Grindelwald's cheeks twitched slightly, and after a long silence, he said, Grindelwald is a genius, yes, but facing Mu Bai, Grindelwald is not a genius, but Mubai just needs to read it once You can use the spell.

"Albus, you have collected all of Tom's Horcruxes."

"Except for Nagini, the remaining horcruxes of "[-]" have been collected."

"Nagini? Haven't seen each other for decades, she should have become..."

"Blood Curse Orc, the most vicious curse in the world."

Both Dumbledore and Grindelwald fell into silence, both of them recalled the events from decades ago, but Gellert suddenly said: "Albus, go beg That child may have a chance to make up for everything."

Dumbledore looked at Mu Bai who was practicing the spell with a smile on his face and said, "You're right."

In fact, Mu Bai had already heard the conversation between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Putting away his wand, Mubai said to Dumbledore and Grindelwald: "Professor Dumbledore, about getting rid of the curse, maybe you can try this, this is the potion I got in the last world, this kind The potion can remove the curse."

Mu Bai took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to Dumbledore.

"Of course, I don't guarantee whether it will be useful, or whether there will be any negative effects."

Mu Bai took out his wand again and pressed it against his temple, twitching a ray of silver-white memory, and extracted his own memory with a magic Legilimency, his own memory will not disappear, it is equivalent to copying Just one copy.

After watching Mu Bai's memories, Dumbledore and Grindelwald were a little envious of Bai.

"The dungeon, and the gods, are so amazing."

Dumbledore said.

At this moment, a black curtain suddenly floated in from outside Nurmengard.

Grindelwald's complexion changed slightly.


Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald.

"The person Mubai wanted us to find, the Witch Party found one, but now the other party has been controlled by the Magic Congress of the Free Country, and even the Magic Congress of the Free Country used Veritaserum and Legilimency on that girl. Think about the means of waiting."

Grindelwald knew very well what the consequences would be if he said this, but because of his unbreakable vow with Mubai, Grindelwald had no choice but to say it.

Grindelwald had a headache instantly, Grindelwald knew very well what would happen next, Mubai would not just let it go, Mubai not only wanted to save people, but also wanted revenge!

The time spent with Mubai gave Grindelwald a good understanding of Mubai.

Mu Bai won't get angry easily, but once Mu Bai gets angry, then you'd better pray that your life is hard enough.

"who is it?"

Mu Bai was not angry because of this, or Mu Bai would not let his anger show!

"That white-haired girl, according to what you said, her name is Nakiri Alice!"

Boom! ! !

There was a thunderclap in the sky!

Although Mu Bai was able to control his anger, but that anger turned into thunder.

"Grindelwald, lend me your voodoo party."

"if you need."

Dumbledore looked at Mu Bai and sighed and begged, "I implore you, don't cause too much damage, don't expose the magic world."

"Dumbledore, you have to pray that those people don't hurt Nakiri Alice. I can tell you very clearly that if those people in the Magic Council do something stupid, then I will let the entire Magic Council be buried with them."

Dumbledore closed his eyes and sighed, but he didn't say much. Dumbledore knew that now he could only pray that the members of the Magic Council didn't really do the worst thing. …

But Dumbledore understood what kind of people those people in the Magic Council of the Free Country were. They definitely not only used Veritaserum Potion but also Legilimency.

They even dissected and studied Alice Nakiri. Once the matter really developed to this point, no one could stop Mu Bai from going berserk.

Both Dumbledore and Grindelwald knew about Mubai's small shortcoming, that is, he had no resistance to female sex, but it was a good thing for Dumbledore and Grindelwald. A guy who understands feelings, at least Mubai understands what love is, and Mubai doesn't have much desire to destroy, nor is he interested in power and money, but just likes beautiful women, which is really great.

Even Dumbledore and Grindelwald were thinking about whether to send some women to Mubai.

And this Nakiri Alice is not just Mubai's sister-in-law, if Mubai has no idea about this sister-in-law, Grindelwald and Dumbledore will not believe it.

"Then please prepare the Portkey for me."

After Mu Bai finished speaking, he went to prepare. He knew that the next battle would be a difficult one. Mu Bai's opponent this time was a country as a unit!

It is best to prepare for the need to recharge your batteries.

The magic in this world can have an effect on Mubai.

Grindelwald and Dun 4.9 Bullido have used spells such as fainting and petrification on Mubai. The result is that it is effective on Mubai. Unless Mubai is elementalized in advance, otherwise it will not be triggered by magic. Passive elementalization.

"Of course there is no problem, but you still have to stay in this world for ten years, so don't make too much trouble."

"It's not up to me."

Mu Bai glanced at Grindelwald and said.

What else could Grindelwald say, he could only wave his hand, and countless black curtains floated out the next moment.

This is the magic developed by Grindelwald, which can convey the message Grindelwald wants to convey through the veil.

The voodoo party soon got the same message.

Free country, Magic Congress!

For a moment, countless wizards rushed towards the free country! .

112 Voodoo leader, black veil over New York

Free country, in a secret room of the Magic Congress.

Nakiri Alice curled up and hugged her legs in the corner. At this moment, Nakiri Alice remembered what Nakiri Erina once said to herself: "Do you understand what despair is?"

The former Nakiri Alice did not understand, but now Nakiri Alice understands, and now Nakiri Alice is already in the abyss of despair.

"Help, save me."

Nakiri Alice murmured to herself, and her spirit had already begun to collapse.

However, at this moment, a ray of light shot through the abyss of despair, and a hand pulled Nakiri Alice out of despair.


This voice made Nakiri Alice, who was already on the verge of mental breakdown, see the person in front of her clearly.


"Well, I'm here, let you just wait, my princess!"

Hearing this sentence, Nakiri Alice burst into tears with all her grievances.

Holding Nakiri Alice in his arms, Mu Bai gently patted Nakiri Alice's back.

After a long time, Nakiri Alice finally got tired of crying, and then fell asleep in 08 Mubai's arms.

Looking at the sleeping Nakiri Alice, endless coldness flashed in Mu Bai's eyes.

Mubai will not forget everything that Nakiri Alice has encountered now, and Mubai will make the Magic Council of the Free Country pay the price!

"We should go boy."

Grindelwald walked in, looked at Mu Bai who was hugging Alice and said, "Let's go."

Even though he has the anger to destroy everything in his heart, Mu Bai is still calm, the uncontrollable anger will only make him a fatal weakness!

From Freya, Freya taught Mu Bai to face his own desires.

Here in Grindelwald, Grindelwald taught Mu Bai what elegance is.

Be classy no matter what!

And being dazzled by anger is obviously not elegant.

Picking up Alice Nakiri, Mubai and Grindelwald quickly left and came to a certain manor in the free country.


An elderly man looked at Grindelwald with excitement in his eyes.

"I haven't seen each other for decades, old Worley, I still remember when I let you stay in the free country, I hope you can control the Magic Council of the free country for me in the future, but unfortunately... I failed in the end, thank you for your hard work, My old friend, I'm glad you're still willing to fight for me!"

"Always, always, master, I have been waiting for your order. I don't know if I can wait until this day, but I have been waiting."

Mu Bai embraced Nakiri Alice, and said to Grindelwald, "Please arrange a room for me first, and then find some therapists."

Grindelwald smiled and said, "Don't worry, kid, she's fine, I promise you."

The old Wo Lei on the side looked at Mubai, and then hesitated a little whether he should ask who Mubai is.

"Old Worley, my child is a little anxious, so please help him arrange it first."

"Yes, Master."

Soon one room was arranged, Mu Bai put Nakiri Alice on the bed and covered the quilt, then gave Nakiri Alice a bottle of panacea and a potion to lift the curse, and then left Room.

Grindelwald had already told his subordinate Mubai's identity completely.

After Mu Bai came out, Grindelwald asked, "Are you interested in inheriting the Wuzi Party?"

"The Witch Party has always been Grindelwald's Witch Party. It is impossible for anyone to inherit the Witch Party. The Witch Party will only gather under Grindelwald's command, and the Witch Party will only have one master, that is Grindelwald."

Grindelwald raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and shook his head at Mubai in front of him: "As long as you are willing, and you only need to answer me, are you willing?"

Staring at Grindelwald, Mu Bai asked Grindelwald: "Are you not worried about releasing a demon? Power is a kind of poison. Once it is contaminated, it is difficult to quit. Dumbledore is not Don't want me to be too enthused about power, you seem to disagree with him."

"Albus should not impose his own ideas on others. As long as you are willing, you will become the new master of the voodoo party."

"What about the price?"

"For the sake of wizards, the living space for wizards is getting smaller and smaller, and you may be the one who can change all of this, which is also good for you, isn't it? The better your performance, the more attention you will receive. "

Grindelwald's words caused Mu Bai to fall into silence. In the dungeon of the first world, Mu Bai almost single-handedly raised the level of adventurers, and made the gods have a feeling for adventurers in other worlds. expect.

That's why Mu Bai entered the eyes of the world consciousness, and gave Mu Bai the reward of being able to return to the past world, but if this world is switched on, then. . .Can I still be favored by the world consciousness?

Mu Bai understood Grindelwald a little bit.

"Are you helping me?"

"I'm helping myself too, and I have a lot of responsibility for Ariana's death."

"So, how do you get those voodoo party to submit to me?"

 097 "Surrender? No, it is to follow. The voodoo party has never surrendered to me, but to follow me. They follow me voluntarily for our common ideals. Even though they call me master, I always regard them as Like-minded companion."

Mubai looked at Grindelwald and understood, no matter what Grindelwald said was true or not, but one thing cannot be changed, that is Grindelwald is indeed very charismatic.

"Then, if you want to come, you should have arranged for me."

"Of course, my disciple, the disciple who has inherited everything from me!"

Mu Bai looked at Grindelwald expressionlessly and said, "I suspect you are taking advantage of me."

Grindelwald laughed.

"Is there a problem? Albus and I taught your magic, so there's nothing wrong with saying you're my student, isn't there?"

Mu Bai didn't mean to be angry about this.

"So how is the voodoo party going?"

"All voodoo parties who are still willing to follow me have arrived."

Grindelwald looked at Mubai.

Mu Bai raised the magic wand in his hand, and the next moment, a pitch-black curtain was launched from the magic wand in Mu Bai's hand into the sky, and the next moment, black curtains began to float across New York.

113 Proud Maid, Cassandra Worley

This black curtain can only be seen by wizards with magic power, and those Muggles without magic power cannot see these curtains at all.

"Then, let me see how many people are willing to follow you."

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