In the end, Mu Bai still decided not to accept God's grace!

"Is it because you don't want to accept my favor because you don't want to take off your clothes in front of me?"

Freya looked at Mu Bai angrily.

The corners of Mu Bai's mouth twitched and he looked at Freya in front of him and said, "I said, dear sister, can you stop being so ambiguous?"

"Is it ambiguous? You have given Riviera and the others to Huo Huo, do you still care about this ambiguity?"

There was an embarrassing expression on Mu Bai's face.

Mu Bai really has nothing to wash about this.

Because of the reason that he can come back, Mu Bai can be said to have completely let go of himself, and naturally he will not let Riveria and the others eat their mouthfuls.

It's just that as a price, Luo Ji was chasing Mu Bai with a sword some time ago, planning to kill Mu Bai.

Obviously, he was very angry at the fact that Mu Bai had eaten and wiped Ai Si clean.

Mu Bai really has nothing to justify.

"The reason why I don't want to accept Grace is because I always have a little doubt about the system of Grace. Of course, it's not that I don't trust my elder sister, it's just that I don't trust the god who developed this God's Grace."

Freya snorted softly when she heard Mu Bai's words, although she knew that Mu Bai was trying to quibble, but Freya didn't force Mu Bai either.

If you don't want to, you don't want to, and it's no big deal.

It's a pity, in fact, Freya didn't tell Mu Bai that if Mu Bai accepted the favor, even if he became a god, he would still be a god in this world.

This can be regarded as Freya's selfishness, she wants to keep her younger brother firmly by her side.

It's just that Mu Bai finally refused, and Freya could only express regret.

But Freya also respects Mu Bai's choice, and Freya doesn't want to force Mu Bai if he doesn't want to.

"So are you ready to leave now?"

After Freya gave birth to a lazy back, she asked, a week had passed, and she was afraid that her younger brother would also leave.

Mu Bai nodded, when he came to this world again, the same Mu Bai also received a task, but that task was easy for Mu Bai to complete, just to solve the floor owner of a certain floor in the dungeon, now It's really not difficult for Mu Bai to kill those floor masters.

So on the first day of his arrival, Mu Bai had already completed the task.

"Then go, 143, but remember to come back often to take a look, otherwise, sister, I will go to you in person, and when the time comes, I will teach you a bad brother a lesson."

Mu Bai, after hearing Freya's words, Mu Bai seemed to have noticed something, and was about to ask something, but at the next moment, a ray of light appeared under Mu Bai's feet, leading Mu Bai away and disappearing into Ola Korea.

Freya watched the beam of light shooting straight into the sky with a smile on her lips, Freya believed that Mubai would know what she meant.

In the real world, Mu Bai appeared in his family's mansion. Mu Bai glanced at the electronic clock hanging on the wall, and narrowed his eyes instantly!

Seven days have passed in Olalie, and seven days have passed in the same real world. The time of the two worlds is really synchronized.

Mu Bai found a letter on the table.

Mu Bai looked at the letter on the table with a slightly puzzled expression on his face, but it was only after reading the letter that Mu Bai suddenly realized.

It turned out that Erina and Alice were worried when they saw that they didn't come back right away. They had always wanted to wait here for their return, but suddenly some unexpected things happened, which caused Alice and Alice to come back together. Rina had to leave first.

148 Lord Level Monster

This letter records the reason why Alice and Erina left.

As for the reason for leaving, it was very simple. The monsters in the sea started to attack, and at the same time, the big snake inside Mount Fuji continued to expand its territory outside. Within a hundred miles of Mount Fuji, it had already turned into a piece of scorched earth!

So this time, all countries began to call on those pioneers to come out and destroy these monsters, and provide material rewards according to their merits. Erina and Alice were called to leave.

After all, if the patient doesn't care about it, this country may be destroyed, so although Alice and Erina were a little reluctant, they still left to destroy those monsters.

After all, this country is the country they live in. If something happens, they will be homeless, so it can be regarded as protecting their homeland. Erina and Alice can't help but watch. Those monsters destroy this country.

Mu Bai's domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge spread out, and then instantly enveloped the entire island country, and easily found Erina and Alice!

"Wan Lei!"

Suddenly Mu Bai let out a soft cry, and then countless dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky above the coast, and the next moment, the sky was full of blue thunderbolts falling.

Seeing the blue thunder, Alice and Erina immediately burst into smiles.

Those sea monsters who wanted to go ashore were all turned into ashes in the falling blue thunder, which made the pioneers who were already a little tired of dealing with the sea monsters breathe a sigh of relief.

Erina directly took out the phone and called Rang Mubai.

After the phone rang, it was connected, and Mu Bai's voice finally reached Erina's ears from the phone.

"I'm back. Let's deal with the seaside affairs. I've already solved most of them. A monster of the lord class will deal with it after cleaning up the Yamata no Orochi on Mount Fuji. Do you still have enough on your body? Potion~‖?"

"Don't worry, we all have enough medicine on us, and don't forget that Alice can also use healing spells, so there is nothing on our side."

In the entire defense line, Erina and Alice are undoubtedly the most beautiful cubs, there is no one else, just because they are too rich!

Drinking the panacea bottle after bottle like water made those other pioneers almost stare out their eyes, how envious they are!

You must know that a bottle of panacea is equivalent to an extra life, but the way Alice and Erina drink it makes people wish they could replace them.

Those adventurers strongly suspect that these two girls have monopolized all Olalie's panacea, so that other pioneers can't buy it.

On Mu Bai's side, he came to Mount Fuji!

This Mount Fuji, which should have been white-headed all year round, is now emitting black smoke, and the ground has become dry and cracked, and a fiery red light can be seen from the dry and cracked ground.

That is the light of the magma. In the crater on the top of Mount Fuji, a huge snake monster with eight heads is constantly rolling in the magma. According to Mu Bai's estimation, the opponent's strength should be at least LV5. Well, even LV6 is not out of the question.

"These monsters in the real world grow too fast."

Mu Bai couldn't help frowning, is the monster's strength growing so fast in the real world?

But Mu Bai knew that he couldn't continue to make this monster stronger, so he had to get rid of this monster as soon as possible.

Mu Bai took out the Elder Wand and then pointed to the sky, the next moment the clouds gathered in the sky of Mt. Fuji, and the white snow kept falling down after a while!

Moreover, the speed of this white snow falling is very fast, not long after, the entire Mount Fuji has been covered with a layer of white winter clothes. Obviously, this meteorological spell of Mu Bai also made eight people who were rolling in the magma in the crater The Qi snake found it.

After realizing that someone was provoking him, the lord immediately let out a roar, and then crawled out of the magma. He was bound to make the ant who provoked him pay the price!

This is exactly what Mu Bai wants to see. If this Yamata no Orochi has been hiding in the volcanic magma, Mu Bai has nothing to do with him, but if this Yamato no Orochi comes out, then hehe, sorry You must die!

Even with Mubai's current strength, fighting Yamata no Orochi in the magma is obviously a disadvantageous situation for himself, and if Yamato no Orochi can't win at that time, he can directly drill into the magma To run away, it is impossible for Mu Bai to also sneak in and chase after him.

So it is best to let this Yamato no Orochi run out.

Now that you're out, don't even think about going back.

Looking at the Yamato no Orochi coming out, Mu Bai waved the hand of the old wand in his hand lightly, and immediately the crater was smoothed out and turned into a piece of land after Yamato no Orochi came out.


Yamato no Orochi obviously didn't notice this, because Yamato no Orochi had already discovered his enemy, that enemy was standing in the sky at this moment

The eight heads actively opened their snake mouths towards Mu Bai, and all kinds of light gathered in the mouth of Yamato no Orochi. The next moment, flames, venom, wind blades, and earth thorns attacked Mu Bai above the sky.

Mu Bai wouldn't just stand there and wait for Yamata no Orochi's attack, disappear in an instant, and then appear not far away, stabbing Yamata no Orochi's body one by one while waving the old wand. It was pushed up, but it failed to pierce the hard scales of Yamato no Orochi.

Mu Bai doubted whether his Abada Kedavra Curse could kill this Yamato no Orochi.

A random Avada Kedavra was thrown out, but it had no effect after hitting some sparks on the scales of Yamato no Orochi.

"` "Firefire! "

The blue flame immediately rose from the ground and immediately surrounded Yamato no Orochi, and the blue flame kept burning the scales on Yamato no Orochi's body.

Although it doesn't burn people to ashes in an instant like burning humans, although the Yamato no Orochi is protected by scales, the scales on its body are constantly melting and peeling off under the scorching fire. Come down, once the scales on Yamato no Orochi completely fall off, then Yamato no Orochi will be finished.

149 Lord of the Ocean, the Arriving Mubai

Mu Bai is not in a hurry, now Mu Bai only needs to be on guard against Yamato no Orochi to escape.

Mu Bai knew that the Yamato no Orochi would not be dealt with so easily by himself, in fact, it was exactly as Mu Bai thought, the Yamato no Orochi had shed its skin, and it followed the Yamato no Orochi to shed its skin. Immediately wanted to drill into the ground.

Mu Bai shot a spell on the ground, and the ground suddenly turned into hard steel, it was Transfiguration again!

So things like Transfiguration are much easier to use than those black magics!

Wide practicability and convenient use.

Seeing that he had no way to escape, Yamato no Orochi showed a hideous look in its eight heads and sixteen eyes.

However, Mu Bai is not an idiot, how could he stay in the same place and let Yamata no Orochi attack him.

An illusion spell plus an apparition, and instantly disappeared in front of Yamato no Orochi. Next, Mubai only needs to use his knowledge and domineering future prediction to prevent Yaki no Orochi from escaping, and the rest is just waiting for Yamato no Orochi to escape. The big snake was completely burned to ashes by Fierce Fire.

Mu Bai was also surprised that this Yamato no Orochi had quite high magic defense, and was able to last so long under the Fierce Fire Curse.

However, this Yamato no Orochi was still unwilling and angry, and was burned to ashes under the blue Fierce Flame. What remained of 143 was only a purple magic stone that fell in front of Mu Bai.

Looking at this purple magic stone, Mu Bai waved his hand and put it away. Maybe this thing can find a way to use it, and the strength of this monster is much stronger than ordinary monsters. The magic stone The energy contained in it is also much more than other monsters.

"Then let's take a look at Erina next."

Putting the magic stone into the space of the ring, Mu Bai's figure disappeared instantly.

Under the knowledge-colored arrogance, Mu Bai can move to any place perceived by the knowledge-colored arrogance.

Coastal border defense!

Since those monsters landed on land from the sea, countries all over the world have begun to gather pioneers to establish a defense line!

After all, once those monsters break into the land, who knows what will happen?

Therefore, all these monsters must be blocked from the land, and these monsters cannot be allowed to land on the land.

Erina and Alice were also among those summoned this time. As the contribution No.2 last time, Alice also attracted the attention of many people, and Alice did not disappoint. Those monsters don't know how many corpses they left behind.

It is precisely because of this reason that although those people coveted the panacea possessed by Alice and Erina, they did not have the courage.

Compared with Alice, Erina is undoubtedly much inferior. Although Erina also mastered the six-style attack method, it is obviously not as good as Alice's gorgeous magic.

A Vulcan clearing the way almost made all the pioneers look straight, and they were even more envious and jealous to the extreme.

Not to mention other people, even Erina couldn't help but look at it with envy and hatred.

After seeing Erina's envious and jealous eyes, Alice put her hands on her waist, but she was so awesome!

Seeing Alice like this, Erina couldn't help complaining: "I'll let Mu Bai teach me what's so great when I go back."

"That will have to wait until you go back, and you can't use magic without a wand."

Alice waved the wand in her hand!

The (aiej) wizards in the harry potter world rely so much on wands that a wizard without a wand basically loses the ability to use magic.

Fortunately, Mubai can make magic wands!

Moreover, Mubai also has the materials to make magic wands, and there are many already made magic wands in the ring.

As early as the beginning, Mu Bai wanted to move the magic system back to his own world, so Mu Bai brought back a lot of magic wands, but he accidentally forgot about it after returning. up.

Just when Erina and Alice were chatting about magic, suddenly there was a burst of exclamation from outside, and then Alice and Erina ran out immediately, the next moment Alice and Erina Then I found a huge octopus popping up from the bottom of the sea, and the one that popped up was already an octopus as tall as a dozen or twenty floors!

What a monster.

Alice and Erina couldn't help cursing, what do you want them to fight with this kind of monster?

This monster was obviously beyond their ability to deal with, they had to leave, they had to retreat.

Alice and Erina, the two of them have no intention of throwing their lives here. It is true that they want to protect this country and their homeland, but this does not mean that they have to save their lives. it's here.

If this monster came from Mu Bai, it might still win, but. . .

"Can't those magics of yours kill this monster?"

"No, the size of this monster is too huge. Even if I use the Avada Kedavra, I can't help it, let alone I don't know how to use the Avada Kedavra."

Although Alice said that she also learned some black magic under the persecution of Mubai, but for the unforgivable curse of Avada Kedavra, Alice did not know it. Mubai did not let Alice learn Avada Kedavra, Alice herself doesn't like the Avada Kedavra and even hates it a little.

So Alice doesn't know Avada Kedavra.

"Erina, let's run."

Alice knew that she couldn't stay any longer, and it was useless to stay any longer. The people here obviously couldn't deal with this monster.

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