As for the other so-called neutral big pirate groups, dark world forces, and countries, they all stopped making troubles one after another, and watched the start of this war in the tormented waiting, waiting for the future master of the world.

Here, until the dawn of the decisive battle day, with the roar of the engine, the first shot was fired.

"Report, our base at G08 has lost contact just now, and the last communication has confirmed that three 'Elek'-class medium-sized ships have appeared there."

"Report report! It has been determined that the route of the other party's large army is the Gasom route, and all the interceptions of the route have been silenced. They are currently rushing towards our temporary headquarters 'Marie Gioia'."

"——All the reconnaissance ships sent there have been cut off from communication. It is suspected that they were destroyed by a large aerial vehicle. It can be confirmed that they are the surrounding guards of [Yun Lan]."

"The gap between the weapons of the enemy and us is too large, and the current means of interception are very limited. It is estimated that after three hours, the local main fleet will appear in the field of vision of our command headquarters."

"Damn [Yun Lan], it didn't show up before, but now all the secret weapons come out as soon as the war starts, so it's waiting for us here."

In the morning, at the Temporary Headquarters of the Navy.

Sakaski, who was wearing the marshal's uniform, was sitting in the command center, and with him as the center, a large number of senior staff officers and officers were constantly processing the information sent in one after another.

It's just that although they are all busy and sweating profusely, they still seem futile in [Yun Lan]'s rapid marching attack method-the tactics of Pirate World are too primitive-in [Yun Lan]'s high mobility Under the attack of high-tech weapons, high-tech weapons and high-tech means of communication, the interception arrangements that were originally scheduled to be deployed in various places did not play much role at all, but instead caused a waste of their own troops.

And in front of them, the three newly recruited generals "Green Bull", "White Horse" and "Blue Bird" are sitting in their seats, waiting for the start of the battle.

Hundreds of thousands of naval elites are gathering in the super large square of Marie Gioia, surrounded by a large number of turrets and naval warships. With this level of force, the navy is confident that it will abandon the lead when it lands in [Yunlan] After the navy's large number of ships, intercept it here.

Of course, it’s not that they didn’t want to garrison Marin Fando in the original base camp, but it’s just a pity that when the current Marin Fando defected from Yunfan, Marin Fando became a ruin in the fierce fighting between the two sides. If Yunfan hadn't given the navy the time to evacuate in advance, I am afraid there would be no low-level soldiers now.

But what is unknown is that the defense here is indeed far beyond everyone's imagination. Three general-level powerhouses, hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, and most of the navy's warships are guarding the surrounding area. If they want to break through here directly, [Yun Lan] It is almost impossible to fill this place without a lot of human life.

The moment of hand-to-hand combat is coming soon!

Chapter 30 Fire!

Frowning and glancing at the smiling new adjutant beside him, Sakaski suppressed his dissatisfaction and turned his gaze to the other side of the sea, where he seemed to see a scene of a large number of ships breaking into here.

Come on, Yunfan, let me see what the grand occasion you said at the beginning is like, under the net of countless shells, let me see what you said is the power to execute justice!

If Sakaski really has the ability to stare at the fruit, perhaps when his line of sight extends, he may see what he wants to see.

On the cloudless sea level, countless dark clouds appeared in a blink of an eye, filled with a large amount of water vapor rising, and a large amount of thunder and lightning falling.

The strange weather of the Great Channel is constantly driving away people who want to pass here, but obviously this cannot stop the pace of those who are truly capable.

On the misty sea level shrouded in black dark clouds, a large group of giant shadows is breaking through the encirclement formed by the lightning and rainstorm, heading towards the destination.

The lightning strike did not harm it at all, but disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the shadow was extremely fast. With the occasional roar of the engine, the dark cloud disappeared in a short time Covering most of the sea area.

If you can break through the shadows and see inside, you will find a spectacular scene.

Thousands of large and small ships are guarding the largest [Yunlan] main ship "Lan Country" in the center, which is advancing at an incredible speed. With full power, the [Yunlan] ship The group is constantly moving towards "Marie Gioia" at an unimaginable speed.

All the obstacles set up by the navy encountered on the way, whether it was ships, artillery, bases or large mines, were all discovered by [Yun Lan] in advance, and gave super long-distance giant artillery strikes.

All the arrangements were wiped out of sight before they touched [Yun Lan]'s fleet.

As for the severe weather that is unique to the great route along the way, it has disappeared in front of the astronomical device jointly manufactured by Yunfan and the Vinsmoke family in [Yunlan], and it can even provide energy supply for the ships in it.

"Report, the speed has reached the maximum speed of 60 knots, the current engine condition is normal, the energy supply of the astronomical device 'Kappaqili' is normal, and the backup energy reserve is sufficient!"

"Report, the blocking naval observation point ahead has been destroyed by our side, and no damage has been caused to our fleet!"

"It is expected to arrive at the local main position in one and a half hours, please get ready!"

"Everyone is informed that we are about to arrive at the main battlefield 'Marin Vandor' within an hour and a half. Please evacuate non-combatants to the rear 'Sandris-class' command ship in time. Please evacuate non-combatants to the 'Sandres-class' command ship in time. !"

In the sky, tens of thousands of floating machines are constantly spreading their knowledgeable positions. With the energy given by the "fluttering fruit" ability user, the eyes and ears controlled by the core of the main ship are constantly cleaning everything within the attack range of the formation group , and send all the observed data back to the core for processing.

A large amount of information was finally turned into various instructions leading Jianqun to break through the blockade and guide [Yun Lan] to the final battlefield.

And on each ship, a large number of soldiers have already woken up from their rest, warming up silently, preparing for the upcoming battle.

[Yunlan] On the main ship "Languo", the blue coat fluttered with the strong wind. Yunfan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was standing on the deck at this moment, looking at the haze that was constantly breaking through in the distance.

At this moment, all the words have become pale and powerless, and only the most primitive killing is left on both sides. It is not for any one person's grievances, but determines the future direction of the world.

Even now, he can't stop the war anymore. The Tianlong people's desire to rule, the rebels' free thoughts, and the hope given to him will bring people a better future.

Whether it is for the future of himself and other "selfs", or for the future of this world, he must win this war.

Just like everyone who is watching him behind him now, he also believes that they will win and bring a better future to the world.


The time before the decisive battle seemed to pass very slowly, and the heavy atmosphere made the naval soldiers of "Marie Gioia" a little out of breath.

Fortunately, the residential and commercial areas behind them had already been evacuated, and the delicate Tianlong people had already hid in the center of the Holy Land, otherwise there would have been chaos in the rear.

"There is still an estimated [-] minutes to go to the end here, and then please--"

"—Hey, wait a minute, that huge shadow is..."

However, the speed of [Yun Lan] seemed to far exceed the navy's expectations. In their shock, a large shadow broke through the fog on the sea and appeared in front of all the navy.

"Don't worry, the opponent is still out of range, all naval guns are ready to aim, once the local fleet comes within the attack range, hit me hard!"

At least from a defensive point of view, there is no problem with the policy of the naval staff, and under their orders, all the ships also turned their guns in an emergency, and locked in the direction of the large shadow.

As long as the other party falls into the well-arranged firepower net, they will let these guys taste the taste of being smashed to pieces.

But is the truth really as beautiful as they imagined? The answer will be revealed next.

Zefa, who was conducting temporary command, sat in the command room of "Lan Kingdom". After a moment of silence, he finally lit up the button for the whole army to contact.

"Get ready to start!"

As the command order was transmitted to each ship, a huge roar sounded, and "Lan Kingdom" started to operate.

And then its hideousness was finally revealed to the world.

"Confirmed, the knowledge-colored 'Watcher' has been fully activated, and the scanning has begun!"

"The scan is complete, all 148 enemy ships have been locked!"

"The data has been adjusted, and all our naval guns have been activated, and the parameters are being adjusted!"

"The parameters have been adjusted, all 148 target ships have been locked, and the special ship-piercing bomb "DX-09" has been loaded, and it is expected to start launching in five seconds!"



With the ferocious firepower of the "Land Country" for the first time, hundreds of flames suddenly burst out in the shadows. Before the navies who were still aiming could even react, they saw the opponent's shells rushing towards the enemy with flashes of light. own fleet.


Without any luck, even an effective fire defense network could not be organized, and the ships with high hopes were destroyed at the very beginning of the war.

Chapter 31 Arashi Kingdom Armed Forces·Thunder Armor

Fierce flames swayed on the sea surface. The solid steel ships in the past were easily shattered by missiles like children's glass toys, and then turned into red molten iron in the high temperature. The flames disappeared into the air.

The firepower network that was originally considered unstoppable by the navy disappeared before it was formed, leaving only traces of the soaring red that could not be extinguished for a long time to prove its existence.

"What exactly is that?"

Even someone as calm as Sakaski couldn't help standing up, staring at the ships in the distance, his face pale, "Hey, can the world government's current technology achieve this level?"

Originally, he didn't intend to have any communication with the people of the world government, as if he wanted to confirm something, or he asked the "adjutant" next to him for peace of mind.

It's just that his "adjutant" wouldn't respond to him for a long time now. If Sakaski could get closer to the other party, he might be able to hear the other party's muttering words, "This is, Pluto?!"

At this point, the reassuring firepower network was destroyed, and the navy assembled on the land and the soldiers on the ships that survived because they were not at the forefront could only look at the scorching heat on the sea at this moment, letting it become panic.In a showdown that wasn't even the first round, the Navy suffered heavy losses.

And [Yunlan] will not stop because of the navy's stop action, with the churning waves, the large shadow finally reveals its inner appearance when it is about to meet the scorching inland sea.

And everyone's attention was instantly attracted by the ferocious appearance of its main ship [Lan Country] - far exceeding the huge size of any ship seen before, the deck is densely covered with ghosts from the inside of the hull A large number of cannons stretched out. Judging from the white mist and redness of the barrels, the previous attack was officially caused by this ship.

"...Wait, he didn't continue to attack, there is still a chance!"

Sakaski, who asked himself that he couldn't do the attack just now, immediately noticed the abnormal red color on the barrel, which was obviously not a sign that a second design could be made immediately.

"Notify the rest of the fleet to directly fire at the local fleet. Only the main ship of the opponent's artillery is specially designed. Other ships cannot carry out ultra-long-range strikes. The opponent cannot carry out a second ultra-long-range counterattack in a short period of time. All remaining ships , adjust the direction, and hit me hard!"

Right now, no matter how fearful and confused they are, the remaining soldiers in the rear naval ships can only start to act subconsciously according to the only order they have received so far.

With the sound of the machinery turning, the muzzles of all the ships pointed at the ships on the opposite side without any hesitation, as if they were afraid that they would be reduced to ashes without even a little time to react like the comrades in arms just now. So much so that they didn't even aim at the position accurately, and fired at the huge surging fleet.

The cannonballs all over the sky turned into a terrifying black barrage that filled the sky in an instant, and then rushed towards the nightmares in their hearts with flames of revenge and fear, intending to disperse these nightmares.

It's just that the huge spiers protruding from the deck of the [Lan Country] made their expectations come to nothing.

"The engine is in normal condition, and the energy of the astronomical device 'Kappaqili' has been fully charged!"

"The knowledge-colored 'Watcher' has been scanned, and the local barrage group has been marked!"

"The celestial device 'Kappaqili' is released!"

"Land Nation Armed Thunder Armor!"

With the rapid charging of the huge spire, a blue beam of light rushed straight into the sky, and then exploded in mid-air, turning into a blue circular shield to directly envelop the entire fleet.

The cannonballs all over the sky were directly blocked by the violent thunder and lightning defense before even a single bit of [Yun Lan]'s fleet could be touched, and not even one of them could break through its defense.

Boom boom boom!

The continuous fire explosion turned the lightning defense barrier in front of the rapidly advancing [Yunfan] fleet into a strange red and blue scene, but these alone could not stop the steel giants, they were still roaring and rushing forward. Rush towards your goal.

Even though they had a faint guess in their hearts that the next attack might not have any effect, the naval ship soldiers who had already been filled with fear could only fill the barrels with shells that gave their hearts hope, and then went numb. open fire.

It's just that this doesn't bring any damage to the place. Instead, because the main ship of [Yun Lan] is getting closer, and the outer lightning protection is constantly advancing, the closer ships inside are not turned into coke in the lightning It is to be hit by one's own artillery and turned into a large amount of scrap iron.

Here, the blazing thunder and lightning are accompanied by uninterrupted flames, mixed with the scorched blood of the soldiers, and the steel flying debris all over the sky is turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye. The thunder, the roar of artillery, and the destruction of ships, finally Gathered into a cruel sound of hell.

It seems to be paying homage to the soldiers who were wiped out, and it seems to be enjoying the sacrifice of the living beings.

In this scene, let alone the soldiers who were already panicked, even the three new generals who were regarded as secret weapons couldn't help but feel palpitations.

If you want to say that the navy has the strongest means of force, apart from their own world-class combat power, the navy's "Devil Slaying Order" is the most powerful.

Regardless of whether it is a kingdom or an island, as long as the "Devil Slaying Order" is issued, the final result will only be reduced to scorched earth and destroyed.

5 lieutenant generals, [-] major generals, and nearly [-] naval elites, equipped with warships built by the imperial shipyard Mizunoshima, are famous for their brutal and inhumane attacks that burn everything, and they still deter all evil people who have plans. disciples.

But at this moment, in front of [Lan Country], which had destroyed hundreds of ships in such a short period of time, everyone lost their voices.

This configuration, which is enough to carry out dozens of "Devil Slaughter Orders", was completely destroyed in an instant, without even causing any damage to the enemy.

Is this [Land Country], or its real name should be the legendary [Pluto]?

Even if they take the initiative to restrain their inner thoughts, some people still can't help but think about it.

After all, only [Pluto], who is rumored to be able to destroy a country with one shot, can possess such power.

However, the battle will not stop with the thoughts. After the cooling down, [Lan Country] has started the second round of salvo, so the same scene is staged again, and the ships in front of them are almost lost. .

Chapter 32 Battlefield Generation · Black Land

"Marshal, we can't go on like this. If we let them continue to attack, I'm afraid we'll have nothing left before we reach the shore!" The general White Horse Sonic, who had been silent until now, suddenly said loudly.

Obviously, as he said, the current navy soldiers can no longer withstand another shelling, and it is already a very high quality to resist the orders of the soldiers and not mutiny or escape.

But if the bombardment, which is called shelling, is actually a massacre, once it falls into the naval headquarters on land, everything will collapse in an instant, let alone killing the enemy, and it will be a problem to find your own troops by then.

Must stop him!

Sakaski's face was gloomy, with veins on his forehead, but it was no longer the time to hesitate. He looked at the gun barrel of [Lan Country] still smoking, and nodded silently.

"Get ready for a land battle!"

"Understood, green bull, you also come to help me!"

"Yes, yes, I don't know if I will have a chance to bask in the sun after today."

The White Horse General and the Green Bull General who received the order directly came to the forefront of all the land and naval forces. At this time, [Lan Country] was only tens of kilometers away from them, and all the gun barrels on it had been transferred to this place. On the other side, the next round of destructive shooting will start after the cooldown is complete.

"Earth Kingdom!"

"Law of Ueki!"

Accompanied by two low shouts, a large amount of land was continuously rolled forward by General Baima, and a large number of plant roots with a diameter of several meters were also mixed in, and the two phases were intertwined. The ocean was quickly filled, and a solid land battlefield that could not have existed was completed with manpower.

Obviously, they are not going to allow the navy to be unilaterally wiped out by the artillery fire of [Lan Country] again, and they will start a frontal battle next, if they can break through the obstruction of the blue lightning barrier.

In an instant, the black earth and the blue lightning defense of [Lan Country] collided with each other, and amidst a violent explosion, the two refused to give in.However, this stalemate did not last long. The roots of the plants in the ground did burst out suddenly, climbing towards the blue defense, and flourishing with the power of thunder and lightning.

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