The boy who arrived late seemed to be unable to see the whiteness spreading in the sky, and he wore a slightly nasty smile on his own.

But I don't know why, it's just such an appearance that is no different from usual, but it makes all the existences present breathe a sigh of relief.

"The law of victory has been decided!"

Under the eyes of everyone, the black-eyed boy declared so.

Then, the world that was supposed to end changed suddenly!

Chapter 60 The 【Miracle】 Caused by 【Hope】

The world is undergoing destruction, and everything will soon perish in this distortion that is sweeping the globe.

This is the common thought of almost all creatures on Disbod's planet when they saw this destructive storm.

The light is converging, the light is spreading, the light is radiating, and then, the light will annihilate everything.

Whether it is the lower species or the upper species, they are all equal in the face of this light of death. Absolute "power" gives birth to absolute "death", and under absolute "death" gives birth to fair "despair".

No one can stop "death", and no one can suppress "fear".

But at this moment, all the living creatures began to pray for something from the bottom of their hearts.

It is the will to survive, hoping for something that can save oneself, so that existence such as oneself can continue to survive in the world.

"Whether it is a god, or any other existence, please save us."

Such expectations are constantly echoing in the hearts of all beings.

When the desire is strong enough, the gaze of the gods will fall on the head of that life, and then a miracle will be triggered.

"Yunfan, Fanlou has sensed that this planet, and the life on this planet, are petitioning."

That is a fact that only Fanlou, which contains the power of "asking Xi" in the [Divine Essence], can perceive it.

"Then, let's proceed as planned."


The supernatural power of the [God of Suspicion] unfolded, and the behavior that had been rehearsed countless times before was restarted again.

The hopes of all life are linked by Fanlou, and then linked together with Yunfan's incomplete [spiritual essence] through Fanlou.

— Please let us live.

--give it to me.

As if it was the most normal conversation, all the souls who were still praying at this moment heard such words in their hearts.

Here, the wishes of the living beings were answered, and as if they had found a straw to save their lives, the wishes of all living beings flocked to this only hope.

Hope is the power of spiritual fantasy, empty, fragile but occasionally strong.

A hope is small, and when all living beings gather their hopes at one point, hope will lead to a new force.

"—I have received your wish."

"Please read on, this is the [miracle] caused by your [hope]!"

The devastating ability storm began to shift.

The energy that should have been divergent and radiated began to be continuously condensed.

Close, close, and keep closing—

The light seemed to be absorbed by the unknowable existence in the void, and it shrank completely without touching the remaining living beings.

This completely out-of-the-ordinary situation naturally caused the creatures of the entire planet to change from noisy to silent in an instant.

"That is how the matter!"

This is a common question between hearts.

"Could it be that the voice that resounded in my heart just now is real and not my auditory hallucination?"

They decided not to act until they figured out the situation.

"What is the situation of [design body No. 162]? Can it be reproduced based on the information of the observation body and the analysis body?"

In the station hidden in the space, the Ex-Machinas are being questioned by Einzsch.

“[Report] The progress of reproducing the design with the current energy input will be very slow, and may not be completed under the current situation.”

Obviously, the strongest blow named [God Strike] was not so easy to reproduce.

It is a move that instantly destroys powerful attacks such as the strongest weapon of the goblin species [Marrow Blast], the strongest weapon of the elf species [Void Zero Protection], and the last trump card of the fantasy species [Bad Fusion World].

Just the aftermath is enough to declare a doomsday storm, and the data contained in it is too huge, even the Ex-Machinas cannot completely observe, analyze, and reproduce it in a short period of time.

"No, we still have orders from the Lord of Will."

For the first time, the existence named Einzixi showed an expression other than expressionless on his face, which was an expression of "unreconciled".

"It has to be done and handed over to the Lord of Will. There is no such thing as not existing in the database of the Ex-Machinas from the very beginning."

Immediately afterwards, the network of all Ex-Machina species was completely linked together, and she decided to give the order again.

"[Announcement] All the analysis bodies and design bodies of the Ex-Machina species will start analyzing and replicating work, and all other observation bodies, combat bodies, and command bodies will give them all their computing power until the reproduction is completed!"

Since the progress is slow, let's add more existences and continue to complete. After all, Ex-Machinas have been such existences from the beginning.

"[Report] Accept, command!"

Only at this moment, each individual is a set of supercomputer Ex-Machinas connected together, and through the parallel calculation of the connected bodies, their computing power is further improved.Able to respond to any situation in a very short time - Facing Yanlong's unprecedented collapse, they analyzed all possible actions and estimated results in only 0.018 seconds, and decided on the best plan ——The superpower starts to run completely.

No matter how complicated the energy is, they must reproduce that power, tamper with it, and then hand it over to the Lord of Will.

"It's really hard work."

"Of course."

As the only two masters of Ex-Machinas, Yunfan and Fanlou can naturally sense their actions.

"Then come and help, Fanlou."


The [Hope] originally obtained from the creatures on the planet began to gather, and the terrifying power of [Please Xi] was fully displayed for the first time.

The miracle caused by the will of all living beings is not over yet, and the remaining power is fully distributed to all the Ex-Machinas through the conversion of the sail tower.

That is the realization of the will of the mind, the already terrifying computing power is strengthened, the originally tense energy is replenished, and they no longer have any worries.

——As long as you put your hope into it, you will get a response.

It's just that under Yunfan's evil taste, this kind of response brings more than just what [Hope] thinks.

Since we hope to survive, and hope that the energy storm will disappear, then we will satisfy you, and we will go one step further, destroying the existence that releases this kind of attack as well.

Looking at the huge station standing above the sky, Yunfan showed a malicious smile.

"After all, this is what all beings hope to do. As long as this goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter if the means are slightly despicable."

"Now, they will be handed over to you, remember to follow up as soon as possible."


Exercising his own power with all his strength, as if putting his computing power into it like an Ex-Machina, Fan Lou's words became shorter and shorter.

"Hahaha, she suddenly became so cute, although she was already cute before."

With a relaxed smile, the boy walked towards the throne above the sky.

Chapter 61 The Unimpeded Path to the Throne

And on Abant Heim at this moment, all the Flügel have lost their strength and cannot move.

The city-state, which should have been accessible to no existence other than the Flügel, has fallen into a state of being wide open at this moment.

Obviously, even if they had set up a complete restoration technique in advance, coupled with the phantom species Abant Heim's operation regardless of loss, they still couldn't completely restore their energy in such a short period of time.

This is simply the best opportunity God has given!

On the battlefield, after the destructive energy was eliminated by Yunfan and Fanlou, other races rushed towards the city-state led by the family members of the incident.

If it wasn't for Abant himself not being harmed in the previous attack, and now relying on the phantom species' terrifying ability to constantly resist, Zhe City State might have been destroyed long ago.

It's just that this situation can't be supported for long.

On the road leading to the Seat of Artosh, there were a large number of Flügel girls lying there.

The girls who are always brave and good at fighting can hardly lift a finger at this moment, they are gasping for breath, their faces are unhealthy white, and their uneven bodies are constantly rising and falling with their rapid breathing. It looks so attractive under the value.

Simply, as if you can do whatever you want.

Of course, this is also true. Cooperating with the attack called [Divine Strike] used by the creator is even more tiring than using their own strength to use [Sky Strike], so that these Flügel see at this moment It looks so weak.

Well, it would be better if you don't consider that you will be killed directly when you do whatever you want.

"Now is not the time to think about these things, Lord Yunfan."

Jibril, who entered Avant together with Yunfan, suddenly complained that although she had experienced the protection of Yunfan's power, she still retained the power of the Flügel, and her aura would naturally be able to fool Avant.

So far they were able to enter Abant with relative ease.

"Hahahaha, I didn't think so."

"Liar, your heart has been completely exposed from your expression."

"But I obviously didn't show any expression."

"This is judging others by oneself. Even as a beautiful Flügel, I can't help revealing some thoughts about this, let alone you."

Holding her face with one hand as if in some embarrassment, Jibril muttered softly, "If you need it, I can do it too. After all, everything about me is yours, isn't it?"

"Or, the only thing that is not available is the best."

Perhaps it is the nature of all women to change the most suitable expression according to their minds. Jibril showed a pitiful and pitiful expression just as she spoke.

"Maybe there is also this kind of psychology in it."

As if they didn't care about the existence of those Flügel at all, the two of them walked towards the place where Artoxi existed noisily.

What's the matter, that man?

And Jibril, why did she walk with that man, and even called him "Master", and isn't Abant's barrier still open, why did she let him go so easily Come in.

It's just a pity that although there are doubts in their hearts, the Flügel girls can only think about it. After all, it is really embarrassing for them to move now.

However, they were still blocked in the end. Of course, they were not ordinary Flügel individuals on both sides of the road, but rather a special existence.

——Azrael, the first Flügel individual, the speaker of the eighteen-wing council, is the longest-lived and strongest Flügel existence.

At this moment, her strange-colored pupils were revealing unspeakable anger. She was obviously the younger sister whom she cared about the most, but at this moment she appeared in front of her in an unexpected manner.

"Xiaoji, why did you appear here, at this special moment, and bring this man..."

Panting for breath, it seemed to indicate that her heart was not at peace, and the slanted black halo on Azrael's head was constantly turning back and forth.

"Isn't that kind of thing obvious, Sister Azrael, the reason why I'm here is naturally to help Lord Yunfan kill Lord Artoxiu."

There was no superfluous expression, Jibril just smiled peacefully, and then expressed her most sincere thoughts in a reasonable tone.


Sure enough, it finally came to this step.

In normal times, Azrael would probably faint happily with the sound of "sister", but at this moment her heart has completely sunk to the bottom.

Before Jibril was born, Azrael was the most ruthless existence among the Flügel, and if necessary, she would sacrifice everything, including her Flügel companions.

But such an existence that makes all Flügel fear in their hearts has completely changed after the birth of the "extra individual" Jibril, and Azrael has become a sister image who longs for her younger sister Jibril's love .

Although the other party was a more troublesome guy than any Flügel, Azrael was the only one who was willing to tolerate all kinds of troublesome behaviors under the speaker's authority.

It was just because Jibril felt cute like this.

But at this moment, Azrael felt deep regret.

"In any case, I won't let you bother my lord!"

The black light wheel suddenly expanded, and the white wings on the back were fully unfolded. The power from Abant was continuously drawn into his body, and the two-color pupils stared at the two beings in front of him.

No matter how much she loves her, the only thing in front of her now is the enemy that needs to be wiped out.

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