Now it seems to be very effective, and the reason why the group of Ex-Machinas came is probably because of the fluctuations emitted by the shrine maiden at this moment.

Chapter 39 The God of Doubt

"It's just that the current state is not enough, and it is far from being able to activate her [Divine Essence]. If this is the case, let me help."

With an inexplicable smile, the divine power containing Yunfan's power was instilled into the maiden's body. It was the power of power called "Thousands of Wisdom". On the one hand, it was used to protect the maiden's body and consciousness, and on the other hand, it It is used to stimulate the [spiritual marrow].

【Thousands of Wisdoms】—Collection of countless top-level knowledge, talents and technologies from different worlds, with unparalleled talents in "understanding", "reproduction", "creation", and "deduction".This is the wisdom of breaking through the limit.




In the boundless darkness, the girl who penetrated her [Spiritual Essence] was sleeping in it.

After experiencing unanswered questions again and again, the girl who fell into a deep sleep due to loneliness suddenly found that her sleeping container was suddenly shattered.

There is a force that seems to be calling to me, and its strong attraction makes the [spirit] that has been penetrated be urging me, as if there is the answer I want.

With a strong heart, the sleeping girl left the cage she had chosen for herself, returned to [Disbod], and finally turned into a human form.

It was a girl dressed in gorgeous oriental-style clothing, petite and cute, with rainbow-colored hair and two red patterns painted on her face.

Holding a pen that has been used for many years, she is sitting on an ink pot that is about a person's height. The countless scrolls behind her are spread out like wings or tulle.

The blue sky, the never-ending [Spiritual Skeleton], and even the smoke of war have disappeared, and the creatures inside are full of vitality, isn't it mixed with laughter?

The world seems to be different.

A sudden consciousness rose from the bottom of her heart, and the oppressive feeling on the girl's body, which was enough to make everything unknown and fearful, shrank a little.

"Although it was unexpected, it really happened, and it's still such a surprise."

A male voice came to her ears, and the girl's iron-colored eyes opened coldly, as if her eyes that could not see emotion reflected everything here.

The emotionless pupils swept across all the presences present, because the divine power leaked unconsciously was too strong, even under Yunfan's filter, it still caused the other people to be a little startled, showing a faint guard posture.

But the girl was not shaken by their actions, only when her eyes glanced over Yun Fan, her eyes stopped.

Can't see clearly.

Can't see clearly!

Can't see clearly! ! !

This is an unprecedented situation, as the oldest and the world's first [God Species].

She was born long before the world was formed, and the "essence" is the concept of adding "doubt" and "asking for hope" to "exaggeration", whether it is doubt or wish, whether it is rejection or hope - all of them Both will increase the strength of the sail building.

This made her the first and only being with 'intellect' even before the appearance of the first human species, but it also created her character of doubting everything and even denying her own existence.

"I can perceive the similarities and differences between you and me. I ask you, are you a [divine species], are you a [human species], are you a [beastman species], are you a [fantasy species]? Why can't I see the concept of your existence clearly, what is the cover on your body?"

Linked to the consultation of the world, absorbing all the latest concepts, as if endless questions were thrown at the man in front of her.

At the same time, it also made Yunfan secretly startled. He could tell the complexity of his own concept just by looking at it. He really deserves to be the "God of Suspicion". As for what the other party said, he couldn't see his own existence clearly. The reasons for the protection of 【Existence Covering】, 【Causal Distortion】, 【Big Lie】, 【World Line Isolation】, etc.

This makes normal existence, even relying on the power of the observation type, only see clearly the layer of camouflage that Yunfan can arrange outside, while its essence is firmly protected within these protections.

But this also shows the horror of the [God of Suspicion], even with such a blessing, he can detect so many things.

Seeing that Yunfan didn't answer, the girl didn't get angry, she just continued to ask: "Is the power I felt in my deep sleep just now owned by you? May I ask what kind of power it is and why it exists? I think that can answer it." I only doubt the power, can it stand in front of me again?"

If you don't look at her appearance, just listen to her questions, you will be an old pedant.

【God of Suspicion】——Question everything, ask everything.

Yunfan couldn't imagine how this young girl survived endless questions in the very beginning of the world without any "intellectual" life. Because of the concept itself, she had to ask questions, but no one could answer them, even Not even creatures to talk to.

Because she is alone, no one can answer the girl, she just indifferently seeks a "talking object", so five small machines (blocks) are created to perform observation, analysis, demonstration, corresponding four machines, and command and coordinate four machines of a machine.

In a world without knowledge, make self-judgment - try to "create knowledge".

However, what she longs for is someone who can answer infinite questions—the correspondent (talking object). However, although the machine has intelligence, but the girl “has”, the machine does not have the “no”—heart.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of the despair of the world without "intellect" that the [God of Suspicion] finally chooses to penetrate his [Spiritual Essence] and fall into a deep sleep.

And it was precisely because the witch answered some of her questions that she felt a little satisfied that she chose to be possessed by the witch.

"Why is your gaze so strange?" As if she had never felt such gaze before, the girl expressed a little strangeness, just being stared at like that, a different kind of emotion surged into her heart.

She has never been regarded as a girl, but is only puzzled by the existence of a "god" on her body.

"It's nothing, I just feel that this world is really interesting." Yun Fan laughed.

Seeing that the girl wanted to ask more questions, Yun Fan quickly waved his hand to stop the other party's inquiry. Facing such a person who has no malice but is too strong and keeps asking all kinds of questions, it is simply the most difficult thing to deal with.

But fortunately, Yunfan's strength is really matched by his tone.

"Stop, stop, stop, I know you have a lot of questions, in order to avoid more questions, let's feel this first."

In the girl's expectant eyes, the power called "A Thousand Wisdoms" unfolded, and the girl entered it with unprecedented joy.

Chapter 40 Contract Formed

In the endless sky, there are countless books, scrolls, and crystals hanging. Countless knowledge and skills are realized here, forming a new world.

"These, these, and these are all knowledge that I have never seen before!"

It turned out that not only the spirit girl entered, but Jibril, who had been watching from the side, also took the opportunity to sneak in.Looking at the knowledge that seems to have no end in sight, I finally thought about it.

"Hey, stop, stop, your saliva is about to flow out, if you dirty my enchantment, I will throw you out." Yun Fan had no choice but to remind her to pay attention to her image.

"Hey, it doesn't matter, but now I feel that just relying on this knowledge is the biggest gain I can get from serving you." Jibril let out a chirpy laugh as she wiped away the non-existent saliva. Then continue to wander in the endless sea of ​​books.

Because the other party's glances were too scorching, even Yun Fan couldn't help but take a half step back. It can only be said that the Flügel in a state of frenzy is really scary.

Compared to the wild Jibril, the girl of the gods who entered here for the first time is quieter.

But this is only superficial. If it is said that the speed at which ordinary people look up knowledge is the trickle of a brook, and the speed at which Jibril looks up this knowledge is like the torrent of the sea, then the speed at which the spirit girl absorbs knowledge is simply the speed of a river of stars. The amount of knowledge exploding in her brain is constantly being drawn towards her, and it looks like a black hole absorbing light from a distance.

Regardless of Jibril who has completely fallen into her own world, Yunfan came to the side of the spirit girl.

"Is it really okay for you to look like this? Although I don't really want to interrupt your desire, this speed is too scary."

"Don't worry, my body is actually here." Said the god girl and pointed to the huge inkpot below her.

"The appearance shown by this body is just a phantom, don't worry that my existence will collapse due to excessive absorption."

Compared with the expressionless appearance before, the spirit girl's attitude towards Yunfan at this moment is much better, especially those iron-colored eyes, which completely lost their cold luster at this moment, and began to become warmer.

"So, are you satisfied with this place?" Yun Fan's smile gradually became presumptuous.

"Well, I like this place very much, no, I think I've never liked such a place so much." The spirit girl kept nodding with burning eyes, matching her expressionless but warm words, she looked very cute.

"That's it, that's good. But, it will be a big burden for me to maintain this place, if there is any way to help me." Yunfan's purpose gradually could not be concealed, even in order to appear more True, even his face was pale with meaning.

However, Yunfan's words here are not all lies. It is not a simple matter to manifest knowledge, especially many of them involve taboo knowledge such as power, mythology, and black technology. For Yunfan, it must not be that big.

Apparently, the effect of these words was outstanding, and the expressionless appearance of the spirit girl showed a hint of panic in an instant, "Then, then I will share the [Divine Essence] with you?"

In her opinion, the [Divine Essence], which can only bring her strength, is obviously not as good as Yunfan, who can help her constantly answer questions.

"You don't need to go to that level. After all, without the [Divine Essence], your existence will disappear again. Then your question will not be able to be answered."


"Why don't you come and help me, if you want to continue to manifest this place, after all, you just need a lot of strength."

Yun Fan's words gradually softened. If the girl of the gods had modern knowledge, she would definitely know that this is a tone specially used for kidnappers.

"As long as you can help me obtain the [Star Grail], then I can use the [Star Grail] to gain enough power to maintain this place forever, and I can also get more answers to your questions in the [Star Cup], what do you think? ?”

"[Star Cup]..."

The spirit girl tilted her head, recalling this somewhat unfamiliar word.

It took nearly a second for her to recall the existence of this thing in her mind - the throne of the only god and the conceptual device of absolute dominion - and it was also the thing that allowed her to manifest.

By the way, if it is that, it is indeed possible to help the existence in front of me, and maybe it can help me answer countless questions.

"If you want to help me and become my companion, I can be by your side and answer your questions forever."

I don't know if the words of "companion" touched her, and the spirit girl who was still a little hesitant made a decision in the next moment, her ring-shaped pupils exuded a dazzling but not intimidating light.

The countless scrolls behind it spread out, and then gathered into a thin page between her and Yunfan, on which the white divine script was printed and dyed, and finally turned into a law with white text on a black background.

"I am the [God of Suspicion], observe everything, analyze everything, demonstrate everything, and correspond to everything, and now seek answers to infinite questions from you. As a condition, I will wait by your side and help you achieve [the only God] place."

She is not a stupid existence, it is better to say that there is almost no one more knowledgeable than her in the entire [Disboard], and she who is in charge of the powers of [Suspicion], [Invitation] and [Exaggeration], of course she can see at a glance. The purpose of existence, but even if the insight hits his purpose, the spirit girl is still willing to make such a promise.

She doesn't care about power, otherwise she wouldn't directly penetrate her [Divine Essence]. As for the [Star Grail] that can achieve the [Only God], of course she doesn't care about it. After all, what she wants is to seek "" speaking object".

Yunfan's [Thousands of Wisdom] can indeed help her answer countless questions, and the other party is indeed the counterparty she longs for who can answer infinite questions. In this case, the girl who hates loneliness naturally accepts the other party. agreement.

"That being the case, the contract is established!"

Taking the brush from the girl's hand, Yun Fan left his name on the law and stretched out his hand to the girl.

"The 'contract' has been established, why hold hands?"

The girl was a little puzzled.

"It was a 'contract' of the body just now, but now it is a 'contract' of the mind. Come on, hold my hand, so that our hearts will be linked together."

Although still a little ignorant, the girl reached out and touched Yun Fan's hand.

Chapter 41 Ex-Machina and Dragon's Battle

"I ask you, why don't I feel any power of 'contract'?"

"Because the heart-to-heart 'contract' is not a coercive force, but a link based on the soul."

"Link... Well, I don't understand."

"It doesn't matter, I will understand later, by the way, remember to call my name in the future, this is the condition after triggering the 'link' of the mind."

"Well, Yunfan."

"Very well, call again."


"very good."

"But, I don't have a name..."

"Then call it 'Sail House (Hollow)'."

"Eh, why?"

"Well, you should take it as a souvenir."

"Well, I see, then I will be called 'Fanlou' from now on."


"Ahhh, really, even though it's the new master, if you keep interrupting the girl's study time like this, you will be 'struck from the sky' to death."

"Stop talking nonsense, this is the long-awaited hunt for the dragon spirits, don't you really want to contribute?"

"Hunting, um, um, forget it, there is still a chance for those books, and if the dragon spirits miss it, they may be gone."

Apparently, Jibril already had an extra obsession with the dragon spirits after failing to defeat the dragon spirits six times in a row, which even once overwhelmed her desire for these books that recorded unknown knowledge .

"Then, 'Fanlou', come with me too, I may need your help next, otherwise those deadheads won't stop for any reason other than being scrapped."

"Hey, okay, if Yunfan needs it."

Fanlou reluctantly left the space embodied by Yunfan, and they began to rush to the battle point thousands of miles away.

Even though it was still far away from the destination, the earth-shattering dragon's roar had already reached everyone's ears.

Together with the beams of light penetrating the sky shot from a distance from time to time and the occasional tremors from space fluctuations, it is obvious that on the battlefield at this time, the battle between dragons and Ex-Machinas is about to reach a feverish stage.

"Link Weapons Speed ​​Violation (Over Boost)!"

In the long history of the Ex-Machina, a large number of armors, algorithms, and skills have been reproduced and created to deal with various situations. At this moment, these armors are obviously playing a powerful role.

After the command body gave the order, nearly two thousand Ex-Machina species had already taken out their weapons through the link arsenal, and with the support of the analysis body computing power, they quickly locked the enemy's weaknesses.

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