom, I'm going to practice first."

His demeanor changed a little too quickly, so that Miqin didn't realize how his son, who had been looking forward to it for a second, changed back in an instant.

After a while, she nodded in a daze, "Oh yes, you can go."

"Mother, rest well."

Itachi took a step back politely, and after giving serious instructions, he left the living room.

"I think I will work harder to practice."

Hurrying back to the bedroom, Itachi took the long sword and was about to go out to start a new day of practice, "And I think I can start to try advanced swordsmanship."

It has been two months since the official start of Artoria's training.

Last week, Teru Uchiha couldn't bear to squat at the commission office every day, so he asked for a few days off.

During the vacation, when he once again proposed to practice together, he had communicated with him and tried a test of directly resisting the fire escape with his arms.

Although the result was not very satisfactory, I still suffered some minor burns on my arm.But its physical strength has already been greatly improved.

"I've known you for so long, and this is the first time I've seen you anxious."

Arturia followed his footsteps, "Is it because of my future brother or sister?"

"Well, I have to protect him."

Itachi didn't shy away from his true thoughts, "Before he was born, I hoped that I could have a certain strength."

Although I may already have the level to fight against ordinary ninja, but this is not enough, I still need to become stronger.

When Itachi felt the fetus in the mother's stomach just now, he inexplicably felt a sense of responsibility in his heart.

It was as if it was the duty of the father to protect himself on the battlefield.As if it was the mother's responsibility for the daily affairs of the family, Itachi realized that he was also responsible.

As an older brother, it is his responsibility to protect his younger siblings.

Compared with the big ambitions Artoria said, such as glory, protecting the kingdom, and protecting the people... This simple sense of responsibility gave him more ideas and beliefs in practice.

"Not a bad start."

Arturia replied with a smile, "But I have to remind you of one thing. Your father seems to be very busy during this time, and I rarely see him at home."

"If your mother is pregnant, you should need company during this time."

"In addition to the time for practicing in the morning, why not spare the cultural class in the afternoon and the time in the evening to accompany your mother?"

Regarding her proposal, Uchiha Itachi, who was running outside, paused, "You are right, father has been busy with family affairs during this time, and he really rarely takes good care of this family."

"However, I don't want to give up the cultural class in the afternoon."

"Do you remember that Merlin used magic to guide you in a dream before? While resting your body, you received guidance in your dream."

Chapter 26: 【Father and Son Bureau】

"Itachi...you should be busy with your own affairs, mother's affairs can be handled by yourself."

In the kitchen of Uchiha Fuyake's house, Uchiha Mikoto looked at the side in embarrassment. His son was wearing a small apron and holding a kitchen knife to help chop vegetables.

"Mother, the knives used for cutting vegetables are very dangerous. You need to be extra careful in your current physical condition!"

Itachi replied with a serious face, cutting the ingredients neatly with the kitchen knife in his hand.

The proficiency of his movements made Miqin a little surprised, and she no longer stopped her, but watched him help with the ingredients.


"Itachi, I can do the drying of the clothes."

On the balcony, Meiqin was hugging her clothes to dry, but was soon stopped by her own son.

"Mother, you are not suitable to stand on a high place now."

Itachi snatched the clothes that his mother was holding, and put them one after another on the bamboo poles on the balcony with great skill.


"Mother, let me do the cleaning."

"Mother, I'll do the ironing. Electric comfort is too dangerous."



Time passed quickly, when night fell and Fuyue, who was on duty at the Konoha Security Department, came home, he saw Mikoto sitting on the sofa, looking stupid.

"Mikoto, what's wrong with you?"

Fu Yue hurried over without taking off his shoes, "Do you need me to go to the hospital to make an appointment for another physical examination?"

Hearing her husband's voice, Miqin turned her eyes blankly in his direction, and waved her hands after a long time, "No, I just don't know what I should do."

All day long, she did nothing.

No... In the morning, there are still, but after returning home from Itachi at noon, she basically can't do anything.

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