Even the fallen angels are not as good as others. The angels have the heaven left by the gods, and the demons occupy a layer of the underworld. Only the fallen angels can only grab the territory in the world.

Otherwise, considering the strength of the ethnic group, he wouldn't have allowed Vali to save that idiot Kokbol.

According to his temperament, if it wasn't necessary, he would even choose to kill Kokball himself.

"Then the final question, after you fought against that old enemy, do you think he will become our enemy because of the Kirkball thing?"

Azazel asked with a serious expression.

This is a crucial question, which will determine the future development of the fallen angels. After all, being targeted by a strong man with at least the level of a demon king is really too uncomfortable for the current fallen angels.

"I don't know, but as far as I can see, I can still stand here and talk to you, which proves that he has no idea of ​​directly conflicting with the fallen angels."

Facing Azazel's inquiry, Vali thought for a moment and replied:

"As for the capital, I think it was only done for the high-ranking monster generals. After all, they did not expand after occupying the territory of Kyoto."

"...I understand, leave the rest to me, and you can rest assured to heal your injuries."

Azazel shrugged, showed a bitter smile, turned and disappeared.

Chapter 51 Himejima Akeno's Heartbreak

On the other side, Yunfan, who solved Kokbol (physical meaning) and won the battle of the double dragon that night, returned to his daily peaceful life.

Live a decadent life addicted to beauty and knowledge every day.

But if I really want to say something different happened, the main reason is that after Yunfan demonstrated his ability to destroy different spaces, he once again showed his hard power to easily defeat Kokbol.

Although the senior officials of the three clans who have experienced the three-party war all know the actual quality of Kokboer, but this does not stop the sensation caused by Yunfan's deeds.

Created by monsters, the current Chiryuutei, ordinary human beings who are only in their teens can defeat the fallen angel cadres who survived the war with the gods, and layers of halos shroud Yunfan's body.

At least within the sphere of influence of the three parties in the Bible, Yunfan has already become famous.

But Yun Fan didn't know about this matter yet.

At this moment, he is in a shrine.

For the first time, he left the villa for things other than school, so he naturally didn't come to pay homage. Whether those gods who failed miserably could withstand his attack was a question.

Will come here, in fact Zhu Nai suddenly asked him to come here today.

Strolling across the red torii gate, he walked up the stairs step by step. At the end of the place, Akeno Himejima, who had already changed into a red and white shrine maiden costume, was already waiting for him.

"It's been a hard journey." Akunai Jijima stepped forward and hugged Yun Fan's arm, and the huge softness immediately surrounded her, and she could see that Yun Fan was very happy to come over.

At this moment, she completely lost her usual gentle and charming temperament. Against the background of the orthodox priestess costume, her temperament also became calm, gentle and innocent.

"Is today a special day? I've never seen such a dress before."

Yunfan looked at the girl who was completely different from the past with admiring eyes, and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, let's talk about this later, I hope you can help me clean the shrine when I come here today."

Akeno Himejima, however, did not answer directly, but kept it a secret.

"...I see." Although he sensed that Akeno Himejima's mood was particularly wrong today, Yun Fan didn't say anything, just agreed: "Let's start, the one-day cleaning of the shrine .”

"Well, then please."

Without using any additional abilities, the two started cleaning up the shrine using tools such as rags, mops, and brooms.

From Torii to Shimenawa, from Tamaki to Sando, with the passage of time and the sweat of the two, they gradually became clean.

When they cleaned up the shrine carefully, it was already dusk.

Relying on extraordinary physical strength, although they felt a little tired, it was not enough to make them lose their mobility.

The two did not return to Yunfan's residence. According to Himejima Akeno, they will stay here for one night tonight.

Before night fell, Yunfan went to the town to buy a bottle of good wine, and Himejima Akeno prepared a table of meals for him when he came back, waiting for him like a wife.

After dinner, with a slightly drunk face, the two sat together on the promenade of the shrine courtyard, looking at the stars in the sky together.

Under the night, the light of the stars shone on the two people who were stuck together, but there was a different atmosphere in the coldness.

"It's so good, it feels like when I was a child..." Looking at the bright starlight that has never changed in the sky like when I was a child, and paying attention to the side faces of the people around me from the corner of my eye, Himejima Akeno suddenly sighed said a word.

"What was Zhu Nai like when I was a child?" After hearing Zhu Nai's words, Yunfan turned his head, admired the beautiful scenery around him that made the starry sky pale, and exclaimed, "He is as beautiful and lovely as he is now. Bar."

"Well, to put it bluntly, it should be cute, a little naive, a little fool who will fantasize about a bright future, and stay with his parents."

Zhu Nai's body seemed to be a little more fragile, as if he was looking for something to rely on, he leaned more closely on Yunfan's body.


"It's a pity that a bright future does not come because of fantasy, but a peaceful life is easily broken by cruel reality."

Akeno Himejima seemed to be trapped in deep memories, completely unaware of Yunfan's silence, and continued talking on his own.

Feeling the slight trembling from Akeno Himejima's body, Yunfan suddenly interrupted her.

"If you don't want to remember, you don't have to force yourself to remember, at least you still have me and Lias by your side at the moment." Yun Fan said warmly, squeezing her somewhat cold hand.

"Oh, oh, it doesn't matter, now I won't feel uncomfortable because of these past events."

She took Yunfan's hand and pressed it to her heart, her relaxed smile seemed to really cover up the loss in her heart, at least for this moment, she returned to the girlish appearance of Yamato Nadeko.

"After all, this place has long been filled with other feelings~"

It is of course a lie to say that she is not moved, but Yun Fan is unwilling to destroy the memory in the girl's heart at this time.

He just silently held the girl's hand again with one hand, and wrapped her shoulders with the other hand, letting her lean into his arms.

"That's good, you just have to believe that I will always be there."

Akeno Himejima's smile, which was still a bit of a force, collapsed again under such gentleness. After a long silence, she spoke.

"Yunfan, do you want to know why I changed from a human to a demon?"

"If you are willing to speak." Yunfan chose to be a suitable listener.


"I'm willing, after all, I've wanted to say it since a long time ago." Himejima Akeno murmured with a look of reminiscence on his face:

"At first, I listened to my mother..."

That was before Akeno Himejima was born, a maiden named Zhuli Himejima ran into a wounded fallen angel, Baiqiu, the cadre of the Son of God Watch who once had the title of [God's Thunder], and treated him two days later. They fell in love and married and gave birth to Akeno Himejima.

He had a pair of black fallen angel wings since childhood, and lived harmoniously with his father and mother.

However, his existence as a human-foreigner hybrid has violated the Japanese Shinto upheld by the Himejima family. While Baiqiu was out to perform the task of Azazel, the Himejima family, one of the five demon-expelling families, raided the shrine and prepared to "Clean up" Junai.

Although relying on Himejima Zhuli's desperate deductions, Baiqiu finally returned to the shrine before his daughter was injured, and killed all the intruders, but he still could only watch his wife die in his arms.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Nai began to hate his black wings and blood of fallen angels, and even his father, who could not even avenge his mother because of the tripartite armistice agreement, also denied it.

After getting rid of her father's protection and wandering alone, Rias rescued her when she was about to die under the pursuit of the Himejima family.

In this way, she hid her fallen angel's wings, and from then on she only lived as a reincarnated demon of Rias' retinue.

Chapter 52 You have taken my heart

"I can't forgive my father who is clearly capable but can't take revenge, and I can't forgive myself who caused my mother's death but can't take revenge..."

Akeno Himejima leaned in Yunfan's arms like this, telling his memories.

From the moment she was rescued by Rias and became her follower, Akeno Himejima could no longer live only for hatred. She could not take revenge against the Tuemon family regardless of Rias' position.

Because at that time, once things get serious, Akeno Himejima's sensitive identity as Rias's family will definitely attract the intervention of other forces.Even if Rias doesn't mind, she can't make things difficult for her because of her personal affairs.

"Do you still hate your father?" Yun Fan asked suddenly, stroking Himejima Akeno's back with his hand.

"...I don't know, maybe I don't hate it anymore." Himejima Akeno thought for a while, and said, "After becoming the minister's servant, I have already understood that some things can be done if you don't want to. of."

"But although I can understand, I still can't forgive."

"Then... do you need my help?" Yun Fan continued to ask: "I don't mind spending some time dealing with them."

If Zhu Nai wanted it, Yunfan could make the entire Jidao family disappear tonight.

No matter how complicated the other party's power is in the world, it can only be wiped out with a wave of his hand.

"...Thank you, Yunfan!" Himejima Akunai slightly turned his head to look at Yunfan, looking at his plain but firm expression, he couldn't help laughing, like a flower blooming in the morning, Fresh and fragrant.

Then, she straightened up suddenly, hugged Yunfan's neck with both hands, and quickly pecked his lips, "This is my first kiss, isn't it very exciting?"

Perhaps it was moved, or maybe it was thanks, Himejima Akeno dedicated her kiss to this man who gradually filled her heart.

Looking at the girl's sweet smile with happiness, Yun Fan stopped talking, obviously the girl now didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, he smiled as he recalled, and stopped talking.

This man is really nice.

Seeing that Yunfan understood her thoughts, Jijima Akunai couldn't help but look at him more moistly and tenderly.

Mother, how did you feel when you were with Father?

"Yunfan, there is something I want to show you."

Himejima Akeno's eyes flickered, and finally turned into a look of determination, and then she spoke as if she had decided on something.

She turned around cautiously, and sat in front of Yunfan in the right direction, and then, she took a deep breath.


Like a bird spreading its wings, a pair of wings appeared behind Himejima Akeno.

It's just different from her usual pair of bat-like demon wings, this time, one of her wings is a fallen angel with black feathers.

"This is what I've always wanted to hide, the wings of the devil and the fallen angel that exist in my body at the same time." Himejima Akeno still had a gentle smile on his face, "Whenever I see the wings of the fallen angel Every now and then, I think about everything from the past, so I have to hide it, as if that way I can forget the painful memories."

"Are you... willing to accept me who is cowardly and evasive?"

Although the tone was still as calm as usual, the slightly trembling tone truly reflected her inner anxiety.

She obviously cared too much about the man in front of her, so she didn't want to hide anything from him, but she was afraid that the man would not accept him like this.

"Actually, I also have a secret to tell you." Yun Fan said suddenly, "I have always been a very macho bastard. If someone accidentally enters my heart, then No matter how hard she evades, I will find her and get rid of all the things that make her evade."

"Would you like me asshole?"

Looking at the smile on the corner of Yunfan's mouth, Akeno Himejima's mind suddenly went blank.

She suddenly wasn't afraid of anything, as if she was laughing at the worries she still had a moment ago, she suddenly burst out laughing.

She suddenly opened her arms and leaned her whole body towards the man in front of her. Bai Zhe's beautiful face was stroking Yun Fan's neck.

For the first time in her life, she acted like a little girl in Yunfan's arms.

"Of course, such a person... I like it the most!" With attachment and happiness, Yunfan's figure completely filled her heart.

Mother, maybe this is the reason why you and your father are together. This feeling is really happy.


Unknowingly, the time came to noon the next day, and a day and a half had passed since they left the villa.

Rias, who had been waiting in the living room of the villa for some unknown reason, finally waited for the return of the two of them.

I saw that they had already changed into a different set of clothes at this moment, Himejima Akeno was holding Yunfan's arm, and even her head was pressed against his shoulder, her beautiful face was always filled with a sweet smile.

Seeing the two figures who did not separate even after returning, Lias suddenly felt that something was wrong, and even her tone became a little scrutinizing, "You haven't come back all night, why did you go?"

Could it be that after the kitten, even Zhu Nai was snatched away by this bastard.

But, isn't it that I'm the girlfriend on the bright side? Why does it feel like my hair is suddenly a little green.

"Oh, oh, I had a wonderful date with Yunfan." After hearing the meaning in Rias's tone, Himejima Juno not only did not let go of Yunfan's arm, but clamped it even tighter. .

"Don't worry, we spend most of our time cleaning the shrine."

What about things other than cleaning the shrine?

Rias felt that she was going crazy in her heart. She stared at Akeno Himejima's pretentious manner, and the eyes of the two collided, as if they were about to radiate fierce flames.

"Okay, we are indeed cleaning the shrine." Yun Fan suddenly stopped the possibility of further escalation of the war, "You seem to be waiting for me on purpose, what's the matter?"

After all, normally Lias would work or study in the study, and today she was in the living room to do something obviously.

"It's all you guys, I almost forgot the business." Rias suddenly gave him a blank look, and then handed a letter from the teahouse to Yunfan, "It's a letter from a big shot."

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