Without any objection, the men at the rear immediately accepted the order, or they were already ready for this when they were placed at the end of the line.

They only had time to be in the middle of the team and looked at the wife and daughter from time to time and smiled, and they quickly ran to both sides, and after leaving the team far away, they cut their arms, as if they were afraid that the blood volume would not be enough to attract demons Kind of like, they squeezed the wound on purpose.

But obviously their goal has been achieved, the intelligence of the demon species is already low, and the few ones that are rushing over now are completely attracted by the breath of human beings because of hunger. Now that they have a stronger and more favorite smell of blood, they are immediately attracted to them .

Soon, the demon species moved towards the "food" that was constantly attracting their attention on both sides, and excited growls continued to come out of their mouths, as if they were about to feast on it.

"......do not look!"

sorry Sorry sorry!

"Don't waste their sacrifice!"

sorry Sorry sorry!

"Keep going!"

sorry Sorry sorry!

Trying to restrain her distorted face, Sanae suppressed her anger and grief and ordered the team to move on. She didn't even dare to clenched her fists, fearing that her nails would pierce her hands and bleed blood.

"Don't let your emotions get the better of you!"

why why why!

"Otherwise I won't be able to make more accurate orders!"

why why why!

"This is a necessary sacrifice for the sake of the ethnic group!"

why why why!

Constantly talking to herself, Sanae forced herself to calm down and continued to lead the group forward.

But the more she forced herself to calm down, the deeper the desire in her heart became, and the uncontrollable sense of powerlessness and pain kept washing her heart.

- Boom!

The red sky suddenly burst into thunder.

Why, is the fate of human beings supposed to be like this!

- Boom!

Thunder's majesty had gathered in mid-air.

[No, this is not the fate that human beings should have. 】

"Who!" Sanae was startled by the sudden voice from inside.

She looked into the sky suspiciously, and suddenly, as if feeling something in her heart, Sanae looked behind her.

"That is?!"

- Bang!

The turquoise thunder fell down like the wrath of a god, and in an instant, it hit the monster that had already stretched out its sharp claws to kill the "food" in front of it, and exploded.

The huge impact even set off a gust of wind that spread to the surroundings, blowing away the other demon species that were still moving.

However, when the crowd subconsciously gathered together to resist the strong wind, the strong wind seemed to be able to avoid the crowd consciously and drew a dividing line in front of them.

"The hope of mankind is an eternal star!"

Several thunderbolts fell from the sky in an instant, devouring the other demon species that were still moving, and then exploded, setting off a violent hurricane.

"A dark cloud cannot hide its light!"

The dazzling light even broke through the blood-colored clouds, dyed the sky golden, and suppressed the roaring hurricane below, revealing the scorched fragments of demons and unharmed humans.

"Peace should never be an ideal, it is the wish of all people!"

Under the radiance of the light, human beings' exhausted spirit and wounded body seemed to be healed together, and a feeling that had never been experienced before was washed away by something warm.

"I will lead you to create beauty between heaven and earth, conquer the power of nature, and reach the other side of happiness!"

In the light that was not scorching but more warm, Sanae's eyes were blurred by tears, but she could still see clearly.

It was a black-haired boy smiling at them.

Chapter 6 The Crisis of the Orcs

On a certain barren plain in the south, there was a miraculous scene—a thousand humans and a thousand orcs marched forward on an equal footing, led by two women and one man at the front.

You must know that even the lower-level beastmen have physical abilities that are much stronger than humans. If you count the unique blood damage among beastmen, they may be able to kill humans in an instant.

But the two sides marched together without any objection, and even the momentum of the human side was higher than that of the orcs. Judging from their movements of looking at the three people in front of them from time to time, the reason must appear in those three people body.

"My lord, where are we going?"

At the front of the line, a fox-eared woman with a mask and several tails asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, it's a good place, better than all the places you know now, just follow along with peace of mind."

The male teenager who was questioned by him just smiled and did not give a specific answer.

"I see."

Seeing the young man's approachable smile, and the protective cover looming over the team to stop the erosion of "snowflakes", as well as the very obvious recovery effect under the protective cover, the fox-eared woman was slightly relieved.

It seems that he is not a cruel god, although, it is really strong.

I secretly guessed in my heart that the fox-eared woman thought of the scene when she first met the adults around her...

- dong dong!

"--this is?"

"Master Miko...it's too late, I'm afraid I've already been chased by those monsters!"

"I understand, Great Elder."

In front of more than 1000 orcs, the leader of the orcs, the priestess, was talking with the elder, but was interrupted by the vibration from the ground.

For the orcs with excellent sensory abilities, they can quickly detect even a very small vibration. Just like now, they also instantly discovered the enemies chasing up from behind.

"Damn it, you've chased him all the way, we've killed so many, yet you still don't give up—"

The Great Elder complained angrily, but the witch interrupted him with a wave of her hand.

"Everyone, please be prepared, the enemy is coming!"

Slightly soothing my shortness of breath and a little excited mood, the witch's voice reached the ears of the clansmen at a level that could just be heard but would not alarm the enemies behind.

Soon, under conscious arrangement, the main fighters were slowly gathered at the back end of the team, waiting for the footsteps that had gradually gathered in the rear.

——Boom! ! !

As several huge trees along the way were knocked open, the enemies of the orcs finally revealed their true colors—they were strange existences at least three times larger than ordinary orcs, and they were monsters.

They don't move quickly, they don't care about the objects in front of them at all, they just use the strength of their bodies to forcibly smash away all the things blocking the way, and move straight towards a certain destination.

It's strange, those guys obviously didn't find our trace, why they can move straight towards us.

But at this moment, she couldn't care less about judging the reasons for these things, and the priestess' thoughts were immediately interrupted by the roar of the demon species.


Following the excited roars of the first few demon species, the demon species behind them also roared angrily, and moved towards the enemy that the first few demon species had discovered.

"—Everyone prepare, the demon species is coming!"

It can be said that they exist everywhere on this continent. They were created by the fantasy demon kings, and they will only smash all the enemies they see and swallow them into the stomachs of low-intelligence creatures.

The tribe led by the witch was also targeted after being discovered by the demon species due to bad luck. After paying the price of dozens of companions' deaths, they finally repelled these demon species, and then started the journey of migration.

But this is not to say that the monsters are weak, on the contrary, a single monster can easily defeat an adult orc, and only the orcs with blood damage skills can easily deal with it. Together they can be dealt with more easily.

But now there are as many as one hundred monsters catching up, but only more than 50 combatants in the tribe are intact, and there are more than 30 wounded.

The witch's golden pupils counted the number of enemies behind her, and her heart gradually sank.

But escaping is already impossible, unless most of the clansmen are abandoned.

"The female and the cubs continue to move forward. Soldiers in the rear, let's fight directly. The opponent's movements are not fast, and their intelligence is not high, but they are very powerful. Remember to attack together, and don't be hit by accident!"


Soon, under the orderly order of the witch, all the orcs in the group took action one after another. Women and children were led by the wounded to leave the battlefield that might be affected, while the rear was reserved for the main combatants.

"Roar!" The monsters roared excitedly at the enemies who were rushing towards them, and then they were interrupted by several orcs with sharp claws.

"It's all you guys that made us have to leave our homeland! Now that we've caught up, how long will we be entangled!"

The adult male orcs roared even louder than the demons, waving their sharp claws and stepping on the demons, leaping into the air in a few jumps, stabbing into the throats of the demons in front of them, tearing their throats out.


A large amount of green blood gushed out from the monster's throat in an instant, but this could not stop its attack. Before the male orc could be happy, he was caught by its two paws because he couldn't move in the air.

"Damn it, let me go, uh—!"

- Pfft!

Seeing that he was about to be crushed to death by the dying demon species, fortunately several other orcs stepped forward in time and tore the demon species apart, so that he survived, but even so, several bruises appeared on his body.

"Thank you, Ka——!"

Seeing that the male orc was about to say thanks just after getting out of trouble, he was overtaken by the monsters rushing up, and several fists swung down. The male orc had no chance to escape due to injury, and was smashed straight into the soil. It became a puddle of mud.


The orc fighters were sad and angry, but they became more careful in their actions, constantly relying on their agility and higher combat wisdom to deal with the monsters.

Soon, with no other dead, the orcs gradually gained the upper hand.


No, what's wrong, if it's just like this, how did these monsters catch up!

In the rear, the pupils of the miko kept scanning the battlefield, as if she wanted to find something, but found nothing.

Chapter 7 Did you lure the monster here?


Suddenly, a slight electrical sound came into her ears.

That is, the sound of magic power flowing...

"Everyone, avoid the center of the battlefield!"

The witch's face changed drastically in an instant, she didn't care to hide it, and yelled directly.

However, it was too late, and the attack from the dark had already appeared.

- Bang! ! !

A black and red energy ball instantly appeared at the center of the battlefield and exploded directly.

It could be seen that the people who attacked secretly had been preparing for some time. The range of the energy ball's attack was extremely large, and together with the demon species in it, all creatures within the range of the explosion were completely destroyed.

"Sure enough, you idiots are really easy to deceive. You only need to waste some garbage that can be remade at any time, and you can lure you into an ambush!"

In the sky above the explosion, a monster flapping two pairs of bony wings, with a ferocious expression half the size of ordinary monsters, slowly fell from the sky.

Looking at the orc fighters who had been wiped out below, he grinned and laughed. As for the other monsters that were destroyed together, it can be seen that he didn't care about their casualties at all.

"Tch, a trickier guy is coming!"

The witch stared at the abnormal creature in the air, her teeth clenched.

The demon species are indeed creatures with little intelligence, and most of them only know how to eat and kill, but there are also special individuals among them.

That is the demon manager who was created by the demon king, the creator of the demon species, with more power - a monster with much higher intelligence than the demon species, more cunning and vicious, and able to use magic power, as well as stronger physical abilities Kind of superior.

"Evidently the number is so rare, but we came across them. Is it good luck or bad luck?"

The situation has reached the most critical moment, and the witch is very clear that she can't compete with her existing combat power alone, even if the orc combat power just now is still useless.

A monster that can fly easily is not something that ordinary orcs can provoke, unless...

"Master Miko, I will kill you with the other three guards, please take the others and escape as soon as possible!"

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