Riveria froze for a moment, and then sighed.

"But once you leave O'Leary, then she..."

"Wait for me, I will definitely find a way to come back."

As soon as he grasped Riveria's hand, Mu Bai had never sworn so seriously before, he looked at Riveria.

"Even if there is a world between us, I will definitely find a way to come back."

Riveria looked at Mu Bai, sighed, and then took the initiative to hug Mu Bai.

In the distance, Freya and Luoji looked at Mubai and Riveria on the roof of the family's house from the window, looked at the peeling off layers of dirt that wrapped Mubai's soul, and said to Luoji: "It seems , none of us win, or win-win?"

"Win-win ghost, don't think that I can't see that you are smirking, Riveria, an idiot, was really deceived by Mu Bai, an idiot!"


Now Luo Ji really wanted to punch Mubai's handsome face a few times to vent his anger.

"Trust him, he will definitely come back." Van.

86 I will be above all living beings!

Looking at Mubai and Riveria who came back, and the holding hands, Finn smiled and said: "It seems that Riveria is really in love with you, Mubai."

"To be precise, I also fell in love with Riveria!"

Mu Bai let go of Wei Liya's hand, and then his expression became serious.

"The disaster of that one is not something that humans can fight against now, but we have to fight against this monster. Finn, you may have to be prepared to sacrifice!"

Seeing Mubai's appearance, Finn was silent for a while, and then Finn said to Mubai after a while: "Mubai, we have been adventurers for so many years, do you think we will not do well?" Are you ready to sacrifice?"

Hearing Finn's words, Mubai laughed straight away: "I want you to protect Riviera. I don't care if you sacrifice "[-]", but nothing will happen to Rivilia. I understand. Bar."

Finn looked at Mubai speechlessly, but still assured him: "As a mage, Rivilia is definitely the last one among us to be in danger."

Mubai rolled his eyes, and said to Finn in front of him: "I believe you ghost, don't think that I don't know that you will definitely let Riveria drive the defensive magic to stand in front."

Finn: "..."

Riveria chuckled: "Go do your own thing, Finn and I still have something to discuss."

Letting go of Riveria's hand, Mu Bai said to Riveria: "Don't put yourself in danger."

Mu Bai said something to Riveria, and then left.

Mu Bai quickly found Liu Li'ang through knowledge and domineering.

"What are you thinking about?"

Sitting beside Liu Liang, Mu Bai asked.

"It's nothing, isn't Lady Riveria angry?"

"Of course, Riveria is very magnanimous."

Seeing Mu Bai's shameless look, Liu Li'ang said to Mu Bai: "Elves are monogamous."

Mu Bai's expression froze for a moment, then he looked at Liu Li'ang and said, "That's a little bit of preferential treatment for others."

Looking at Mu Bai, Liu Li'ang sneered.

"Okay, Riveria is very angry, but I have already asked for Riveria's consent, so be my lover, Lyu."

Looking at Mu Bai, Liu Liang didn't dare to look at Mu Bai's eyes full of fiery emotion, Liu Liang even felt that Mubai's eyes full of fiery emotion made his body start to become hot .

"You're going to leave this world soon, you're going to be out, don't you think it's despicable for you to want me to be lovers with you?"

Looking seriously at Liu Liang in front of her: "Yes, I will leave this world and return to my own world, but I will definitely come back, for Riveria, for you!"

"Then talk about it when you come back!"

Liu Li'ang said to Mu Bai.

Mu Bai: "Then I'll brand you first to ensure that you won't fall in love with others in the future."

As Mu Bai spoke, he kissed Liu Li'ang. Liu Li'ang could have dodged, but he didn't say that he loved him a lot, but let Mu Bai kiss him.

However, Mu Bai just tasted it and let it go!

Liu Li'ang looked at Mu Bai.

"It's just a brand, I love you, the girl named Liu Liang, not just because of your body!"

"Do you think I'll trust you?"

"Well, I can probably believe it, although from the beginning I was a girl named Liu Liang who was greedy for your body and fell in love with you!"

Mu Bai suddenly felt a piercing gaze staring at him, then turned his head and saw Nakiri Erina looking at him with a cold face in the distance, and suddenly smiled bitterly in embarrassment, forgetting that this was also a Vinegar jar ah.

Mu Bai looked at Nakiri Erina, Liu Liang also saw Nakiri Erina, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and then he said to Mu Bai: "Go and comfort Erina, our business Waiting for you to come back and talk about it."

"Until I get back, you're not allowed to fall in love with anyone else, you know? Especially the one called Bell Clowney!"

Liu Li'ang looked at Mu Bai with a cold face, but then said with a sigh, "Don't worry."

Only then did Mu Bai leave, and came to Nakiri Erina...

Nakiri Erina looked at Mubai with a cold face, she felt that she had pampered Mubai too much, so that Mubai actually pushed his nose on the face now, a Riveria is not enough, and dare to hook up other girls!

"Let's find a place where no one is around and talk alone."

Mu Bai reached out to shake Nakiri Erina's hand, but Nakiri Erina dodged it.

However, Mu Bai grabbed Nakiri Erina's hand forcefully, then hugged Nakiri Erina and disappeared as a thunder.

When he came to a place where no one was around, Mu Bai put Nakiri Erina down.

"Erina, we need to have a good talk."

"Talk about it? What are you talking about? Are you cheating or having an affair?"

Mu Bai had some headaches, but then Mu Bai also had a direct showdown.

"Yes, I'm Huaxin, I like you and Riveria, I also like Lyu, and I like Aisi!"

"I might even like more people in the future."

Nakiri Erina gritted her teeth and raised her hand to slap Mu Bai, but Mu Bai grabbed Nakiri Erina's hand with one hand.

"And even if you want to break up, I don't agree, unless your strength is stronger than me at some point, then I have no choice but to let you go, but before your strength surpasses mine, you should be honest Really be the princess captured by me, the devil king, and give me ten or eight children."

Nakiri Erina was shocked by Mu Bai's shameless speech!


"The world has changed Erina. With the return of us people from other worlds, what kind of changes do you think will happen to our world? Human ambition is endless. When a person has power, then do you think the other person Will I still be willing to be ordinary? At least I don’t want to, I want to be above all living beings!”

This is the first time for Mu Bai to express his ambition.

"The real world will definitely change drastically in the future. How many careerists do you think will appear among this group of pioneers? Money will no longer be omnipotent, but power will be eternal. Your eldest lady's identity It will be useless!"

Nakiri Erina looked at her boyfriend in disbelief! ".

Episode 87: The Demon Lord Who Imprisoned the Princess in the Castle

Seeing Nakiri Erina's stunned look, Mu Bai paused for a moment, his voice softened, he looked at Nakiri Erina and said, "Erina, you are Yuanyue's eldest lady, you are the tongue of God. , but these are all in the past. What the world needs in the future is power, powerful power. Yuanyue may be able to support it for a while now, but it is only for a while. In the end, if Yuanyue does not have strong power, then only If you can become someone else's purse, or really become a school for training chefs, your current status because of wealth will disappear immediately!"

Nakiri Erina was greatly shocked. Obviously, Nakiri Erina did not think of this possibility, and it can even be said that Nakiri Erina never thought about what would happen after she lost her status.

But now Mubai is directly telling Nakiri Erina the reality of the future!

"So, you can hate me and blame me, but Erina, I will not let you leave me, even if you are locked in the castle, the reason why you accepted to associate with me at the same time as Riveria before is that you I think we will leave sooner or later, but I want to tell you, I will definitely find a way to come back, I want to get everything, I want to have everything, I just want to get, and 08 doesn't want to lose, so Erina, your calculations are all in vain. "

Nakiri Erina's face darkened.


As the eldest lady, Nakiri Erina knows very few curse words, even if she is angry like murder, she can't think of any words to curse Mubai.

"I don't deny it, so Erina, you can stay by my side with peace of mind, and don't think about leaving me until your strength is stronger than mine, okay?"

"Why should I listen to you!"

"Erina, don't force me, I don't want to use some excessive means to you, but if you must leave me, then I will do whatever it takes to keep you by my side, I will not hurt you, but your grandpa, Your mother, all your relatives, I can use them to threaten you, it's very simple, isn't it? You can't refuse, right? "

Nakiri Erina rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, I don't want to use your family to threaten you, but Erina, I also don't want you to leave me, so I can only make a bad move. I promise that as long as you don't leave me, I will never do anything to your family! "

Walking in front of Nakiri Erina, Mu Bai embraced Nakiri Erina.

In the past, Mubai would be indecisive and have a bottom line, but Freya is constantly subtly influencing her to let Mubai accept her truer self in her heart. The previous Mubai would not be able to treat Nakiri Erina because of the moral bottom line. do this kind of thing.

But it's different now, the current Mubai's moral bottom line is very low!

With power comes ambition, and with the expansion of ambition, the moral bottom line in the heart will be continuously compressed!

Today's Mubai always thinks about how to get it, not about losing it!

A burst of pain came from his shoulder, and he didn't need to look to know that it was Nakiri Erina who did it.

With the smell of blood spreading from her mouth, Nakiri Erina finally couldn't let her heart down.

He let go of his mouth and looked at the bloody place on Mu Bai's shoulder.

"Why not elementalize."

"Because it's not necessary, I owe you this, but only this time, Erina!"

Looking at Nakiri Erina with her own blood on her lips, she wiped her fingers on Nakiri Erina's lips, and the original cherry blossom-colored lips became brighter because of Mu Bai's blood, and Mu Bai looked at that Bright lips, just lower your head to start plundering!

After a long time, Mu Bai let go of Nakiri Erina.

"You're an asshole!"

Mu Bai smiled.

"I never deny that I have been from the very beginning, but now I have become even more hateful. The three views of ethics and morality have only become my bottom line, and cannot restrain me. I will always become stronger and stronger. Strong, just not to lose you!"

The eldest lady who has never been in a relationship before met this kind of scumbag when she first fell in love, and this scumbag couldn't escape, which made Nakiri Erina have the urge to cry.

Freya held a glass of red wine and looked at Mu Bai from a distance, the smile on the corner of her mouth spread involuntarily, she saw, Mu Bai's soul, through the filthy gap that wrapped the soul, Freya finally saw that A corner of the soul!

"It's still a little short, it's still a little short of the last, Sword Lady, Ais Wallenstein!"

Freya whispered to herself softly.

Mu Bai's soul, which was originally wrapped in heavy filth, is now gradually peeling off, and now Freya can already see a corner of the soul wrapped in heavy filth.

The seeds planted in Mu Bai's heart over the past year are gradually taking root and sprouting!

As a god who is hundreds of millions of years old, Freya's calculations are beyond Mu Bai's perception.

From the first meeting, to recognizing Mu Bai as his brother-in-law, to helping Mu Bai become stronger after arriving, and letting Mu Bai embark on the road of becoming stronger little by little, all this is just to see Mu Bai clearly. soul.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Freya doesn't have feelings for Mu Bai, on the contrary, it's because the feelings are too hot, so Freya can guide Mu Bai to realize his real self and let Mu Bai understand what he wants!

067 In the distance, Mu Bai said to Nakiri Erina: "Of course, if you really hate me, then please pray and let me die in this disaster."

Mu Bai clearly noticed that the body in his arms became stiff.

"I don't allow you to die, do you understand?"

Looking up at Mu Bai, there was resentment and anger in those purple eyes, but there was no hatred in them.

"Even if I want to die, I have to wait until I surpass you, then I will humiliate you severely and then dump you. I don't care if you die or not!"

"As long as you don't want me to die, then I will never die. For those who still love me, I hope that you will be one of the people who love me!"

If it wasn't one of them, Nakiri Erina felt that she would be happy, but now Nakiri Erina wanted to kill Mubai!

"Fuck off!"

Pushing Mu Bai away, Nakiri Erina expressed that she didn't want to pay attention to Mu Bai.

"Then I'm on my way."

After hesitating for a while, Nakiri Erina said to Mu Bai: "Don't die!"

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