Facing these people present, Mu Bai still put his hands behind his back and asked these wizards present.

"Do you want to survive, or do you want to enslave those Muggles."


The last wizard whispered, and then there were people. At the beginning, the rest of the wizards were not hiding, and they spoke out their thoughts. The idea of ​​these wizards changed from being ruled by wizards to surviving without being discovered by Muggles. Or co-exist with Muggles!

"Then, after this incident, after witnessing my strength, offer your loyalty to me. I will lead you to survive. You don't have to worry about being squeezed by Muggles, and you don't have to worry about wizards being exposed to Muggles. A massive witch hunt took place."

Mu Bai raised his magic wand and pointed at the sky, the next moment a thunderstorm sounded, a cloud of plasma appeared in the sky, and thunder and lightning continuously fell to the ground and the building.

As Mu Bai waved his magic wand as if conducting a symphony orchestra, the huge mass of plasma above the sky radiated thunder and lightning.


A lightning bolt as thick as a water tank separated from the plasma and bombarded the Woolworth Building, and the Woolworth Building collapsed on top of the lightning bolt!


A tall building of more than 50 meters collapsed instantly under this thunderstorm.

If the wizards of the Witchcraft Party hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that Mubai was so powerful, even if it was Grindelwald and Dumbledore, could their weather spells reach this level?

This question appeared in the minds of the wizards of the Wuzi Party, but soon a big X was marked in their hearts.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald can't do this kind of thing.

Because the building collapsed, the wizards in the Magic Congress escaped one after another.

"You have only one mission, do your best to kill these wizards from the Magic Congress, can you do it?"

Hearing Mubai's words, the wizards of the Witchcraft Party looked at each other one by one, and then one by one made up their minds, picked up their wands and thought about the wizards of the Magic Congress to launch an attack.

Cassandra beside Mubai looked at Mubai, her small mouth unconsciously opened into an O-shape, she finally realized that the previous Mubai was just playing with her, if Mubai really did something, then she would have It means that those who are already dead cannot die again, even if you give yourself a few years, can you reach Mu Bai's current level?

Such a question arose in Cassandra's heart.

However, Cassandra quickly rejected this idea. Cassandra didn't think she could catch up with this level of weather spell!

I am not as good as Mu Bai!

After this idea appeared in Cassandra's mind, those thoughts in Cassandra's heart that wanted to catch up with Mubai all disappeared. When working hard for something that can be achieved, it is called persistence, but if Working hard for something that is absolutely impossible to accomplish is called wasting life!

However, although Cassandra gave up the idea of ​​chasing Mu Bai, Cassandra absolutely did not have the idea of ​​giving up on herself. Since she can't catch up with Mu Bai, at least she must be able to see Mu Bai's back. Mu Bai threw himself so far that he couldn't see Mu Bai's back.

After making up her mind, Cassandra raised the magic wand in her hand and prepared to join the battle, but in the end she was pulled back by Mu Bai.

Mubai looked at Cassandra and said: "Miss Cassandra, I personally don't recommend you to participate in this kind of battle, otherwise even if you go to Hogwarts in Britain, you will still be in the same position." There is no escape."

"Among those Aurors, there are not only Aurors from the Free Country, but also Aurors from the Romantic Country and Britain. Once you do it, you will be wanted. Don't even think about going to a magic school. You are now a different person!"

"Okay, you just need to be a bystander, a witness, and I will take care of everything else."

Mubai's target is Samuel G. Kouhaug 097, and the rest are just incidental!

So Samuel G. Kouhaug naturally had to be killed by Mu Bai himself.

But what Mu Bai didn't expect was that the Free Country would invite the Aurors from the Romantic Country and the British Aurors to fight together, and Mu Bai also saw some 'familiar' people among the British Aurors.

Rufus Scrimgeour, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alastor Moody.

The reason why Mu Bai knew them was naturally because Mu Bai heard them talking, so Mu Bai knew these people.

"Let's go, Miss Cassandra, would you like to accompany me in to have a look?"

Looking at Cassandra in front of him, Mu Bai tilted his head to look at Cassandra.

Cassandra took Mu Bai's hand and said: "Don't think too much, I just think you will look more calm when you look like this, understand?"

"Yes, beautiful Miss Cassandra, then let's go, these Aurors outside will be handed over to the voodoo people to fight, and I have to find my target."

Looking at the remaining half of the building, Mu Bai sneered.

Samuel G. Kouhaug, here I come, are you ready to die? .

118 As long as you surrender fast enough, you will never defeat me

As the headquarters of the Magic Congress, the Woolworth Building was naturally cast with countless magics, but it was a pity to meet Mu Bai, a guy who didn't talk about martial arts.

Is this a weather spell?

Yes, but it's not just a weather spell!

This is the weather spell superimposed with the ability of the thunder fruit. Mu Bai used the weather spell to summon the thunder cloud, and then activated the thunder fruit with very little energy consumption.

After the two phases are superimposed, the power of this weather spell is so great.

It was as if a king was walking on the red carpet of his enthronement, and on both sides of Mubai were fighting voodoo parties and Aurors. Cassandra was holding Mubai's hand, but she was faintly excited in her heart.

Unconsciously, he looked at the man who was holding his arm!

"Samuel G. Kouhaug, the director of the Auror Office of the Magic Council, Rufus Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office of Britain, and then the director of the Auror Office of this romantic country... What's your name? with?"

Hearing Mu Bai's words, the director of the Auror's office in the Romantic Kingdom turned pale immediately.

Why do you know the names of Rufus Scrimgeour and Samuel G. Kouhaug, but you don't know them when you come to me?

You fucking are discriminatory.

"I'm sorry, the wizards of the romantic country are really not on the stage, so I don't know much about the romantic country, I'm really sorry."

The director of the Auror office in Romantic Country was so angry that he almost had a brain hemorrhage.

Mu Bai ignored him, but looked at Samuel G. Kouhaug.

"You pay for everything you do, and now is the time for you to pay, Samuel G. Kouhaug."

Samuel G. Kouhaug is a typical free countryman, arrogant, arrogant, and not allowing others to resist, just like I killed your whole family and you have to thank me.

Mu Bai looked at the directors of the Auror offices in Britain and Romance.

"Take your people and leave. I came here only for revenge. Don't let Britain and Romance get involved, or do you want me to cast such a weather spell on your country when the time comes~‖?"

Mu Bai raised the magic wand in his hand, and the huge plasma body above the sky suddenly dropped countless currents.

Samuel G. Kouhaug, Rufus Scrimgeour, and the director of the Auror office in Romance immediately ran away in embarrassment. In fact, they wanted to use Apparation at first, But Mu Bai has already used the anti-apparition spell here, if not, would Mu Bai really just stand at the door and chat about ideals with those shamans?

After discovering that he couldn't apparate, he could only roll around in embarrassment.

It's not that they haven't thought about using the Iron Armor Curse to protect themselves, but the idea was thrown away in an instant. They are not stupid. The building of the Magic Congress just now was blown down by the lightning, and their Iron Armor Curse can block this. lightning?

Dumbledore is here, maybe it's still possible!

Mu Bai looked with interest at the three Auror office directors who were rolling and crawling to avoid the lightning attack of the weather spell.

Mu Bai was not in a hurry to kill Samuel G. Kouhaug, like a cat playing with a mouse, he slowly played with him to death, so that he could retaliate against the torture he had done to Alice!

Mu Bai even suspected that if he went a little later, Nakiri Alice would become a psychopath.

How could Mu Bai, who had already regarded Nakiri Alice as his own confinement, be indifferent to these things that Nakiri Alice encountered?

The director of the Auror office in Romantic Country is really regretful now. He would never have come if he knew this would happen. He wanted to gain a wave of prestige when he heard the voodoo party reappeared.

After all, decades have passed, and the members of the voodoo party have become old-fashioned guys, so he, the ambitious Auror office director, wanted to bring people to gain a wave of prestige and run for himself in the future. Ministers increase their merits, but who knew it would be like this!

If he had known that the situation would be like this, he would not have brought Aurors here if he was killed, and if any Aurors died here, then he would have to bear the blame in the future!

Also holding this idea is Rufus Scrimgeour, head of the British Auror Office.

He also scolded that trash Fudge thoroughly in his heart. He was opposed to bringing Aurors to support the Magic Congress, but that trash Fudge, in order to increase his prestige, was forced to secure his position as Minister of Magic. Rufus Scrimgeour was ordered to bring Aurors to support the Magic Council.

Samuel G. Kouhaug felt equally uncomfortable in his heart, but at this moment it was useless to say anything. Samuel G. Kouhaug knew that he had only one choice, defeating Mubai!

Only defeating Mu Bai today will be the end!

Of course there is another way, but this way is the death of the culprit, Samuel G. Kouhaug!

Just counting on Samuel G. Kouhaug's suicide to end this matter, it is better to let the Aurors present die directly.

People are selfish, and people like Samuel G. Kouhaug were even more selfish.

"` "For the last time, are you two going to leave, or are you going to stay and eliminate my evil? "

The director of the Auror office in Romance changed his face several times, and then said, "I'll go."

Samuel G. Kouhaug suddenly shouted: "No!"

The former Samuel G. Kouhaug felt that the Aurors of Britain and the Aurors of Romance were here to gain merit and reputation, but now Samuel G. Kouhaug understands the relationship between Romance and Romance. No (No Zhao) If the Aurors of Britain leave, the chances of winning on their side will be even smaller.

However, the one in Romantic Country ignored Samuel G. Kouhaug and directly picked up his wand, thinking that a firework was fired from the sky. Those Aurors in Romantic Country immediately understood what it was after seeing the fireworks. What's the meaning.

Learn about the Romantic National Military Salute, this is too familiar.

For these Aurors, if they can't beat them, they will surrender. There is no need to risk their own lives, and they are still fighting for others!

So after seeing the fireworks, the Aurors of Romance immediately retreated.

The wizards of the Witchcraft Party laughed at the same scene when they saw this scene. Didn’t these romantic country wizards behave in the same way when Grindelwald gave a speech in Paris?

As long as I surrender fast enough, you will never be able to defeat me!

Samuel G. Kouhaug almost vomited blood, and then looked at Rufus Scrimgeour! .

119 Immunized Avada Kedavra

Rufus Scrimgeour didn't even look at the other party, and directly raised his wand to his throat: "The Aurors of Britain stop and leave with me."

After Rufus Scrimgeour finished speaking, the British Aurors also stopped. Even Alastor Moody, a lunatic, gave up directly, fighting for these free country wizards, for the Magic Congress?

Don't be kidding, if it is for Britain, then Alastor Moody will fight to the death, but for the Magic Congress of the Free State, sorry, Alastor Moody is not a fool.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Samuel G. Kouhaug almost vomited blood. It would be better not to come to these wastes from the Romantic Kingdom and Britain. At least if they don’t come, they won’t withdraw from the Aurors that affect the Magic Congress.

Now, with the retreat of the Aurors from Romance and Britain, the morale of the Aurors in the Magic Congress has dropped to the lowest level.

Seeing that the Aurors of the Magic Congress were about to retreat because of the Aurors of Romance and Freedom, Samuel G. Kouhaug knew that if he didn't do something, he would really die. .

This damned monster is so powerful at such a young age. If he hadn't peeked into Mubai's strength from Alice Nakiri's memory, Samuel G. Kouhaug would have doubted whether this Mubai was Grindel. Waugh in disguise.

097 "Avada Kedavra!"

Samuel G. Kouhaug suddenly aimed his wand at Rufus Scrimgeour and the two directors of the Auror office in Romance, and killed these two people here and blamed Mubai, then Romance and the Aurors of Britain cannot retreat.

And it can also cause Romance and Britain to hate Mubai and Wuzi Party.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Samuel G. Kouhaug was a little proud, but it was a pity that Samuel G. Kouhaug forgot one thing. Mu Bai would not allow Samuel G. Kouhaug to give these two people killed.

Samuel G. Kouhaug used the death curse, but he couldn't hit anyone. Whether it was Rufus Scrimgeour or the one from Romance, two stones suddenly appeared in front of them to help The opponent blocked Samuel G. Kouhaug's death curse, and the two of them were instantly drenched in cold sweat.

"Gentlemen, now is not the time to keep watching, if you don't want to be cursed by Samuel G. A Samuel G. Kouhaug is casting a death curse on you."

Mu Bai's words aroused the anger of Rufus Scrimgeour.

"Samuel G. Kouhaug!!!"

The director of the Auror office in Romantic Land roared directly.

Samuel G. Kouhaug immediately woke up with this roar, and realized what he had just done. For a moment, Samuel G. Kouhaug panicked.

"Eld, wait a minute, it's the Imperius Curse, he must have used the Imperius Curse on me."

Samuel G. Kouhaug hurriedly made an excuse for himself, but Rufus Scrimgeour said with a sneer: "Samuel G. Kouhaug, you think you can lie Did you kill us? Imperius Curse? Don't use it sooner or later, when we were about to leave, you were controlled by the Imperius Curse and used the Death Curse on us."

Mu Bai looked at Samuel G. Kouhao and said meaningfully: "The Imperius Curse, then why don't you try the Imperius Curse? As the director of the Auror office, you probably haven't experienced the Imperius Curse before." Let's use the Imperius Curse, I heard that people who have received the Imperius Curse will feel a sense of happiness."

Mu Bai raised the wand in his hand, but because of nervousness, Samuel G. Kouhaug screamed when he saw Mu Bai raised the wand, then picked up the wand in his hand and used it at Mu Bai cast a death curse.

"Avada Kedavra."

The green light shot towards Mubai in an instant, and Mubai did not dodge or dodge, the next moment the green light directly hit (aiej) Mubai, but it had no effect.

"Impossible, how is it possible, why didn't my death curse kill you."

Seeing Mu Bai receiving the Death Curse head-on, Samuel G. Kouhaug yelled directly.

Cassandra beside Mu Bai also screamed.

"Do you have something to do, why don't you drive more!"

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