"Look, how frightened I am, I'm so scared. If other comrades see me like this, they will probably laugh at me." The middle-aged man laughed at himself.

"Shushu is really hateful. I really hope that one day I can kill all these Shushu with knives and guns, and restore peace to the world." The middle-aged man turned again and turned into a deeper alley.He skillfully knocked on one of the houses, and after checking the code with the owner of the house, he hurried into it.The journey was really safe and sound, and the crow and the mouse came to obstruct him, which almost frightened him.

"Why did you come here? Comrades have been waiting for you for a long time. If you are a little later, we will hide immediately to avoid disaster." The owner of the house said dissatisfied.

"I met mice and crows on the road, and they scared me so much that I was delayed." The middle-aged man said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"Who is not afraid of mice and crows? Everyone can understand, come in, the latest issue of the Revolution has been delivered." The owner of the house said with a smile.

"Comrade Burke, you have lost weight recently. Is it because you are too tired from working in the factory?" The middle-aged man asked the owner of the house again.

"That must be the case. Ever since the Toliask factory was controlled by the devils, we have to work from dawn to dusk, and we have to work more than twelve hours a day before we give up. Under this kind of work, we only feel like that. With a small salary, who can’t lose weight.” Comrade Burke untied the coat for the middle-aged man and hung it on the clothes rack beside him and said with a smile.

"Persevere. I heard that the central government has sent liaison comrades into the imperial capital. He brought a lot of funds to subsidize our work. I heard that he also plans to open a shop here as a cover to make a contribution to the revolutionary situation in the imperial capital." Support. If this is the case, then we can breathe a sigh of relief." The middle-aged man patted his pants and walked into the back room with Comrade Burke.

"That's great. I can reconnect with the Central Committee. I don't think there is anything better than this news. I said Comrade Solo, we have to talk to other comrades later, talk about this great news ’” said Comrade Burke, pushing open the door.

"Ah, Comrade Solo! We thought you couldn't come, and thought something happened to you."

Five or six comrades in the back room stood up one after another, and happily shook hands with Comrade Solo who had come late.

"I can't, absolutely can't and will never let the imperial devils catch me alive. I said, comrades, have you eaten? I also brought a piece of bread from home. It is very good bread. The one on the street Made by the bakery." Comrade Solo laughed and hugged the comrades, and took out a large piece of black bread exuding the fragrance of grain from his pocket and said to everyone.

"Ah, the mother and daughter opened it? His family is really pitiful. The man went to Zhongnan to serve as a soldier. He doesn't know when he will come back. He should take care of his family's business. I said, your bread is a helper. We are very busy. You know, we people are not eating well every day." A comrade said with a smile and stroked his beard.

"Eat, eat. Comrade Burke and I brought the newspaper, and we read it while eating." Comrade Solo said, taking the knife that Comrade Burke brought over.

"What newspapers are there today? Apart from the Revolution, what other newspapers have been delivered?" asked a fat comrade wearing glasses.

"In addition to our dearest revolutionary newspaper, there are also three articles by Wangcheng Struggle, Leszeker, and Sun Boyang. Let me tell you, comrades, this time we can feast our eyes." Burke said happily.

"So many? That's really great. It's hard to see ordinary revolutionary newspapers, usually only once a month, let alone the newspapers. This is the first time we have read newspapers. I haven't seen it." A comrade said with a smile and squinted eyes while smoking a pipe.

"And the Wangcheng Struggle Newspaper is also available, what? Those comrades have restarted the printing presses, and they can print newspapers again? It's really not easy. I'm really worried about them." Another comrade with messy hair also said.

"Yes, George and the others rebuilt a second-hand printing machine and started printing newspapers again. But the quality of the printing this time is not so good. It's all printed with ink, and the handwriting is a little blurry. Let's just make do with it."

Burke walked to the cabinet in the back room, moved the cabinet with Solo, opened the floor tiles and took out the newspapers.These newspapers are very precious and are their precious wealth.In order for these newspapers to be delivered to them, the other comrades didn't know the price to pay, how many sacrifices they had to make, and how dangerous they had to be under the eyes of the devil.

"I'll take a look at three articles written by Sun Boyang." The comrade wearing glasses stretched out his hand and said.

"Oh, don't worry, I want to see it too!" said the pipe-smoking comrade.

"That can't leave me alone." The messy-haired comrade also stretched out.

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, let's talk about what it is before we read it." Comrade Solo gently put the newspaper on the table and said.

"These three articles were all written by Comrade Sun Boyang himself. The first is "The Empire's Chariot Is Doomed to Failure", the second is "All Dalim Workers, Unite!", and the second Three copies, ah! The third copy is actually written about us!" Comrade Solo said excitedly as he picked up the third copy.

"What! What is written in the third copy?"

"What us? Sun Boyang always mentioned us?"

"Yes, he mentioned us." Comrade Solo said excitedly and happily holding the article tightly.

"The third article is "Learning from the Workers of the National Capital."

"Hey, I'm always saying that everyone should learn from us." Comrade Solo said with red eyes.

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"Let me see!" said the pipe-smoking comrade approaching.

"Don't worry, I'll just read it." Solo said holding on to the article.

"Read quickly, let me hear what's written!" Burke also leaned over and said urgently.

"Oh, why are you so anxious, everyone is usually quite calm, why can't you wait this time?" Solo raised his hand and said helplessly.

"Can it be the same? You can't tell the priorities. This is written by Mr. Sun Boyang himself. It is to encourage us and call on others to learn from us. Maybe there is my name on it. Tell me, can you Are you in a hurry?" the pipe-smoking comrade pointed at Solo dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, I'll read it now, I'll read it now." Solo said with a helpless smile, and looked at the article in his hand intently, and began to read it slowly.

"Our Leszekers are working hard for the future of the Dalim people. Countless members are fighting on all fronts of the motherland, some of them are fighting against the reactionary enemies on the battlefield, Some are uniting our other democratic allies to fight for the cause of democratic liberation in Yundalim. Some of them are supporting the comrades there in the Ropotia area, and some are working hard for the construction of the rear in the liberated area .Every comrade and comrades on every front have worked hard for the cause of democracy in Yongdalim, and their price must not be erased and should be commended."

"Under these big fronts, there are countless other fronts, smaller and more hidden fronts. Some are contributing to the security and stability of the liberated areas. They are fighting against saboteurs and criminals for the safety of the people. .On this line, countless comrades died because of this, dedicating their lives to the cause of liberation. And here, there is a more concealed and less noticeable front.”

"They struggled under the eyes of the enemy, steadfast in their cause, and never compromised because of power. In the capital, there is such a special group of comrades. They hide their identities and actively do struggle work. For the sake of the nation and class From the sources I know, at least nearly [-] worker comrades have been brutally murdered by the villains in the capital. Among them, there are countless members, only names, There are at least twenty people." Solo thought slowly.

"Sure enough, he was talking about us." Bieber said with a little excitement while grabbing Solo's arm.

"In the past two years, there are indeed quite a few comrades who have sacrificed." The pipe smoking comrade was silent for a long time, and then took out the cigarette holder from his mouth and said.

"I will continue to read, everyone listen carefully." Solo continued.

"Comrades and workers in the capital, they still insist on fighting even when the situation is extremely unfavorable to the revolution. Because of the coming of the government of the brave, our contact with the capital is almost cut off, and it is difficult to maintain a more accurate and stable information transmission. That is Under such difficult circumstances, the comrades of the workers in the capital still actively organized a trade union and organized a branch of the capital. They are still fighting for the cause of workers' liberation and will never compromise with the retrograde government of the brave."

"I want to say, comrades, the comrades in the capital are the role models for us to learn from. Under the leadership of the branch, they have firm beliefs, are active in the heart of the enemy, and are fighting the enemy without compromise. This kind of spirit is invaluable , It is worth learning from comrades. Comrades on that front face more difficulties than them? Is it more serious than them? Comrades workers and party members in the capital, it is worth learning from them."

"Spiritual learning can't just be said. We need to do it practically and work hard. This learning spirit, especially the comrades in the rear, should learn from the comrades in the capital. Now I have liberated Zhongnan , Many comrades became tired and felt that enough was enough, and the revolution was completed in this way. Some comrades began to yearn for ease, thinking that there would be no war and just keep the present. Some comrades began to move their minds, I feel that the alliance with the southeast is enough, and has already occupied "half of the country" of the country. So I started to try to eat Nakayao, started to compete for a new official liao, and started to follow the example of the "old people".

"That's it. This kind of comfortable mood cannot be said to be wrong, but it is by no means something you can yearn for now. The flame of revolution has burned from a single wildfire to a prairie fire, and it has begun to move forward unstoppably. Our task at this time is to be positive. Fight, liberate the Southwest, liberate the Central Province, liberate the Northwest, liberate the North, and finally liberate the whole country. At that time, we will be content with the construction of the country and start thinking about the future of the Republic. But right now, we still have to move forward and continue to step forward."

"Today some comrades feel tired, we must use the workers in the capital as an example to encourage everyone. Today some comrades start to strive to be 'ancients', we must remind them and make them aware of what happened not long ago. A trial, to make them understand that the Zhongnan government will not tolerate such a person, and will never have any sympathy. The people are above all else, and members must serve the people and the cause of liberation. They must not stop here, they must be complacent Nikolai."

"The workers and comrades in the capital are great. Maybe their names will not be handed down. The people only know that there is such a group of people who sacrificed and struggled, but they don't know what their names are. But history will never Erase their achievements, and crown their achievements on someone's head. In the future history books, there will definitely be such a sentence: "

"During the liberation of Yondalim, the workers of the capital fought bravely for the cause of revolution with a fearless spirit. Even though we still don't know the names of many of these comrades, their merits are still unchanged. Some of them stayed and presented them in front of the readers completely. The history is magnificent, and the country is full of life and space. In the history created by the vast number of Yongdalim people, we remember their achievements, and like this in this book Add a sentence to the book: No one knows your name, and your achievements will last forever!"

"October [-], [-], Sun Boyang Kasyev." Solo read tremblingly.

"Really, Sun Boyang boasted so much, I feel embarrassed." The pipe-smoking comrade pretended to be indifferent and took a deep puff of his cigarette, but said with red eyes.

"I said comrades, what Sun Boyang said in total is to urge comrades in other places, and he is also urging us." Burke said solemnly with his hips akimbo.

"We must not, as this article says, have thoughts of slippery thinking. We must persist in fighting until the liberation of the motherland is ushered in!" Burke said with one hand clenched.

"Yes, there must be no compromise, we must fight until we win!" Solo also clenched his fists.

"How about we sing a song?" Comrade Wearing Glasses suddenly suggested.

"Just keep singing that song. Comrade Sun Boyang taught us personally during the previous festival. That song of unity." The comrade wearing glasses continued.

"Okay, let's sing that one." Burke agreed.

"Let me start," said the pipe-smoking comrade, after taking a deep breath.

"Arise, sing, we march to victory."

"The flag of unity is already moving forward."

"You, too, will move forward together with us!"

"You will see your singing and your flag flying."

"The dawn of the red dawn has announced the arrival of a new life!"

The sound of the suppressed singing is very small, but the momentum contained in it is difficult to open the cabin.Every comrade sang with enthusiasm, clenched their fists and beat the beat, and sang in a low voice in line with the tone.

"Arise, fight, the people march to victory."

"A better future will come, to pursue our own happiness."

"Among the shouts, thousands of fighting voices will ring out."

"The people sing the song of freedom, with determination, the motherland will eventually win." Noah sang softly, looking at the mighty army in the distance outside the city.

"Comrade Noah." A correspondent trotted over and saluted.

"Yeah." Noah nodded while leaning on the city wall without looking back.

"All the fortresses are ready and ready to fight the enemy at any time." Comrade correspondent said again.

"Are all the fortresses ready? Are the artillerymen ready? Are the soldiers ready to fight? Are there any fortresses that are short of people and need supplies?" Noah asked like a cannonball.

"All the fortresses have sent reports, saying that they are fully prepared. As for the shortage of people, other comrades said that there is no shortage of people, but they are short of experienced comrades. After all, many comrades have died in previous battles. ..." the correspondent said in a low voice.

"New fighters will become old fighters after a lot of training." Noah straightened up and said, leaving the city wall.

In front of this tall city, on that piece of land that can barely be called a hill.Numerous fortresses stood there, defending the eastern border of the newly-born Ropotia regime, and keeping the hateful demons out of the country.The fortresses criss-cross each other and stand tall on this rolling hilly area, forming an impregnable line of defense.Countless comrades are fighting in these fortresses. With the belief that they must die, they stick to each fortress, fighting with the demon army in front of them until the last moment.

"The fortress group of Ropotia stretches for nearly fifty miles, like a natural barrier across the eastern plain, keeping any incoming enemies out, and guarding Ropotia like an iron wall," Noah said to himself. language.

"The general who built this fortress back then probably wouldn't have thought that there would be a day to fight against the demon army?" Noah said mockingly again.

"Heavenly King, the fortress group is ahead. Our soldiers have been attacking for several months, and it has been a while." The adjutant said to King Archipald in silver armor.

"I saw it." King Archipald said, putting down the telescope made by Yondalim.

"It's really a solid line of defense." He sighed again.

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"Look, there are more than eleven large and small forts in this land stretching for fifty miles. There is a fort every five miles, intersecting with each other. Countless elite soldiers will gather here. On the great plain of Wulidi, there are three large towns guarding three sides, forming the second line of defense. The fortresses, fortresses and cities communicate with each other and support each other in combat. It can be said that Ropotia is really dangerous on the first day." Archipald The king of heaven was also in silver armor, holding a sword and riding a nightmare horse, and said to the lieutenant general.

"Heavenly King, there are so many fortresses in this place, why don't you go around and attack them? And why do you have to forcibly attack according to the military order? Our army has always been first-rate in mobility, and they are all elite soldiers. We only need to attack Taozhi to bypass the fortress. The line of defense, then Ropotia will surely fall with our army. At that time, our army's elite cavalry will capture the enemy's rear and form a two-sided attack. At that time, we can follow the strategy of Yongdalim when he conquered Ropotia , or run out of food and grass during the siege of the fortress, you can also attack the enemy's capital to force them to return. Why should it be like this?" the lieutenant asked suspiciously.

"Gauker, which batch of Imperial Army Academy graduates are you?" King Archipald asked with a smile, taking off his helmet and revealing his dark purple hair.

"The 50th batch of graduates of the Holy Empire Land School." Lieutenant General Gaukel immediately straightened his back and said.

"Very good, very good." King Archipald nodded and said.

"Where's the Heavenly King? As the Heavenly King, I'm afraid he can be promoted without going to the Emperor's Land." Gaukel asked enviously.

"I also went to a military academy, what are you thinking, kid?" King Archipald said cheerfully.

"I'm sorry, my lord!" Gaukel bowed immediately.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's normal for you to feel this way. After all, I am the king of heaven and I came to work in the north. Of course, I may not have graduated from a military academy." King Archipald said indifferently.

"I'm very sorry!" Gaukel still bent down and shouted.

"Get up, it's no big deal. You should be clear about my character, I don't like people under me to be too reserved." King Archipald said with a frown.

"Yes!" Gaukel immediately straightened his waist and saluted.

"Although I haven't studied in Imperial Land, I have also read books. I used to study at the Holy Empire Eastern Military Academy, which is the famous St. Francheide Western Military Academy, where I completed my academy Life. At that time, my teachers were all human beings, basically the old generals left over from the old academy, and they were passed down in one line." King Archipald said, looking at the dark fortress in front of him.

"How are those human teachers teaching? Maybe it's comparable to our demon teachers?" Gaukel asked.

"It's okay, but the concept of combat is different, and it's not suitable for young people from the empire like you to study, so usually children from noble families like us go there to study." King Archipald replied after hesitating for a moment.

"Why not? Because they would distort the theory?" Gaukel asked again.

"No, not exactly." Archipald shook his head and said.

"Do you still remember I just asked which college you graduated from?"


"That's the reason." King Archipald organized his words and said.

"The students of Dilu received excellent military education, which is also the traditional military education of our Demon Race. But the problem is, the teaching methods of the officers and teachers there, well, I may not be pleasant to say, that is, they The traditional military education method has no foresight, only cares about the immediate interests, but does not see the long-term. The students taught by Dilu only know how to fight and how to fight and win, but they don't know why they fight, and what is the purpose of fighting? Where are the benefits of fighting? That's all." King Archipald said.

"Gauker, you have to understand. The war must serve the government of the Holy Empire, and the government must not serve the war. We must know the interests and purpose of the war. Before fighting You should already know how to end the war, and you must think about the conditions for the negotiation when the war starts. Only in this way is the real way to victory." King Archipald said lightly.

"I shouldn't have told you these words, because you definitely wouldn't listen to them." Most of your students who graduated from Dilu are too stubborn to listen to persuasion.Otherwise, why do you think that the students from Di Lu will never have the right to lead an army unless they can be promoted to heavenly kings?That's why.The empire is always changing, we have to plan for the long term, not just the immediate interests. " King Archipald picked up the telescope again and said.

"Heavenly King, we don't care about the students of Dilu, but what did this have to do with the current war? The current war shouldn't have anything to do with the so-called political affairs, right?" Lieutenant General Gaukel asked in confusion. road.

"Although I don't know much about politics, I still understand a very famous military theory. That is, this kind of siege operation should be resolved quickly and ended as soon as possible. And we should use the enemy's luggage to fill our luggage as much as possible. The enemy is one stone, and our army is twenty stones. This is probably the reason. Even from a political point of view, such a protracted siege is definitely not beneficial to the Holy Empire. You should also understand that a prolonged siege is definitely not beneficial to the country. Does that make sense?" Goker asked.

"You're pretty smart." King Archipald put down the binoculars again and said in surprise.

"This is indeed the case. In actual wars, it is only heard that the general lacks tactics and is difficult to win quickly, but I have never seen a heavenly king who commanded cleverly and protracted battles. There has never been a protracted war that is beneficial to the country. .” King Archipald nodded.

"However, this matter still has to go back to your academy." King Archipald said after a moment of silence.

"Going back to Emperor Land again?" Lieutenant Gaukel tugged on the reins, even more confused.

"Yes, I still have to talk about your ineffective juniors." King Archipald said helplessly, pulling out a cigarette from his armor.

"Are you in the fiftieth class? Then do you know how many juniors are one level younger than you in the General Staff of the Imperial Army?" Archipald lit a cigarette on the flame of Nightmare's body, feeling deeply contented. took a breath and asked.

"I know, those juniors have written letters with me. I have a good relationship with them. In the past, I brought them to their new colleges. I didn't expect them to be such dragons and phoenixes. They were already soldiers at a young age. The staff of the Ministry." Gaukel sighed.

"Those juniors of yours are quite courageous." Archipald took another deep breath and said.

"They formed a student association privately, and colluded with other imperial army officers in the team to organize an organization called 'Grand Military and Political Generals'. They shouted to unify the mainland, honor His Majesty as the Lord of the world, and planned to lightly start the war. "

"There are more than 500 military officers participating in that great military and political general, and basically all the low-level officers who can enter the Imperial Army Joint Conference have joined this organization. Several great kings and adults have such an idea and plan to disband them. Order them not to interfere in political affairs." King Archipald continued.

"Well, most of them are loyal to the country, so there's no need for that?" Gaukel asked in shock and hesitation at first.

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