Then another Pseudo-Herserscher was sent to force Walter to choose between saving Cocolia and giving up Cocolia.

The man behind the scenes obviously knew Walter well.

Cocolia and Seele, he chose to save Cocolia almost without hesitation.

Then, this is the third step of Luo Shu's plan. Hei Xier will take the action and take away Walter's [Herserscher Core].

She only told Hei Xi about this, because she felt that it would be useless for Bai Xi'er to know about it, and she might even expose her plan, so it would be better to be a fool who didn't know anything.

Thanks to [David Byrne] the boss for sending salted fish, crab and crab

Originally, on the 20th, I should have written enough [-] words, but then I found that it was much worse. It seems that he has to work hard!

(? o_o)?

Section 135 No.80 Nine Two Goals

The plan is still perfect so far, and Hei Xier has indeed completed the plan brilliantly, taking away Walter's [Herserscher Core].

The next thing is Bella's pursuit. If there are no accidents, Mr. Walter is basically dead.

Although he is a sit-up athlete who has come into contact with, it has to be said that Walter's ability to survive is largely due to his [Herrscher Core].

This Herrscher's Core, which carries 30 unyielding powers, gave him the power to hide his soul in the [Herrscher's Core]. Therefore, even if his body was fatally injured, he could still get up and continue fighting.

But if there is no [Herserscher Core], Walter will naturally not have the ability to resurrect from the dead.

But Luoshu's purpose is not to kill Walter.

If it was just to kill Walter, Seele herself would have a great chance, and Bella would be a backup at best.

But if it was a serious injury without killing Walter, Luo Shu needed to find a more mellow reason, so as not to be too blunt and be directly seen through by Einstein.

"I found you, traitor." Bella's voice fell with the thunder.

Bella also received Luo Shu's order, but the order she received was different from Xier's.

What Seele needs is to find a suitable reason to seriously injure but not kill Walter, and if not, wait for Bella's support.

But Bella is not, she received the order: to go all out to attack Walter.

To attack, not to kill.

It shows that Luoshu has other plans.

But if she did kill Walter, it seemed that she would not violate this order.

Bella easily and seriously injures Walter.

Said it was a serious injury, but the plain hand that pierced through the chest was actually considered a must kill.

Losing the [Herserscher Core], Walter's strength almost dissipated substantially, which made him unable to find a chance to evade Bella's attack.

This is why Otto trains the S-rank Valkyrie and makes S-rank Valkyrie armor specially for them.

When an ordinary Valkyrie faced an enemy of this level, to put it cruelly, the cannon fodder was flattering them.To stop these enemies, one must have a truly powerful combat force, and the number of herrschers and Houkai beasts is not an advantage.

But Bella didn't just give up the attack.

Experiences many years ago told her that this person's vitality is too tenacious, even if his body is destroyed, he may not die, let alone just an "ordinary" fatal injury.

So she still has to make up for the last blow.

However, the cherry-pink petals fell gently, and Bella had to pull away from Walter's side temporarily.

"Sakura scattered!"

The fox-eared witch with cherry-pink hair gently retracted her knife and stood in front of Walter.

"You are the leader of anti-entropy, First Herrscher, Mr. Walter, right?" Yae Sakura reached out to help Walter, her tone was flat, "I need your help with one thing, if I save you, you have to help I."

"Why don't you state the conditions first." Walter's face was stern.

Even though the injury on his chest might send him away at any time, Walter was still so calm, as if he didn't worry about life or death at all.

"I just got information about Karen from a woman named Rita. I want to know her last wish, but I can't go to Tianming, so I hope anti-entropy can help me." Yae Sakura said.

This is the line that Luo Shu told her.

Because Luo Shu couldn't be sure what kind of information Otto gave, so she tried her best to design some lines with facts to rely on.

Just like this sentence, Rita was seduced by Yae Sakura's ability. This is the truth Luo Shu told them. If you continue to check this line, no matter how you search, there will be no problem with Yae Sakura's words.

Yae Sakura raised her hand and waved the knife, and the blade forced back Xier who suddenly appeared.

The crimson fox fire burned slowly, and a four-tailed fox walked out of the flames.

Higokumaru said in a low voice: "Yae Sakura, leave that judgment-level Honkai Beast to me, and you will deal with that little girl."

"This is my Judgment-level Honkai Beast, Higokumaru." The spiritual knife in Yae Sakura's hand slowly turned red, turning into a demon knife.

"Judgment-level Honkai Beast? Miss Yae Sakura is a Herrscher?"

Walter asked in shock.

There are so many surprises in the ghostly place of Changkong City. I thought that both of them were pseudo Herrschers, but I didn't expect that they were both Herrschers.

Shouldn't the Herrscher be the great devil who destroys the world?Why is it like weeds on the side of the street, one crop after another?

"No, I'm just a pseudo-herrscher who has lived for 500 years." Yae Sakura shook her head.

Seele obediently abides by the law of talking and not fighting, only occasionally waving a black and red tentacle to attack Yae Sakura.

This kind of offensive is of course nothing to Yae Sakura, she can easily resist it, and she is completely free to chat with Walter.

500 years?

Walter immediately thought of Otto.

This Archbishop of Destiny was a person 500 years ago. In the records of Einstein and others, he had a fiancée named Karen Kaslana, and this Miss Karen, because she fell in love with Herrscher, finally He was executed by fate.

That Herrscher, couldn't it be the Yae Sakura in front of me?

In order to ensure that he was cheated again, Walter asked specially: "Ms. Yae Sakura, do you know the relationship between Saint Kallen and you?"

"Karen is my lover." Yae Sakura replied without hesitation.

"Is this the level?" Luo Shu said angrily, "As far as the acting skills of the two of them are concerned, I can find a Honkai Beast who can act better than them!"

She was not joking.

Higokumaru and Bella in mid-air fired real fire, and the two judgment-level Honkai beasts didn't hold back at all, and they were really ruthless in their strikes.

But for the following two, one stroked the water twice, and the other chatted the whole time, without seriousness at all.

Fortunately, they didn't expect the two of them to fool Walter from the beginning.

When Walter calmed down, he would easily notice something was wrong. After all, the battle between Yae Sakura and Seele was really like a child's fight.

That is to say, now that Walter is seriously injured, and he was shocked by the news, otherwise he should have noticed something was wrong long ago.

But fortunately, Luo Shu never counted on the acting skills of these two guys from the beginning to the end.

The next step is very simple, regardless of whether Walter has been fooled or not, first beat this guy to death.

As long as he can't hold on anymore, and then sends the [Herrscher Core] to him, he will definitely start a new round of suspended animation.

When the battle over there is over, Yae Sakura stays here, waiting for the anti-entropy troops.

Seeing Walter's body, coupled with Yae Sakura's exposed strength, and Yae Sakura's current negotiation conditions with him, Einstein will definitely try to win her over, and then the first task will be completed.

As for the second task...

Luo Shu looked at Mei, who was already at a disadvantage, and a nasty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This stage play has been on for too long, and it should be over.

Push the book, friendly reminder, the author of that book is Lori.

"It's just a beautiful girl's mission! "

"Remuneration 90w, investigation of puberty syndrome, five girls."---Unknown text message.

There are five photos in the entrusted message, which are five beautiful girls.

"The reward is 150w, and I will be a manga model for me."----From a fairy.

In the entrustment information is a graphic illustration.

"The reward is me, be my husband."

In the entrustment information is a mature pink-haired big sister.

The blond idol girl looking at these entrusted records unconsciously broke the phone in her hand.

And the owner of the phone is still doing the task of a beautiful girl.


"I'm not greedy for your body... but you are greedy for my body?!" Hong, who was hiding on the rooftop, pointed her head slightly towards the balcony of her downstairs house.

Chapter 136 Chapter 90

Compared with Xier's simple and easy tasks, the tasks that Raiden Mei needs to undertake will be much heavier.

Ulandal's strength is indeed worthy of the word "strongest". Whether it is skill or strength, she is stronger than Raiden Mei.

Before becoming a Herrscher, her only combat experience was probably the sparring of saber techniques.

Beichen Yidao Style is indeed a truly powerful sword technique, but it is a human sword technique after all, and when it is used to deal with non-human species, it will naturally reveal its limitations.

Mei's weakness is almost a common problem of Herrschers.

The vast majority of herrschers usually acquire extraordinary power suddenly, and they are very unfamiliar with the power of herrschers.

Unlike the Valkyries, most of their strength comes from personal hard training, so their mastery of strength will be even better.

To deal with ordinary Valkyries, Herrscher certainly doesn't need to care about any skills. Herrscher's power is so powerful that she naturally doesn't need to care about any skills.

They can achieve a natural disaster-like effect by arbitrarily mobilizing their power, and ordinary Valkyries are naturally not worthy of their attention.

But if facing a powerful Valkyrie like Ulandal, the lack of skills will become the most fatal weakness.

Fortunately, Youlandelle is still in the testing stage. Otherwise, if she really bursts out with all her strength, although it is impossible to kill Mei, it is still very easy to just defeat.

Simply this is also in Luo Shu's plan, so she deliberately pulled Yuno over.


There was a piercing roar as the weapons collided.

Lei Dian Mei glanced at Youlandelle with a strange expression. This time, he actually had the upper hand in the attack.

It was as if in an instant, Ulandal's strength was weakened by several percent, so that in a frontal collision, she fell into a disadvantage.

Compared to his doubts, Yolandelle was more certain that she had become weaker.

A Valkyrie like her has excellent control over her body, and she can basically make no mistakes if she wants to exert some force.

In her estimation, seven points of force is enough to perfectly block this blow, so there is no need to use eight parts of force.

But she missed.

The reason for the miss was not that she had a problem with her body control, but that her seven-point strength had weakened.

"Ambush." ​​The girl thought.

Without extra time, Leiden Mei, who seized the opportunity, quickly launched a fierce attack.

Ulandal's strength is still weakening, and as time goes by, Mei's advantage is gradually obvious.

Youlandelle's face was as calm as water, and she swung the lance in her hand, turning the offensive into a defensive one.

Never for a moment, she felt that destiny was so unreliable.

All the supports disappeared, but the opponent's supports came one after another.

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