It seems that it is about to evolve.

Yun Fan speculated, but didn't say anything, that after Cosmog woke up and made an urgent sound to a certain place and fell asleep again, they headed in that direction.

Sure enough, this is exactly what Yunfan wanted to achieve, after all, the great metropolis!

"Mr. Yun Fan, why don't we go back? It's been a long time since we came out, and we've already collected almost all the Ultra Beasts."

Lusamine frowned slightly and asked.

It's been a whole week, and it's been a long time for Lusamine to go out, and since her goal has been achieved, she was more inclined to go back.

"Don't worry, President Lusamine, the destination has been reached, and it will be fine soon."

Yun Fan's eyes were fixed on the only point of view in the distance, and he said without turning his head.

This is the ultimate metropolis that was finally found, and Necrozma should be right ahead, so naturally he can't give up halfway.

"......All right."

Lusamine had no choice but to compromise, after all, it was impossible for her to go back directly.

If you want to return to the real space, you can only return to the entrance of the previous Ultra Building or use the ability of the Ultra Beast.

But at present, the ultimate monsters that are powerful enough to use the ultimate aura to open the ultimate hole ability are beyond her control, and Yunfan has already subdued a few of them by then, so in the end, she still has to wait for Yunfan Action will do.

The two parties have also reached an agreement before, and the other party has been doing their best to help themselves along the way, and now they can only wait.

"Sure enough, there is the ultimate metropolis!"

Yun Fan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and a city in the distance was emitting a faint light, which was like a lighthouse in this silent and endless dark space.

Even from the outline of the lights in the distance, there are still some figures flickering there, which seem to be signs of human activities.

"Megro, go faster."


Following Yun Fan's order, the speed of the giant metal monster increased. If it weren't for the protection of the power of thought, the people on its back would all be blown away.

It didn't take long for them to come to the place of light, where there was really a huge tower.

"I didn't expect that there are traces of human beings living here. It seems that the information is not completely correct."

Lusamine scanned the surrounding buildings full of futuristic technology style, and said in a low voice after a little thought.

"After all, it's a place called 'Ultimate Metropolis'. It's also a possibility for someone to survive. Let's go, it's time to explore here."

Yun Fan didn't care. After all, they can do themselves to this level, and there is nothing to care about.

The next goal is only one, and that is to be sealed and the glorious god in the tower, Necrozma!

Chapter 33 Like the cycle of history

Not caring about the human beings that might still exist in the huge metropolis, Yunfan took Lan Mo straight to the tower, where Necrozma was sealed if nothing unexpected happened.

It seems that it is not an illusion, Mr. Yun Fan also has his own purpose in agreeing to participate in this mission.

Seeing that Yunfan's goal was very obvious, Lusamine secretly confirmed it in her heart.

But now that her goal has been achieved, she didn't say anything, she just followed with Lillie.

Anyway, the opponent's strength along the way has been recognized by her. Even if the legendary elves did not emerge, the strength displayed by the elves cannot be faked.

"By the way, do you know what President Lusamine knows about the ultimate void?"

Maybe it was because the target was right in front of him, so he was in a good mood, or because he felt that the atmosphere was too dull, Yunfan suddenly broke the silence.

Even as a legend, he was a little excited when he was about to meet this existence comparable to Arceus.

Officially defined as an existence beyond all legends, what kind of power does it have? I really want to see it.

"Speaking of which, I don't know much about it, because our people have hardly been able to enter the ultimate void to explore before, and generally rely on the ultimate beast that drilled out of it to understand the situation here. "

Lusamine, who was still on her mind, froze for a moment when she heard the words, but quickly shook her head. She did indeed conduct research on the ultimate void, but this place is so mysterious that even the data that flowed out There are only a handful of them. If it weren't for this time to directly enter it, I am afraid that the research on the ultimate beast and the big void will still progress slowly.

As for those who were finally sent in to study the huge void, even after they came out, they all forgot the memories inside. Judging from the later data, I am afraid that it was caused by the parasitism of Xuwu Yide.

"This is called the Ultimate Metropolis. As you can see, it was originally a world full of sunshine and vitality just like our world."

"Although there are occasional threats from extreme beasts, relying on the joint efforts of local humans and a certain legend, life is still beautiful."

Yun Fan spoke slowly, talking about the history of this place.

If he hadn't come, Lusamine would not have entered this place in person this time, but would still assign her subordinates to enter this place in a team to investigate.

After that, they will meet the existing humans in the ultimate metropolitan space, and they will inform Lusamine of Necrozma's news to seek cooperation.

It's just that Yunfan brought Lusamine here before he could reach that step.

"And the legend that endows all these beautiful things is a ban named Ultimate Necrozma, who endowed the world with light and allowed all things to exist."

"But because some human beings are right with them, they are not satisfied with their current lives, so they set their sights on the ultimate Necrozma."

"It sounds like the past reappeared." Lan Mo commented, frowning.

"Stupid and short-sighted behavior." As the leader who can develop the Ethereum Foundation to such an extent, Lusamine naturally knows the consequences of this way of acting only on desire.

However, Yun Fan's tone was mixed with irony. If there is no accident, the way in which the power of Ultimate Necrozma was taken away this time is probably exactly the same as that of Arceus. They were stabbed by human beings he trusted. With a knife.

"And here?" Li Liai was still a little afraid of this completely dark environment, and even her body moved a lot closer to Yunfan. At this moment, she was completely attracted by the story, and she was not so afraid.

"The power of Ultimate Necrozma is the basis for him to shine on all things. If he loses his power, he will naturally lose his light. Therefore, the God of Radiance went mad and suffered because of the loss of light, and the world fell into darkness because of the loss of light. .”

"Plants began to die on a large scale, and the elves began to become extinct as a result. Despair and silence began to spread, and panic fell in the hearts of all human beings. They still had a chance, as long as they returned their power to the God of Radiance at this time, but they were too scared. So the maddened Necrozma was sealed to prevent the glorious God who was maddened by pain from destroying this place."

"As for the place where Necrozma is sealed, it is here."

Yun Fan said so, and then slowly stopped, "Look, it's here."

Following Yunfan's words and the way he pointed, everyone saw it.

There is a huge crystal in front of it, and a pitch-black elf is sealed in it.

See you at last, Necrozma!

The corner of Yun Fan's mouth couldn't stop curling up. The strongest legend, um, is in the form of losing light.

Because of the loss of light, the image of the radiant God who originally radiated all living beings was also lost, and finally turned into the dark appearance in front of him.

But it doesn't matter, according to the power of this great god, it only needs to provide enough light, and the other party will be able to return to its peak form, and then it will be able to return to the glorious god.

"Is that so?"

Lan Mo and the three of them were carefully looking at the motionless black elf in front of them.

But because of the seal of the crystal, even Lan Mo couldn't perceive anything through the seal.

"Yunfan, should we unblock him now?"

Lan Mo turned his attention to Yunfan, there is no doubt that Yunfan will unseal this legend.

"Of course, Necrozma has been sealed for too long, and God Guanghui shouldn't be treated like this."

Yun Fan took it for granted that although he didn't know what the other party's current state was, it was always right to say a few good words, and he thought so himself.

"Although Necrozma can be sealed, this crystal is only internally strengthened, and it will be very easy to destroy it from the outside."

"So, Wind Speed ​​Dog."

Yunfan observed the crystal for a while, and then threw the elf ball, and the wind speed dog in it appeared in a burst of white light.

"Then, help our Necrozma break the seal. Wind Speed ​​Dog, Jet Fire—"

"stop it!"

Just when the flame was about to come out, a roar interrupted Yun Fan's order.

With the sound of footsteps, four men appeared behind them.

Immediately, Lusamine immediately pulled Li Liai closer to Yun Fan, while Lan Mo turned to face these men.

They couldn't help being wary, after all, the appearance of these guys couldn't be called ordinary human beings at all.

Even though the white clothes on the outside almost completely cover them up, their skin can still be seen from the transparent mask to be pale to blue, which is palpitating.

"You came just in time, Ultimate Investigation Team."

Chapter 34 Consecutive Blocking

Yunfan observed the four people who came with great interest. If I remember correctly, it was these four people who wanted to go to the outside world in order to save the world shrouded in darkness. In the process of seeking Lusamine's help, they were caught This collaborator was screwed.

"What are we going to do? Isn't it obvious at a glance?"

Yun Fan smiled lightly, without any attempt to hide it, "Necrozma has been sealed for long enough, it's time to reappear."

Hearing this, the four-person team headed by Sioneila immediately glared at Yunfan.

"This is impossible. Although I don't know where you came from, Necrozma is absolutely not allowed to be released!"

Theonilla yelled angrily without hesitation, if Necrozma was unsealed at this time, the already fragile Ultimate Metropolis would definitely be completely destroyed directly.

Even if he lost his light, the crazy Necrozma is still not an existence that can be easily resisted.

"It seems that you are very familiar with the stupid things your ancestors did." Yun Fan's words made the four of them stagnate, "But don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for your opinions."

Accompanied by Yunfan's sarcasm, Sioneila has clearly realized that it is no longer possible to avoid it by verbal words.

"Lord Sioneila, let's arrest these people first. Judging from their appearance, they are definitely not human beings from the metropolis. Maybe we can ask some information from them."

Amamo, who was the shortest, suggested to Theonilla.

No matter what the situation is right now, arresting the other party is the best way to deal with it.

"Well, that's really the only way to go."

"Oh, are you ready to do something?" Yun Fan said casually.

"I can't let you break the seal." The words were meaningless, and several people released their elves one after another.

It was the juvenile form of Tetragnathus, code-named "UB: Needle", and the poison baby, code-named "UB: Sticky".

"Poison baby, venom impact!"

It's just that their order has just been issued, and Yunfan on the other side has already issued an order at the same time.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flame Fang!"


Almost without delay, the huge wind speed dog seemed to turn into four in an instant, opened its huge red mouth and bit down on the four poisonous babies without any delay.

"Poison Baby!"

That teleportation-like speed caused the faces of the four of Sioneila to change drastically. However, they have almost no experience in fighting people, and they obviously failed to give any good instructions. Before they could react, they heard Wails sounded one after another, and then Du Beibi all fell to the ground.

"So weak... How did these people survive in this ultimate void?"

Lusamine rarely showed a puzzled expression.

She has seen the strength of those ultra beasts outside. If only relying on such power, the existing ultra metropolis humans should not be able to survive.

Forget it, maybe it's because Mr. Yun Fan is too strong.

Suppressing the puzzlement in her heart, Lusamine didn't say anything.

"Okay, since it's determined that you can't resist, why don't you just stay there and watch the posture of Necrozma, who was sealed by your ancestors."

This is a group of guys who can't even be regarded as obstacles, and Yunfan is ready to continue to unlock the seal.

"Please wait, my friend, Necrozma's power is by no means as simple as ordinary people imagine. Even if you are very powerful, you will still be defeated by the violent Necrozma's attack in the end. Please stop, unblocking such a violent life is not good for us."

The confrontation of strength has failed, but thinking of the words handed down by the ancestors, Sionilla still mustered up the courage to step forward to dissuade him.

He has already realized the fault of his ancestors, but no matter what, the surviving human beings in the great city need the stability of today.

If it is unblocked, everything will be over.

It's a pity that what he got was an answer that was destined to disappoint him, "It's just that you don't understand it, so just watch it carefully."

Of course Yunfan was sure of suppressing the weak Necrozma, otherwise why would he seek allies in the first place.

And it doesn't need to be defeated, just need to be able to contend, to be able to talk to the berserk Necrozma, the other party is just suffering, not losing his mind.

"Wind speed dog!"

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