A smile appeared on Freya's face: "Your brother is so cute, he even writes a diary."

Freya opened the diary as she spoke, and read it out: "Who is a decent person who keeps a diary, but I am not serious, so it is normal to write a diary. I came to No.40 of Olalie for seven days, and I saw Freya, the first time I saw Freya, I knew I was jealous of Freya's body, but after thinking about it, let it go, I don't want to put my head on the Hulunbuir Grassland, and Freya has too many ex-boyfriends, so what about my sister? It’s fine, filial piety can’t go bad.”

Mu Bai: "Stop reading it!"

In an instant, it turned into lightning and appeared beside Freya to snatch the diary back.

"It's useless to snatch it away, I've already memorized this diary."

The lightning flashed in his hand, and the diary immediately turned into ashes.

Mu Bai looked at Freya: "What about human rights? What about my human rights? You are spying on my privacy, you are violating my human rights."

"Who told my younger brother to say that I am a bad woman?"

Freya looked at Mu Bai with a smile on his lips.

"And I didn't find this thing myself. When you were drunk before, you fell off your bed when you were sent back to the room, so I just took a look when I was bored. I didn't expect that my brother is really emotional. Woolen cloth."

Mu Bai: "Stop talking, you're ashamed to death!"

Freya looked at Mu Bai and said, "For the sake of your younger brother, you will not be easily deceived by women, so in addition to your normal cultivation, you also need to face my charm every day."

Mu Bai: "???"

Mu Bai: "Damn it, sister, don't make trouble!"

But the next moment Mu Bai felt that Freya was serious.

Facing Ishtar's charm, Mubai can be indifferent, even a little disgusted, but for Freya, Mubai has to admit that Freya is beautiful and has a good figure, and she is white, compared to Ishtar's black skin much better.

Freya's eyes shone slightly, and the power of charm made Mu Bai's body tremble slightly.

In order to resist Freya's power, Mu Bai really concentrated all his energy, for fear that he would be charmed by Freya if he didn't pay attention.

But just when Mu Bai was about to completely lose control of himself, Mu Bai found that his body relaxed, and the charm disappeared.

Mu Bai's legs went limp, and he almost slumped on the belt.

"Sister, I was wrong. I shouldn't speak ill of you."


"I was wrong, I shouldn't have lusted after Alice and Riveria's bodies, I shouldn't have lusted after Lulu, I shouldn't have dirty thoughts about those beautiful girls, and I shouldn't have wanted to stick them idea."

"Is this your mistake?"


Mu Bai was dumbfounded, what was wrong?

"Hmph, you can have harsh thoughts about those women, but you don't have them when you're talking about me. This makes me very sad!"

Freya's words immediately made Mu Bai speechless.

"Forget it, I'll let you go. What you're really wrong about is that you shouldn't be timid, understand? Since you like it, you can grab it even if you want to. You're my younger brother. Get it. You know why I let you get drunk. You go to the Loki family."

Mu Bai stared at Freya with wide eyes.

This sister is too good, wait, no, I was the one who died, and I was the one who solved the trouble?

Mu Bai was dumbfounded all of a sudden, he was almost sold and even helped to count the money.

"Even if you don't give Loki those compensations, do you think I will hand you over to Loki and the others?"

Seeing Mu Bai's appearance, Freya gave Mu Bai a white look and said.

Mu Bai suddenly smiled awkwardly and didn't speak.

"Then as a sister, I will teach you a truth today, and remember it well."

"Yes, sister, please tell me."

"If you want to grab what you like by any means, don't be timid."


"Why, do you think I'm wrong?"

"No, sister, although I'm not a good person, but according to your appearance, these three views, you are definitely a villain."

"Is there anything wrong with being a villain? What do you want to do, and as long as you continue to be strong, what about the villain?"

Freya looked at Mu Bai: "Do you understand? And who said that you must become a villain, the image can be shaped, understand?".

67 The one who knows Freya best is actually. . .

Mu Bai's expression changed again and again, and then he looked at Freya in front of him for a long time before saying to Freya: "I was almost moved by what I said, I admit that I am a bad person, but I don't want to be a bad person. That kind of bad guy who has no bottom line, but sister, you are right, if you like it, go for it, if you don't fight for it, how will you know if the other party is willing or not."

Freya looked at Mu Bai meaningfully, her eyes saw that her little brother's soul wrapped in filth was cracked again, and the bright light passed through the gap, making Freya's smile even bigger up.

"Come to me if you need anything. As a sister, I will not refuse my brother's request."

Although Mu Bai felt that Freya was encouraging him to do something very bad, but Mu Bai admitted that he was persuaded by Freya, what's wrong with Mu Bai wanting to hang out with cute and beautiful girls!

People live to pursue beautiful things. If you don't even have the courage to pursue what you desire, then what's the point of living?

Is it possible that you really have to shrink back and be timid, dare not say when you meet someone you like, dare not reach out, and regret it when you miss it?

no way!

Seeing that the filth covering Mu Bai's soul began to peel off, Freya's smile widened unconsciously.

"I'm really looking forward to it. After you really peel off the filth that envelops the soul, how bright the encased soul will be!"

There was a lot of expectation in Freya's tone.

Loki's family.

Loki looked at Riveria and said, "I said, Mom, if you want to fall in love with someone else, you have to find that guy Mubai? I think that guy Mubai is very upset. Aisi kissed me for the first time. nothing!"

Riveria squinted at Loki directly, and then said: "Shut up, I'm not your mother, and I will pinch all your bad thoughts about Aisi."

"No, no, no, people live for Ais."

Loki started rolling all over the floor when he disagreed.

But everyone ignored Loki, Finn bit his thumb and looked at Riveria and said, "Riveria, tell me what you think, not just because of what Mubai did before. .”

"First, he is the most suitable candidate, and this method can also make the rest of the elves less hostile to Mu Bai. Although Mu Bai promised me that he would not be too fussy, there is no guarantee. If Mu Bai and I If you become a couple, then the elf side will be relatively quiet."

"Second point, if I have a chance, I want to get the remaining three combat skills from Mubai. You should all understand how useful the six styles are. Finn, you have already learned how to shave, Grace You have learned the iron block, how do you think it will increase your strength?"

As LV6 adventurers, Finn and Grace, learning the six styles is really not that difficult, so it didn't take long for Finn and Grace to learn one of the six styles.

Grace pinched his beard and said, "It's very strong. I think even LV7 monsters can't break through my defense easily. But the bad thing is that I can't move when using iron blocks."

"Indeed, learning to shave has enhanced my strength a lot."

"So, I want to get the remaining six styles from Mubai as much as possible."

Everyone accepted Riveria's reason.

"What's more, the other party has the qualifications to be a hero. If the other party doesn't leave within a year, I really plan to try to become a couple with the other party."

Riveria has a high vision, but she has to admit that Mu Bai fully meets Riveria's conditions for choosing a mate.

"Well, since you have already made up your mind, then we won't stop you, but Riveria, don't really fall into it, Mubai will leave Olali after a year, if you really fall into it, So..."

Riveria said flatly: "If he can really make me fall in love with him, then what does it matter, I am an elf, and the lifespan of elves is longer than that of humans."

Finn and Grace were speechless.

The love between the long-lived species and the short-lived species is destined to end in tragedy.

The lifespan of human beings is simply not comparable to that of elves like Riveria. You must know that Riveria is nearly a hundred years old this year, which is already old for humans, but for elves , Riveria's age is the human sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Rivelia, we won't stop you, but as our family member, we want to remind you that although Mubai is a bad guy with a bottom line, knowing that he will leave Olali is not very good at doing anything, but I know Fleur better. Ya, Freya is definitely not a good person, so you have to be careful, I am worried that Freya will teach Mubai badly."

I have to say that Rocky really knows Freya!

No wonder they became friends! .

68 Nakiri Erina who became a defeated dog

"Erina, are you thinking about Mubai?"

Demeter came to Nakiri Erina's side.

"Goddess Demeter!"

"Erina, you have to say what you like, after all, if you don't say it, then someone else will be ahead of you."

After hearing Goddess Demeter's words, Nakiri Erina said speechlessly: "No, I don't like that guy Mubai, it's just...it's just that guy took away my first kiss, even though it was my fault. ,but..."

"Erina, do you hate Mubai?"

Although she didn't understand why Demeter would ask such a question, Nakiri Erina still shook her head. Although Nakiri Erina hated Mu Bai very much at first, when Mu Bai appeared in front of her desperate self like a hero At that time, Nakiri Erina's disgust towards Mu Bai disappeared, and even she was making excuses for Mu Bai in her heart.

And after getting along with Mu Bai for real, Nakiri Erina felt that although Mu Bai was hateful, he was not as heinous as he imagined.

So Nakiri Erina felt that she must have misunderstood Mu Bai.

But Nakiri Erina has not fallen in love with Mubai yet, but until the hug before and the kiss not long ago, Nakiri Erina is already confused now.

"Erina, let me ask you, do you really dislike Mubai? Don't you have any affection for Mubai at all?"

Human beings cannot lie to the gods, so Nakiri Erina honestly admitted to Demeter.


"Then why don't you cherish it well? You have to know that if this part of your relationship is cut off and preempted, then it's too late for you to regret it."

Nakiri Erina said stiffly: "Just that guy Mubai, how could anyone like him!"

Demeter looked at Nakiri Erina with a half-smile, Nakiri Erina was almost ashamed, didn't she just have a crush on Mu Bai?

A member of the Demeter family ran in from outside the door.

"Goddess Demeter, you let us pay attention to Mubai of the Freya family, our people found that Mu Bai of the Freya family seems to be dating the Nine Magic Girls of the Loki family, and now it has been rumored. "

Nakiri Erina's eyes widened suddenly!

Demeter glanced at Nakiri Erina and said, "Look, but you didn't expect Loki to strike so fast, it's a pity."

Nakiri Erina pursed her lips unwillingly, and clearly confirmed that she really had a crush on Mu Bai, but it turned out that Mu Bai had already dated someone else, and Nakiri Erina felt unwilling.

"Damn scumbag, smelly scumbag, rotten person..."

Nakiri Erina kept cursing Mu Bai.

As the person involved, Mu Bai sneezed several times for this.

"You have a cold?"

Riveria looked at Mu Bai and asked.

Today, Riveria took the initiative to ask Mubai out on a date, mainly to send a signal that Nine Demon Ji and Mubai are dating, so that those elves who were originally filled with righteous indignation and wanted to trouble Mubai to stop their danger idea.

"So what's a date to do?"

Riveria asked Mu Bai.

Today's Riveria is not wearing her royal dress, a white long-sleeved shirt with lace, a jewel and a bow tie at the neckline, and a brown lace dress with white patterns on the lower body. The skirt covered Riveria's calf, revealing the calf wrapped in white stockings, and the boots covered Riveria's calf that was not covered by the long skirt. It was really wrapped It's so tight that it doesn't show at all.

Hearing Riveria's words, Mu Bai was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head, looked at Riveria for a while before saying, "I don't know, I've never dated a girl either!"

Mu Bai does know some dating procedures, such as shopping, eating and watching movies, but that's all he knows, and there are no movie theaters in this world, so Mu Bai doesn't know how to go on a date!

Riveria, who heard Mu Bai's words, asked in surprise, "Didn't you have a marriage contract with Yang Nao's sister before?"

"But I haven't dated once, and I haven't even held hands. Although we are engaged, Xue Nai and I basically haven't even spoken a few words."

Riveria was silent, then looked at Mu Bai and said, "Then you are quite wronged."

But no, she was engaged to Yukino Yukinoshita, she never held hands, she didn't even say a few words in the conversation, she was ignored when she joined the service department with shamelessness, and finally her engagement was annulled.

"It can't be said to be wronged. After all, I forced Yukino to get engaged to me. Even if Yukino doesn't want to, it doesn't matter, as long as I like it. To put it bluntly, I just want to see how good-looking Yukino is. , I'm greedy for her body, I'm a scumbag!".

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