"Indeed, because of my sister, I don't want to fight with you. If you want to return to the mythology, I personally suggest that you go to those godslayers and let them do it~‖."

"That's not okay, I still want you to take my eyes to see other worlds."

Frigga looked at Mu Bai in front of him with a smile on his face.

Mu Bai took his face in the concubine: "Is it really impossible to refuse?"

"Unless you want me to fight with you!"

"Okay, okay, then I will try my best not to make you feel pain."

Mu Bai took out the Elder Wand.

"It's really interesting, this wand actually has the authority of a god!"

"To be honest, I don't think it's really useful, because it's impossible for Pandora to approve such a way for me to gain power, and I'm not interested in your power."

"Pandora will agree. Pandora's gaze has already been fixed on the junction between man and god. I think Pandora is equally interested in the first world."

Frigga opened her hands and said, "Then look into the future with my eyes, let me see more of the future."

Mu Bai helplessly raised his magic wand and cast a spell at Frigg in front of him: "Avada Kedavra!"

The green light hit Frigga, and at the next moment, Frigga slowly fell backwards with a smile on her lips.

However, before Mu Bai went to help, Frigga's body had already dissipated into the air little by little, and Mu Bai felt a surge of drowsiness, didn't he really give back the authority?

Mu Bai complained in his heart, but he didn't resist a wave of sleepiness.


"Like I said, Pandora will watch here, so tell me about my authority, and then wear my eyes to see the whole world."

When Mu Bai heard this sentence, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"To be honest, I'm really not interested in your power."

"Do you think my authority is too weak?"

Frigga looked at Mu Bai in front of her, with a somewhat unhappy expression on her face.

"What I want more is the power of the hero of steel. For me, this kind of omnipotence improves the combat effectiveness more."

Frigga is unhappy, Mu Bai is clearly despising himself.

Pandora on the side just smiled and said: "It seems that your kindness, Mrs. Frigga, is completely unacceptable."

"Pandora hurry up and perform the ritual for me to let this disobedient child know how wrong he is."

"Then, I'll start."

Mu Bai immediately felt a severe pain, this kind of pain Mu Bai once felt when he inherited the power of the sea god Poseidon when he got the three-pronged sampan.

Now Mu Bai once again felt this kind of severe pain.

"` "Be patient, this pain will lead you to the peak. "

Although Mu Bai felt extremely severe pain all over his body, he didn't hum at all.

For Mu Bai, this kind of thing is not unacceptable, and it is not the first time that this kind of thing has been experienced.

Frigga and Pandora looked at Mubai with a hint of admiration in their eyes. They were able to endure this pain. The only one who didn't change his expression was probably Mubai in front of him.

Soon this pain slowly disappeared and replaced by a familiar yet unfamiliar force flowing in Mu Bai's body.

"Then keep walking with my strength, I will always watch you."

Frigga left this sentence and finally returned to the myth.

At this moment, Mu Bai felt that his consciousness would gradually return to his body.

"Then I will also watch yours and work hard, my new child."

In the next moment, Mu Bai (Li Hao) woke up, but after waking up, Mu Bai carefully felt the power in his body, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

The power given by Frigg to Mubai symbolizes the Frigg family, and anyone who is recognized by Mubai can use Mubai's power.

"This is a bit interesting, but I don't know if it can be used across the world."

Mubai's authority over Frigga doesn't have a lot of power, and the power of this family can only be said to be average, but the relationship between Toller Friggia and the magic power in Mubai's body has changed to a higher level Level by level ascent.

Although Mubai did not ascend to the god position this time, Mubai is not inferior to any gods at all. When those gods face Mu Bai, they will also be killed by Mu Bai.

"Now I am more confident in killing the gods!".

261 The Torn Silver Hand

No one knows about the fact that Mu Bai became a godslayer. Whether it was the appearance of the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, or Mu Bai killed the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, to complete the reincarnation ceremony of the Godslayer, there was no big disturbance.

Naturally, no one would know that a god who did not obey came to this world and was sent back to the myth, or even a godslayer was born.

It’s okay to wake up from the godslayer’s reincarnation ceremony. Mu Bai clearly realized how strong he is now, so Mu Bai thought of the power he wanted to seize. The original Mu Bai was not sure that he would definitely be able to solve it, but Now I feel that I am more than [-]% sure that I can get the power I want!

At the same time, this power is also the power used by the sword king Salvatore Toni!

Torn Silver Hand!

This is the power that Penny Mubai is eyeing!

The power usurped from the Celtic god "Nuada", a terrifying but unpretentious power.

When the power is activated, the hand of flesh and blood will change into a silver metal hand, and then it will wrap around the weapon with a huge mantra253. Power is a magic sword with the ability to cut everything.

And it doesn't matter even if it's not a sword in your hand, even if you hold a branch, as long as you use the torn silver hand, it can also become a magic sword.

Moreover, it can turn light into a magic sword that can launch a slash that extends hundreds of meters, and turn the earth into a magic sword that can cut everything within the attack range.

It can even turn meteorites in outer space into magic swords!

The most important thing is that Mu Bai thinks using a sword is very handsome, so Mu Bai wants to use a sword.

As for the god king Nuada, also known as the silver-armed Nuada, who was the king of the Dannu gods worshiped by the ancient Celts, if Mu Bai wanted to get the silver hand that was torn apart by the other party's power, he had to summon it. God King Nuada, Mubai needs some personal help for this.

However, before Mu Bai could act, a petite goddess approached Mu Bai!

"I have noticed that my snake is on your body!" (aiej)

Wuxin Mubai who is in front of him can figure it out if he thinks about it.


Give Alice a curse on the culprit who almost killed Alice!


Looking at Mubai Athena in front of her, she was suddenly anxious and looked at Mubai with a weird look.

"I didn't feel the curse when I was on your body. Instead, I felt the blessing of the goddess of the earth. This feeling is Frigga!"

Mu Bai looked at Athena blankly, you would say you just say a little more and I just watched and said nothing.

"Hand over the snake, and I can leave here, and even give you a certain reward."

Mu Bai scratched his head and then said to Athena: "If you want to conquer you, what kind of conditions do you need? Or what kind of conditions do you need to make you fall in love with me?"

Athena didn't seem to have thought that Mu Bai would actually ask such a question, she was slightly surprised for a moment, and then took it for granted.

"Either defeat the concubine in force, or defeat the concubine in wisdom, if the powerlessness and wisdom are not as good as the concubine, why do you make the concubine fall in love with you!"

Maybe it's because of Mubai's blessing from Frigga. Athena didn't have any distaste for Mubai, but it was only limited to this.

"That's it, let's try it later, but now I need to kill a few other gods to gain power from them, so if you don't mind, Goddess Athena, how about walking with me?"

"What a bold human being. Even though he is a godslayer, he actually sent an invitation to a concubine who is a disobedient god."

"Just like you won't be affected by your own madness, so I won't be affected by the instinct of a godslayer. If I can't even do this, how can I conquer you!"

Athena was not angry when she heard Mubai's brazen words.

"This concubine has a little bit of expectation for you, and I look forward to seeing you bring more fun to this concubine!"

To be able to suppress the warlike emotions of the godslayers after watching the gods he disobeyed, it is worth Athena to take a slightly higher look at those godslayers who are controlled by emotions, in Athena's eyes, there is no difference between them and beasts!

However, if she can control her emotions, then Athena will truly recognize the other party as her opponent. For example, like the Mu Bai in front of her now, Athena will recognize Mu Bai as her opponent.

"Then now I can ask the Goddess of Wisdom to do me a favor, and this Gorgon Stone will be my reward for asking you for help."

Mu Bai directly took out the Gorgon Stone and threw it to Athena.

"Aren't you worried that my concubine will regret it immediately after getting the Gorgon Stone?"

"If you do this, I will feel happy instead, so do you want to go back on your word?"

"If you want to see the ugliness of the concubine, how can the concubine let you get what you want!"

Athena threw the Gorgon Stone back to Mubai!

"What do you want my concubine to do for you?"

"I want to summon the God King Nuada. I am very interested in the power of the Yusheng King Nuada, so help me summon the God King Nuada. This Gorgon Stone is yours."

Mu Bai's request made Athena frowned uncontrollably, but then Athena still said: "Yes, but do you think you can seize the power of God King Nuada?"

"Of course I am very confident about myself. A godslayer needs shit luck to become a godslayer."

"Who stipulated it? I want to tell everyone with practical actions that as long as you are strong enough, you can completely kill the God of Disobedience head-on!"

"Really? Then I expect you to be able to do this."

Athena raised a little interest in Mu Bai.

The Gorgon Stone is in the hands of Mubai. After helping Mubai to summon and give birth to Wa Nuada, if Mu Bai repents, then it will be the same to kill Mubai and take the Gorgon Stone at that time.

Athena didn't think she couldn't get the Gorgon Stone, even if Mu Bai repented, Athena could easily get the Gorgon Stone.

"Then let's go now, if you want to summon God King Nuada, you need to prepare some necessary conditions.".

262 Wisdom and Force You Have to Choose One

"Godslayer, take my blessings and curses and don't lose to others before I come again!"

Leaving such a last sentence, the body of God King Nuada was turned into ashes, and Pandora appeared again!

"It's such an amazing kid who completed the second killing of gods so quickly!"

There was a smile on Pandora's face, and Mu Bai said to Pandora: "Speaking of which, the power I want this time should be that one, right? If not, I can only remove this god-king Nuada from the myth. Pull it down once, and down again."

Pandora and that god king Nuada all had stiff smiles on their faces, what Mu Bai said could only be said to be too inappropriate, anyway, he is also a mythical god king, but in Mu Bai's mouth it seemed like a chicken A dog, although it is only a small mythology system, it is also a god king.

But Pandora said to Mubai: "Then you have to work hard, if you don't get the power you want, then you can only pull it down and use it again, but I think His Majesty Nuada will not mind it! "

For Pandora's kind of ridicule, Nuada just snorted coldly, and finally Nuada said to Mubai: "Take my power and go further!"

After speaking, God King Nuada disappeared directly into Pandora's reincarnation ceremony.

"The character of this god king is really stingy~!"

Even Mu Bai felt that Pandora was a bit too much when Pandora said it, but it has nothing to do with Mu Bai.

Mubai just wants to get Nuada's torn silver hand in one-power.

"Then hope it works once!"

After waking up from the chaos, what Mu Bai saw was that silver-haired goddess!

Mu Bai accidentally found himself on the lap of that silver-haired goddess!

"This is an unexpected surprise. I didn't expect that there are such benefits!"

"What a daring godslayer, to think of such a disobedient god as my concubine!"

"That's normal, isn't it? Men want beautiful women, and as many of them as possible!"

"It makes sense to say a little bit, if you get the power you want?"

"Got it, the torn silver hand, it seems that the god king may not want to see me again."

"Then complete the contract and hand over the Gorgon Stone to my concubine."

Mu Bai directly took out the Gorgon Stone and handed it to Athena.

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