At this time, the morale of the navy soldiers was almost gone. Seeing the almost one-sided casualty situation, it was because the generals of the navy were still supporting their remaining morale.

But if this continues, the defeat of the navy must be an inevitable result, and we only need to wait for the passage of time.

Including the three generals of the navy, almost all members of the navy think so.

After all, from the very beginning, the strongest [Yun Lan] never made a direct attack.

But at this moment, several beams of light suddenly shot out from some remote corners, and all of their targets locked onto the leader at the head of the [Lan Country] ship, Yun Fan.

However, this kind of sneak attack did not play any role, even the explosion failed to appear, and it was absorbed by Yunfan's body the moment it touched Yunfan's body without a trace.

The next moment, several burly figures wearing hats with scattered brown spots and two bear ears appeared beside him through the propulsion ability of the light in their hands, faintly surrounding Yunfan.

Yunfan looked around at the sneak attacking people indifferently, and raised his eyebrows, "Are you a pacifist, it seems that the World Government has not been idle in the past few years, and it has finally been successfully developed. And six units came at a time, Do you think you can respect me?"

Suddenly, his eyes stopped on the burly figure at the back, only the appearance of holding a Bible in his hand made him stand out, "Oh no, it seems that the main body has also appeared, and there is still consciousness What, Mr. Big Bear?"

The pacifist is a humanoid weapon manufactured by the world government by imitating the body of Bartholomew Okuma, one of the "tyrants" of the Seven Martial Seas, and the shining fruit ability of the former general "Kiazaru".

Originally, Polusalino had talked to him about this matter, and bluntly said that the project had not been successful, but now it seems that although Polusalino's departure has led to the lapse of the project's completion time, it has not been able to prevent its final completion. Finish.

As for the person holding the bible at the end of these humanoid weapons, or the prototype machine that is no longer conscious, Bartholomew Okuma is one of the original Qiwuhai that has been abolished.

Born in the South China Sea, the former King of the Solbey Kingdom, the fruit ability is the meat ball fruit, and after using it, a bear-like pad will grow in the palm of the hand.

If it is placed in the hands of ordinary people, I am afraid that it will become a funny ability in an instant. After all, in the first book "Devil Fruit Ability Explanation" by the world government, the description of this fruit states that it is "loved by some special hobby lovers. Love, one of the most useless fruits."

But there will always be some people in this world who use their own ability or imagination to tell the world how to use some fruits, whether it is the original "rubber fruit" owned by the children of the world or the current big bear.

It has continuously developed the ability of the flesh pad to bounce off objects slightly, and finally developed it to be able to bounce back together with the opponent's slashes, blows, and even energy attacks.

And by bouncing the air into a palm-shaped shock wave to form a shock wave on the target to penetrate the opponent.And according to Big Bear's needs, he can also fly the target to the target location he set, and he can use this ability to move around in the sea without borrowing any tools.

The most unscientific thing is that this kind of shock wave can even directly eject the pain and fatigue of the target, which can be called the strongest ability development.

There is another identity behind it, that is, the cadres of the Revolutionary Army. Because of the arrangement of the Revolutionary Army, they entered the World Government as an undercover agent.

Before persuading Huang Yuan to leave, Yun Fan approached him several times alone to ask if he wanted to leave.

Just because of the mission of the Revolutionary Army, he did not agree.Since then, the Revolutionary Army has never heard from him again, and it seems that their actions have been unilaterally restricted.

Yunfan also received an entrustment from the Revolutionary Army before the war, and by the way, helped to search for the bear's traces, which is why the previous question came up.

However, the only response to him was a few golden lasers from the surrounding pacifists and a bear paw-shaped shock wave. In order to avoid too much damage to the hull, Yunfan did not dodge much, but wrapped his arms around his body. The lightning barrier absorbs all the damage.

It's obviously not his style to be attacked unilaterally and not respond, but someone else has responded for him.

A tall figure of nearly three meters appeared in front of Yunfan the next moment, but it was Zefa.His hands were dark black, and he punched the pacifist several times, sending four pacifists twice as tall as him flying out, and he also rushed in that direction.

Before the lasers in the hands of the remaining three pacifists were fired, several heavy blade lights directly cut off their attacking movements, and then kicked them out.

From the slender appearance of chasing them, it is Gion who has been secretly guarding Yunfan.

Lightly using the domineering domineering winding to wipe away the air shockwaves that the only remaining tyrant bear constantly stimulated, Yun Fan then asked: "Then, there are no other guys in the way now, let me ask again, Mr. Xiong, Are you still conscious? Mr. Long asked me to say hello to you."

Daxiong, who was just silent at first, just continued to use the speed that was completely inconsistent with his huge body, to attack Yunfan, but now he seemed to react to the name of "dragon", and his original attacking posture stagnated for a while.

Amidst the crackling sounds coming out of his body, his words came out of his mouth for the first time, only two words, "...buried... ambush... ..."

These two words were like a bomb dropped on a calm sea, instantly shattering the entire battle scene.

Several slashes at the level of a great swordsman suddenly appeared from behind Yun Fan, silently attacking his back, and was immediately cut off by Yun Fan pulling out the dark abyss hanging from his waist.

Not planning to simply let the attacker go, Yun Fan was just about to pull up and cut off the attacker, but suddenly seemed to have forgotten something, and stopped for a moment.

But he is stagnant, the enemy will not stagnate, just under him, a huge mercury ring has appeared at some time, the liquid mercury overflowing from it is swallowing him with heavy pressure and poison, and will be swallowed by him in the next moment He was wrapped in it, and the poisonous mercury seemed to be poured into his body.

Chapter 38 Who attacks whom?

"Arrested—huh!" A girl just came out of the mercury cage, and then there was a muffled hum, and the mercury cage burst open.

Yun Fan, who exposed the violent lightning flashing in it, looked at the blond girl who had huddled into a ball and half of her body was scorched black. Yun Fan's lightning was about to fall straight towards the two of them.

But the same inexplicable and weird feeling as before came to his heart again, as if he was disturbed by something, he suddenly didn't want to hurt these two people.

The lightning lost control and did not land on the two of them. Instead, it was thrown directly towards the cabin of the ship, causing a violent explosion.

But soon this strange feeling was directly dispelled by Yunfan, and a few dodges combined with elementalization directly avoided the enemy's slash.

The thunder light from Yunfan's whole body condensed once again, so violent that it almost engulfed the two people in front of him.

However, one pair of hands seemed to be completely imprinted on the edge of the lightning field, as if completely ignoring the possibility of being harmed. The original violent thunder rushed towards those hands as if they had found a breakthrough. In a blink of an eye, the lightning all over his body is absorbed directly.

And as if being absorbed together with his physical strength, Yunfan's movements also slowed down one after another.

Feeling the unprecedented emptiness in his body, Yun Fan couldn't help frowning.

And the three people who had sneaked up in front of him happened to be standing in front of him at leisure. They were two men and a woman, and the lightning injuries on Mercury girl's body had all been repaired at some point.

Something is wrong, although I can't tell what is wrong, but this is no longer the time to think about it.

Speaking of the dark abyss in his hand, at this time he can no longer take into account the loss of [Lan Country], and must defeat these sneak attackers as soon as possible.

Subconsciously, he seemed to ignore something and completely focused on the three people in front of him, continuously slashing from his Abyss Blade.

And the three of them were also smoothly chopped into residues between the blades of his sword, the only pity is that the cabin of [Lan Country] was chopped out without knowing it. Lots of big holes.

It ended smoothly, but [Lan Country], which didn't even show any damage in the huge collision, was hacked like this by me, I'm afraid it will be scolded by Mr. Tom.

Yun Fan, who was completely relaxed, looked at the tragic state of [Lan Country] under his feet, and thought a little miserable in his heart.

"Wait, why did I attack [Lan Country] just now?"

A strange idea rose from the bottom of his heart uncontrollably, as if he wanted to break through something to give him some hints.

"Who was...was I fighting just now?"

Accompanied by the roar of thunder and lightning, the knife in Yunfan's hand trembled uncontrollably, and the familiar sound of electric current continuously circulated in his body, and finally rushed towards his head.

At this time, Yun Fan seemed to have a flashback, and [Lan Country] was constantly changing between being damaged and intact in front of him.

"Why did I suddenly attack my ship?"

He suddenly stabbed the dark abyss in his hand towards his abdomen, and an indescribable pain suddenly came out of his mind. The top-level knowledgeable domineering finally broke through the blockade of something because of the pain, and rushed towards his master crazily. signify something.

"Quick, move!"

The images that flashed back and forth before his eyes finally froze, the world seemed to accept Yun Fan again, and the [Lan Country] in front of him finally returned to its original undamaged appearance, but the feeling of weakness in his body could not be faked.

In front of Yun Fan, there were already six more people at some point, one of them was a gray-haired man who was imprinting his hand on his body, constantly absorbing the thunder and lightning overflowing from his body, while another skinny man wearing a mask As if building something.

With the movement of the man's hands, some irregular and strange words are constantly appearing around Yunfan's space, as if they would suck people in just by looking at them.

"Is it possible to regain some consciousness in this situation?"

They also seemed to see Yunfan's current state from Yunfan's restored look, but they just grinned and said, "But I just woke up now, it's too late."

"Seal Eternal Corridor!"

Following the icy-cold voice, the irregular characters around Yunfan climbed onto Yunfan's body as if being pulled, and immediately after, a deep darkness appeared in front of his eyes.

"Just keep going in this hallucination until you kill all your companions in the end."

This was the last sound he heard.

At this point, the six people who finally completed the special operation against [Yun Lan] finally relaxed a little.

Looking at Yunfan who was completely wrapped in strange words like a dead person at this moment, motionless and even his breath fell into silence, the transparent fruit awakened ability user "Void" who first attacked Yunfan waved his hand and was already caught. It hurts a little to cut the blade with several gaps.

"Should I say it's really a monster? It's really hard to think about its strength in conventional combat because it can cut my big sharp knife like this without realizing it."

"You are already very good, unlike me, but the task I took on from the very beginning was to use mercury to cover up his domineering work. I don't want to feel the feeling of thunder and lightning unscrupulously exploding in my body. Once again."

Most of the black dress was torn, and at this moment, the "Shameless Poison" covered in silver mercury felt the current that was still rushing and exploding in his body at this moment, and he couldn't help feeling a burst of fear.

Born as a CP, she is definitely not a good girl who is afraid of pain. In order to accomplish this purpose, she has already endured similar lightning damage training for countless times.

But only this time when she faced Yunfan's thunder and lightning directly, she had to lift the blockade on Yunfan after only suffering a moment of lightning damage, otherwise she would die immediately, but thanks to this moment, Yunfan was successfully captured. Drag into the illusion of construction.

Wiping the blood that was constantly overflowing from the corner of her mouth, she was so sure.

And the one who felt the same as him was the gray-haired man next to him who was trembling slightly from time to time with a happy expression on his face. Judging from his expression, it was obvious that he was not in a good condition at this time, but his joy made him look extraordinarily strange.

"It's the first time I've seen you look so happy, 'Collector', obviously before absorbing other energies, you had a bitter face."

A pair of mellow Bai Zhe's hands pressed on the bodies of the two wounded. The voice came from a figure who hid his face under a large cloak. After a while, their bodies stopped trembling, and the "Poison Without Face" also No more blood spilled.

"Thank you, 'doctor'. Hehe, I have gained a lot this time. The energy in the past is completely inferior to the thunder and lightning this time." It can be seen that the collector is very satisfied with the lightning that was absorbed in Yunfan's body earlier Even if it is to endure the lack of the upper limit of the body, it must be forcibly accommodated.

"Be careful, don't play mine to death yourself."

A dull voice came from under the mask of the skinny man who had been observing Yunfan's situation. Obviously, he was a little surprised that Yunfan was able to almost break free from his "mental construction" several times just now, and he was constantly observing the other party with his ability .

"Hahaha, it seems that 'Unreal' is a little afraid of losing control of his abilities."

"Void" saw the opponent's appearance, but he still didn't know what he was thinking.

"But don't worry, even if your ability may be forcibly broken free by someone with a strong mind, the ability of the 'calligrapher' has never failed, and this time he did not and failed to break free from your 'mind structure' what?"

Collectors also nodded in agreement.

"Erasure of the existence of 'None', use the ability of mercury to seal the early warning of domineering, use the 'mind construction' to drag into the illusion, plus my 'energy absorption', forcibly seal his body, ability and mind .Finally coupled with the blockade that the 'Calligrapher' has built for such a long time, there is no possibility of relief."

Saying so, the "Poison Without Appearance" who had already recovered thanked the "doctor" and then looked at the "calligrapher" who remained silent for the last time.

"How, have you recovered? I'm leaving here soon. I don't want to be within the range of Athena after those unlucky ghosts activate it."

"Obviously a subordinate of the world government, but in the end he was blown up to the sky by his boss. It's really a tragic ending."

The "Collector" said so, but the malicious smile on the corner of his mouth always showed his evil taste.

"Anyway, the navy will be cleaned up in the end. It doesn't matter if he dies sooner or later. If 'Calligrapher' is well, we should go away."

"Void" really didn't care, but saw that "Calligrapher" didn't respond, so he called him again.

"Sorry, it seems that you still have a lot of information on you, please stay here for now."

A strange voice suddenly came from the mouth of "Calligrapher".

"--You are?!"

Everyone returned to their vigilant posture in an instant, and faintly surrounded the "calligrapher".

"Me? Haven't I been here all the time?"

Like the sky being lifted, the scene in the sky suddenly changed, the golden sun and the strange moon appeared in the sky at the same time, the air was filled with indescribable murmurs, and the sound came from under the feet as if something had come to life. The mechanical sound of gears turning.

"The sky...and the earth...what's going on?"

The "Collector" looked around in disbelief at the scene of mutations around him.


"It's not a hallucination!"

"The Poison Without Face" yelled at the illusionist loudly, but the other party's answer made everyone fall into a deeper panic.

Yunfan's figure, who was originally sealed by the text and remained motionless, turned into smoke and disappeared at the moment when the world changed, and above them, a figure was watching them with interest.

"Hello, 'Raiders'."

Chapter 39 The First General, Death

Leaving aside what is happening in some unknown space, on the stage of several generals, the battle is changing little by little.

The sky had already turned half red and half golden, with flames and flashes of light constantly flashing across it.

In mid-air, General Blue Bird's body has already left many cut-like scars, the most serious one is a penetrating wound that occupies nearly half of his neck.

Even if they are all recovering slowly, the recovery speed is not as good as before, and his face has turned slightly pale.Knowledgeable and domineering, he didn't dare to stop locking on the enemy in front of him for a moment, and he instantly changed his state into the form of Suzaku, and his whole body was instantly ignited with even hotter flames.

"Suzaku's real body, the flame of the divine bird!"

The flame carried a fiery temperature, and the sharp claws drawn by Suzaku's avatar collided fiercely with the lightsaber in Polusalino's hand with a piercing sound, creating a burst of eye-catching golden sparks.

Polusalino's arm that collided with it had already suffered extensive burns, apparently caused by being surrounded by flames and then unable to escape in time.As for the other places covered by clothes, there were also burn injuries of varying degrees.At this moment, he held Amacong Yunya tightly with both hands, and did not take a step back.

After all, he is a veteran powerhouse. Although he paid too much attention to the development of fruit ability and neglected the training of physical ability in the middle, this does not mean that this can become his shortcoming.You know, Zefa would say that his physical ability is weak in terms of his overall strength. No matter how weak his physical ability is, it is still at the level of a general.

If it weren't for the abnormal recovery ability of the Suzaku Fruit of General Blue Bird, he would have been defeated by him at this moment.

Flapping its wings, a large amount of heat turned into an impact force to give the body greater strength. The blue bird general directly crushed the golden Amacong Yunfang, and pecked at Polusalino fiercely with his beak in an instant.With the surprise attack of the bird's beak, the blazing flame instantly broke through Polusalino's domineering defense, piercing directly through his shoulder.

Polusalino gritted his teeth and turned into a stream of light, which instantly illuminated many places behind him. He used the refraction of the light to avoid several rounds of continuous attacks, and retreated a little further away.

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