"Because I'm not on your life path, Itachi."

Artoria reminded him, "Even without me, you would have encountered this."

"You will also learn to carry, learn to struggle, and feel the pain of the loss of life in the process."

"Although I don't understand why I came to this world and why I shared your memory. But I know very well that this is your growth, and you can only truly understand it after experiencing this process yourself."

Is it only through personal experience that we can truly understand?

There was a gloomy glint in Itachi's dark eyes.

Afterwards, he lay down again in the bathtub without speaking.

And Artoria didn't speak again, and slowly turned and left the bathroom.

Everything around is quiet.

In the hazy bathroom, Itachi's eyes were fixed on the ceiling.

Anyway, I felt a little more relaxed inside.

In the process of carrying the sacrifices of many people, whose passing is inevitably related to me, I am really painful.

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It's like a big mountain is always on your shoulders.

At that time, Itachi felt like they were blaming and resenting himself for the words and deeds of the other clansmen around him, and their every demeanor.

Even when I close my eyes, I will unconsciously recall the corpses lying in a pool of blood.

But if it is true, as Arturia said, did she not interfere with her own growth?


Itachi got up from the hot water and wiped the water droplets off his body with a white cloth.

"Your mother seems to want to communicate with you."

Suddenly, Artoria's inadvertent reminder when returning home appeared in his mind, and Itachi's wiping action paused for a while.

But only for a moment.

Wiping off the water droplets on his body, Itachi put on the clothes outside the bathroom and walked slowly towards the living room.

There are more noises in the house.

It seems that... the father has returned.

Itachi quickened his pace and walked towards the living room.

Chapter 12: 【Compassion does not hold soldiers】 (please follow up)

In the cafeteria, my father was sitting at the table, holding the food with a talon and sending it to his mouth.

And his mother was very virtuous and chatted with him beside him, and poured wine for him from time to time.

When Itachi stepped into the dining hall, they all looked up to their side.

"Itachi, go to the study and wait for me."

Uchiha Fugaku said in an orderly tone.

As for this, Uchiha Mikoto did not speak to stop it, as if something had already been discussed.

Itachi replied respectfully: "Yes..."

He didn't feel disgusted by Fu Yue's commanding tone.

Conversations like this have been heard frequently since I can remember.

Because my father has high expectations of himself and is also very strict.

As for the content of his father's next conversation with him, Itachi probably knew in his heart.

It should be about the problems that I have been struggling and avoiding before.

Exiting from the cafeteria obediently, Itachi walked towards the study.

But halfway through the walk, he seemed to remember something, and walked from the wooden passage between the houses to another room.

Itachi traveled a long way and came to the living room.

In the living room, Arturia was sitting by the low wooden coffee table, with her eyes closed tightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

But no matter what angle you look at and what environment you are in, Itachi has never seen her straight waist bend, nor has she seen fatigue on her face.

She is like a machine that never gets tired.

Arturia stood up calmly, staring at him, "I'm glad you didn't forget, I'm still here waiting for you."

"I went to see my father first."

Itachi also calmly replied, "Next, we will have a conversation in the study."

"Is it convenient for me to follow along?"

Arturia asked.

Itachi hesitated for a moment, then nodded and replied, "Of course..."

Judging from the current situation, in his future life, this queen that only he can see should be an indispensable part.

That being the case, there is no need to be too vigilant.

The two walked towards the study one after the other.

The study at home is Itachi's second room.

From the time he could remember, except for his daily practice, he would often stay in this study.

In the beginning, it was my father or mother who took me to read and write.But in less than a week, I can read and study alone.

Because I seldom go out except for practice, this has become a second room.

Slowly opening the door of the study room, Itachi saw a dazzling array of bookshelves at first glance.

Looking up again, he saw the elevated chair that belonged to him beside the table.

Unconsciously, Itachi came to the high chair, jumped on it, sat down, and put his hands on the desk.

He felt a little high.

Compared to a few months ago, I seem to have grown a bit taller during this time, so that the elevated chair does not fit as well as before.

smell -

Itachi took a deep breath, and the unique smell of books penetrated into his nostrils, which made him feel at ease.

This feeling is very good, even my own room is not as friendly as this study.

Nothing here has changed, except myself.

"I have been trained since I was a child, and my only hobby is reading..."

Arturia looked at Itachi's movements, combined with the memories in her mind, her gaze was softer.


Soon, a slight knock on the door interrupted Itachi who was recalling.

"Please come in..."

He yelled out of the house.

Accompanied by Katsa's door opening, it was Uchiha Fugaku who entered the room.

Compared to Itachi, he was less sentimental about this room.

After closing the door, he walked calmly.

In Itachi's field of vision, his father passed Arturia directly and came to his side.

"I've grown taller."

What surprised Itachi's heart was that his father's first opening sentence actually mentioned his own height.

He carefully noticed that the height of himself sitting on the elevated chair was out of balance with the desk.

"There's a saw in the utility room. Find some time and adjust the height of this chair."

While talking, Fu Yue crossed the desk and sat down on the right seat.

"I heard from your mother that you think the reason why the team suffered heavy losses when they were ambushed was because you delayed the trip?"

He asked calmly, his expressionless face made Itachi seem to be facing a mirror.

Itachi nodded, "When I was hiding in the tree hole, I once heard from Iwanin that they were able to gather far more troops than us because we had been resting on the spot for half a day."

"It's true. If we didn't spend half a day, the number of rock ninjas we faced would definitely not exceed us by too many."

Fu Yue confirmed the authenticity of this information, "But the team rested for half a day, not because of your problem, but because of my problem."

Father's question?

Itachi is a little unclear.

Fuyue took a deep breath and said slowly, "Actually, it was I who asked the team to take a half-day rest."

It is not easy to admit one's mistakes in front of one's own son.

And when he said this sentence, Itachi's heart tightened again.

"Don't worry, it's not because of your coma."

Fu Yue went on to say, "Early before you cleaned the battlefield, when the battle was just over, I had a simple negotiation with the Jōnin in the team."

"Because the battle situation at that time was the biggest confrontation between the team and the rock ninjas since they rushed to the front line, the number of casualties among the clansmen was quite large. Especially the number of wounded people made it impossible for me, the patriarch, to ignore it."

"So under such circumstances, as the patriarch, I proposed the idea of ​​repairing in situ, and let Konoha equip our medical team to perform medical tasks."

Speaking of this, he paused, "We considered many aspects at the time. First, because Iwanin is the same as us, with a lot of casualties, we generally believe that they will not launch another attack in a short time."

"Second, because the wounded in our team at that time were really difficult to travel for a long time without proper treatment. Instead of dying while rushing, it is better to simply treat them before leaving."

"The First Cause of All Realms"

"Third, there is plenty of time for us to rush to the next front to join Konoha's other teams."

"Because of these three reasons, they all agreed to my proposal and made repairs in situ."

"And it was because of my relaxation, because of my kindness. Because I was unwilling to give up small sacrifices, and prompted greater sacrifices, so that our Uchiha's expedition this time was ashamed!"

At the end, his tone of voice raised unconsciously.

Rather than explaining what happened this time to Itachi, it would be better to say that Fu Yue was reviewing himself.

Itachi was a little silent, he didn't know how to comfort his father.

"Compassion does not command soldiers. Although it is shameful to abandon wounded soldiers, the stability of the battle situation is the most rational consideration. I hope your father can learn the lesson from this time and become a qualified commander."

And at this moment, Artoria's voice sounded in his ear.

Chapter 13: 【Guide】

The father lives with the honor of the family on his back.

Itachi didn't know how to comfort his father, but it was the first time he saw a vulnerable side of his strict father.

He was puzzled in his heart until he left.

Everyone has their own goals and dreams, so what about yourself?No……

Itachi thought very distressed in his heart, followed the aisle and returned to his room.

The first time he was forced to try to carry it, he felt extremely heavy pressure.

Dozens of lives of the clansmen were on his body, including the dear friend that his parents had always cherished - Uchiha Temple.

This kind of feeling is not good, but now after taking it off, although I feel relaxed, but compared to everyone having a living goal, I seem to have nothing.

Suddenly, Itachi found that he had no direction from beginning to end.

Whether it's practicing, studying, or going to the battlefield to sharpen, all of these are arranged by my father.

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