"You may be majestic now, and you can speak to me as a judge. But I tell you, you will be shot by the comrades of the Revolutionary Army sooner or later, so as to atone for the blood debt you committed! You don't put the Central South region The people of China treat you as human beings, and the people will naturally not treat you as human beings. When that day comes, you will see that people like them, people like this fellow countryman, will come to you overwhelmingly, demanding Eat your flesh raw and drink your blood thirsty." Simon said to Howard with contemptuous eyes.

"Execution!" Howard was powerless to refute, and could only wave his hands angrily to signal the executioners to execute Simon and others.

"The wind of hatred is blowing over our heads, and the forces of darkness are attacking us~"

Simon and the other comrades began to sing. They sang for the last time before the execution. They sang this old song that had been circulated in Wangcheng during the revolution, and it was also the "Warsaw Song" that Sumarokov taught them.

"We will fight the enemy to the death, an unknown fate awaits us!"

"We will proudly hold up, hold up the banner of struggle for the workers' cause, hold up the great banner of struggle for all mankind!"

Only those who regard death as home can sing such a song, and sing with such passion.Feovich recognized it as the "Warsaw Revolution" sung in the army.The other comrades who were developed also sang along with Simon, and the executioners and the brigade commander beat them like crazy, and added bloodstains on their bodies with whips.They are afraid, afraid of the lyrics, afraid of the spirit contained in the singing.

"For a beautiful world and sacred liberty, in a bloody battle, for divine justice. Forward! Laborers!"

The brigade commander read the verdict in a panic, and put the noose around the necks of Simon and the others.At this time, the comrades who were subjected to lesser criminal laws also began to sing "Internationale" loudly, making the last resistance to this cruel atrocity.The plank on the gallows fell, and it ended with this last line of lyrics.

"How can the gallows become terrible? The great battle will be sung forever! Their names follow our triumphant songs, and the sacred memory is in the hearts of thousands of people!"

276 When the Revolution Moves Ahead

"Change them to be shot!"

Howard clenched his fists angrily and ordered to the brigade commander. The songs sung by those people obviously angered him, which made him decide not to let these people die and be rich, but decided to simply shoot them down to vent their anger. his anger.Anyway, these people can sing Luanlu songs, and most of them have something to do with Luanlu.

The sound of cannons, the deafening cannons interrupted Howard's anger, and instead painted a look of horror on his face.Howard and the other devils looked in the other direction of the town in horror, where they could clearly see the smoke rising from the explosion of the shells, and could faintly hear the roars and angry roars of the soldiers.This all shows one thing, the revolutionary army is coming!

"What's going on! According to them, they shouldn't arrive until tomorrow!" Howard asked the people on the left and right in a panic.

"My lord, let's run! There is still time to run!" The brigade commander also ran to Howard's side in horror and shouted.

"Quick, run! Everyone, get out! Get out!"

The soldiers of the legion immediately ran away in a mess. If they had horses, they went to find them. If they didn't have horses, they immediately spread their legs and started running with their guns on their backs.The strength of the revolutionary army and repeated defeats made them dare not organize any resistance at all, and they didn't even dare to check whether the opponent was a revolutionary army.All the Huangguizi soldiers started to move in a panic, and quickly ran away in the opposite direction with the gold, silver and jewels they had looted.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Feovich and Bovka rushed up to the gallows and pulled Simon and others down by pulling the rope.But unfortunately, it was too late.In just a few minutes, the power of the gallows is enough to kill a person.

The sound of galloping horses gradually came from a distance, and then Baofuka saw several soldiers in the blue uniforms of the Revolutionary Army brandishing sabers, chasing and killing the imperial devil soldiers.More cavalry came from the other side of the town, some with sabers, some with short muskets, and soldiers with long muskets like Simon when Bovka first met Simon.

A great, indescribable feeling came over Bovka.This feeling weighed on his heart like a mountain, making him breathless and wanting to cry.But his self-esteem as a man gave him restraint again. For this child, he clenched his fists hard, endured the grief that had already flooded into his heart, and forcibly maintained his composure.

"Buffka! Buffka!"

A familiar voice came from behind, Bovka wiped away the few tears left in the corner of his eyes and looked back.Oh, that's his brother Altai.He was wearing this straight military uniform, and he dismounted and ran over with a long gun on his back.His cavalry unit submitted an application to the organization after learning that the Howard Legion had entered Kocha Town, and then rushed day and night to catch Howard and others in advance.Unfortunately, they are still one step late, if they arrive a little earlier...

"Brother." Baofuka was reunited with his brother again, but he didn't feel any joy.The price of being reunited with his brother was Simon's death, which is too difficult to accept.

"What's the matter with you?" Altai asked while holding Baovka's shoulder.

"Simon is dead." Bovka pointed to Altai and replied.

"Comrade Simon died?"

Altai and several other cavalry comrades who surrounded him quickly jumped up, watching the familiar face froze in place.Many of the cavalry company he was in were from Kecha Town, and many of them knew the young senior Simon, and also knew several other comrades from the town who died.Unexpectedly, things are different, Kecha Town was liberated, and they also sacrificed, but they didn't see this moment...

The comrades took off their hats, looked down at the corpses of Simon and other comrades, and silently mourned for all this.Simon didn't show the slightest expression of fear until his death. The life of this young comrade, the young senior cavalryman, stopped at this moment, and he dedicated his short but fulfilling life to the cause of revolution.

"Comrades." Altai said to the other cavalry comrades with red eyes.

"You must not let Howard go, you must catch him, and you must avenge Simon and other comrades!!"


"Our Central South First Revolutionary Army is currently launching its final offensive against the remnants of the Fafnir Legion. The two infantry brigades and artillery regiments of the First Division in the army have achieved the strategic goal of cutting off the remnants of the Fafnir Legion from fleeing westward Completely liberate the border area and block the movement direction of the remnants of the enemy." Okedo looked at the battle report sent by the First Army with a reserved smile, picked up the teacup on the side and continued to read.

"At present, the first brigade of the second division of our army and an infantry regiment of the second brigade, as well as the cavalry division, have realized the offensive deployment of the north-east flanking attack and the south's strict defense. It is expected that no. Surround the enemy's remnants."

"I have to reply quickly and make a request to them." Okedo nodded and picked up a quill to write.

"Well, we must focus on protecting the major towns and maintaining law and order in the towns. Wait for the help of the comrades who will be sent later. We must also set up a military control committee in the city to strictly prevent the offensive of saboteurs." Oak said while writing.

"Yes, there is also Qiangshancheng. Qiangshancheng must be liberated, and this important city must not be allowed to stand alone like a nail after the Southwest Revolution began."

"Just write it like this: Encouragement, the comrades of the Revolutionary Army march forward bravely, forward, and then forward, holding the red flag high, and completely smashing the reactionary rule of the Fafnir Legion." Okedo wrote with a smile.

The knock on the door interrupted Okdo's contemplation. Since Sun Boyang decided to go to the southeast to attend the meeting again, a lot of work that was once in charge of Sun Boyang had to fall on him.But there's no way, Okdo is always good at his work, and these jobs are indeed something no one can do except him.Sun Boyang once said a joke like this, if it weren't for Okdo's shrewdness and ability, he might be like a machine, and be "locked" in the office forever.

To be honest, many comrades in the central government are very opposed to Sun Boyang going to the southeast again.There is no other reason. Originally, this matter was not in a hurry. It should be scheduled to arrive next month, that is, in December.But because of such an incident, the Yongdalim Progress Conference was forced to advance, and Sun Boyang was required to go to the southeast to participate in the conference in the middle of next month.

The comrades in the Central Committee generally speculated that Victor probably didn’t want Sun Boyang to steal the limelight, so he asked him to attend the meeting in advance to seize the opportunity, which made Sun Boyang’s matter appear very urgent and hasty, and could not overshadow the progress meeting. limelight.

It is true that once this matter starts, it will attract the attention of the people of Quanyong Dalim. Nothing attracts more attention than the development trend of Leszeker.Around NO.20 of this month, the Central South government will hold the second congress of Yongda Limleszek.At that time, Quan Yong Dalim will hold his breath for this meeting, waiting for the resolution of this meeting and knowing the direction of Les Zeker's plan.

Calculating and passing by in a flash, it has been nearly a year and a half since the birth of Leszek.In the blink of an eye, in October [-], Leszek has developed into a truly national political system with Central South as the core and covering the whole country.No matter in which city, there will always be a small group of Leszekhan people fighting hard for the liberation of the nation and the people.It is precisely because of this that this important meeting was suppressed by Victor's careful thinking, and he wanted to make his progress meeting as important as possible in order to weaken Leszek's influence.

Regarding this matter, Sun Boyang felt indifferent.The second meeting is important, but it is absolutely necessary to unite a broad range of democratic progressives.What's more, the second conference in the country is over, and a more important conference will be ushered in next January, the Les Zekers Congress of all countries in the Dawn Continent.


Vasily poked his head in, and after seeing Okdo, he smiled and saluted and walked in.Comrade Okdo is also very admired and respected by the comrades in the government. Although Okdo doesn’t talk much, he is also a good comrade who does things sincerely. With him and Sun Boyang, he is responsible for the most important tasks. Comrades at work always feel extra relaxed.

"Vassily? What? Your work is over?" Okdo stood up with a smile and asked Vasily.

"It's over, Comrade Okto, those traffickers, those slave traders, we caught them all! None of them escaped. We killed seven recalcitrants and captured fifteen who surrendered. Interrogation, we can already confirm that this group of vicious slave traders has been caught, and no one has been caught!" Vasili walked in wearing this military uniform with a belt around his waist, took off his hat and said to Okdo.

"How many fellow elves and dwarves have been rescued?" Okdo continued to ask after sitting down with Vasily.

"There are three in 630, including more than 200 elves and more than 300 dwarves. In addition, there are more than 100 compatriots from Maro and other places. They are really bastards. They are really bastards for money. Do everything, I saw an elf girl inside, she didn't even have a leg!" Vasily said angrily.

"It's a group of scum." Although Okdo's expression was calm, the serious light in his eyes also proved his anger at the moment.These damned slave traders can't be shot a thousand times too much.

"According to Comrade Sun Boyang's instructions, these human traffickers and slave traders, after rigorous review, have confirmed that they have participated in many times and their masterminds have participated. If they have indeed caused harm to the victims, they will all be shot. There is no need to pity them." Okedo said solemnly. Said.

"Of course, we will never abuse the law and power. We will neither let such a bastard go, nor will we wrong an innocent person. Those who are not involved in the mastermind and the main harm will be sentenced accordingly. Carry out different sentences and punishments, and deal with this matter in a lawful and fair manner."

277 When the Revolution Advances

"By the way, where is Comrade Sun Boyang?" Vasily raised his head and asked Okdo.

"He's gone to Zhongnan City." Okedo thought about it and replied to Vasily.

"There are many comrades in Zhongnan City who need him to meet in person. The comrades there staged an uprising for the first time, which is a very important step for us and a very strong historical process. To be honest, if I can, I actually plan to join Go." Okto said while picking up the teapot from the table and pouring water for Vasily and himself.

"That seems impossible, because if you leave too, no one else can do these things." Vasily responded with spread his hands.

"There are always comrades who can do it." Okdo replied with an easygoing smile.

"Comrade Moltke, Comrade Sun Raul, they are all very smart and courageous comrades. Maybe their personalities are different, but if they are required to be responsible, they will surely behave in a decent way."

"Our revolution in Leszek has never been without one person. Everyone must strictly implement their own work in their own positions. There are clear regulations in the house. Every member must participate in meetings and discussions And democratic voting. Contribute your own strength and opinions to the direction of the work. Everyone will make progress in their work, and it will never be said that they become specialists who only understand certain individual things.”

"Comrade Okto, does that mean that everyone has to come in a comprehensive way, and can't develop in one direction?"

"No, that's not the case. Everyone has their own strengths, and they also have positions and jobs that they are good at. We will definitely affirm this. But besides this, we still need to let comrades learn more things , to recognize more ways of working. The revolution is still in progress, maybe a certain comrade is still in this position today, and will be transferred to another position tomorrow. There is always a need to learn. Maybe it is uncertain, Pei One day Nie will suddenly cross the line and become the minister in charge of foreign affairs, so that's not certain." Okdo said to Vasily with eloquence.

"Then I might be transferred to other places in the future to do something I'm not good at." Vasily asked with a smile.

"Perhaps, but when you come down from the army and become a government worker, isn't that a change across industries?" Okdo also said with a smile.

"That's what I think, Comrade Okdo. Now that my current work has been completed and the gang of criminal traffickers have been arrested, I also plan to find some new work to do. I think it's better to let me go back to the army How? I still miss the army and the comrades who are still fighting on the front line. I really don’t know how they are doing now, and how many interesting things have happened?” Vasily suggested to Okdo.

"I'm afraid it's impossible." Okdo sat forward and replied without thinking.

"The battle on the front line is important, but Vasily, you still have a more important job to do. This task is very difficult and dangerous. It may cost you your life. I wonder if you are willing to do it? "Okdo asked Vasily.

"Well, Comrade Okto, you seem to be looking down on me." Vasili spread his hands again and said depressedly.

"Don't be angry my Vasily, because this job is too important, I have to ask you if you are willing. You know, the place you are going to is the very important Tianyang Lake area. Go to that area, guide The reform work of the local comrades, as well as the sailor comrades who adapted the Emperor Polo, included them in the revolutionary ranks." Okdo said solemnly.

"Is it around Tianyang Lake?" Vasili opened his mouth in surprise and asked calmly.

"Yes, I heard that your hometown is there. You escaped from there and joined the revolutionary ranks. That's why I plan to ask you to take charge of this important work." Oak Nodded more.

"I'm going, I'm afraid it's not very good. I'm a local. Maybe there will be many old acquaintances, many relatives will come to see me. I see Comrade Okto, or forget it. You send me to the Southwest Front, or The northern area is fine, but in the Tianyang Lake area, I think I should avoid suspicion." Vasily shook his head and said reluctantly.

"Comrade Sun Boyang and I have considered this issue a long time ago." Seeing Vasily's helplessness, Okdo stood up with a smile and found a document from the desk behind him, and handed it to Vasily to read.

"Have you finished reading it?" Okdo asked Vasily with a smile when he saw Vasily's eyes looking at the document changed from depression to surprise.

"Is this true? I can't imagine that I have to be responsible for such a heavy responsibility!" Vasily closed the document and asked Okto excitedly.

"It's true, truer than diamonds." Okedo's expression became serious again.

"Vassily, it is very appropriate for you to be in charge of this job at present. After you settle down there, we will send a group of skilled worker comrades and recruits to you. You must completely contact the comrades on the Dipolo. For a long time to come, there is a high probability that you will work there, and there will be no other positions transferred." Okedo said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it well!" Vasily stood up and saluted excitedly.

"This work should be kept as secret as possible in the early stage, so that our enemies will not know for a period of time without knowing it for a period of time. It is very important for us to gain the advantage of time progress." Okdo also stood up and sent said the guest.

"Don't worry, I must hide the news tightly. I want our enemies to be deaf and blind. They can't find out anything, and they can't understand anything." Vasily said with a smile. Hat replied.

"There are also a lot of diehards in the Tianyang Lake area. You have to work carefully and deal with the affairs there fundamentally. Many generals and noble family members of the former SMS forces have been placed there, and you must not be out of line. Yes, handle their situation well." Okdo shook hands with Vasily and said.

"Not out of line?"

"Do whatever you want, but you must be prudent and realistic when it comes to punishment. If those people behave well and correct their mistakes, they can just divide their land and production tools equally according to the reform plan, and there is no need to transfer the responsibilities of those generals and nobles. Blame it on them," Okedo replied.

"However, if you want to say that they are innocent, I don't think they are all. They are like a group of parasites, sucking people's blood. Although they are not direct executioners, I don't know how many people they have killed." Vasily Said to Okdo in disapproval.

"Strict screening is required only at random, and it must not be sloppy." Okdo explained to Vasily seriously.

"The revolution is still in a critical period, and many things can't be done if you want to. Among these people, if you sabotage the revolution and refuse to reform, you can do whatever you want, and you will never tolerate it. If you have a correct attitude of repentance and Those who are actively reformed are the ones we want to unite with. We must make more friends and fewer enemies. On this basis, we must also strengthen our identity as the vanguard of the comrades of workers and peasants, and we must never betray our position and go to Let peasant workers suffer from the so-called grand perspective and be wronged as if they were betrayed. This is absolutely unacceptable in our current revolutionary form.”

"Ah, I will understand everything once you explain it like this." Vasily said with a smile.

"That's it. We are not timid, nor are we shrinking. We just want to pursue the best way of working and add chips to the victory of the revolution." Okedo nodded and said in relief.

"I understand this truth. Just say that the fewer mistakes we make, the brighter and more hopeful our revolutionary future will be." Vasily said with a gesture.

"Goodbye, Comrade Oktober."

"Goodbye, Comrade Vasily."


Okdo sat back on his chair, was about to pick up a document to read, and seemed to suddenly think of something, frowned again and fell into deep thought again, tapping the table lightly and pondering.

"Guards!" Okedo called out.

"Here!" A young man knocked on the door neatly and came in to salute Okdo and stood still.

"Go to the post office in the city and ask them to send a letter to Comrade Sun Raul who is working in the southeast." Okdo took out the letter he had just written and handed it to the guard.

"This is an important letter about supporting the work of comrades in Southeast Province, and the comrades at the post office must be responsible for safekeeping it."


"Look, does this suit me, or does this suit?"

"One suit is black, and the other suit is blue. The black one is more dignified, and the blue one is clean. Alas, it's terrible. It's like a sudden attack. The people who beat them are caught off guard!"

Gilbert smoked a cigarette in his apartment, and selected suitable clothes with the landlady beside him.Although he said death and urgency, Gilbert's face was filled with joy and a happy expression.

"You complain, but you look very happy." The good-tempered landlady stood aside and said with a smile.

"Can't you be happy? Sun Boyang is coming to our place anyway. He asked to see me by name. I must be nervous and happy." Gilbert picked up a white shirt and said to the landlord.

"Well, for this outfit, it's better to wear blue. The blue looks clean and neat. It will definitely leave a good impression on Sun Boyang." Gilbert hurriedly put on his clothes and said.

"Gilbert! Gilbert! What are you doing! Sun Boyang has already entered the city, Folt and the others have already gone, why are you still sleeping late! This is not like you!" Xie Lidan knocked hard on the door and shouted.

"I'll be right there!" Gilbert promised, buttoning up the button.

"I've seen you back, Auntie. I guess I'll still be living with you during this time. After all, the house will probably take some time." Gilbert said to the landlady.

"I'm happy to stay as long as you want." The landlord smiled and replied.

"If it weren't for you, how could we usher in the revolutionary army and usher in a new tomorrow? I'm afraid I'm not happy if you want to move out."

278 When the revolution is in progress

"Sun Boyang probably already arrived at the square. I said Gilbert, this is not like you. It's not like something you can do as a smart and capable person." Xie Lidan and Gilbert hurriedly ran towards the city square, comparing themselves by a head Gilbert complained.

"I have something to do. Today I helped the landlord's aunt repair the house, so I was delayed. Otherwise, I must be more active than you, and I will go to see Mr. Sun Boyang sooner." Gilbert said helplessly.

"She is just like your mother, Gilbert. Every time I come to find you a job, if I come early, she will warmly invite me to have dinner together. To be honest, such a kind-hearted lady is hard to meet , I even think of my mother. Oh, if only my mother survived that drought." Xie Lidan sighed.

"It's going to be alright, everything will be alright," Gilbert reassured.

"There will never be such a situation in the future. I believe that our Les Zekers will definitely be able to make Zhongnan City different. Build Zhongnan City to be as beautiful as the government town, free from ugliness and darkness. , getting better."


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