"And how much better do you think you can get?"

No one in him can easily express 4.9.

In the end, Lucius Malfoy gritted his teeth suddenly: "I am willing to join the voodoo party, your will is my mission!"

Kane Shafik, Caroy Parkinson, and Penon Foley all looked at Lucius Malfoy in surprise. They never thought that Lucius Malfoy would directly swear to Mubai Allegiance!

However, the other three people who immediately reacted also looked at Mu Bai and swore allegiance to Mu Bai!

In the memory of the Pensieve, they not only saw the story about this world being just an aunt, they also saw the plan prepared by Mu Bai, a great and crazy plan, and it was exactly this plan Let them make up their minds to follow Mu Bai, everything is for the greater good! .

132 The World of the Scholar, Hermione's Talent

Time passed quickly, and it was already the time when Hogwarts started school. Mu Bai took Nakiri Alice on the Hogwarts Express early, and it was still a box.

Although Mubai himself didn't care, Robert Greengrass arranged such a box for Mubai. Don't think that the Hogwarts Express ticket is free, the Hogwarts Express ticket is indeed for those troubled It’s free for Wizards of Melon, but the young wizards of those wizard families can only buy tickets by themselves.

After all, it takes a lot of time and energy to maintain such a magic train!

Naturally, it is impossible to be free and not charge money, so those pure-blood wizards or little wizards from wizard families will have to charge for the ticket.

Nakiri Alice sat on Mubai's lap and nestled in Mubai's arms: "Do you think Erina will be angry when we look like this?"

"Alice, you look like a bit of green tea, be good, don't be green tea!"

Hearing Mu Bai's words, Nakiri Alice glared at Mu Bai angrily, expressing ahh at this incomprehensible man Nakiri Alice.

But thinking about it like this, Nakiri Alice has not let go of Mu Bai, and is still nestled in Mu Bai's arms.

At this time, there was a knock on the carriage door, and then the carriage door opened, and Cassandra was dressed in an exquisite Hogwarts school uniform. Cassandra walked in from the outside and saw Mubai and Alice. The two of them snorted angrily with their intimate appearance.

"Cassandra, here you come."

Mu Bai doesn't mind Cassandra's behavior, it's not important.

"Can you two restrain yourself a little?"

Cassandra said a little jealously.

"No need, I'm very honest about my own desires!"

"Aren't you proud of that?"

Cassandra was speechless, isn't this guy quite proud?

"Of course, not everyone can face the desires in their hearts honestly, but I can face the desires in my heart calmly. I don't need to be ashamed of the desires in my heart, and I can face my desires calmly. And working hard for it is worthy of pride and admiration, but it took a whole year for a goddess to let me remember and learn this truth."


"Freya the Goddess of Beauty, my righteous sister!"

Cassandra looked at Mubai with a look of whether you are sick or not. There is no god in the world of wizards.

Mu Bai smiled and said nothing to Cassandra, not bothering about this issue: "Okay, you can come in now, I think Miss Cassandra, you don't want to stand at the door either. .”

Mubai Cassandra walked into the carriage gracefully with a blank look, and then closed the door.

Nakiri Alice glanced at Cassandra, then greeted Cassandra with a smile: "Cassandra, I haven't seen you for a month."

Cassandra just nodded lightly in response to Alice Nakiri's greeting, but this was not because Cassandra had any opinion on Alice Nakiri, it was just that Cassandra's character was like this.

Nakiri Alice got down from Mu Bai's body with a smile, and then pulled Cassandra to sit opposite Mu Bai, watching the two girls chattering there, and Mu Bai was sitting on them. looking across at them.

After a while, the door of the carriage was knocked again.

After Mubai said please come in, the door of the carriage was opened, and Hermione Granger stood at the door of the carriage and looked inside the carriage.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Miss Granger, please come in."

Hermione glanced at Mubai, and then looked at Nakiri Alice and Cassandra in the carriage.

"Thanks for your invitation."

After Hermione walked into the carriage, she put an invitation letter in her hand on the table inside the carriage.

It was the invitation letter that Mu Bai sent to Hermione before school started.

"But I'm curious how you know where my home is."

Hearing Hermione's inquiry, Mu Bai smiled and said, "It's just a small trick, of course it's legal."

"Okay, now please come in and sit down!"

Hermione looked at the vacant seat next to Mubai, hesitated for a while, but then walked into the carriage, closed the door of the carriage and sat beside Mubai.

"Speaking of this month, Hermione, you shouldn't have wasted time, right, how many spells you have mastered now."

How could Mu Bai not understand the character of Hermione, a top student? It was almost certain that Hermione would definitely forget to sleep and eat during this month's study.

As soon as Mu Bai discussed this Hermione, she immediately became interested: "I don't have many spells, only lighting spells, restoration spells, petrification spells, levitation spells, unlocking spells and so on. , I haven't mastered the rest of the spells yet."

Cassandra couldn't help showing astonishment when she heard what Hermione said. Cassandra guessed that Hermione was a Muggle wizard, but Cassandra never expected that Hermione would She actually learned several spells by relying on self-study. Although these spells are only elementary spells, being able to learn these spells by relying on self-study shows that the talent of the Muggle witch in front of her is absolutely top-notch. .

Cassandra looked at Mubai.

He already knew?

Cassandra did not believe that Mubai invited Hermione Granger just because Hermione Granger was cute. After all, if Mubai was willing, countless voodoo parties could find more for Mubai. There are cute girls of all ages, but Mu Bai obviously didn't do this.

Nakiri Alice also looked at Hermione in surprise and said incredulously: "I have mastered so many spells, and I have only mastered a few in this month."

Mu Bai glanced at Nakiri Alice, then raised his brows and said, "Have you forgotten what you've been doing this month, every day is fishing for fish, if those few spells you mastered If I hadn't forced you to learn, you wouldn't be able to learn the few spells you have now.".

133 Patronus Charm, Lion Patronus

Hearing that Mu Bai actually exposed her background, Nakir Alice looked at Mu Bai angrily.

"Idiot, Mu Bai, you are an idiot!"

Nakiri Alice looked at Mu Bai childishly with the expression that I am angry, come and coax me.

"Okay, don't be angry, let me teach you an interesting spell."

"Interesting spell?"

Alice looked at the puzzled expression in Mu Bai's eyes, Mu Bai smiled and nodded, then raised his magic wand: "Call God to protect you!"

From the tip of Mubai's wand, a silver-white mist spewed out immediately, and then the silver-white mist formed a lion. Fortunately, the space in this box is large enough to accommodate them. A patron saint lion!

Nakiri Alice looked at the lion in front of her with sparkling eyes, and her eyes were full of excitement. Cassandra widened her eyes at once, but quickly accepted it. She looked at Mubai and said, "If it is If someone else used the Patronus Charm, I would be very surprised, after all, this is not a spell that should be learned at this age, but if it was you, then I would be able to understand the Patronus Charm."

Hermione asked Cassandra curiously: "Is this spell very difficult?"

Perhaps it was because of Hermione's talent, so her attitude towards Hermione Cassandra was not so arrogant. After hearing Hermione's inquiry, Cassandra explained to Hermione: "The Patronus Charm is a wizard One of the most powerful and oldest defensive spells in the world, and also the most famous defensive spell, the difficulty of successfully casting the Patronus spell is extremely high, and the wizard needs to concentrate, think of the happiest thing in his heart, and say "Guardian Guardian" in his mouth Release the Patronus Charm, and only a few wizards can summon a Patronus with a complete form through the Patronus Charm. There are not many wizards in the entire wizarding world who have summoned this lifelike lion Patronus like Mu Bai~‖ .”

Hearing Cassandra's answer, Hermione looked at the lifelike silver-white lion with shock in her eyes.

Only a few people in the entire wizarding world can summon the Patronus?

Mu Bai, a student who has not yet entered school, has managed to do it. Is the gap between himself and Mu Bai so big?

For a moment, Hermione felt a sense of decadence in her heart. Is she so much worse than Mu Bai?

"This spell is actually not difficult to learn. To learn this spell, you only need to have happy things in your heart. The happier you are, the easier it is to use this spell. Then Alice and Hermione, You can all try it, and of course you can try Cassandra, think of the happiest thing in your heart and then say the name of this spell, call God to protect you!"

Following Mu Bai's words, Hermione hesitated for a while before trying.

Raising the wand in her hand, Hermione thought about her happy things and got a perfect score in the exam, and then called out the name: "Call God to protect you!"

However, nothing happened. No, it cannot be said that nothing happened. Some silver-white mist emitted from the wand, but it dissipated quickly.

Nakiri Alice looked at Mubai dubiously, and then I myself raised the wand in my hand, thinking about my happiest thing for the next moment, then Nakiri Alice recited the spell: "Call God to protect you!"

The next moment, a cloud of silvery steam appeared in the air!

There was astonishment in Cassandra's eyes, and Hermione looked at Nakiri Alice with the same astonishment. Doubt and incomprehension flashed in Alice's eyes.

"The happier you are in your heart, the easier it is to use this patron saint."

As if understanding the surprise and shock of Cassandra and Hermione, Mu Bai explained the reason to these two people.

Hermione and Cassandra both looked at Nakiri Alice.

"Alice, what were you thinking about just now?"

Hearing the question, Nakiri Alice subconsciously looked at Mu Bai who was opposite.

Well, this time Cassandra understood, and looking at Mu Bai's face, she couldn't help recalling the memories of herself and Mu Bai before the Magic Congress.

Then Cassandra subconsciously took out her wand and began to use the spell.

"Call God Guard!"

Seeing the silvery-white spirit protruding from Cassandra's wand, Hermione was in a bad mood. Didn't it mean that the Patronus Charm was difficult to learn?

Why are there two in front of me now? I suspect you are lying to me!

Hermione looked at Cassandra with the eyes of are you lying to me, but a blush flashed across Cassandra's face and said, "`" It's like what Mubai said is just happier Just happy. "

Hermione looked at Cassandra: "Then tell me, what is the happiness in your heart!"

Nakiri Alice looked at Hermione with a smirk and said, "I guess, the happy things in Cassandra's heart must have something to do with Mubai."

When Cassandra heard that Nakiri Alice was teasing herself, she counterattacked angrily: "I guess you must be too!"

Nakiri Alice chuckled: "I didn't say no!"

Cassandra was speechless for a moment.

Hermione looked at Cassandra and Nakiri Alice suspiciously, obviously she didn't understand what the two of them meant.

"Come here and I'll tell you."

Nakiri Alice still looked puzzled when she saw Hermione, and immediately smirked and tickled Hermione.

Hermione leaned her head over, and Nakiri Alice leaned against Hermione's (better) ear and said to Hermione, "Because of love!"

Hermione's face turned red immediately after hearing this, and she blushed a lot!

Although she is only 11 years old now, Hermione said that there are already many girls in the school she attended before looking for boyfriends!

So, don't think Hermione knows nothing!

Nakiri Alice just said the reason and Hermione immediately understood it!

Hermione, flushed, looked at Alice and Cassandra.

"You, you..."

"We are all Mubai's girlfriends, yo claw!"

Nakiri Alice looked at Hermione with a smirk.

"And he's still eyeing you now, and wants you to be his girlfriend too. How about it, are you scared? But you can't escape, and he won't let you escape either."

Mu Bai: "...".

134 Spiritual magic, emotion-affecting magic

Hearing what Alice said, Hermione's face immediately turned red, while Mu Bai looked at Nakiri Alice with a helpless expression on her face.

Nakiri Alice was winking at Mubai, which made Mubai speechless, but Mubai did not deny that Hermione is very cute, but this is not the whole reason, and part of the reason is that Hermione will become Minister of the British Ministry of Magic, what does this mean?

This shows that Hermione has certain qualifications, and the future Hermione can manage this world instead of Mubai.

Mu Bai intends to establish a new order for this world, so naturally Mu Bai needs someone to manage this order.

In Mubai's opinion, Hermione is a pretty good candidate, and the person who replaces him to manage this world should naturally be the closest person around him. Of course, Cassandra is also one of the candidates, but Cassandra's His personality was too arrogant, so Mu Bai focused on Hermione.

Originally, Mubai planned to slowly cultivate the relationship with Hermione, but Mubai didn't think that Nakiri Alice would expose himself directly, so now Mubai seems to have no good way.

This is a real headache.

Looking at Hermione's flushed face, Mu Bai didn't hide anything, and directly told Hermione what he thought.

"Alice is right, Hermione, I like you, because I know you will be an excellent girl."

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